
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

...First You Have To Look!

...Explaining lack of *comment* on these explicative ravings? I understand completely, but declare: I'll let the reader read the work refined from honest observation, and be content to publish what I'd dare.
...Troubled by the nuanced words some writers use as paint? It's easy, now, to know them; understanding makes you faint! E-lectronic fingers? A word is quick to find. ...And its meaning is that lightning flash to light the idling mind! No, really! The cost is but a mouse-click and a word is vivisected, parsed to crystal clarity, all declensions well dissected. Remains, one faces understanding where a truth's illuminated and sometimes truth's too hard to face, the right word used as stated...
Don't call it "ostentation." That *inflation* that you see? It's packed with eager muscle of a mean solidity! It shall not take a "prisoner" or turn the other cheek, but too, it's not mendacious... That's for "klassists,"—scuts and sneaks.
I don't require comment, but my words might be refined, and comment can be leavening for the cake's rise, I confide.  I have a MIND I must defer to, and what MATTERs most to me is an efficacious MOVEMENT that I sense must SURELY be!
Matter?  It's the stuff that's made, contrived reality. It "drys out" as we watch it; it transforms to energy.
Movement is the time you take to get from "here to there"; it *vibrates* with intensity—makes room for things, mon frere!
With all of this considered by the hyper-spacial Mind, one makes provoked appraisals on the twitchy *stuff* one finds.
And therein lies the problem... ...if we make things disappear: ideas, books, or people... in our search for things to fear.  Soon we're left then choiceless, and robotic Status Quos... shall level out life's value with the nonsense they propose.
We find we're watching, frightfully, those things that we have made ... forgetting we have made them from the debts that we don't pay! ...And they torment and they vex us as the pillage piles high so just a few can live like gods... if jaded ones, despised.


See, *things* we watch for "changes" 
become constructive kinds of *things* 
from the *things* unwatched for changes—
it's the watching that's the thing!

...Dismissed then, saucer hunters, or your garden abductee; dismissed, the individual who might search for what he needs! ...But leave the wolves right in your midst, "klasskurtxian embroilers," who complicate the issues as foul character destroyers!
Yeah, pay to trust your doctor who would turn his eyes away as his brother doctors pillage you for debt he's sworn to pay.  Trust the "men in blue," too much, to keep an easy peace, and find they are too powerful—watch tyranny increase!  Put your faith in Jesus to achieve no absolution! Too, know the curse of strife and toil from his corrupted institutions.
You're getting the idea, now, the point I've tried to make: "agency" morphs to "entity."  Institutions?  On the take.
We'd wish for easy answers at the bottom dollar price. We want to have our morals, but we want to keep our vice. We want to keep our fortunes, strike the homeless from our sight, quibble on the Holocaust, and over NOTHING, fight!
Do you understand the problem? Do you want another hint? I'd use a verbal brickbat though I bloodied you with it! Life's a kind of "banquet," and you reap what you have sown. You sow your seeds in "air," my friend? Then away they've surly flown.
...Here's an observation, with admitted barbs or hooks: if YOU expect to FIND some *thing*, then first you have to LOOK!

We, humanity extant, don't look. I try, you might ... but "WE" don't. Don't pretend that we do. It only increases the eventual crushing humiliation of a prefered ignorance bearing down on us like an iron asteroid.

Additionally, whatever "it" is, it won't be anything like you thought it would be, get ready for that. It won't be announced! There will be no news at eleven! No Meet The Press! The public trust is too betrayed by same to countenance that!

It won't be found in prescribed literature of ANY stripe, only the proscribed literature if at all. It won't be found in the editorialization, any forced submission, or the silencing of the uncomfortable idea. Rather—consider what makes the new idea "uncomfortable."

Your *conviction* regarding ANY matter, perhaps, may be so much specious nonsense. Maybe. You'll never know but for the exposure to it, or a testing OF it, eh?

... Just one more way to lift the veil from our evidential, historical, and very reasonably conjectured *UFOs*.

Restore John Ford...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"UFO's In Particular"

The ostensibly "serious" and "respected" learned...

UFOs In Particular
by Alfred Lehmberg
(From UFOM Vol 24 #5)

The ostensibly "serious" and "respected" learned of our torrid and anxious community decries the "carnival atmosphere" of studies "paranormal" in general and UFOs in particular. These persons aforementioned—self-assured that they are at the cutting edge of reasonable entelechy— (1) bemoan the tolerated huckster. They (2) lament the lack of qualified peer review. They (3) weep regarding the "provoked disinterest of mainstream science." Finally, (4) they rather toothlessly bewail the incorrigibly inconsistent and even damaging protocols employed by suspicious "amateurs" in the field.  "How dare they," eh?

This is just to start a list of grievances provided to illustrate why the study of Flying Saucers (sic) never seems to get off the ground. I sympathize to a point, though... are we not ready to begin to admit to the massive and more problematical enchilada?

See, these "respected learned" remain, I contend, to point at the mere symptoms of the "diseases" they dismissively criticize and decry—as will be submitted in this essay—thinking they point out, understand, and identify the disease itself. No! I offer that they do not.  Not convincingly.  Not substantively.  Not remotely.

No, these concern themselves with visible symptoms of such, extant—typified by the proceeding four essay-mapped complaints above—all this while the not admitted and so undetected disease remains free and unencumbered to manufacture even more regressive symptoms!

Consider first that "tolerated huckster." These seem so belligerently numerous they require no citation and have required none such for years. They are legion seemingly.

All have their personal favorites, from Billy Meier through Steven Greer to "Jonathan Reed" et al. We all know who "they" are or have been, and many of us attendant to the "paranormal" have even been labeled, ourselves, rightly or wrongly, as "hucksters,"—or worse—at one time or another. But why are these "first-wash hoaxsters" with us, at all, those who seem toso inexplicablyrise again from "complete discredit's" blazing censure bonfire; how do they return and then puzzlingly linger?

I think I can offer a reasonable answer. Here it is: these rise again, return and linger quite simply, reader, because there is nothing or no one of effectual quality—as might be provided by credentialed academia or qualifying authority—to take their place! Yes. The officiators of our mainstream society—ironically compiling and providing for their own discredit—remain very suspiciously moot on these compelling subjects, except to cast moronic, unimaginative, and non-scientific aspersions on same. ...And what's up with that?

Consider, reader, the current go-to skepti-puppy "darling," Bow-Tied Bill Nye—The (erstwhile) "Science Guy."

In a nutshell, Nye does not read "UFO Dean" Stanton Friedman's books, for example, because Friedman's books are, in the words of uber-skeptic Michael Shermer, "...Ridiculous nonsense apart from good science and a distracting foolishness serving only for the destruction of same." I paraphrase, but I think the preceding is expressed even a little better than alternative fundamentalist skeptic Michael Shermer will express it, himself. The point is: Bill Nye, as a ready example of where science rubber meets the existential road, won't even look at the evidence. His mind, such that it is typical of his guild—or geld—is made up.

Correspondingly, with science's utter failure to admit, credibly investigate, or even let themselves become aware of the remotest "paranormal happenstance" in general—and UFOs in particular—science creates, where none need exist, an information void of very insistent attraction as it pertains to that ...officially proclaimed lack... of all those things which most persons feel—in their heart of hearts, reader—is not lacking at all!

Strangeness abounds! Nature abhors a vacuum in its regard, especially an informational one! The draw is inexorable. "Stuff gets sucked in"!

Promptly sucked in by this very understandable—if distressing—plenum of needless intellectual "vacuum"? We can list a plethora of the well-meaning whack-a-doodled, victims themselves! We can list second-tier scholars otherwise clamoring to have their research get its hearing in any review.  We can list fringe enthusiasts of far-out; however, sincere initiatives shooting off their "crazy" ideas like intellectual fireworks.  We can list many, many others defying easy description... crystal squeezers and rune casters... but all these listed fervid with information-seeking passion! Still, it's pointed out, again, that these are filled with a passion that remains pointedly unrequited by obstinate authority or officiality... apart from cast aspersion! Verily, sincere seekers are only ridiculed for their impassioned seeking!

Finally, in a now predicted tiny minority, but with squeaky wheels getting grease so seeming the majority... the "tolerated huckster"—read sociopath—campaigns in the facilitated and unmoderated vacuum for the easy dollar... like any self-respecting psychopath. People "in need who need to know" are easy victims.

This perhaps even multiplely discredited huckster, then, invariably drawn back in by the facilitated prevailing and ongoing vacuum, and able to parlay that institutional ignorance—burdened with its suspicious hostility—into reasonable doubt... lives, again and again, reader, because nothing more credible (apart from baseless cast aspersion) evolves in the interim to take his place!

On the other side, the un-invested though truth-seeking "rank and file," justifiably feeling they are denied informed consent in these obvious matters of the outré—consequently provoked to diminishing confidence in the system betraying them—can only investigate what is there to be investigated, eh? See, bad skepticism or bad science—lacking, ironically, all sense and science—provides for itself, with its lack of efficacious contribution, for the resurrected huckster!

Let me underscore the irony! The system then, itself, creates the tolerated huckster decried! The latter would not exist without the former. Is that the plan?  I suspect it must be.

Moving on: Lack of Peer Review? Let's pause for a moment of inordinately squirty giggles... then let me tell you a true story about a sneer quoted "peer review" that must be relegated, of outraged needs, to a disrespectful lower case. The story regards a mainstream "peer review" in the "real" world, now, so one can then extrapolate to the even more unachievable "peer review" in the "ufological" one. Peer review seems decidedly suspect and the presumption of its default efficacy may even be a myth!

Once upon a time in the late 1960s, a brilliant Harvard scientist by the name of Dr. K. McCully did extensive research regarding the effects of folic acid, B-6, B-12 & Betaine (TMG) on homocysteine levels. He showed conclusively, reader, that these simple—and inexpensive—B vitamins, plus the methyl-donor Tri-methyl-glycine (TMG), dramatically facilitated the breakdown of this corrosive amino acid. So?

Well, Homocysteine, you see, a bad product of our inconsolably bad 20th Century diet, has a degenerative toxic effect on arterial cells, resulting in inflammation and deformation of the arterial walls. This causes a "rough spot" or break, if you will, (cue the sudden threat music!) that foul oxidized lipids... and an unfairly maligned cholesterol... stick to. You're tapping your watch. So?

Bear with me. An innocent Cholesterol rather acts like restorative putty… "sealing the cracks" so to speak caused by the homocysteine. It's the good, reparative, thing in an "arterial plaque" made necessary, folks, by a corrosive diet; contrarily, it's the entirely unnecessary and unhealthful oxidized lipids that must be reduced!

Be that as it may, cholesterol is fatuously identified as the bogey man regarding diseases of the heart and arteries. Why? See, unfortunately, about that time, the large drug companies like Merck Pharmaceuticals (cue Darth Vader's theme!) were eagerly anticipating the introduction of their very expensive if very dangerous cholesterol-lowering "Statin" drugs, like Lipitor! Consequently, Dr. McCully—and rather predictably reader—had to be squashed like an "inside" bug…

Still, no worries mate! Peer review (cue the cavalry music) would come to Dr. McCully's aid, surely! All of the Doctor's research was reproducible and, besides, a masses-wide quality of life issue, it was the efficaciously right thing to do! Everybody wins. Well, most everybody.

You guessed! His peers turned decidedly against him. McCully was fired from his prestigious Harvard job, ridiculed in the press and named medical journals, and then washed up doing medical grunt work (autopsies) in needlessly seedy VA hospitals. No good deed goes unpunished, eh?

Timewarp to thirty-plus years and many many millions of Lipitor prescriptions later; it's 1998, and Dr. McCully is—and remains—wholly vindicated! How?

Well, as a result of receiving the Functional Medicine Linus Pauling Award for same! Moreover, his book "The Homocysteine Revolution," is published, and, without embarrassment—where time appears to heal all wounds—all the medical journals trashing him before now grudgingly admit he was right all along! Of course Merck Pharmaceuticals, et sig al. are doing all they can, still, to discredit McCully's findings. They, uh... have to, don't they?

To the point:

There's your peer review, reader, snug in a corporate vest pocket. UFOs, I submit, on the other hand, have more gravitas than to stand in queue for this obnoxious "peer review." Indeed, the paranormal in general must fare less well—UFOs in particular.

Moving on to subsequent items, please mourn the "provoked disinterest of the mainstream scientific community," reader. ...And ponder what a shame it is that the presence of a few "hoaxed whackos" and their "whacking hoaxsters" could turn the noble head of science from what would otherwise be entirely visible and obvious to them—it is proclaimed by science—and then, finally alerted at long, long last, they would busily investigate same! Eyes roll imploringly heavenward like the clown in the illustration!

Revealed, then, to their "now un-scaled" academic eyes: Seven categories of very compelling evidence as it regards the ufological! Some might even say proof of an outré "other" extant and present before us and present for countless centuries...

Yes! Wholly unconsidered and even ignored by these mainstream "scientists" inexplicably duped to insentience, apparently, by "fringe morons and intellectual lightweights," is a massive evidentiary pathway known across seven categories to include

(1) the Historical textual documents glyphed in soot and cut into stone or otherwise writ in ancient inks on cracking vellum,
(2) the extant Artistic Historical from primitives on the walls of their caves, through Middle-Age wood-cuts, to the masterpieces of the masters on rough canvas and slick gesso later on
(3) the quality Anecdotal reports backed up by multiple vetted witnesses and corresponding radar
(4) genuine Photographic efforts prior to digital photography provided by Dr. Bruce Maccabee, et sig al
(5) extant Physical Traces of landing UFOs as laboriously outlined by Ted Phillips and others
(6) the "wholly Personal" evidence, if you have any as I do and
(7) even the Mathematical, reader, as it is described in modern physics regarding the consequences of satisfying requirements accounting for "the formality of the actual occurrence" of something physical in this multi-verse (humanity "happened" so "others" must) but, specifically, as it is described in Probability One by Amir D. Aczel, Ph.D.

Alien intelligence, reader, is a certainty! Moreover, the evidence—entirely if ironically in concert with Fermi—is that they are here. Pack that pipe and spark it.

Every bit of the preceding must come to bupkis for these easily distracted scientists without imagination to be correct regarding every shred of evidence about "pipe-dream" UFOs and their inevitable ancillaries. Every bit! What a crushing, inexorable, and ultimately futile responsibility that must be... to so pointlessly proclaim a perfect debunking record and then so hopelessly endure same... where the maligned "whack-a-doodle," without any effort whatsoever, only has to be right once!  One TRUFO and a new game is afoot!  The debunker becomes irrelevant!

No—mainstream Science is only too well aware that there is something there bearing more than a dismissive glance, eh? One only needs to review the plight of Dr. McCully above for the real reason Science is so inexplicably indifferent to the paranormal, and... UFOs in particular. It has nothing to do with distracting whack-a-doodles and everything to do with where the self-interested and self-protecting money goes!  Follow the money.

Lastly, we come to the "incorrigibly inconsistent protocols employed by suspicious amateurs." It seems obvious that we must return to the concepts of "betrayed sensibility" leavened with the "information vacuum" from above, eh? The vacuum aforementioned attracts saint and psychopath alike. Demons and angels abound! It has become abundantly apparent just recently as it pertains to The Threat of Doctor Jacobs; to wit: that inconsistent protocols of amateurs by definition are employed, and dangerously so. Science and society are suspiciously moot on the subject regarding who does what to whom as it pertains to the paranormal, and UFOs in particular.

Yes, UFOs... ...performing their self-generated function of discrediting an arrogant, ignorant, and pompous science—as Terence McKenna described it in 1986—...UFOs ...are entirely in their own control, reader, and quite apart from the controls of those aforementioned corrupted governments, self-interested institutions, and ephemeral agencies decried, eh? Science instead is self-hobbled with the suspiciously ironic obstinacy of a science mainstream to, indeed, provide for its own self-imposed if ironic discredit in paranormal matters, and as you might predict: UFOs in particular.  Science cuts its own throat!

Indeed, isn't that the problem with the official ridicule of the UFO? The paranormal—and UFOs in particular—don't play according to the rules an infant humanity has set down, laughingly, as immutable laws (more squirty giggles); instead, UFOs reveal themselves as the ultimate sedition, and must of needs be ridiculed by the mainstream, at all costs, or science cum society is invalidated.

Hey, too bad, eh? BS begets more BS and it has to come to a stop sometimes. Asymptotic graph lines describing dire future "supply and demand" existentialities inform us that a concrescence looms and that its accelerating figures are huge. What price the BS? ...That's huge, too.

Closing, what do we have then as regards the "ostensibly serious and respected learned in our torrid community decrying the carnival atmosphere of studies "paranormal" in general... and UFOs in particular"?

I don't want to be overly harsh, but at 73 in the winter of my winter, well past any perceivable "mentoring," and just wanting to cut to the F'n chase? I wonder about scientific complacency, its arrogant and wholly unfounded indifference regarding same, and even scientistic cowardice—where it's not the specific cowardice of individual human beings officiating a science in shame.  Could that shame be connected to the current unwarranted dismissal that science endures, presently?

These respected learned can instead put their blame where they know it needs to go, at the causes of the supposed buffoonery they take time to lip-service. That cause? The obverse officiality of society in the round and culture in the aggregate, the "disease bed" at the base and causing the offensive symptoms outlined above, altogether, as these may pertain to the paranormal in general... and, yes, UFOs in particular.

See? There is something availed to be studied, and it is a study providing for infant humanity to leave the confines of its increasingly uninhabitable crib... even as that human infant wanders into the cosmic "kitchen" and burns itself on an interstellar "stove," eh?

Burns heal. It sure beats suffocating in toxic filth piling up back in the nursery and even burned, reader, while we inevitably heal with new lessons learned, we discover that there's so much more to learn in a future where the brightest torch reveals even greater darkness, right? Remains! It is from that darkness that any novelty is plied, at all! 

Read on.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

...Wants To Know...

...Science is a blessing where one really follows data, and one cops to "implication's" larger views. If you know a trust for persons who will tell you what they saw (?) though they, still and all, have quite a bit to lose?
Folks like Jimmy Carter spring to mind for clearer reference, or Clinton so conflicted... in disgrace; why, my brother and his wife have equal weight and they're more "real"—call it "anecdotal evidence"... be brave.
See, I've boiled all the video that I've seen to twenty minutes—give or take unsettling seconds to and fro—and what there is remaining is beyond the strangest thing, and a 'teaser' for the one who "wants to know."
Too, forgetting all that video, I've chanced to watch the sky, and I've seen peculiar lights that don't make sense. The "mainstream" won't go near it, what's peculiar is "off limits." I must jump—no apprehensionfrom the "fence."
See... I can't escape the shadows that extend from UFOs, as I can't evade the questions they propose. I can't avoid the lessons of the anciently recorded—as what they knew, and when they knew it, is disclosed.*
They wrote it pretty plainly, friend, all the planets we now know! They left it in their records, stones, and seals. Why, they named the belt of asteroids splitting Jupiter from Mars as the "bracelet for its star"—that's so unreal!
Neptune and Uranus were identified as "twins," plus the greenness, or the blueness of their hues. It's right there in the record that is treated as mere myth though it drips with all these references and clues...
...And this is just BEGINNING the historical account... ...of a story that just ...will not... go away! Written in its annals are descriptions of the puzzle that—if put together right—would seize the day!
They're woven in our culture! Why, they're selling what we buy! Though, we do not know the *purpose* they suggest. It's rather like we're "proctored" with assessments, checks, and rules, so I wonder how we're doing on their "test"...
One might as well conduct themselves with THIS attitude employed: an admission that they're here, and—yes!—quite close! Why not? If they're "somewhere," as admitted—and the mainstream says it's so?—then why not up a Klassist's bubbling nose?
The future yawns before us like the matchless depths of space, and the end is not for us, as yet... to see. The potential for successas huge as glaring/gloating failure—is a treasure that is there for you and me!
Some will whistle up excuses how they "knew it all along"—others wallow in their terror of defeat. Some will take a deep breath and adapt to "what it is"—quickly changing if they're thinking on their feet!
That's the path to change the world as "grasp" approaches "reach." A hopeful contemplation—optimistic? Acceleration's obvious with its stunning leaps and bounds... ...it shall not be "confined" or "pessimistic."
It's you has been convinced, and "rightly so," by your admission... the pretense "there's no evidence" to find? You assume fidelity from those distantly in charge... ...those who lie and cheat and steal... ...strike us blind?
You presume them forthright, our "elitist jealous lords," with the interest of the masses near their heart? Then you demand from shadows what precludes ones common sense, and few'd agree that's right or true or smart!

Ten thousand years ago we knew the existence of Neptune and Uranus, planets just not possible to see with the naked eye. Still, they were known to the Sumerians. How?
We knew of the asteroid belt, too. This is just as invisible. The ancients described it as a bracelet worn by the sun.
If ever there was a thing to make you go "hmmm," eh?
Restore John Ford.  Read on
*The many books of Zecharia Sitchin work this out in detail.  Few persons in the world could do what Sitchin could: translate ancient Sumerian script.  While his contemporaries too reflexively dismiss his interpretations, angrily. one adds, none question his scholarship,  Does it strike the reader, as it does this writer, that this is an unsettling non sequitur?

"One of the few able to read and interpret ancient Sumerian and Akkadian clay tablets, Zecharia Sitchin (1920-2010) based his bestselling book The 12th Planet on texts from the ancient civilizations of the Near East.  Drawing both widespread interest and criticism, his controversial theories on the Anunnaki origins of humanity have been translated into more than 20 languages and featured on radio and television programs around the world."


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Extraordinary Evidence For Extraordinary Claims?

The Crop Circle As Intelligence Inseminating Agent? 

Extraordinary Evidence For Extraordinary Claims?  

Suzanne Taylor's What On Earth? Inside The Crop Circle Mystery
By Alfred Lehmberg

Submitted for the approval of one's needlessly impacted and alternatively spastic cognitive colon: Occam's razor is errantly used to adhere, preferentially, to the "most prosaic" hypothesis as the default one. That's not on the beam at all! 

Bold heresy leavened with bald anti-science?!  I understand and commiserate.

Seeing equine tracks, we're patronized, "don't theorize Zebras where Horses are likely."  

With equal smugness we're warned, "Don't look for evidence of 'alternative intelligence' in crop formations where the activities of the misinforming, the misinformed, or the mentally ill are likely."   

I accuse that this is an error of understanding, employment, and attitude with regard to the Occam meme.  Aristotle, it's argued—eminently self-limiting—fails to deliver on issues beyond the purely mechanical.  We appeal, of needs, to a marginalized Plato.

With regard to that "misapplied" Occam, I offer, instead, that always satisfying Occam's simplicity is not even what Occam, himself, proposed, eh? See, it may be that our wrongfully fearful reluctance to "complicate a hypothesis" is a measure of how much imagination we lack or even how unbrave we are!  Sometimes, consider: one must complicate the hypothesis, of those aforementioned needs.

Too, BEWARE!  Anyone warning about crossing the line into "fantasy" is missing the point by the obligatory parsec!  See, today's "fantasy" is ever tomorrow's "reality." Embrace the potential of that "fantasy"!

Indeed, humanity "thinks" it, time passes—less time all the time—and it is "so"!  The point: you cannot easily, accurately, or dependably draw the line separating these conjecturable entities of fantasy and reality in key considerations, it's proposed. Further—and also "Key"—is the actuality of misery we endure for mistaking reality as a misidentified fantasy, regularly, and so facilitating the aggregate human misery alluded to. 

Moreover, the "facts" of reality, as opposed to fantasy, seem to have goalposts moving all over the field and even to the other side of trepidation's town... or across the freaking galaxy!  It is argued, too, that fantasy begets reality in the same fashion that "order" leaps from "chaos."  Haldane, remember, said, "Truth is not only stranger than we imagine but stranger than we can imagine."  We're largely clueless as to even that "imagining," eh?

The ill-motivated employers of Occam alluded to above; however, remain smug.  They are confident that their unearned, unqualified, and so absurd hubris will continue to show that their understanding is enough to validate their worldviews, forever crediting a science ironically enjoyed as a... religion.  See, these whistle loudly as they cross our existential graveyard.

It remains, as Terence McKenna points out, "where's it writ large" that "talking monkeys" are supposed to feel comfortable with regard to having things "understood" and in tight little bags "all figured out," ...ever?  See, a proper and more constructive humility demands we avoid all hubris—not be too proudly secure in our hypothesis; at the end of the day that hubris is likely revealed to be whole cloth BS! Our finest works are as filthy rags to a type two civilization? 

In other words, enjoy the "ride" and don't anticipate a "destination," it's proposed.  You likely won’t get to your destination in the first place and, getting there, it's not what you would have thought, anyway, in the second.  We're better to "Evolve" our understanding... as we go; enjoy the ride. One aspires to enjoy the ride; it is the way.

Also, do not dare to be bored! The philosophy provoking our "complicated hypothesis," apropos of a justified humility, has abundant validity and vitality.  This is to say: more Plato! Less Aristotle! Meager senses, howsoever augmented, and limited intellect... don't cover the spread. They are deficient. They are inadequate. They are found wanting. Any hubris is wholly inappropriate. Pride is risible.

...And, I say again, sometimes it is required to complicate the hypothesis!  Occam, himself, doesn't rule that out. He says, "don't complicate without necessity."  There's a lot of room to wiggle given "necessity"!  Sometimes your necessities are real. It seems reasonable to be on guard for the path newly traveled in them, as a result.

Crop Circles:  Sundry incarnations of "Doug and Dave," Gaia consciousness, or "crop-circling Mother-ships"?  What do we know; we're talking monkeys!  

We're but a few countable breaths from veldt or savanna and humanity's entelechy is nonexistent where it is not wholly infantile as I've taken pains to point out.  Read the papers.  This explains our unwarranted smugness.  We don't have it together.  "We know not," as a species, "and know not... that we know not."

Suzanne Taylor

To the chase: Suzanne Taylor!  She was a talented character actor of conspicuous credit in the sixties, even stealing scenes from the likes of Mary Tyler Moore and Bill Bixby.  She out-cuted Billy Mumy once... That's tough from ANY wheelhouse!

She is, et sig al, a Summa Cum Laude graduate of New York University and a tireless natural student of an obvious "para-existential."  That's right, folks, it's living and breathing.

More to the point and the exploration of this essay, she is a producer of compelling film documentaries of significant note regarding these subjects.  Finally, a mature and intelligently considered woman, rather seeing the handwriting on the wall,  is an explorer of human consciousness and the expansion, elevation, and enlargement of same.  

My hat is decidedly off.

With a focused deliberation fully aware that "reach must always exceed grasp," she has the requisite humility to remember, for all her considerable experience, that she is—as we all are—a "talking monkey," still... even if a comely one and even as that intrepid ape bravely reaches for the stars!

Crop Circles?  Sneer at your peril.  

As the executive producer of William Gazecki's film, Quest For Truth (2002), a landmark production regarding these altogether baffling crop formations, Suzanne Taylor shows that she is aware of the singular mystery they very unthreateningly illustrate.  The errant Occam Thumpers alluded to above ignore abject mystery as the work of a "misinforming" or a "mentally ill" leading a "misled" down the fabled primrose path in the Crop Circle's regard, but that seems to be just more whistling passed the graveyard, eh?  

See, as it is well pointed out in Taylor's films, where are the failed crop circle attempts?  Where are the expected mistakes invariably made in the construction of any complicated artifice?  Where are these selfless, anonymous, and genius-class artists of incredible note who produce the "genuine formation" without recognition, reward, or remuneration? C'mon! People want credit!

Finally, what information can be gleaned from these formations that could be said not to be from the artifice of humankind, but must be, by its very nature, alien, or of the... "other"?  From what other?

Enter now Suzanne Taylor's current film, What On EarthInside The Crop Circle Mystery.  Introduced, also, may be just the kind of smoking-gun artifice alluded to in the preceding paragraph!

Remembering that truth is stranger than we CAN imagine, and that an alien entelechy may only be masquerading as an "interplanetary" or simple "spaceman" so as not to alarm us regarding their actual if un-Englishable composition, corporeality, or agenda... as McKenna and Vallee point out.  A question is begged, reader. 

How would this conjectured "unspeakable and unutterable other," vastly superior in every regard to the point of that same inexpressibility—and understanding a nascent humanity only too well—how might this "entity apart from us" approach "emerging" humanity at all?  

Presuming, for argument, that it's not like us (or how we would be) and aspiring first for domination, control, and subjugation... no, preferring for reasons all its own to have us keep a shred of our self-respect and sense of security in the exchange... would they know that a singularly non-threatening contact might be communicated in something we could eat, implying that it is a nourishing thing, perhaps, and leading to some kind of new growth?

Further, might they not first go halves on an observation we have shared, already, about the nature of a "reality" apropos of that which we, ourselves, have demonstrated an understanding of... since before the common era?  I present the smoking gun. Revealed: Squaring The Circle.

A marriage of humanity and the divine... 

Simply put, as Taylor takes pains to do so, Squaring The Circle concerns the process of constructing a square out of any given circle, using no measurement devices and only a straight edge and compass... ...where the area of the one is equal to the area of the other, or where the perimeter of the one is equal to the circumference of the other.  Because Pi (3.14>) is what's known as a "transcendental number," it is said to be impossible to construct with 100% accuracy.  Still, we humans can get close.

Why is squaring the circle important enough to be reflected in the architecture of all civilizations and at all times?  Simply put, it is a symbol of humankind's relationship with the divine.  "Man" and "God."  

At iuts base it is a marriage of "God," as it's symbolized in the "circle" and the human being, as symbolized by the "square."  It is a wedding of the spiritual and the Flesh.  It is the TOTAL reality.  As above, so below... ...as above!  It's the symbol for the Greek "agape," or the highest form of love. Plato... [heavy sigh...]

As I said before... we humans can get close.  Before 1983, Taylor informs us, if the literature were combed for such, one could find four or five abstruse and unpretty methods of Squaring The Circle encompassing varying degrees of accuracy... most of these are tortured and inelegant or awkward as already stated... even ugly. 

...After 1983?
Worked into the cereal formations of even the earliest circles, Taylor demonstrates, are currently recognized if jaw-dropping solutions to this age-old problem; moreover, they are simple, they are elegant, and they are beautiful!  There's your tell.

Taylor reveals that some 50 new, very handsome, and graceful ways to Square the Circle can be derived from these enigmatic crop formations.  Let that sink in.

Now, another big tell:  Who steps forward to claim authorship of these astounding solutions to an ancient old problem?  No one, Reader!  There are only the circles, Sir and Madam, enigmatic circles speaking in a logos that can be beheld as holistic elements in a language that is breathtakingly beautiful!  Where did we do THAT before 1983?

Consolingly, our fragile sensibilities protected and accounted for, these glyphs seem to be a communication with an "other" that can be ignored if too unsettling. They can be laughed at if one feels the need!  They can be marginalized where one is provoked by his intellectual panic to presume that necessity...

But... for the one able to embody a justified humility!   ...For the one able to imagine a likely accurate perception of some "lower station" humanity must hold as the cosmic is liable to measure these things?Swallow hard and hunker down, reader!


Do they not become that existential expression of just what the Cartesian skeptibunky or reflex-reductionist—faux-skeptic—pretends they want:  Extraordinary evidence supporting extraordinary claims!  Smoke THAT, arrogant and officious klasskurtxian swine!

Extraordinary evidence supporting extraordinary claims!

Verily, these "skeptics" pontificate and proclaim their baseless antithesis while "not knowing" even more profoundly than I don't "know."  They, the most titled, the most lettered, the most rewarded, the best educated, and supported by the most well-positioned and powerful of us... these won't even lookThat's science?  No.  That's self-interested and cowardly hubris!

This proceeding is enough and abundant... What else is great in Suzanne Taylor's monumental testament to the state of the art that is our inadequate understanding of these seemingly very informative crop glyphs?   What ELSE could be in there?!  Well, much more than can have a stick shaken at it in under 2500 words, by Crom... but there are some 20 categories covered in the film; there is potential for abundant satisfaction.   

Explored are the strange energies encountered in the glyphs, their relevance as art, and the misinformation provoking a suspicious disinterest commonly attributed to the very consideration of them!  Additionally, one can become informed how crop circles may be (1) a vehicle for a re-connection to some lost wisdom of the past, (2) where crop circles are revealed to be, truly, a global phenomenon, (3) why they seem to cluster in England, and (4) when they seem to lend themselves to consciousness, hopefulness, and healing!  Geometry, (5) as has already been pointed out, is revealed as extraordinary evidence supporting extraordinary claims, a piece of evidence leading humanity to efficacious new world views, perhaps!  

Finally, arrayed are some tentative conclusions that can be drawn from all the preceding.  Breathtaking stuff!  Though, and bringing tears to my eyes, there is one further item...

From what I have been able to see and hear thus far over the years... ...Michael Glickman, A-List croppie, just may be the absolute coolest person on the planet.  This is in full recognition that he has confidently and perhaps even accurately assessed most ufologists as time-wasting "trainspotters."  I digress.

Michael Glickman

As a feature in the DVD extras, Glickman, a very sincere, compelling, and gifted speaker, gave a tribute/eulogy to the late Doctor John Mack—a Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard Chairholder, psychiatrist, and late-blooming croppie in his own right—as moving as it was humorous and as respectful as it was insightful.  Glickman wept unobtrusively at one point... I suspect that there was not a dry eye in the whole of a packed house!  Certainly none at my home where, alone, I went ahead and got all kinds of "obtrusive."   Very poignant, reader, and worth the price of admission... all by itself.

Reader!  Stop and think for a minute!  We live in the remotest defilade of some forgotten and backwater corner of a universe so expansive, grand, unreachable, unknowable, ...and incomprehensible that it could qualify as God the "unnamable."  Perhaps some thought could be given to complicating a hypothesis in its regard, or at least be less fearful of same. 

We have self-aware imaginations for just that purpose; we could show a little more courage in their use.  Suzanne Taylor, eminently sane and seemingly sober, does not appear to be crippled with that fear.  ...And we can take a further lesson, reader: 

Be intelligently and imaginatively brave and mighty forces will come to your aid. 

Read on and check the link at the bottom!

You don't do this with a board and twine!



Sunday, March 08, 2015

All You Need Is One!

A Cameo and Overview

Sparks and Tender
By Alfred Lehmberg
It was sometime in early July. Space/Time coordinates indicate 1954 Connecticut. Specifically, place yourself just a few miles northwest of a pleasant little town called Ridgefield on three gently sloping acres. These acres are festooned with climbable apple trees and a few un-climbable pines.
I was six or so. I remember hot summer night's Connecticut so full of shining stars and lightning bugs it was like the night sky flown down to swarm around your head like strobing bees! On one of those hot-humid nights in 1954 I was first imbued, imprinted, and otherwise energized with a new idea.
UFOs. "Others..."
Yes. On one night that summer at my home on North Salem road, very close to the beautiful—still healthy I understand!—Lake Mamanasco, there arose from my Father one evening a very singular and seminal commotion! Alfred Junior, a trained scientist and Schlumberger engineer who would later work, synchronistically (if tangentially), on Nuclear Propulsion Engines with Stanton T. Friedman... thought he saw a UFO...
For my part, I only remember Dad pointing excitedly up into the sky at something I never saw myself, actually. Still, the occasion was enough to provoke energy and excitement from my High School Principal Grandfather, Alfred Senior, who exploded abruptly and clumsily from his bath in the commotion!
"Grandy" would stumble outside shoeless, only towel-clad and still dripping, to see! My grandmother Suzi was upset and beside herself, and I remember my mother Twyla looking up into the sky uncharacteristically slack-jawed and incredulous... truly astonished!
I looked and looked! Nothing!
Later that evening, and in the exuberating wake of this strange commotion, the conversation among the adults ran rife with discussion and conjecture about the unknown, the outré, and the infinita cosmica-galactica. Heady stuff for any mind; assuredly my own. I soaked up all this "highly strange" like a young sponge.
Indeed, I was profoundly moved by thoughts which had never before entered my young imagination and having entered would change me, forever, ever after.  See, the attitudes and reflections of my parents and grandparents that night were such that while they didn't remotely know what the UFOs were... their aggregate educated experience, coupled with knowledge of the huge UFO flaps going on at the time, was that the UFOs were happening, not "us," and not from "here"...
Also? Whatever UFOs were and whatever they were about? They were about 200 times neater than Christmas! Yes, reader, Christmas... beyond the usual prosaic enjoyment of presents opened gleefully the following morning, you know? Christmas actualized as a night when anything could happen wholly beyond some errant religious implication! Christmas as a shared joy, increased! Christmas as that time when wishes become horses so beggars CAN ride! Christmas as a new beginning!
Oversimplified? Perhaps.  Still, it was like that.  UFOs were somehow harbingers of the future opening before me like a wondrous flower.
I finally went to restless sleep that night, at last. I dreamed of spaceships, alien beings, and magical technologies! I had been opened like a box of limited cognition to a startling new appreciation for the length, breadth, and surface area implied by an infinite universe, reader! This was my self-actualization. I was never, really, the same again...
The next day we were to discover that the lights my parents saw were misidentified searchlights from the nearby Ridgefield Fairgrounds reflecting off a bank of low clouds.
That's right.  Popped balloons?  Not so fast; cool your jets.
Cause for disappointment and an intellectual reversal? Not at all! Sincerely! So fret not, reader, as it matters not.
The *damage* was already done.  I pause to laugh.
See... with regard to UFOs?  Grok this!  It's not the single case which disproves the actuality of same. It is; however, the single case which proves that actuality to which I allude!
Does the reader think that out of all the many thousands of reported incursions by UFOs into human affairs... forgetting the reported human interactions with UFOs throughout a hoary human history... ...that there is not that one true UFO case? A case entirely trumping, by the way, any number of hoaxes and misidentifications?  Think about that. Let it further coil your short and curlies.
Dad and Grandy made it quite clear. All you need... along with love? All you need is one. Da ta, da ta da... All you need is one... ...One is all you need... One is all you need... One is all you need...
...Flash forward 40 years to 1994.
I was two years into a bachelor of science program at a local Alabama university. College was engaged immediately after the completion of a 23 year career as a military aviation officer, combat flyer, aviation training officer, and for a limited time, even a major service school commandant. I was at the aforementioned university to secure a teaching credential, ultimately achieving same Summa Cum Laude. I mention the preceding only to reassure the reader's credulity. I've some measure of credibility... I digress...
During a Fall term... on one very odd and singular route across the Troy University campus to class that I'd never taken before or would ever take again—readers can make of that what they will—I chanced to look at an adjacent bulletin board while enroute. There affixed I noticed a small text-sign from one of the Frats.  It reported on an unknown-to-me-at-that-point "Robert Hastings" they were hosting... there to give a special lecture that very night!
The subject was UFOs.
Inexplicably, I was immediately returned to that magic and enchanted minority of my years 40 plus summers passed, its hot summer nights, fireflies, and those same conjectured UFOs. There was no equivocation. I had to go!
I'd have to cut Dr. Petry's philosophy of education class to get there, an important one much enjoyed, but it seemed a small price to pay. That night I was in attendance at Mr. Hastings' lecture.
Arriving early, the Troy University auditorium was, somewhat surprisingly, packed; the atmosphere was rife with an expectation not all my own. Unabashedly, I was a boy, again, and beside myself with anticipation.
I thought I knew what to expect, but was surprised regardless. On the stage behind a cheap podium and a university slide projector stood a nicely bearded, well spoken and entirely rational looking gentleman. He was obviously an educated person, about my age, and dressed in a suit and tie. Startlingly, he began selling naught but well supported if astounding ideas, and those for free. The reader can write me for a transcript similar to the lecture I heard, or find the gist here: http://www.ufohastings.com/ Sober stuff... if jaw-dropping.
Hastings' talk was astonishing if the listener was paying attention. I paid attention. Verily, reader. Robert Hastings was an abundant spark. Myself, a genuine truth-seeker of some sincerity and well into a majority becoming increasingly askance and akimbo with conventional wisdoms? I was the driest tender.
Began then (a result of Hastings' spark), my own researches and inquiries into this most important story errantly loath to be told. Why? I would know even as it ultimately cost me that second career as a public school teacher:
https://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/2016/01/terminal-ufos.html ...With little regret, I've never looked back. I digress.
Flash forward 12 more years to present times...
In twelve years my interest in UFOs translated into some small notoriety included in a Ufological "community" of *truth-seekers* and... uh, ...other persons. That community is a world-wide, highly connected, supremely educated community, and it is awash with talented persons on both sides of one very contentious aisle... succinctly dividing those with real intellectual courage and those without? That's this writer's take...
The result of a small memoir written in the honor of Mr. Hastings over at UFO UpDates—for his auspicious kindling of my altogether enjoyable (if costly?) ufological conflagration—Mr. Hastings shot me an E-mail of kind appreciation and queried if I might be interested in what he was up to lately...
Of course, the reader will have heard the metaphor regarding that feral ursine defecating copiously beneath a leafy canopy... I would be most interested, of course, to the point of extreme prejudice!
We began our communication with a few E-mails leading to an agreed upon time for a phone call. Cue the Spielberg/Williams collaboration "Close Encounter" music. Yes. It was that kind of interview.
...Damned if my *blaze* isn't booted to a new energy level!
Consider, reader. Everyone has heard the *official* gloss on the subject of UFOs...
"UFOs are intriguing, yes, in a distractedly academic sort of way," errant and conflicted *officials* parrot (and I paraphrase), "...but in the *final* analysis, no credible evidence exists to support a UFO conjecture to begin with, and in the second place, however UFOs are manifested as some kind of new"aerial phenomena"... they are in no way a threat to national security. UFOs, then, can safely be put beneath concern, consideration, and small contempt..."
Excuse me? Be not fooled, reader. This is scientific reductionism at its absolute worst! Verily, the preceding paragraph of accurate paraphrase is naught but the collected and then furiously hammered feces of a scurvy male bovine quadruped! BS, reader, and smelling as sweet!
In an issue of UFO Magazine I iterated the researches of Frank Feschino and how they applied with regard to UFOs and a "...threat to national security..." Additionally, I've written effusively with regard to the impact of UFOs and National Security via contributions by Richard Dolan!
Ladies and Gentlemen! UFOs are an abundant and obvious threat to National Security... (which may be good news, still, for rank and file global inhabitants, I'm thinking)! A competent, sincere, and diligent jury is in, rendered its cogent verdict, and already left the courthouse to sell honorable books on Amazon.com!
See? The preceding is a song sung to the tune of what Project Bluebook top-kick Edward Ruppelt stealthily referred to as our Military's "many lurid duels with death." Think in terms of "ordered" conflicts involving our military with UFOs pursuant to a standing "Shoot-Down" order... ...translating into a huge material loss, the deaths of many WWII battle-tested persons... ...and, at length, the selling and degradation of the aggregate American soul into a morass of secrecy without oversight!
There is no hyperbole, there is data and documentation, reader! Does the preceding not at least have the flavor of a threat to national security?
Robert Hastings would have you prepare your cognitive surfaces for an additional cosmic *coat*, brothers and sisters, and the rest of the story!
See, UFOs exert an influence into the modern Atomic age, too! They did not stop their interactions with the military in the 1950s! I caution that this is no airy conjecture of the addled mind, Sir and Madam!
Robert Hastings' contribution to the ufological milieu will prove to be a clear-eyed scholarship and historical dot-connecting of the first wash. Moreover, Robert Hastings is not the only one to so indicate the unsettling interaction between our Armed Forces and the indefatigable, very real, *Other*!  ET is extant!
There have been many, actually. I've mentioned only Feschino and Dolan. Hastings' contribution provides; however, for even sharper resolution to a single issue... so as to make the distinction for his contribution more visible in this single but very compelling area.
The punch line? Buckle up!
UFOs have been effortlessly able to interact with the strategic nuclear capability of the United States and other countries... readily demonstrating to recent times an ostensibly impossible ability to both activate and deactivate our atomic missiles at their whim... ...and they have been doing so for decades!
...Pause a moment to let that sink in. You say not so? OK... well...
Check out this URL at the NICAP site: http://tinyurl.com/p9z8v to get a liberal, even heroic, dose of some much needed cosmic kick-ass! The reader begins to appreciate that the indomitable *other* is in no way threatened, militarily, by such as the likes of us!
No, we are presently as easy to thwart as was Alexander the Great on one of his famous encounters with them! Indeed, we are still a canoe of South Sea Islanders rowing out to a 21st Century Aircraft Carrier and brandishing our stone tipped spears!
Do a little wade in the aforementioned detailed (25 pages!) paper, discover that the crossing stones are likely pretty much where Robert Hastings has indicated they are... and know that there's a book  to take you all the way to your OWN conclusion on these startling issues!
Did I hear some murmuring out there with regards to the production of a book? Two things:
One... you're wrong, shut up... ...this book will transcend mere sincerity, and two? When in hell did it become a reflexively suspicious act to be caught producing a book? We are indeed NOTHING without our books! I'll leave it to the reader what is good and bad about that. The books remain and there is no shame in most of them, damn it!
Seriously... back to the point... what high strangeness did happen at Malmstrom AFB, (...and nuclear missile facility!) Montana in 1966 and 1967? What bizarre occurrence transpired in 1975 at the same location? What completely inexplicable incident happened there in 1992? 1995? 1996? Yes, feel the hair start to rise up, chillingly, on the back of your neck, too, reader!
How about similar activities at F.E. Warren AFB (...and nuclear missile facility!) Wyoming in 1965? Ditto 1973 and 1974? Ditto 1980 and 1981? Let that further frost your incredulous cookie!
...Carrying coal to Newcastle I know, but what occurred regularly at Walker AFB (...and nuclear missile facility!) between the years 1963 through 1967...?
What went on at Ellsworth AFB (...and nuclear missile facility!), South Dakota in 1966? 1992?
The aforementioned Spielberg/Williams soundtrack rises to crescendo...
Robert Hastings' investigations reveal that real folks, quality people... ...vetted soldier/citizens... 18 persons of well scrutinized eminence in Hastings' aforementioned NICAP paper alone... were affected and effected by the highly strange reality our government denies and soft-soaps, in the aggregate, to this very day!
Further, let's pause a moment to consider. What are the deleterious effects of these duplicitous subterfuges from *officialdom*?
Consider, does not such indolently authoritarian sophistry as this only serve to discommode an abused citizenry?  Does not the former only invalidate a government that makes itself further irrelevant? Does not this heinous egregiousness do naught but further wound the pioneer spirit and national soul of America? I think the reader appreciates, too, that just now is perhaps not the best time for those kinds of infidelities to further manifest themselves, eh?
...And further consider reader, whatever is occurring at Strategic Missile Commands all over the United States, our bases are either being mocked by something which renders them impotent and ineffective at the drop of a tin-foil hat... (let that sink in), or crazy people are in charge at these bases and have reigned supreme over a period of years! Neither prospect is acceptable to the reader, I know, even as I am challenged, myself, to be able to justify a rational third possibility. Indeed and still, nothing else seems to completely fit the facts.
Drawing to a close, why go to the trouble of getting to the bottom of this *thing* that by all accounts will cause us such trouble? Why mess with this bull? Why pick this scab? Why kick over this rock? Why obviate our inculcated ignorance and encourage disgust with same? Why should Hastings exacerbate a rebellion in this matter and of this magnitude?
Simple. Moreover, there are a multitude of reasons, actually. I add the reader likely knew them herself. I'll iterate just a few.
We do it for an intellectually solid place to put our individual feet down! We do it to improve the aggregate reach and total grasp of citizen individuals! We do it because individuals are strengthened by the truth even as they are weakened by untruth! We do it because individuals should have more respect for our children! We do it because individuals pay for the right to be able to make an informed decision about matters! We do it because individuals should BE aware of what they can be MADE aware! We do it because individuals know they have to live in futures they themselves make to a degree! We do it, finally, because it is the future, and in the future what doesn't change... causes death... and ignobly dies itself!  A staid status quo is, ever, death!
I could go on. So could the reader, if the reader but reflects a moment.
Is truth better? Always.  Even uncomfortable, it is before and not lurking behind.
That's what those "Matrix" films were all about, remember? Truth is better for you, those you love, and for the art; we can produce living and breathing existentiality in the clean free airs of an informed philosophy inherent in efficacious society! I don't overstate this.
This sincere truth-seeking is what drives Robert Hastings is this writer's suspicion, at any rate. Hear his lecture if you can. Visit the URLs indicated above; buy his book where it is available. See his Documentary! The consent you inform, good reader, is your own.

Note: UFOs and Nukes (five freakin' hours!) ...Streaming (Steaming!) on Amazon.

Read on.

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression &qu...