...by its fruit. Additionally, before we get our balanced panties in a sweaty knot, remember that the GOP is the lot taking their best shot and millions of taxpayer dollars to pin something—real high crimes and misdemeanors...murder and mayhem—on Bill & Hill. .
The GOP had to settle for a consensual (howsoever tawdry) oral sex prosecuted not in the Oval Office.
So, let's compare fruit left by Democrats with that left by Republicans. Does it, in all honesty, compare with the fulsome nastiness of the GOP?
I offer, just remembering "Family Values" Republican Senators cruising airport restrooms for unprotected sex (Larry!) and Republican House Speakers serially cheating on dying wives (Newt!): NO!
How can we support this as an equality of political incompetence and infidelity; we find the we can't. Dems are flawed... ...but the GOP, inordinately pathological and blythely psychotic, embraces a celebration of unblinking ignorance and gravid insanity so wide and deep that the DEMs resemble only the revered Statesmen of the wishful imagination. There is no comparison.