
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Ignorance Is Unblissful

Ignorance Is Unblissful
by Alfred Lehmberg

Ignorance was, is, and will ever be... unblissful. Full stop.

Is ignorance ever bliss? No.

Sincerely, reject "blissful ignorance" because it does not work, it does
not respect you, and it seems to prove, invariably, that it's only a mechanism for the control of your energies and your efforts on projects or activities that you, a result of design, are not well informed about... and by someone apart and unconcerned with you, citizen: an object they can only see as a mark or a dupe. 

Seriously, to let an individual go blithely along in an ignorance that suits the manipulator and not the individual... is to communicate an ongoing lie and is a trammeling of all ethics! You are being lied to if others know better, and don't tell you. That's a lie by omission, not informed consent. That is duplicity and obfuscation and I would be expected to be jailed or otherwise discredited if it was me engaged in that behavior...

Verily! Has it not ever been pompously intoned that "It is folly to be wise when ignorance is bliss"? ...But, you see, that old proverb makes an assumption that continued ignorance equals continued bliss, and this is just not the case

Ignorance, from my experience, can be bliss... but, only for the shortest of short terms... so, valueless! In the real world there is always a premium paid for ignorance, and that bill must eventually come due. 

In the real world, ignorance equals loss, injustice, sickness, and failure... abject failure... failure to grow, failure to achieve, and failure to make meaningful progress! Truly, as we have been advised by giants... the only life worth living is the examined one! The conclusion? Ignorant bliss is a tragic booby-trap where the individual concerned is unaware that his primrose path is a minefield!

Ignorance... it's never served THIS aging citizen. There has only ever been error and loss with its inclusion, even tragedy, reader, resulting from the "ignorances" tolerated that we'll shortly regard. Willful ignorance? Twice as bad. There's a lot of that about now... 

Anyway, no one was ever served by their ignorance, only betrayed and left out, short-changed and short-sheeted. ...Sure, not knowing the asteroid was going to hit until it did may seem fine on its face, but what was that, really, but a missed opportunity to set some things right, howsoever futilely, before you passed? 

It was time you could have had, denied... Time to do something "important"... something that you could have done. ...Hell, tell the wife you love her one more time... or buy that pack of cigarettes you've been craving for a decade... how blissful would any of that be at our asteroidal passing?

To the chase, at last? Well, gird loins! 

Last century, I was at best ambivalent (...when I wasn't hostile!) to gays, on the whole, and the whole transgender-smear-of-one's-sexual-identity issue. "Gayness" was aberrant poppycock, I'd viscerally (if baselessly) felt... completely ignorant on the issues. 

No. It was "choice,"* it was socially "proscribed," it was "threatening," it was "wrong..." I was so sure... my respected Dad was havin' none of it, and an adored Grandad, a high school principal (In 1950s Texas!), was of a mind and once observed to me that homosexuality had been key in destroyed Rome (...nothing about the purposeful corruption of the middle class by the upper class perpetrated with a series of psychotic barracks emperors...)!

Why, I even thought it might be a good idea to burn books defending homosexuality! ...And that was actually the beginning bit of a turning point for me. I'd had some education on the history of book burning and book burners. Book burners have NEVER come out on the correct side of issues in contention, in fact, they have ever held us back as a species, even, when Alexandria and some razed Moslem libraries are recalled and considered...

I recall "thinking," ...buffered by erroneous societal conventions (example: every "gay" guy in a film was a bad guy?)..." How can a real guy be attracted to another guy where women are available to them? I'd called that "reasoned." 

Oh, and by the way, it was ok with girls together... that was fine [wink-wink nudge-nudge]... highly desirable if on the sly... and still "wrong." That hypocrisy went wholly unrecognized.

...But still, I'd "wondered," how could a woman genuinely prefer another woman to a man?! It must be a pathology or an aberrational mental sickness... I'd rationalized all this, wholly unaware of any of the facts on the issue. One can be reminded of the toxic phrase "Your body, my choice," at this point... that's where all the aforementioned goes...

...Yeah, the gays would be cat-called and terrorized, beat up—killed even! That was terrible, but hey... they kinda brought it on themselves for making their "nastiness" public... right? ...And it "remained"... that it was kind of an affront to "decency," right? Consider, you don't want the kids to see it, right? They'd ask questions... ...right?!

...But I aspired to ongoing education, too, one real in the real world! I wanted to be able to provide sound citations for my bigotry, logical "justifications" for my prejudice... legitimate "reasons" for my chauvinism. ...I'd performed a similar exercise with Jews... wanted to justify my low-grade antisemitism. That would blow up in my face, too. Truly, I really should have learned my lesson, then... this was exposure to cosmic truths! I wished I'd taken the lesson better. To wit?

"Always be prepared to have everything you "know" found to be entirely wrong, wrong-minded, and wrong-hearted! One must be prepared to have their "convictions" challenged, always. Be prepared, always, to change to that necessary course, one more sentient and constructive, but endeavor to adapt to and to overcome... always? Your ignorance? 

Cut to that chase aforementioned: biology, anthropology, psychology, history, and record of performance, cogent primary histories, personal associations, and science, anatomy and genetics... albeit! This is an essay map of certifications.

Come to find? Well, the short version is that homosexuality (or alternative sexuality) is an organic hard wire psychologically damaging to change... arbitrarily... just like the downsides incurred as a result of criminalizing eye color or handedness... skin color? It's the way things are, that's what was revealed to me! 

Moreover? It is something not remotely countered by wholly unsupportable religious concerns, as uninformed as they are (and have been!) hypocritical... grinders of superstitious axes as narrow-minded as they are unreasonable! Now?

Ignorance! Rejected out of hand as a counter to sense, sensibility, and a sensible society of efficaciousness, efficiency, and enlightened elevation, boy howdy! That's the read from an unbiased social science of many decades, cited and peer-reviewed, earnest professionals trying to get the issues RIGHT and correct... ...'K? ...'K.

Gay is OK, was the Gestalt conclusion! Good persons swell their ranks even as good persons complement the ranks of others in the "Queer" category, who also have entirely natural orientations and preferences. Pedophilia? We don't fuck our kids because they are justifiably adjudged as being unable to give informed consent to sexual activity. We'll move on.

I opted for the rainbow-colored picture to show solidarity with a needed sea change, not be on a bandwagon. There is much to be singular and original about, showing solidarity with this cultural change from a sexually bigoted society to one unbigoted is for the good, is the feeling of this writer, and may he remain to be one with them, still.

Any other view on the biological smear of life's very fluid "sexuality expression" is as uninformed as it is deconstructive and as insultingly Pharisaic as it is corrosively toxic. Dangerously... willfully uninformed. ...Needlessly divisive. So, evil, even. That's not a bridge too far.

Clearly... people are not perceiving the need to stay off one another's asses, more. Verily! We must reject the popular impetus to embrace our exterior AND baseless divisivenesses... and reject any uncalled-for demand that we BE unnecessarily divided! That seems good societal sense!

We are some 350 million souls living in one monstrously complex society! The administration of that society requires talent and expertise which the new fascist right has not paid off on, in the manner that they have promised, for decades! The only faction paying off for the people (in an economy that is the envy of the world!) is the left. 

What else is the left telling us? Well, topping the list? Authoritarian fascism must be as detested as it is resisted, and as resented as it is reviled. Second? Stay off your neighbor's ass for baseless bupkis!

...But what of the offense, the shock, and the shame throwing off and discounting one's personal ignorance? Well, in the first place? It's not always offense, shock, and shame. In the second, there is, more often than not, joy beyond the shame, satisfaction beyond the shock, and fellowship, good reader, beyond the offense. 

Whatever the outcome? Personal growth was had, and as we all know, when you stop growing you start dying

Closing, I'm sure glad I was able to clear up some of my own ignorant rubbish before that aforementioned asteroid hit... though, let's face it. We've all our own personal asteroids. Read on.


*...You know what's a "choice"? Being willfully stupid... stupid against all cited evidence, real experience, and good sense.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

"Worlds In Collision!"

What if Earth and Mars contrived... 
to meet in space... and coincide?! 
This, in fact, may just have happened...
planets in upheaval, flattened...
...witnesses not blown away?
They spoke about their fate that day!
Spoken words are written down
Knowledge passed through time abounds.
Legends born to not pretend
instruct us now sans all pretense!
...Closer did that "red dot" loom? 
The bigger dot's the nearer doom! 
Too soon ...That planet makes arrival
and we're burnt toast! Beyond survival?
Witnesses know hypertension 
as Mars provokes their apprehension.  
...This is in the written record, 
persons saw this thing conjectured... 
when planets danced their sweeping turns
—provoking terror—stomachs churned...
...You'd stare aghast at flaring skies 
to see the moons of Mars describe... 
...an arc that drags them through your air 
to swirl burning clouds up there?!
"Horns" these grow, or "beards" they have, 
with "hair" or "arms" or "hands" that grab
These smash your walls and raze your cities; 
nature frowns, enragedno pity!
Moons of fury! Roundhouse swings! 
Winds a flurry—shrieks and screams
these presage hapless Earth's decrescence*
as "gods" who'd teach their harsher lessons!
See, massive bolides in the sky 
will make their "dangerous dance"—we die
...And bad enough they swing to miss us, 
if a "punch" should land to "kiss" us? 
We would cease to even be
our atoms scattered! You and me!
...Forget the moons, and think attraction
Remember "tides"our moon in action
Mars could pull the seas so high 
they'd scrape the clouds from starless skies!
Tidal waves, some miles tall
could wash the planet pole to pole! 
This "pull" of all that gravitation 
raises water's aggravation
smashing up (with shocking force!) 
our puny buildings... down, perforce!
...Cheek by jowl our bones would molder, 
death would rot in mountainsbolder... 
...That which lived: now cubic miles 
of heaped up dead-fall—death in piles!
Hummingbirds and tiger's paws 
are mixed with shattered human jaws, 
but pounded to a carbon slurry... 
then whisked away by water's fury!
Forget the water, what of EARTH? 
It's moving like the water, WORSE: 
...along with water's crushing force 
it hoards electrons—but of course. 
The Lightning is impressive—grand
if cloud to cloud or cloud to land. 
Its bolt is HUGE just "Earth confined"; 
it shatters hills and strikes one blind!
This is NOTHING when compared 
what's passed between the planets, shared—
where bolts become the spears of Zeus
and miles THICK... these bolts cut loose!
Its smallest ZAP would dwarf the canyon 
we have labeled "Grand," companions!
Such as this exists on Mars
A canyon "grander than," by far!
Fire breathing, mad, and sacking
Mars: a twisting—churning—*dragon* (?) 
existing down to present day... 
these echos of old legends made...
Forget the lighting, mere *influence* 
turns our POLES to new congruence! 
The Earth's thin crust is wrenched quite loose 
and continents are bashed—abused—
to take new form, are rearranged
and shredded in a blenderbraised!
What was frozen, blisters—STEAMS (!) 
in hot hell-fire: shrieks and screams! 
What was tropic harbors glaciers, 
scraped down clean—it's God's erasure!  
Burning naphtha rains from skies, 
these churn with madness undefined
and Earth's afire—carbon black—
absorbs the heat ... but cold comes back!
Those perceiving huge events 
are scarred beyond their scared consent...
Burnt into their hollow souls 
how well they'd know these words as told...
The suffering—it's so intense—
the blood is ink for lines they'd writ, 
and all the horror of those days 
is written into parts we'll play? 
We are hanging by a thread... 
a sword of Damocles... above our heads.  
...and we betray with thoughtlessness 
to push these thoughts away repressed...
Though, pity those who've watched the planets 
spin too close... or touchGod damn it
It is not to be conceived
this horror that we once perceived...
These are sights one shouldn't see!! 
They stun and shock, too harsh to BE! 
These are "Worlds In Collision." 
...These provoke profane religions!
This is more than mere contusion. 
This is cosmic mass confusion. 
This is more than can be borne, 
to be impaled on nature's horn, 
but such it IS as world's clash, 
their air afiretheir waters smashed!
Such it is to SEE abased, 
Our world in such a HARSH embrace! 
Such it is in "Earth's Upheaval"—
slaughtered piles of critters/people, 
thrown up in these massive banks 
of ruined flesh... which rotted—stank...
Past is future, mixed as one
precluding fate... which comes undone: 
destiny, in shades all gray, 
dissolves the futures lost that day.
When at last we're all struck down, 
when every smile becomes a frown, 
will we recall we had a chance... 
avoiding, then, disaster's dance?
Imbued, perhaps, our very genes
themselves, are left to keep lost dreams...


...But never—no never! ...Never to shining and shiny "Man," that singular jewel in the crown of all God's creation! "Cosmic destruction" is, of course, beneath ourselves?  This writer's thinking is that "shiny shine" alluded to may be the glare of cosmic stage lights... on flop sweat...

Har... no pride at the fall.  I only hope I have the time and the fortitude to hoist the pointy salute of the "junior bird-man" in the face of that looming doom!  Remains, we could have had a lifeboat on the moon; we thought it safe to have all our eggs in one basket...

On another subject, be sure to check the just above illustration for this one closely. Is there something in there you missed? There is something similar in many of my illustrations. Though, invariably un-noticed. I don't mind. They're subtle.  Only, they might be what you need to see, eh?

It occurred to me that, just perhaps... I should tell, not where they're at... no, never then just what and where... Just that something's lurking there.

Left click the illustration, remember, for the big picture.

Tune in next time, won't you, for some discussion on the *difference* between science and the ubiquitously intrepid scientist.  Be warned. Pride does go before the fall.

Restore John Ford.

*The opposite of concrescence

Thursday, December 12, 2024

1952 & 2024... Parallels AND Intersections?

The Drones of 2024 and the Air Force's 
"Shoot Down" Orders of 1952...
Why have the UFO Congressional Hearings 
Ignored This Groundbreaking Book?
Book: "Shoot Them Down-The Flying Saucer Air Wars of 1952"
by Frank Feschino, Jr, Foreword and Epilog by Stanton T. Friedman. 
Book Cover Review by Alfred Lehmberg

by Alfred Lehmberg (with Frank Feschino, Jr.)

Over the past few weeks, there have been hundreds of sightings of numerous unidentified flying objects said to be "drones" passing over the United States. Many of these anomalous objects have been reported to be the size of motor vehicles and many have been sighted flying over security-sensitive facilities including Air Force bases and weapons research facilities. Curious. A similar thing went down in 1952 and the president ordered them shot from the sky!

Are these unknown craft really "drones" or are they something else? What else COULD they be? What else, indeed? Some of these drones are as big as SUVs and we have the tech to bring down drones at our whim yet... we are not. What are they? This should not be the puzzle that it has become.

Are they performing reconnaissance missions over the United States and obtaining information? For whom? At this time, no official statement by the American government has explained what these objects are or where they are from. Iran and China are bandied about. Poppycock.

Are these objects secret American aircraft, are they from a foreign nation... or could they be extraterrestrial in origin? Why is the United States Air Force sitting idly by? Are they making any attempt, that we know of, to establish contact with these unknown craft? Why is the Air Force not making interceptions against these things, which are making incursions over security-sensitive areas of the country as we've pointed out?

Let's drop down and take a step back in history to look, once again, at the year 1952. In the book, "Shoot Them Down-The Flying Saucer Air Wars of 1952" by Frank Feschino, Jr, the author focuses on the UFO problem plaguing the United States in that year. It is a year for UFOs remaining unequaled in American history. 

See, the year 1952 had the most UFO sightings reported to the official Air Force's Project Blue Book (PBB) program ever during its 17-year history (1951 through 1969)! There were actually "1,501" credited UFO sightings reported to PBB during that year. 

Of those 1,501 UFO reports, 303 of those sighting cases were evaluated as "UNKNOWN" cases. Briefly, "Unkown Cases" are those cases where the object is close enough, it is clear enough, and the observer is intelligently experienced enough to be able to identify said object for whatever it is, be it bird, bolide, rocket booster, or balloon... yet cannot make such identification.

Feschino takes his reader on a historical walk-through of these 1952 Project Blue Book “UNKNOWN” cases and the numerous key UFO cases reported that year. It was in 1952, Feschino explains, where the United States Air Force had a very different approach to the handling of what was addressed as UFOs, mysterious "brightnesses," flying saucers, glowing lights, mysterious objects, and those unidentified objects, just to name a few. They shot at them in 1952. ...Brought some down, too, if Flatwoods West Virginia can give any indication... we get ahead of ourselves...

In his book, Feschino gives an in-depth historical account of the military's answer to the UFO problem and how they handled the objects making undesired and repeated incursions throughout American air space and restricted no-fly zones, especially over the nation's capital! Just like they are doing now!

The UFO "problem," or the "UFO Flap of 1952," escalated on the weekend of July 19-20 when literal pandemonium broke loose!  Numerous UFOs were sighted over the restricted areas of Washington, D.C... This resulted in state-of-the-art fighter jets being scrambled after them. 

A second consecutive weekend of UFO sightings also occurred over Washington, D.C., and the surrounding areas, on July 26 and 27. This also resulted in jet fighters being scrambled in vain attempts to intercept the mysterious objects. 

The American public was beginning to "panic" over these UFO sightings now occurring too regularly, and they wanted answers! The following information appeared shortly after the second weekend of UFO sightings over the Capital. On Monday, July 28, 1952. The Washington Daily News reported:

"JETS READY TO CHASE LIGHTS—24-HOUR ALERT ORDERED AFTER SECOND APPEARANCE HERE... Jet interceptor planes of the Eastern Air Defense Command are on stand-by, round-the-clock orders today to take off immediately if any more mysterious lights show up in the sky or on a radar screen."

Then on Tuesday, July 29, 1952, the New York Times reported the following, "Air Force Explains 2-Hour Delay In Chasing 'Objects' Over Capital." In part it reported, "An Air Force official tonight [Monday, July 28] said its Air Defense Command had been ready for months to challenge any unknown object aloft." This writer is not seeing any explanation in there...

Also on Tuesday, July 29, 1952, The Washington Post reported the following information in an article, "Jets Poised For Pursuit; 'Saucer' Peril Discounted." On July 28, an Air Force spokesman reported:

"Units of the Air Defense Command have no new or special orders to intercept 'saucers' the spokesman said, but they will pursue any unexplained 'glowing lights' or 'radar blips' as part of their mission to protect the United States against any threat from the skies." ...No "new" orders, the reader will note. 

They'd change THAT tune! The original presidential orders we'll allude to in a moment have never been rescinded (to our knowledge) and are well known.

Observe that on Monday, July 28, 1952, the Air Force also gave another piece of information when they announced their "remedy" to solving the UFO problem plaguing the country. They'd shoot them down! How novel... if against the best advice at the time! The reader will recall that if the alien can even GET here, that's a fulsome indication that they can kick our butts!

The government revealed then that these "shoot-down orders" against UFOs were, at last, made public... by the "Senior Public Information Officer" at the Pentagon, Lt. Col. Moncel Monts

Subsequently, on Tuesday, July 29, 1952, The Seattle Post Intelligencer newspaper reported this UFO shoot-down story. An INS story stated the following headline and quote about the UFO "shoot down" orders:

"AIR FORCE ORDERS PILOTS TO SHOOT DOWN FLYING SAUCERS IF THEY REFUSE TO LAND..." It would go on to say that Lt. Col. Moncel Monts, the Information Officer, stated: "The jet pilots are, and have been under orders to investigate unidentified objects and to shoot them down if they can't talk them down..." Disclosure of the 24-hour alert came as new reports continued to pour into the Pentagon—of mysterious objects in the sky. Is 2024 DEJA VU of 1952?


Another July 29, 1952 article appeared in the San Francisco Examiner. Its headline read, "Jets on 24-Hour Alert To Shoot Down 'Saucers'" and stated the following information:

"The Air Force revealed today that jet pilots have been placed on twenty-four hour nationwide 'alert' against 'flying saucers' with orders to 'shoot them down' if they refuse to land."


Also on Tuesday July 29, 1952, the largest post WW II press conference to that date was held at the Pentagon at 4:00 pm to discuss the UFO problem! On the following day, July 30, 1952, The Louisville Courier-Journal disclosed the following statement made at the conference:

"Maj. Gen. Roger Ramey, deputy Chief of the Air Force staff for Operations, told the news conference [July 29] that interceptor planes have raced aloft several hundred times as a result of reported sightings of unidentified objects. He said that was just standard procedure." Standard procedure is to keep launching on things you won't really admit are even there?

Yet, as it turns out, these jet scrambles after UFOs were nothing new. In December of 1949, Major Donald Keyhoe stated the following information in a TRUE magazine article titled, The Flying Saucers Are Real:

"More than 300 times, Air Force interceptor planes have chased mysterious lights and unidentified objects revealed by radar scopes." He added, "Week after week jet fighters are 'scrambled' at points around the country for saucer 'chases.' " Well now!

In his book Feschino also writes about the numerous encounters occurring between U.S. fighter planes and UFOs throughout the 1950s! In 1956, former 1952 Project Blue Book Chief, Captain Edward J. Ruppelt wrote, "In the summer of 1952 a United States Air Force F-86 interceptor shot at a flying saucer." He also stated the following about historians, which concerns the two incidents involving fighter pilots Lt. Gorman and Captain Mantell who attempted to intercept UFOs said to be normally peaceful:

"Other assorted historians point out that normally the "UFOs" are peaceful, Gorman and Mantell just got too inquisitive, they just weren't ready to be observed closely. If the Air Force hadn't slapped down the security lid these writers might not have reached these conclusions. ...There have been other and more lurid duels of death..." Excuse me, ...lurid death duels? That sounds busy!

Additionally, in 1952, General Benjamin W. Chidlaw, the Commander of the Air Defense Command, made the following statement to researcher Robert Gardner in 1953, “We have stacks of reports of flying saucers. We take them seriously when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them.” ...And there you have it honored reader! 

Men, many men, and their planes... LOST... chasing UFOs... This is from the mouth of a four-star! That sounds like official disclosure to us!

Feschino then takes another step forward and more closely examines those aforementioned many cases involving fighter planes mysteriously crashed or vanishing into thin air during the 1950s! He zooms in and focuses on the "Six Deadly Years" of mysterious fighter plane crashes... and disappearances (!) occurring between 1951 and 1956. 

Using the New York Times as his database, Feschino recorded more than 200 American fighter aircraft destroyed in accidents and 200 pilots and radar observers who were killed or vanished, worldwide! We remind the historian that none of these fighters we're discussing were involved in the Korean War air wars! It was the majority of these fighter accidents occurring over the United States that is the issue. 

Yes, some fighter aircraft accident cases were indeed caused by pilot error, which led to their death and destruction... only I was a military pilot. We were trained to preclude the possibility of pilot error to the maximum extent possible. Errors are not made lightly. They shamed and humiliated us. 

So it remains, there are too many 1950s fighter aircraft accidents occurring under more unusual and mysterious circumstances than to account for mere pilot error. We submit that this is fair.

The questions just leaping forth regarding why so many of these fighter aircraft accidents occurred at all beg for answers! Was it "pilot" error, four aircraft in a flight all running out of fuel at precisely the same time, faulty aircraft disappearing like popped soap bubbles... or were those the "lurid" consequences accrued encountering UFOs... alluded to by Captain Ruppelt? Lurid, indeed.

Pioneer UFO Researcher, Leonard H. Stringfield, made the following statement in his 1977 book, Situation Red-The UFO Siege. He writes:

"Back in the early 1950s, when I knew of the jet scrambles that sometimes led to disaster, I agreed with Major Keyhoe's writings that in these we may know the intent of the UFO. I also agreed that 'losing our aircraft to the UFO' may have been the reason for official secrecy, fearing that the public would panic if they knew the truth."

Well, we still don't know the f'n truth, do we! With the drone enigma of 2024, will we be denied the salient and elevating truth yet again?

Could this be the reason why the United States is standing decidedly down and NOT scrambling its fighter jets for the mysterious objects said to be "drones," or employing electronics against them that fry their circuitry? We have that stuff... it's no secret.

In Donald Keyhoe's 1955 book, The Flying Saucer Conspiracy, He stated the following, "More than one interceptor pilot, recalling Mantell's death, told me of the tension in flying saucer chases." Have the UFO Congressional Hearings ignored this groundbreaking book, "Shoot Them Down" because it would panic the public and reveal the ongoing UFO cover-up from the past? That's weak tea, reader.

If so? We are NOT served by this governmental coddling of our ufological sensibilities! We need to get on the other side of this alleged "panic." If we panic! We panic! There will be an OTHER side to that, and we can go forward, improved on firmer ground... is this writer's intuition! 

We need to be the species we need to be! Anything else and we are mewling WORMS undeserving of concern, consideration, or even contempt! We are patheticism personified! We are better than that. Read on!

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Friedman Finely Tuned

"David"—"Goliath." ...Still fighting it seemed. 
One's over-cocky and predictably reamed
One strides the "mainstream" opposed by too few 
while his honored opponent's courageously true. 
See? One narrows scope to a facile percentage, 
the other is open to "data," comprende? 
One is a scoffer with "knee-jerk dismissals"; 
the other's employing the...facts... (!) as his missiles!
Filled with his "confidence," and the girth of his "creed," 
Goliath was RIPE for a fall that he needs. 
David, well-read, was prepared for his role; 
Goliath shows up with his head in a bowl
David shoots well, and infuses his points. 
He cited them; hellhe was owning the joint!
Then, Goliath seemed caught in his own vicious trap; 
he hadn't prepared and was pinned to the mat! 
Stone-marked and bleeding he moans on the floor! 
He proves to his last that his "less" is not "more."
Bereft of his homework, Goliath's ungainly
He fumbled around for his words so inanely
He cheery-picks data: so grinding an ax 
to qualify "comfort" he knows cannot last.  
See, profoundly ill-read and bereft of a clue? 
He insults all intelligence to misinform you!
Goliath is vanquished for arrogance, friend. 
He lies "belly-up" for his close-minded kin. 
Plus? The sneers from his camp are the stones that are used 
in the sling of a righteous, experienced few.  
Friedman's experienced, sober, and fair... 
debate is a conflict, and Mike's blood is shed there.
'Round and around went the heft of Stan's sling; 
his arguments whistling like fiery stings... 
on the physics, the cosmic, and base relativity
Shermer seems mired in mawkish proclivity... 
his ignorance plain of our search for the answers 
that excise an "ignorance"—our cognitive cancer!
See, Friedman could read and he'd read the man's book. 
He's studied his "Rommel," so like "Patton"? He cooked!  
Soaring in argument, cleaving said air, 
he showed beyond doubt that his argument's fair.
Shermer, assured of his "glorious might," 
that he's to prevail in his "no contest" fight, 
was covered with gaps in his "armor-cum-science
which weakened his impact—was itself pseudoscience.
Goliath is beaten, but will not admit 
that the intrepid David had merit and grit. 
Dismissal's outrageous, a listener concludes. 
The argument's valid, and the thought now intrudes... 
that space is a huge place, completely unknown, 
and it's filled to the BRIM with "anomalous foam"!
Lost in its hugeness is mind undefined 
by concepts which limit and keep it *confined*.
We hold to these tails of "too timid" tradition—
are blind to the front by this backward transition.
Complacent, believing proud science must win
we turn a blind eye to the discounted fringe... 
which begins a small distance from what we now know 
is the little we know of what's hidden there, Bro
What can be measured; what can be seen? 
What is seen CHANGES to fit any scheme!
Friedman won out once again 'cause he's right. 
His scholarship proves what he sees in that light! 
He follows the traces the data proscribes, 
arriving at places the facts can't deny!
Why, he has what compels me to question the *man*, 
for all the *man's* blandishment—pretended elan. 
Stan had the right stones, and he hurled them well
Degrees will mean nothing if cheating to sell.
So flourish, false skeptic, your arrogant spite—
and feel that stone as your forehead it strikes!


When Dr. M. Shermer says that a 'spaceship' and 'body' would "do it" for him, frankly? He lies. 

Dr. Shermer: "...is a reasonable man who can at last be convinced given extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims"? What a load! See, none of these guys are!

No. Nothing would *do it* for him, it is offered, but that *it* is sent back for some "additional analysis." He would continue to demand further analysis until *it* was either proven "wrong," however ephemerally, or he was checked into a rubber room and Thorazined to incontinence... the same things, actually.

The late Stanton Friedman believed we are not served by our ignorance in these matters. I suspect that Dr. Shermer believes we are. That's why he'll lose the real debate, every time.

Moreover, with regard to Dr. Shermer: I suspect all his points as based on ignorance, misinformation, and an apparent will to promote these things! Who did he cite for support but his fellow axe grinders. Axe grinders handily blown away by Friedman already: Nickell, MaGaha, Nye, Clancy and Pflock spring to mind... but forget that.  Shermer, once a "Jesus played with Dinosaurs" born-again Christian himself, perhaps only prosecutes a new way to be a religious fundamentalist.

Asked who tries to cleave closest to the "spirit of science" and "consistent method," one can only give Stanton Friedman that nod. See, Shermer insists on taking inappropriate, unnecessary, self-serving and so unproductive pains to satisfy Occam.  His assumptions are contrived.  His premise is flawed.  His assertions are fatuous.  His presumptions are uninformed.  

Indelibly canted, he's a lost fundie ball in a tall grass he refuses to mow himself, and with the most tedious and intransigent steadfastness, too. The preceding is an essay map for a paper exposing Shermer's "to-a-fault" reluctance to remotely complicate the UFOlogical hypothesis, a reluctance of his own unbrave needs, and so not in accordance with Occam.

There's some irony, on the surface at least. Dig—shallowly—to find there's no irony, really, at all.

And did you notice, reader? At 27:33 remaining in the fourth hour of the referenced C2C podcast... Dr. Shermer made still one more reference to an "anal probe." What is it with Dr. Shermer and anal penetration but that he titillates or otherwise rubs the salacious crotches of the left half of humanity's "Bell Curve" with his errant conversational puppets and gross anal fixations, eh?

...And again, I have to ask. Is any of this in any way comforting considering all the psychological training he has had? Is this appropriate behavior? Read on!

...Whistling Sling! 

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Undeclared Air War with ET Ignored by the 2024 UAP/UFO Hearings.

Undeclared Air War with ET Ignored 
by the 2024 UAP/UFO Hearings.
by Alfred Lehmberg

It would seem that the now very familiar pioneer UFO researcher Major Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC, retired... had some clever insight into the "Flatwoods Monster" incident of September 12, 1952. Mr. Keyhoe researched the Flatwoods incident in the beginning and at the start, spoke to an informed Air Force official at the Pentagon about the case, and then wrote about it in his 1953 book titled, "Flying Saucers from Outer Space." This book can be found on the internet.

For several decades, this classic UFO incident remained a cold case. This was despite all of the information that was written and documented about it at the time. This is a case all sharp-cornered and unsettling even as it has been well fleshed out by Feschino, so a certain trepidation is understood. ...Air war with UFOs in 1952... preposterous?

Forty years after Keyhoe's initial treatment, Frank Feschino, Jr. picked up this case where Keyhoe had left off and began his own investigation into this "Flatwoods Monster" UFO incident of lore and legend. During Feschino's no-nonsense and very forensic investigation, he discovered this incident involved a damaged UFO and its alien occupant crash-landing on a hilltop in Flatwoods, West Virginia, as we know. 

Shortly after, the constant reader will recall, a group of local townspeople encountered the UFO's terrifying occupant. This would be the 12-foot-tall armor-clad being that had abandoned its downed craft. 

This horrific UFO incident quickly made headlines across the globe, was broadcast across America by radio, and was also featured one week later on a live NBC TV program, “We The People.” Yet, although history had heavily documented this incident in the media and press, there was a predictable downside to the story. 

See, the "Flatwoods Monster" story was extensively covered up by the United States government. No surprises there. There is evidence of that. As a result, the story had become convoluted, grossly inaccurate, and was eventually written off as a silly West Virginia folklore tale.

Regardless of the concealment, Feschino's decades-long investigation into this affair, the longest since its occurrence in 1952, has uncovered some truth behind this seeming alien close encounter incident! Feschino would come to reveal what may have actually happened! 

See, Feschino's investigation into this case has exposed an unsurprising yet still massive government cover-up of the twitchiest highly strange shiznit as can be imagined! Revealed, reader, the well-documented truth that an extraterrestrial did indeed crash-land in its damaged craft that night in Flatwoods? 

Moreover, Feschino discovered there were actually 21-hours of sustained UFO sightings across the United States on September 12, 1952 in a short amount of time as the reader can review in the link! His research disclosed there were actually 3 damaged UFOs passing over the east coast of the mid-Atlantic United States in flames... or obvious distress! These all headed off on eastern trajectories from some point off the east coast, one after another, around 7:00 pm EST. This is all documented, reader!

The first damaged object headed on a southeast trajectory towards Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and landed. Shortly after, the second damaged UFO flew on a northeast trajectory and proceeded towards Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio. It then redirected away from the base and landed! It then took off again and made several repeated crash landings throughout West Virginia. The third damaged object passed low over Washington, DC, and then continued west! It then landed in Flatwoods, West Virginia about 25 minutes later! Shortly after, the occupant exited its craft and encountered a group of Flatwoods civilians. All this is documented. That's the history!

The reader is reminded that these UFO crash events actually occurred about six weeks after the USAF revealed "Shoot Down" orders against flying saucers! These presidential SHOOT DOWN ORDERS against UFOs were revealed by the USAF on July 28, 1952 when spokesman Moncel Monts stated fighter jet pilots had orders to, "SHOOT THEM DOWN IF YOU CAN'T TALK THEM DOWN." ...Talk them down?! That's lawyer-speak to appear reasonable and cogent; we WANTED one of those damned things!!! 

Did we get one?

As a result of the massive amount of material Feschino has recovered, uncovered, and otherwise revealed during his investigation, he is recognized in the UFO community as being the one true authority of this particular close encounter case. He can substantiate these assertions.

Feschino's "Updated and Revised Edition" book, "The Braxton County Monster—The Cover-Up of The Flatwoods Monster Revealed," is the definitive book written about the "Flatwoods Monster" incident. There are no substitutions.

Fast forward, now, seventy-two years into the future since this singular incident occurred! We regard the very recent November 13, 2024 House Oversight Committee hearing, titled “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena: Exposing the Truth!" Pause for squirty giggles! 

Yes! Laugh out loud! The committee would be spearheaded by the worst persons in Congress, all who neglected to utter one single word about this well-known and key UFO close encounter case... and our air war with ET

Even though Frank Feschino, Jr. is recognized by his colleagues as the authority on this very credible close encounter case, why is the "Flatwoods Monster" incident being glaringly ignored today?! "Ignored" is kind. It is relieved even of the smallest cogent pushback or contrary debate! ...Like the case was just too uncomfortable to consider

...We did mention the "sharp corners" and aggregate "unsettlingness" of the affair. This is no excuse for cowardice.

Remains, a Donald Keyhoe statement, made in his 1953 book, may seem to offer one explanation for why the Flatwoods case is being ignored and overlooked today. He had stated authoritatively, "When the time came to admit that the saucers were real, the slightest official hint of possible menace would be quickly remembered. From that angle, the Sutton [Flatwoods Monster] story was dangerous with its picture of a fearsome creature intelligent enough to build and control spaceships."

...But let's also take a moment to remember that these UFOs were fired upon first, and did not wage the war, attacked, that we human beings would surely have waged in their place. Too, persons encountering them were not harmed, even if they were terrified. It could be argued that ET was the better example of "being" in the fearsome exchange, n'est ce pas?

True... men and equipment were lost in the struggle... but was that a result of UFOs acting on our armed forces, or was it more a case of our armed forces acting on UFOs and paying the price of their willful effrontery, an effrontery pointed out to them by the on-site authoritative who advised for the record, and I paraphrase... if they can get here they can likely kick our ass! "WE" may never know... but someone knows. ...Someone knows!

Those in Congress could be asking the better questions about UFOs. The proper questions are always going to be more important than a question's mere answers. Answers are meaningless without the proper question provoking them, follow? The PROPER question, though heavens fall. It's as I've written for many years now... 

UFOs are, by definition, change, and point to realities of much more breadth and scope is the intuition—potential and expansiveness. At the same time it gets no easier to maintain a façade of normalcy for the cowardly denial of the intellectually profane niggardly.

Accordingly, it becomes increasingly more difficult to tolerate these garden-variety "noisome negativists," invalidly hubristic piss-wits who laugh up damp sleeves at that which they have no capacity to understand, no aptitude to accept, no ability to incorporate, and no skill to recognize! Consequently, I seek my own questions though the answers offend me, shock me, or shame me. 

In the first place it's not always offense, shock, and shame. In the second, there is, many times, joy beyond the shame, satisfaction beyond the shock, and fellowship, good readers, beyond the offense.

This Congress is only offensive... there is no upside, and it's only ever interested in forgettable distraction, deflection, and disruption... They are, and decidedly, NOT for the ascension, elevation, enlightenment, and general improvement for an aggregate humanity... especially now. This is demonstrated daily and not from both sides. Read on.  

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Schtuppings of Justification

Scientists are too obtrusive!
lawyers are corrupt (abusive)! 
Then, cops (too busy) arm themselves 
to keep an *order* rich men sell... 
Tesla's papers languish, hidden
History's contrivednot kidding*—
startling questions go unanswered 
by those persons faking answers!
...Autonomy—so near at hand—
suggesting what it always had: 
that we are best when on our feet; 
to struggle is our meal—our feast
...Though, we would have rewards for "work," 
to keep our "edge" alive—alert! 
We'd have ourselves some satisfaction
without division or detraction!
We could change our attitude
—cop to truth? Be—so—imbued!  
Avoid denial so mal-serving.  
Be forthcoming!  Be deserving!
...Like, make it not a "petty" crime 
to fake a "sighting," anytime!
It's the SAME as "terror," clear? 
Yelling FIRE in a theater! 
It's faithless, mad—a mal-occurrence—
to willfully create disturbance!
We're not served for crying wolf 
where truthlessness becomes "enough"... 
becomes enough to quell the curious 
and make the subject less than serious.  
Folks stop looking when betrayed; 
they're embarrassed when they're played!
See? It lacks no end, this disrespect
It's rudeness at impertinent best! 
It's spit so nasty in your eye 
that scales form from lying slime! 
It's "falseness" in a "presentation"—
willful (thoughtful!) misdirection
It supports no elevation
it provides but defamation!
See? Burned and shy 
one WILL stop looking, 
and one not looking... 
begs their schtupping
Still, you'd state that I'M the problem, 
and say it smoothly, charming—solemn. 
I observe irresolution... 
so I provide "my own" confusion?  
I don't think so; that's dissembling. 
That's the dodge that you're assembling.  
You distort intelligence.  
You're your own irrelevance.  
Ears to hear and eyes to see 
provides the proof I need, for free!
...Slander's wage for asking why? 
Consider gifts from endless skies... 
raining strangeness, ceaselessly, 
in ways to shake your fragile tree 
(and that's the reason why you're clueless, 
sans "with-it-ness bereft of "coolness"...).
It's true I'm asking twitchy questions, 
but you dismiss the mere SUGGESTION: 
that "worshiped" science is insufficient
incomplete, and so? Deficient!
...And this is said in plain cognition 
of its *gifts* (...its imposition!), 
'cause it's not the total picture; 
it won't save us; fill our pitcher! 
It won't give us ALL the answers. 
All by itself? It won't cure "cancer"! 
In fact, it "causes" more than "cures," 
its vectors far from gracebe sure...**

Hey! How did Homer (Virgil?) know—
that Mars had moons so long ago? 
How would "terror" and a "beating"
...name these moons so quick and fleeting? 
Where can come that strange idea 
he couldn't "see"... or "see," conceive of? 
How'd he KNOW, or WHO would tell him? 
Where does "weird knowledge" ...even come from?
This was what their "legends" said? 
This was myth (?), and fiction wed? 
This was "odd coincidence"? 
This "was nothing"of "no significance"?
You whistle past a graveyard, friend! 
Admit the fear you must transcend!
Confining dogmas are a death knell!
Do the math! Too? Be not fretful!
"Brookings" portends mass hysterics
and purports this like it's them hysteric! 
Folks mistaken, mad, misleading, 
misinformed; some clearly weeping... 
moans and gnashing teeth, foursquare... 
Their ignorance assails them ... THERE!  
"Human scourge with tooth and claw, 
MAGA, and the death of law"! 
"Society must then implode," 
if they come clean to self-disclose?
That's such crap—convenient swill
to keep the *catbirds* seated well! 
We're a "fodder" fueling dreams 
of psychopathic "kings" and "queens," 
Hangers-on, facilitators, 
soulless yes-men—abominators!
We're an "entree," food, of course, 
for such as... ...sans compassion's force. 
See? Disrespect is tendered us 
by leadership betraying trust!
Jerked back and forth? Incredulity
weighed unfairly (institutionally!), 
folks wallow in a murky mire 
of "truthiness" and "crap conspired." 
This avoids the real deal
...So, who is served when shit gets "real"?
Buried "heads" in shifting "sands" 
just makes it harderunderstand?
You're the problem! You've no solution? 
You own convenient institutions! 
Cops and lawyers (strange collusion!), 
and Doctors dance for profit—fusion! 
Gub'mint's owned by non-elected 
masters of inspired "neglecting"...
Everywhere you look there's lying! 
Christians spinning webs decrying... 
sins unseen if of their own, 
but quick for others with their stones!
Little girls are starved to lie 
with make-up on and implants plied. 
The Gub-mint's errant declaration, 
the Church's crass prevarication, 
plus corporate lapdog's whorish *news* 
will sell the "soap"... but spoil the "stew"!
Doctors cheat on Medicare, 
and lawyers trump up pardons there
Cops can torture out confessions, 
opportunists squeeze concessions, 
and futile schools still beat their kids; 
we even KNOW they're invalids! 
Lying is our way of life. 
We do it first! We ARE our strife!
Best we cop and get right to it. 
I won't hear excuses—screw it!
We betray our own salvation
While superstitions fake foundation!
Your denial stops progression; 
I can't believe in your obsession 
that we crown a grand creation 
built by God—we're infestation
...That's what we are: mere parasites 
destroying hosts in sentient spite!
We're not alone and we should cop. 
We're being watched, and we should stop!
"Cop to what," you smirk and laugh. 
Why, cop to "time," you f'n jackass. 
Cop to "space," its plumb-less reaches! 
Cop to "matter"! "Mind" beseeches!
...And while some sneer their glad derision? 
Paradigms are in collision!  
Eons crack and break apart 
providing us a "reset's" start.  
We're absolved imagined crimes 
of those denying us our time.  
We're released to our potential 
in a brand new existential.  
We enjoin the stars believing 
they're the things so worth achieving, 
so we despair that we're kept "dumb," 
dense and dim... or dull and numb. 


More than paradigms it would so appear. The speed of light... changes?

    Is it true that since 1908 that light has never... no-not-one-time EVER... been measured at a consistent speed otherwise proclaimed to be an unwavering 299,792,458 meters per second... and that this august if arbitrary value was "decided upon" in Geneva in 1975 when all the concerned physics wizards conferencing in fretful covens at an international physical congress... aired their unsettled concerns? The speed of light... changes? That would knot the shorts all curly!

    Science by fiat? Old alchemy never did exactly that, I suspect. Why is not the heart of science investigated by that same science? Arbitrary conclusions (!) from Physics physicists, the model institutionalizers of prediction, measure, and number? Astonishing and unsettling.

    Why unsettling?

    Einstein's knees turn to rubber at an "inconstant" speed of light. A scientist's surety index goes down and his idiosyncratic stock deflates. He loses a previously held tumescence, frankly. He runs out of academic Enzyte. [TM] He begins to suspect that he has everything... entirely wrong. The hardest of our hard sciences, the oldest too... suddenly has a soft center?  That will cause some shrinkage, eh?

    More bad news... plus a flustered and embarrassed gush by a heavily lettered intelligentsia to use phrases like "the limits of instrumentality" and "statistical significance," to explain this seeming human inability to pin the speed of light down. And maybe limited instruments would explain this lack of accuracy... but that subsequent measurements over time have tended to faster and faster top speeds? Uh-oh.

    See?  An evolving instrumentation would provide assessments clustering around a singular value justifying a mean of 3 hundred million meters a second, but an oddly steady acceleration... whoa Nelly... THAT horse of a different color!

    Sincerely, if true?  Well, that's a whole other churnin' urn o' burnin' metaphysical monkeys, eh?  Measured now, is light faster still?

    Is it true? Is light, measured for speed, tending towards acceleration as time goes on? Is it becoming faster?

    Funny, I read where you can't even get "research money" to measure "light's speed," anymore. One wonders what the "the limits of instrumentality" and "statistical significance," would be indicating presently?  Another measured acceleration?

    There's more! Is it true that the melting points of different compounds (chromium dioxide for example) have been increasing more than merely measurably in a fashion similar to light, already alluded to, over the last hundred years... and that these rate increases show a curve of suggestively slight accelerations, over time... thus far? Gulp!

    Too, didn't I just recently hear where time itself was speeding up?

    The reader might begin to see what I mean about questions sometimes being more significantly informative than answers.

    Restore John Ford!

    *...snatch this while it is available!  The story of a teacher who wanted to find out why kids "hate" history!
    ** Terence McKenna paraphrase.

    Grok In Fullness


    Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...