
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Saturday, April 25, 2020

We're Not Alone?


They flit and they skip 
and they drop behind mesas! 
They dodge behind roofs 
of a neighbor's dark home! 
They cross the night skies 
like a star that "detaches," 
their flying is soundless... 
...and we're not alone!

We're not alone 
as we covet *possessions*; 
we're not alone 
as we squander our trust. 
We're not alone 
as we punish the innocence; 
thinking that we have to, 
convinced, somehow, we must!

We're not alone 
while the rainforest's burning. 
We're not alone 
as we falter and cry. 
We're not alone; 
we have seen them all flying 
in disparate countries...
festooning those skies!

We're not alone 
as we torment ourselves
We're not alone; 
we are fragile ... unborn! 
We're not alone, 
and affixed with the blinders 
I'd tear from our faces 
with pleasure and scorn!

We're not alone
They're in all geographics! 
They hover for shuttles, 
we've seen them in space
They've neutered our nukes 
at the drop of their *hat*...  
somebody knows; 
we're put in our place!


Somebody knows 
what the ancients were "knowing" 
and shared in their tablets of clay! 
Somebody knows 
where the secrets are buried 
that elevates humankind... 
precluding the slave!

Somebody knows 
why we suffer and die 
when the best of all times 
could be had! 
Somebody knows 
why we hate to look up; 
why we're shamed
why we're cowards
why... at best we're so sad...

Somebody knows 
what it is we'd be knowing. 
Somebody knows 
if the ET's are here. 
Somebody knows 
surely more than we're getting 
when circumstance is passing strange 
with stuff so god-damned queer!


They land and they leave 
all the strangest of traces! 
They clutter and clog 
at the sweep of the sky! 
We find them in ads 
to insult our cognition 
for all of the stuff 
that we "lust" for and "buy."

...Why, we find them selling candy; 
we find them shilling cars 
machines to do our washing, 
from the toy box to the stars. 
They gloat in all our magazines; 
they sell us toxic food? 
They're all around; 
they're surely here; 
they exist; we must construe!

It's us confuses consciousness! 
It's us well left alone! 
It's us inflicts agendas! 
It's us with hearts of stone!

They intrude where 
"we won't have them
in our sullen white-bread world. 
They intrude into our clueless-ness 
and they prove they shall not yield.

They intrude in sullen closets 
where we think we keep our secrets,
and they make their strange notations 
in their *book*.
Knowing *bodies* we've been hiding, 
they can dig up *moldy bones*,
and they know just where you'd, 
likely, never look.

As days go by... 
they're closer still; 
they shall not be denied! 
They'll solve our crass *indifference*; 
they'll expose what's been contrived.

...And you better have your "center." 
You best expand your mind. 
You better open up the box 
in which you keep your soul confined!

The future is a freight train, 
and we're tied on humming tracks; 
the bonds we feel we've tied ourselves! 
C'mon! You know it's Fact!

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Sedition Of The Light - Part One

Sedition Of The Light
Commentary provoked by Frank Longo's 
documentary, Capturing The Light

by Alfred Lehmberg

Part One (of two)

Especially true in our westernizing civilization? We humans inhabit a thin skin of poorly perceived "reality" and think it complete and whole.  Too, also seeming secure is our fatuous "knowledge" that an acceptable God is in his heaven and on our side—without regard to which side, reader!  Our hapless ignorance regarding day to day existence looms, increasingly, ever more appalling. 

Fortunately, an intrepid Frank Longo provided persuasively that an optimistic glimmer of hope prevails!  See, once again, novelty makes its mad dash around an invalid status quo to discovery and inexorable progressiveness. Novelty finds a way, eh?  More on that in a moment.  

Back on track, the appalling state of our aforementioned "awareness," such as it is, is well noted by the books and lectures of respected persons as diverse as Terence McKenna and Jacques Vallee.  These, among significant others, report that the paranormal in general and UFOs in particular exist, principally, to deflate and discredit a reductionist Science entirely too filled with itself. How does that work?

See, on the way to discovering what UFOs are, a hint provided may be what UFOs do.   Not, then, what are they, so much.  More, what are they doing?  That's more achievable!

What do they do? What are they doing?  Why, they make otherwise cogent and therefore significant individuals question their authorities!  They throw authorities into disarray as a consequence. 

They invalidate authorities as a result!  They provide for authority's irrelevance, is the upshot!  With the same effortlessness by which they are observed, they provide for a demonstration of authority's malfeasance and assign blame for same! Buckle up!

Contrarily, they propose these disarraying "questions" while still appealing to the individual, obliquely or directly.  Verily, as Richard Dolan has pointed out in his landmark UFOs And The National Security State, they are the very soul of [the new] sedition.

This aforementioned overconfident Cartesian-ism—scientism sans humility—is a discipline so decidedly hubris-bound and repressively arrogant that it dares to be the default arbiter of all that it presumes to be laid before it, even that which it refuses to consider or investigate, at all!  Outrage!  If that were you, reader, somebody would throw a flag down, swear out a complaint, or seek a restraining order!  You'd be dealt with!

Such egotistical behavior fair begs comeuppance, am I right?  Well, UFOs affect to provide just that!  How? 

UFOs characteristically provide effortlessly observed if highly strange affairs.  This is true then as now! 

Sentient individuals perceive with at least 5 pretty poor senses, right?  Too, these affairs involve affairs at all the different levels of the accepted range of UFO encounter as measured by the Hynek inspired "CE3K" scale: strange point source lights perceived all the way to stranger physical interactions endured, but compassionately providing for its own plausible "there if needed" deniability, as it goes.  We wouldn't bother to do that.

Moreover, these close encounter affairs are witnessed, many times simultaneously, by hundreds or thousands of credible persons—police, pilots, and other practiced professionals—while "authority" fatuously looks the other way, infuriatingly, childishly chanting that UFOs are not a reality.  Flag down, Shermy! You know who you are!

Examples of just such affairs?  Unsung ufological hero Jerry Cohen provides: Kirtland AFB (11\4\57).  Hynek Blue Book Case (5\5\65).  Exeter, New Hampshire (9\3\65).  Malmstrom AFB (3/20/67).  Incident at Redlands, Ca. (Hynek, BB, 2\4\68).  Malmstrom AFB (11\7\75).  Iran F-4 Incident (9\76).  Belgium (1989\90).   Phoenix, Arizona (3/13/97).  South Illinois, USA (1\5\2000),  but more recently,  O'hare International Airport in 2007.  Stephenville, Texas in 2008.  All these, and —others— reader. "These" continue right up to 2019!

Science?  Only ever the staid portrait of piously insentient impotence!  UFOs have humiliated science at every encounter.  Embarrassed it at every meeting.  Shamed it at every turn! 

How?  By providing to that aforementioned broad swath of very diverse and with-it individuals their own singular hard-to-shake personal evidence, proof even, that it may be UFOs or the "other" comprising perceived reality... and it is science that is the faith-based myth!  I've my own personal evidence.  Likely, the reader too.

It does not have to be that way.  Flatly, Reductionist Aristotle must reconcile the Holistic Plato, not supplant him.  This is what has occurred, I believe, and near the root of our problem.  How? 

With the errant Cartesian invalidation of "chaos systems" as the mother of reality plus the naive presumption that reductionist "order" was exclusively superior! All that may be WAY off, given evidence how easily we can be brought to our knees by a just nasty cold virus.  We provide for a colossal limitation to our potential as individual conscious beings I sense, and bump our aggregate noses upon these limits, even now.

See, because Plato is supplanted and not reconciled, I'd contend, "Judeo-Christian-Cartesian Culture" and its causal cadre of conniving and capering imps—self-serving closed institutions large and small—prosecutes a selfish hubris, reader, to the detriment of our individual and therefore aggregate spiritual advancement! Strong links make stronger chains.   

Consequently, this too-ready reductionism or over-amped application of Occam eagerly provided by flogging Cartesian-ists provokes the ineffable "other" to challenge what we can perhaps perceive as the largely inflated conceit of Science.  This is a timely meme flying UFOs right up a reductionist's nose.  If he doesn't cop?  He is destroyed.  He's destroyed when he cops, too, but that's a good thing.

This challenge, again, is proffered by the "other" in diverse and well-supported affairs typified by Frank Feschino's "shooting war with corporeal aliens," Zecharia Sitchin's flesh and blood "Ancient Astronauts" alluded to, David Jacobs' intra-dimensional or trans-temporal "Insidious Invasion" of alien abductors, or the astonishing mysteries of Nancy Talbot's genuine Crop Circles, just to give a quick tour of the anomalous wrapped in mystery and buried in enigma. 

Really?  I hear the internal dialog.  Your attention, please. 

Consider.  How does Science meet the challenge of the "other"?  Research by proclamation, illogic, character assassination, ad hominem, professional irresponsibility, betrayal of trust, and abject denial... are default responses.

Moreover, stomp me another "Adams Grave," 'Doug'!  Spin me an additional "Catherine's Wheel," 'Dave'!  Right. 

"Dave's not here," folks.  In other words, the inability of conclusive science to address these mysteries—or even acknowledge them, reader—makes manifest the aforementioned humiliation, neatly!

Indeed, "high strangeness" is lately squirting out all over!  Bursting out from surprising places in surprising ways over a just discovered if surprisingly long period of time, science's shame is once again abundantly showcased!  Right under our noses too!  Consider, now, this current humiliation of science and authority.  Be re-introduced to the strange story of Canadian Dorothy Izatt... brought to us by Frank Longo in his très unusual film, Capturing The Light.

Indeed, Mr. Longo has produced a compelling DVD displaying just such an unmet challenge to Science as described above.  In it, Mr. Longo tells the astonishing story of Ms. Izatt, a very lovely and cognitively sharp if otherwise unremarkable octogenarian widow who communes with alien beings, frankly.  Too, she puts a fine point on this communication with 30,000 feet of eight-millimeter stock shot, shot with twists into the outré-real you see right on the freaking film!  If I'm lyin' I'm dyin'.

Now, I likely would not even have given this account the remotest time of day but for the reaction of one man in particular to the tale. David Biedny, frankly, was near jumping up and down in the discussion of Ms. Izatt, and the DVD in general, on his one-time radio program, The Paracast.  I was understandably intrigued, you'll discover. 

See, Mr. Biedny, a penultimate (sic) hard-nose and a man obviously going with the "better odds," prefers to be known, I believe, as a proud son of the still very highly respected Cartesian reductionism discounted earlier.  He wants a reputation indicating his respectful attention to "logic," scientific "method," and "rules of evidence."  He shall not be accused of refraining from "best practice."

Flatly, Biedny wants his critical thinking skills respected if not taken for granted.  Too, as a recognized expert in digitally manipulated images he, to a degree, "wrote the book" on "photo-shopping" same.   Consequently, his high confidence level—as was indicated by his aforementioned "on-air" happy dance—understandably intrigues!  What's "juicing" Biedny can certainly "juice" me.

What is going on?  The short version is that Dorothy Izatt appears to be one more interesting if characteristically unremarkable individual approached by the "other" and so further humiliating our too proud and arrogant Science as alluded above—I would presume for its edification and our ultimate advancement, eh?  I digress.

See, way back in 1974, Ms. Izatt thought she was seeing something damned peculiar in her wide Canadian sky, and she couldn't get anyone else interested in watching with her or even believing her.  So, this plucky little bird of a woman—a tiny gal—grabs her husband's essentially unused 8-millimeter camera and, over a period of many years, shoots 30,000 feet of film in support of her contention!  She captures some gob-smacking stuff, reader!  I'm reminded it's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.  I digress again!

Captured as physical evidence are astonishing arrays of light, shape, and detail on one frame of 8mm film!  This happens many, many times in footage otherwise clearly showing: UFOs, large and small... ...and other things.  This is not an easy task.  To wit: Mr. Biedny used the word "impossible."  He used that particular word I think because there is just no conceivable way to have captured the images captured on one frame of movie film in the manner shown.  He is not the only one to say so.

Yeah-yeah-yeah... more internal dialog... you've heard that kind of thing before.  Nip it.  See, this is a different case.  In this case, the "subject" had to cooperate with Ms. Izatt—even perform for her!  

In addition, this was a performance not just for her and her camera, but also any camera used and any person along with her using their camera.  It gets a lot weirder than that, reader, and with nothing rolled or smoked!

Next time: Ms. Izatt approaches "authorities" one would think one should approach and is predictably dismayed, J. Allen Hynek's singular and serendipitous involvement with Ms. Izatt is outlined, and how a humiliation of what passes for 21st Century science is patently typified and then patiently exposed. 

Part 2

Friday, April 03, 2020

Object lesson

We're at Mother Nature's mercy  
only thinking we have "clues." 
Still, we humans strut and preen 
like we wear crowns. 
We're at ease and rape the planet 
for our squalid little pleasures. 
We're the local space/time's version 
of unfunny, tragic clowns...
Appearances deceive us 
while we show just what we are: 
psychopathic institutions 
sans all balance. 
All our "spin" bereft of substance 
we're adrift beneath hard stars; 
procrastinating evil
without conscience...
Ever wonder why there're *homeless* 
folks from "emptied institutions" 
of psychotics onto streets... 
to spit and grin? 
We see them on the news, 
forlorn, the focus of our pity ... scorn, 
but still they number, hapless, without end.
We could rescue them, you see; 
we could help them off their knees, 
but they serve a "useful purpose," 
not admitted. 
I'll tell you why they're there, 
but in turn, I must declare: 
Their rescue is just not to be permitted.
See? They're there as object lessons
they're "displayed" for you and me. 
They're "what happens" 
when you cannot toe "the line." 
They're what happens for critiquing 
institutions as your "right," 
while appalled by any tyranny we'd find.
They are there to keep you doting 
on the dictates of the 'man'! 
They distract us from those "lights"
 in troubled skies. 
They are there to keep us focused 
from some crooked profit margins. 
They are there, a veiled threat 
These obscure the UFO's 
in the fear that you might see them! 
Those who sharpen your confusion? 
They are PREGNANT with their sin! 
They're to keep us to that "party line," 
apart from real thinking. 
They preclude our just salvation... 
...they're to keep things as they've been.
It's never been the "real world" 
you see on your TV. 
The "safety of your home" is an illusion. 
It's what you think's "observed." 
It is THAT that has occurred! 
Don't shoot ME down... 
...that's Heisenberg's conclusion.
See, the universe can but cough, 
and you're scattered on the winds. 
Ask folks—in Puerto Rico—if that's true. 
It is these who have their fear served up, 
forget "relief," it's all corrupt, 
then fate contrives to beat you 
black and blue.
And, what might this be like, 
this unkindly twist of fate. 
I wonder how "unkindly fate" 
shakes down. 
Understanding is obscured; 
it's denatured and deterred... 
bread and circuses sans all truth... 
these come to town.
"The "Martian Face" is punched ... ," 
says your *bunky*, out to lunch, 
Plait stamps his clownish feet
all joy is he. 
Imagine his relief, 
he who swallows NASA's brief, 
they have put off his "comeuppance..." 
...he so shallowly believes.
These can go back to futility, 
call abductees "useless kooks."  
They can salve their wounded egos, 
and pretend to own the truth. 
They can build their shaky castles 
and pretend they have a clue. 
These continue down a road that's very bad... 
for me and you.
"The face on Mars: a rock pile"? 
Plait's beliefs are reinforced! 
The belief that he's *alone* returns, renewed! 
He's no longer compelled to find... 
it's him who pays truth's freight, in time
He'll discover what far thinkers 
always knew!
See I can't believe in NASA 
as their interests are conflicted, 
and their data is in fragments 
all as was as they predicted! 
The government's a liar! 
...Can't believe a thing they say; 
their interests mirror shadows! 
I want the truth, per se!
As the girl said in "Titanic" 
while her vessel slid from view, 
"I'd really rather be a 'whore' 
than spend my life with you...
My sentiment exactly, 
as the "rich man" shows his colors... 
and compelled a stunning disrespect 
from those persons he makes suffer.
We're at Mother Nature's mercy 
and her parasitic bugs. 
You can charge the ones who "lead" us 
as the smarmiest of thugs. 
They're the ones who keep us shaded 
(...you'd raise some hell you only knew!) 
from where their secrets have been buried... 
in their disrespect for... you!

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression &qu...