
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Friedman Finely Tuned

"David"—"Goliath." ...Still fighting it seems. One's over-cocky, and is once again reamed. One strides the "mainstream" opposed by too few, while his honored opponent's courageously true. See? One narrows scope to a facile percentage, the other is open to "data," comprende? One is a scoffer with "knee-jerk dismissals"; the other's employing the...facts... (?) as his missiles!
Filled with his "confidence," and the hoist of his "creed," Goliath was RIPE for a fall that he needs. David, well read, has prepared for his role; Goliath shows up with his head in a bowl. David shoots well, and infuses his points. He cited them; hellhe was owning the joint!
Then, Goliath seemed caught in his own vicious trap; he hadn't prepared and was pinned to the mat! Stone-marked and bleeding he moans on the floor! He proves to his last that his "less" is not "more."
Bereft of his homework, Goliath's ungainly. He fumbles around for his words so inanely. He cheery-picks data: so grinding an ax to qualify "comfort" he knows cannot last.  See, profoundly ill read and bereft of a clue, he insults all intelligence to misinform you!
Goliath is vanquished for arrogance, friend. He lies "belly-up" for his close-minded kin. Plus? The sneers from his camp are the stones that are used in the sling of a righteous, experienced few.  Friedman's experienced, sober and fair... debate is a conflict and the blood is let there.
'Round and around went the weight of Stan's sling; his arguments whistling like fiery stings on the physics, the cosmic, and base relativity! Shermer seems mired in mawkish proclivity... his ignorance plain in our search for the answers that excise that "ignorance"—that cognitive cancer!
See, Friedman could read and he'd read the man's book. He's studied his "Rommel," so like "Patton"? He cooked!  Soaring in argument, cleaving said air, he showed beyond doubt that his argument's fair.
Shermer, assured of his "glorious might," that's he's to prevail in a "no contest" fight, was covered with gaps in his armor-cum-science which weakened his impact—was itself pseudoscience.
Goliath is beaten, but will not admit that the intrepid David had merit and grit. Dismissal's outrageous, a listener concludes. The argument's valid, and the thought now intrudes... that space is a huge place, completely unknown, and it's filled to the BRIM with "anomalous foam"!
Lost in its hugeness is mind undefined by concepts which limit and keep it *confined*.
We hold to these tails of "too timid" tradition—are blind to the front by this backward transition.
Complacent, believing proud science must win, we turn a blind eye to the fringe which begins just a mean tiny distance from what we now know is the little we know of what's hidden there, Bro! What can be measured; what can be seen? What is seen CHANGES to fit any scheme!
Friedman won out once again 'cause he's right. His scholarship proves what he sees in that light! He follows the traces the data proscribes, arriving at places the facts can't deny!
Why, he has what compels me to question the *man*, for all the *man's* blandishment—pretended elan. He had the right stones, and he hurled them well. Degrees will mean nothing if cheating to sell.
So flourish, false skeptic, your arrogant spite—and feel that stone as your forehead it strikes!


...Whistling Sling! 

When Dr. M. Shermer says that a 'spaceship' and 'body' would "do it" for him, frankly? He lies. That's just to start. CSI(cop) affiliated, Prometheus published, and default media lap-dog and nay-saying "goto" guy? C'mon!

Dr. Shermer: "a reasonable man who can at last be convinced given extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims"? What a load!

Nothing would *do it* for him, but that *it* is sent back for "additional analysis." He would continue to demand further analysis until *it* was either proven "wrong," however ephemerally, or he was checked into a rubber room and Thorazined to incontinence... the same things, actually.

Stanton Friedman believes we are not served by our ignorance in these matters. I suspect that Dr. Shermer believes we are. That's why he'll lose the real debate, every time.

Moreover, with regard to Dr. Shermer: I suspect all his points as based on ignorance, misinformation and an apparent will to promote these things. Who did he cite but fellow axe grinders. Axe-grinders handily blown away by Friedman already: Nickell, MaGaha, Nye, Clancy and Pflock spring to mind... but forget that.  Shermer, once a "Jesus played with Dinosaurs" born-again Christian himself, perhaps only prosecutes a new way to be a religious fundamentalist.

Asked who tries to cleave closest to the "spirit of science" and "consistent method," one can only give Stanton Friedman that nod. See, Shermer insists on taking inappropriate, unnecessary, self-serving and so unproductive pains to satisfy Occam.  His assumptions are contrived.  His premise is flawed.  His assertions are fatuous.  His presumptions are uninformed.  Indelibly canted, he's a lost fundie ball is a tall grass he refuses to mow himself, and with the most tedious and intransigent steadfastness, too.  The preceding is an essay map for a paper exposing Shermer's "to-a-fault" reluctance to remotely complicate the UFOlogical hypothesis, a reluctance of his own unbrave needs.

There's some irony, on the surface at least. Dig—shallowly—to find there's no irony, really, at all.

And did you notice, reader? At 27:33 remaining in the fourth hour of the referenced C2C podcast... Dr. Shermer made still one more reference to an 'anal probe'. What is it with Dr. Shermer and anal penetration as he titillates or otherwise rubs the salacious crotches of the left half of the "Bell Curve" with his puppets and anal fixations, eh?

...And again, I have to ask. Is any of this in any way comforting considering all the psychological training he has had? Is this appropriate behavior?

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Begging A Schtupping...

Scientists are too obtrusive, lawyers are corrupt (abusive), and cops (too busy) arm themselves to keep an *order* rich men will... Tesla's papers languish, hidden. History's contrivednot kidding*—startling questions go unanswered by those persons faking answers!
...Autonomy—so near at hand—suggesting what it always had: that we are best when on our feet; to struggle is our meal—our feast! Though, we would have reward for work, to keep our "edge" alive—alert. We'd have ourselves some satisfaction, without division or detraction!
We might look for stuff I've spied in daylight, dusk, or starry skies. We could change our attitude—cop to truth? Be—so—imbued!  Avoid denial so mal-serving.  Be forthcoming!  Be deserving!
...Like, make it not a "petty" crime to fake a "sighting," anytime!
It's the SAME as "terror," clear? Yelling FIRE in a theater! It's faithless, mad—a mal-occurrence—to willfully create disturbance!  We're not served for crying wolf where truthlessness becomes "enough"... becomes enough to quell the curious and make the subject less than serious.  Folks stop looking when betrayed; they're embarrassed when they're played!
See? It lacks no end, this disrespect! It's rudeness at impertinent best! It's spit so nasty in your eye that scales form from lying slime! It's "falseness" in a "presentation"—willful (thoughtful!) misdirection. It supports no elevation—it provides but defamation!
See? Burned and shy one WILL stop looking, and one not looking begs his schtupping
Still you'd state that I'M the problem, and say it smoothly, charming—solemn. I observe irresolution... so I provide "my own" confusion?  I don't think so; that's dissembling. That's the dodge that you're assembling.  You distort intelligence.  You're your own irrelevance.  Ears to hear and eyes to see provides the proof I need, for free!
...Slander's wage for asking why? Consider gifts from endless skies... raining strangeness, ceaselessly, in ways to shake your fragile tree (and that's the reason why you're clueless, sans "with-it-ness bereft of "coolness"...).
It's true I'm asking twitchy questions, but you dismiss the mere SUGGESTION: that worshiped science is insufficient, incomplete, and so? Deficient!
...And this is said in plain cognition of its *gifts* (...its imposition!), 'cause it's not the total picture; it won't save us; fill our pitcher! It won't give us ALL the answers. All by itself? It won't cure "cancer"! In fact, it "causes" more than "cures," its vectors far from gracebe sure...**

Hey! How did Homer (Virgil?) know—that Mars had moons so long ago? How would "terror" and a "beating"... name these moons so quick and fleeting? Where can come that strange idea he couldn't "see"... or "see," conceive of? How'd he KNOW, or WHO would tell him? Where does "weird knowledge" ...even come from?
This was what their legends said? This was myth (?), and fiction wed? This was "odd coincidence"? This "was nothing"of "no significance"?
You whistle past a graveyard, friend! Admit the fear you must transcend!
"Brookings" portends mass hysterics, and propounds like they're hysteric! Folks mistaken, mad, misleading, misinformed; some clearly weeping... moans and gnashing teeth, foursquare... their ignorance confronts them ... THERE!  "Humans scourge with tooth and claw, all destruction, the death of law"! "Society must then implode," if they come clean to self-disclose?
That's such crap—convenient swill—to keep the *cat-birds* seated well! We're a "fodder" fueling dreams of psychopathic "kings" and "queens," Hangers-on, facilitators, soulless yes-men—abominators!
We're an "entree," food of course, for such as... ...sans compassion's force. See? Disrespect is tendered us by leadership betraying trust!
Jerked back and forth? Incredulity—weighed unfairly (institutionally!), folks wallow in a murky mire of "truthiness" and "crap conspired." This avoids the real deal. So, who is helped if things get "real"?
Buried "heads" in shifting "sands" just makes it harderunderstand?
You're the problem! You're no solution. You own convenient institutions! Cops and lawyers (strange collusion!), and Doctors dance with profit—fusion! Gub'mint's owned by non-elected masters of inspired "neglecting"...
Everywhere you look there's lying! Christians spinning webs decrying... sins unseen if of their own, but quick for others with their stones!
Little girls are starved to lie with make-up on and implants plied. The Gub-mint's errant declaration, the Church's crass prevarication, plus corporate lapdog's whorish *news* will sell the "soap"... but spoil the "stew"!
Doctors cheat on Medicare, and lawyers trump up charges there! Cops can torture out confessions, opportunists squeeze concessions, and futile schools still beat their kids; we even KNOW they're invalids! Lying is our way of life. We do it first! We ARE our strife!
Best we cop and get right to it. I won't hear excuses—screw it!
Your denial stops progression; I can't believe in your obsession that we crown a grand creation built by God—we're infestation! ... That's what we are: mere parasites destroying hosts in sentient spite!
We're not alone and we should cop. We're being watched, and we should stop!
"Cop to what," you smirk and laugh. Why, cop to "time," its grand expanse. Cop to "space," its plumb-less reaches! Cop to "matter"! "Mind" beseeches!
...And while some sneer their glad derision? Paradigms are in collision!  Eons crack and break apart providing us a "reset" start.  We're absolved imagined crimes of those denying us our time.  We're released to our potential in a brand new existential.  We enjoin the stars believing they're the things so worth achieving, so we despair that we're kept "numb," dense and dim or dull and dumb. 


More than paradigms it would so appear.

Is it true that since 1908 light has never... no-not-one-time EVER... been measured at a consistent speed otherwise proclaimed to be an unwavering 299,792,458 meters per second... and that this august if arbitrary value was "decided upon" in Geneva in 1975 when all the concerned physics wizards conferencing in fretful covens at an international physical congress aired their unsettled concerns regarding same?

Science by fiat? Old alchemy never did exactly that, I suspect. Why is not the heart of science investigated by that same science?  Arbitrary conclusions from Physics, the model institution of prediction, measure, and number?  Astonishing and unsettling.

Why unsettling?

Einstein's knees turn to rubber at an "inconstant" speed of light. A scientist's surety index goes down and his idiosyncratic stock deflates. He loses a previously held tuminescence, frankly. He runs out of academic Enzyte. [TM] He begins to suspect that he has everything... entirely wrong. The hardest of our hard sciences, the oldest too... suddenly has a soft center?  That will cause some shrinkage, eh?

More bad news... plus a flustered and embarrassed gush by a heavily lettered intelligentsia to use phrases like "the limits of instrumentality" and "statistical significance," to explain this seeming human inability to pin the speed of light down. And maybe limited instruments would explain this lack of accuracy but that subsequent measurements over time have tended to faster and faster top speeds? Uh-oh.

See?  An evolving instrumentation would provide assessments clustering around a singular value justifying a mean of 3 hundred million meters a second, but an oddly steady acceleration... whoa Nelly... a horse of a different color!

Sincerely, if true?  Well, that's a whole other churnin' urn o' burnin' metaphysical monkeys, eh?  Measured now, is light faster still?

Is it true? Is light, measured for speed, tending towards acceleration as time goes on? Is it becoming faster?

Funny, I don't think you can even get "research money" to measure "light speed," any more. One wonders what the "the limits of instrumentality" and "statistical significance," would be indicating presently?  Another measured acceleration?

There's more! Is it true that the melting points of different compounds (chromium dioxide for example) have been increasing more than merely measurably in a fashion similar to light, already alluded to, over the last hundred years... and that these rate increases show a curve of suggestively slight accelerations, over time... thus far? Gulp!

Too, didn't I just recently hear where time itself was speeding up?

The reader might begin to see what I mean about questions sometimes being more significantly informative than answers.

Restore John Ford!

*...snatch this while it is available!  The story of a teacher who wanted to find out why kids "hate" history!
** Terence McKenna paraphrase.

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression &qu...