
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Everyone Who Votes Young, Is!

Stating the unpleasant obvious
in a manner told to be understood constructively
and then believing, consequently,
how it CAN be constructively believed.

Everyone Who Votes Young, Is!

by Alfred Lehmberg

Seems the kids turned out in droves in 2022 to rescue our Democracy from bigoted Nazis, rich-old (and self-identifying!) white men, and the otherwise entirely untoward fascist MAGA imbeciles and earnest deplorables, eh? Yeah, "half" of America is dumb as a bag of broken hammers ever voting against its own best interests, and while these broken souls may be deserving of some civil rights, some common respect, and some small consideration, that cannot include putting them in charge of anything, ever! That right has been well and truly abdicated! Stupid. Has had. It's run!

No? Check Congress for the comedy stylings of a youth-betraying "Lala Bobo" & "Empty G," just to start! Remains, real victory was snatched from the jaws of "unblinking betrayal" in 2020, as is highly unusual, from the sexually bigoted, fulsomely fascist, and wholly psychotic "right"! No lipstick for pigs!

...One wonders in speculations ahead if it won't be the kids who stand as the ones to actually "bring the efficacious saucers down"! Well, them and our Black women! Such is the irony that this nation would be a true fascist hell, but for them! Yes! We'll go there. Truth shall not be knowingly denied! End of this digression.

Astonishingly, to continue, but not ignoring the "silver lining" for the massive "clouds" looming, it seems like it could still be a great time to be alive... to this citizen, at any rate, as this still well-privileged lower middle-class crow flies with some savings, a military pension, and Social Security. Sincerely, couldn't this still be a time of huge potential for a great time, for most of us, one must realize... and must be in a period of general wealth like there has NEVER been... and on the cusp of a true first-category civilization, OURS if our "reach" can but equal our "grasp" ...and we aspire to that! If we tax billionaires from all existence! ...Maybe a too well-maligned George Soros could be absolved...

...With NO thanks, and this writer repeats "NO Thanks" to that rabid and authoritarian "right" only celebrating the sociopathic individual at the clear expense of a well-abused aggregate society, or? Yes... we shall entertain some MAGA talking points here, "points" unable to withstand the smallest honest scrutiny, but... that alleged antithesis of a rabid right and showcased as even remotely legitimate in a legacy media sellin' reverse mortgages and boner pills! This:

We present the, at this point, impossibly rare ANTIFA (who only comes out to celebrate when fascists come out to celebrate it must be noted!) or, that so-called "anarchist" (?) "left," of myth and MAGA manufacture... whoever these persons are (brown, green, or purple M&Ms presumably!), but bogeymen of some mythic left-wing socialist/communist "conspiracy" extremists of errant right-wing conjecture... entirely GOP manufactured to divide and confuse... all these, none-the-less, "leftists," somehow persecuting the individual on the societal stake for the aggregatebut not helping to cop to the new reality?  Blame on both sides? Uh-uh. NO!

Sorry! None of that can exist in any dimensional existentiality in a constructive and sensible manner! It never has!  No. There is but one side of sane, sentient, and sensibly secular persons... and then... there is the psychotic, senseless, and toxically insensible sectarian, the other side. That's the choice sans the smallest of minuscule hyperboles. 

What is the new reality required of needs and for cause? It is this. It is that "both-sides," blamed, patient reader, is a craven lie of but ONE side! The rabid side. See, Hitler was... wrong. Indiana Jones, Captain America, and every good guy in Star Wars cannot be in arrears.

Truly, there is but ONE sentient side... and THAT "side's" mawkish antithesis? Prepare yourself, reader! Bald and unblinking truth follows! THAT "side" is but a fulminating people-cancer of political hypocrisy, color supremacy, reptilian corpocracy, social mendacity, institutional bigotry, glaring incompetency, fascistic autocracy, toxic misogyny, and irreligious apostasy! We'd mentioned lipstick and pigs! 

No. The MAGA GOP is a scurvy warren of foreign and domestic enemies, enemies hardwired to senseless violence as baseless as it is destructive! Why, these rabid cultists even want a fascistic KING with the same divine rights of old... that bane of the Constitutional Framers!! These are the good guys?! We digress!

More societal reality? Well, prepare for a hard turn. The "child" is the "parent" to the "adult"! That's gonna be true at all levels and indices, and a fact known for many thousands of years

Cutting to the chase? We start to treat the kids as we would individually be treated, ourselves! To start! We are not doing that! This writer taught for a time in what passes for Public schools in America, and knows.

Consider the current teacher shortage! This puts us off to a disparaged start in sub-standard schools this citizen has actually attempted to teach in, drawing righteous societal blood right off the proverbial bat! The writer has experienced that of which he speaks!

Those children on the cutting edge of this... "experience"? Discover that with regards to their number and furiously unthinking production of sameless numerical humanity may be assuredly more! For Christ's sake, humanity! Put an f'n sock on it! Humanity does not have to be a cancer on this planet, too.

Lastly, understand that their world is more vital to them than is your world. Their perception is the reality! We can improve that which is perceived! "School" is the best place to start. The sectarian can have no part in this State function where the secular must hold sway... frankly, because... at this point? The sectarian teaches only scienceless division and baseless hatred. 

Lipstick. Pigs.

Pre-forming first impressions about young human beings won't respect your inability to make a good one yourself or mistake another one. One can only be genuine! There's no profit in the reflexive ridicule of their nascent and naive inexperiences.  To them, passion burns hotter, if not brighter, than your own...

Their world is filled with singular challenges, imminent threats, and anxious priorities we have forgotten, or repressed, as abused (so distracted) adults.  Evolving Adults aspiring to a certain "non-distraction," we can discover that even as all things known can be new again (!!!), we achieve but a fraction of what first-time experiencers experience, or make, of their first encounter with their reality!  

"First" encounters with that initial "felt presence of the moment." Delicious! Then, it's not about you. It's about them because they're the ones coming up. That's going to be hard to remember when you really believe you have something to tell them... ya gotta have a solid "why" and you have to have a genuine way to transfer that. 

See, it's up to us to provide the bridge and relevance to them... a bridge to our presently very contrived, mal-defined, and very situational "adult" reality... whatever the hell that is! Though...We can MODEL a more sane and sentient reality, ... and the aforementioned "separation of Church and State" guarantees the rights and efficacious QUALITIES of each! 

Secular State. Sectarian Church. Ne'er the twain to intercourse or it's madness and misogyny! Where has it, NOT?!

Too, about our largely psychotic realities imposed on our youth, ours is a situation t'would repel them if they only knew, and resent upon finding out! They have suspicions! This person, did! Their confirmation was an astonishment to this writer suddenly understanding why the revolution first starts  on the college campus... cited truth is freeing...

Ous easy mendacity and dissonant hypocrisy repels the informed... us, now, when we're forced to remember... it did this writer... unencumbered, now, by that "cowl of cognitive dissonance" self-imposed... or in other words, rejected: convenient rationalizations required to buffer us from the truths we would deny... god, but we have sucked as a species... and so then must seem to suck into the foreseeable future? 

There are consequences for groking the primary histories (first exposed to this retired soldier at the Defense Race Relations Institute in 1972) of things learned upon returning late in life to an accredited university in serious pursuit of a quality teaching credential. Tilt!

...But that's our problem, a problem withering away into the startlingly obvious when confronted at last by the generic, real-time, and non-genuflecting "genuine," eh? You know, "reality" that curls your short hair! That's where the kids are, eh?  ...And how can we expect them to reach out willingly to our lurid prosecutions, especially currently, of our "adult" distractions, hypocrisies, mendaciousnesses, dissatisfactions, hatreds, inefficiencies, unnecessary obsolescences, and even cultural betrayals? How, indeed!

For the mercurial reader, then, consider this an "absence-of-love" poem composed in the under-appreciated traditions of one Theodore Sturgeon. ...Sire once or not at all... give it back!  Siring, again the writer asks, "do we do our kids a favor to turn them into us?"

Though, leave us not retreat too reflexively into those wounded "frowny pouties," pouties facilitating those seemingly obligatory cheap-shot recriminations of some stupid wounded backlash. ROFL!  Let us look, instead, into a MIRROR for that first assumption of blame... or the "reason" for that first "thrown stone." First? Do, as one would be done.

Admitted! None of us has the deadlock nut on the aggregate craziness, and one performs a public disservice, one can presume, to suggest that one does, eh? We're, all of us, grains of sand on a backwater beach concerning adjacent entelechies and their view of things, perhaps: a view reflected fractally across a vast range of various universal entelechies... if speciated self-awareness recapitulates in the same fractal expression of, seemingly, everything else... anyway!  Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny everywhere else, after all... right? Another fractal expression...

 one "grain of sand" on the backwater, as mentioned above, "beach" only presumes to instruct another, eh?

The late Terence McKenna nailed it. One must aspire to be their own Guru, and should be where one can winnow that out... or what's the point? Is it true? Is it real? Does it ascend? Does it find that greater darkness out of which our more constructive novelties are snatched or winnowed?

...Any and all expressed opprobrium, of course, goes to your garden variety Shermer-smirker or hypo-literate, if rabidly homocentric, faux-skeptical klasskurtxian skeptibunky [tm].  These know who they are, don't get it, and we don't care.  These can pack sand and broken glass passed a prolapsing pore, eh?

To close with the poetic: 

MAGA is abject regression, 
has codified its glad repressions
—then abrogating all progression—
provides for needless deep depressions!

There! There's your latest from the responsible void, aspiring to the genuine and undoing entropy where one can!


Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sans You, Individually Speaking

"...we are the Alone, in flight to the alone..."

It's about the individual, 
and the progress that is made... 
their pursuit of efficacious satisfaction! 
See, "one" goes further than the group
in fact, defines their group's pretension 
given "practices" of "mob-think"...
its "inaction."  

It's the Shamanistic pathway 
of "the cat who walks alone," 
where few will dare to tread 
as "edges" glare!  
...Though "edges" are required 
in pursuit of group survival
so perhaps some small respect 
might then be shared.
 ...And in no way will it matter 
that she suffers for her task, 
or he greases cosmic gears 
that tear his eyes. 
Their art is oft rejected... 
as are hurdles many fear... 
...but elevates us best... 
we find in time. 

They'd follow different rhythms 
quite ignoring the indifference 
that their "people" have preferred 
and so conspired...
...We, all but, touch the "face of God," 
but most avoid that "darkness," 
if from which... 
any novelty's inspired...
Still, that satisfaction's missing 
from the short-sight of our ways 
as we rape our mother planet 
for the "comforts" she can pay.
We count on some to point this out 
from where they're walking "lead"!  
From where they'd "light the darkness," 
at some peril; we proceed. 
Shamans suffer ostracism 
which is sure to come their way 
(for no good deed can go, 
perforce, unpunished); 
they are left to their devices 
they have made up on their own, 
and they stay a little lonely, if astonished!  
...And much provides astonishment, 
new vistas yawn and gape
new "ideas" stun the senses and the mind!!!  "Unnerving introspection" 
action's "strength of will" and more
as the "cosmic riddle" beckons... 
...our humility... one finds!
They only want what's righteous 
for the spirit's celebration! 
They want to look beyond 
the "common pale"! 
They want an "elevation
but they want to know its "price." 
They want to know these secrets... 
and prevail

They want to know of UFOs, 
and question small "grey" men—
or the "Reptoids," ...big-eyed "Nordics"... 
...come what may!  
The future is inexorable, 
and it bears down like a "train"; 
our Shamans pay the ticket price... 
so we don't miss the "plane"!
These perform their innovations 
for the novelty inspired. 
These perform for our advancement
and they should only be admired...
...These could ask the seeming "space-folk" 
to show us "limits" we were facing... 
most are foolish... if contrived and self-imposed. 
This *other's* real existence
is admitted by the "high-domes," 
but they won't admit they're "here"; 
they're indisposed.
UFOs are REAL, friend. 
if you pulled some scabrous scales from your eyes! 
Though to rail at the scales 
is to suffer, not, your sin, 
as it's you who's disrespected and deprived.
The "evidence" is massive
but it's picked apart by "thugs," 
and hidden by the "liars,
 cheats, and thieves"... 
...by "those we pay to govern"
 who betray their public trust, 
so's to line "psychotic pockets" 
with disease!
It is these who suck the power 
from the marrow of your bones, 
as they warp your sensibility 
to make you think... that we're alone...
Some would know the truth that *is*
—though heaven cracks and falls—
or all our staid conventions 
fall apart!
If the heavens shatter quickly 
then it GOT its just desserts; 
it was empty of all meaning 
from the start!
Too, one shan't dismiss the "faithful's" need: 
this heaven that they crave, 
it's the "nail" instabilities require. 
Though, their faith is turned against them (!) 
to "machines" for their control... 
and in no way of the "spirit" they'd desire.
It is foolish to presume 
that we will stay within our "womb," 
and ignore the deep expanse 
of time and space
To presume that *they* are here... 
is common sense of rare refinement
and a steadfast change in course 
for our whole race
This won't be hammered down to suit 
mere "skeptibunky clowns"—
cretins who won't see beyond their noses... 
One presumes that path one seeks 
is quite apart from them
a path that's ever upward... has been chosen.
It's our future way up there 
which stares from space, and is unblinking! 
Still, MOST would turn their backs on it, 
to ape a coward's thinking? 
...And NO! One shall not waver, 
revealing error and missteps... 
One shall not suffer Christians 
phony bows and aped "distress"!
 ...And NO, you are no coward! 
You are bravery unrestricted
You are talent, strength, and passion... unconfined
 Slipping bonds so binding, 
unremitting and confining
you might win your freedom's bounty you would find! 
And changing is the thing, the course to bounty
—seeking balance—
you deserve for "heating water," doing work... 
See, there IS an "I" in team... 
(...or no weak "link" defining "chain"!); 
you're more than mewling servant to some jerk!
It's your will... that must be turned; 
See, it's you who must "buy in."  
"...'Not provide' for 'their' support..." 
which is all you do, my friend!  
Sans you they cannot profit, see?  
Sans you they crash and fall; 
sans you they're only flailing!  
...Chance to hear them wail and bawl!  
So, NO! You are no shirker, 
though you'll make a grievance known! 
It's you who is the shaman! 
...It's been YOU, and you alone*


*You know who you are... Sure, you may be small by yourself, but when you don't show up? It matters. Enough of you not buying in? Control shifts to you!


...We are "the alone, in flight to the alone" as has been observed by our more mellifluous and sonorous bards... it remains, we can perceive this for ourselves. Also remaining?

...But for you, and your effort: society crumbles slightly or a lot, but it crumbles, verily. God, shall not... cannot be depended upon. 

God's will. That baseless faith strains credulity, defines an incredulous, and defies any test! It wasn't God running up the stairs of the Twin Towers! It was human beings, friends and neighbors: the only salvation human beings can ever have! Ourselves! 


You deserve individual respect, reward, and a certain "forthcoming-ness" (Social Security & Medicare?)—for your very valuable labor, intellectual and especially otherwise, and for your functionally virtuous team-building—a "forthcoming-ness" that is likely NOT coming your way for keeping humanity on the beam. Why valuable?

... Valuable because you are the first responder in a very real way! This may be from pickin' up butter at the store for the family to running up those burning stairs we mentioned earlier. See, your expenditure of energy is bona fide "mind over matter" at the grassroots level! "Stuff gets done in the real world"... when you contribute. Useful stuff gets manufactured—almost out of thin air. "The man" doesn't make that... YOU do!

Persons 300 years ago would have perceived only magic with regard to the things YOU can do almost entirely without effort! Verily, if you own a cell phone (and have the necessary energizing cash!) you have the "philosopher's stone" of all alchemic myth! This was that magical alchemical device able to feed, clothe, and house you—even transport you anywhere on the planet and manipulate inert matter into high-tech articles of further magic usefulness at your will... that's your cell phone, another manufactured thing able to do comparative magic. 

I'm glad no one was waitin' around for THIS writer to invent all our stuff... more of that aforementioned salvation a result of humanity's beneficence? God didn't invent a polio vaccine or a quantum computer... and if we destroy ourselves with all this stuff? That will be on us, too.
It occurs to me that Alien technologies could put a nice spin on all of the preceding for this conjectured individual: yourself. You're due a little more "magic"... More of the "efficacious satisfaction," more novelty... that we have alluded to... here, is warranted. "Happiness" and the "pursuit of same"... the game!

 Cheaper power, greener manufacturing, an expanded quality of extended life, plus a safe and efficient transportation of advanced propulsion... hither and yon. ...Especially "yon," eh?

Perceive all this aggregate, sullen, and wholly disrespectful treatment by the system presently "employing" you, otherwise! Are the crippling denials of all these suggested individual empowerments and technological liberties perhaps only a ... control mechanism of unethical design... a control mechanism lavishly benefiting the "few"—hijackers of our cultural systems, means and mainstreams—at the expense of the abused "many," and giving those aforementioned systems, means, and mainstreams their power, ironically enough, in the first place? The Stone won't operate effectively without cash fuel...  

Where is the fairness?  Show me the respect tendered! How is this not merely a base tyranny?! Used? One should be paid!

Why don't they respect you? ...Because... and listen close 'cause this is key: ...because then they have to pay you, eh? Moreover, it's why they won't do anything about "overpopulation"... even exacerbate it! 

..."Overpopulation" provides for more to choose from in an abused and exacerbated mass of hungry persons... those "willing" who'll "do it for less"... (Romney's wet dream)... ...though it is sad 30,000 kids starve to death on the planet every day to make this program work...

 I know not what course others may take, mine changes, largely, regardless.

Restore John Ford!


Friday, August 02, 2024

SHOOT THEM DOWN! ...Consequences?

...and Dr. Carrington
by Alfred Lehmberg

In his 1953 book, "Flying Saucers From Outer Space," Donald Keyhoe reveals the public backlash that the Air Force received in response to the president's "shoot them down" orders against flying saucers. These were "saucers" abounding and festooning the world's, forgetting the United States', skies at the time. Revealed, there were sentient and more far-seeing people in this historical period with the opinion that overt hostility may not be humanity's "best practice." 

Understatement? What if the "Summer Of Saucers" in 1952 was the extraterrestrials' introduction to us? They knocked on our door, peaceably (they didn't start the shooting?!), and we answered the door, rockets and machine guns blazin'! We offer that may not be a proper Prom invitation. 

Cold War with the Soviets (who were having their own maturity problems?) or not, America was in an arrogant swagger after winning the Second World War and was just beginning to "swing its Richard" globally. The approach would seem to lack its own cogent maturity. 

Back at the ranch, the "International News Service" news agency (newswire), reported the Air Force's official statement. It was made by Senior Public Information Officer, Lt. Colonel Moncel Monts on July 28, 1952. Lt. Col. Monts stated, "The jet pilots are, and have been under orders to investigate unidentified objects and to shoot them down if they can't talk them down.

Laughable, wholly! What would be the manner of that "communication," in the first place, and reconnaissance (investigation!) by fire, in the second place (this retired soldier knows!), is only used when you already KNOW what the target is! We decidedly did NOT!

Investigate? Talk them down? This is typical only of lawyer speak covering "ethical" bases and is entirely risible on its face. When was there ever a public dialogue with the extraterrestrial? ...No... the Government wanted, by hook or crook, a flying saucer!

This INS "shoot them down" story appeared in newspapers nationwide on Tuesday, July 29, 1952. Two of those article headers appear below...

Donald Keyoe states the following information about the "shoot them down" orders on page 74 of his book in the chapter, "THE POWDER KEG." :

"The night before a story by INS had reported a new Air Force order—if saucers ignored orders to land, pilots were to open fire. At Washington, Frank Edwards had picked up the flash and repeated it on the Mutual network. Telegrams protesting the order were now coming in from all over the country. One, typical of the rest, came from Robert L. Farnsworth, president of the U.S. Rocket Society. Also wiring the White House, Farnsworth gave United Press [UP] a copy of his message to help arouse the nation."

This same "DON'T SHOOT" telegram was also sent to the Secretary of Defense Robert Lovett, the Secretary of Army Frank Pace, Jr., and the Navy Secretary Daniel Kimball on Tuesday, July 29, 1952.


The reader can see the reflective moods of thoughtful persons pondering seriously on the "gravest consequences" of being deliberately hostile to "beings of far superior power," and even used the word "alienation"... another word for "quarantine," from them... a result of our behavior towards them! ...Comparative "spears" and "arrows" against what might only be technologies conjectured in the full realization, friends and neighbors, that if they can get here from wherever they came from... they can very likely kick our butts. There were those among us, then, who could appreciate that. There are those among us, now. 

Quickly, on the subject of 1950s jets being able to shoot down UFOs down, at all? Almost seven pounds of high explosive arriving at around the speed of sound in a point detonation may complicate the physics of your defenses and there is abundant evidence for forced landing of UFOs... Frank Feschino's Flatwoods comes to mind. There were others.

ET... it's a gobsmacking thought, if still not becoming more apparent reflective of our current events and the state of our observational technologies... and we're getting ready to curve-ball around the bend entirely when it's realized that we may be seeing the time-shifted evidences of some vastly superior technology via suspected city lights on other planets, surmised star enclosing Dyson spheres, and the other ethereal what-not revealed by our telescopes!

Ok... stop. Walk with us a moment in a relevant gear switch... Remember that old movie from the fifties, "The Thing From Another World"? 

Oh sure, the alien was here to drink our blood (did we know that for certain? ...Mmmmmno!), a clear and present danger it would seem, but... remember the lead Einstein-like scientist Dr. Arthur Carrington (played by the wholly convincing Robert Cornthwaite) wanting to try to make nice with the alien, and actually wholly convincing as its advocate! He'd orate "a stranger in a strange land and beset upon violently by the inhabitants of that land at the start, put yourself in its shoes... " he pleaded. We paraphrase the good doctor, but the seasoned reporter Ned Scott, said he "could get a million bucks for him, if he was for sale"! ...Highly regarded.

Oh sure... the good doctor grew a platoon of the alien spawn himself, and even sabotaged the generator keeping everyone warm and acting as a weapon against the beast at the film's denouement... all in an attempt to intelligently communicate gainfully with the alien... ...but did you ever wonder why they bailed him out at film's end? There was no discussion, and then the act was even congratulated at the film's conclusion.

The aforementioned Newspaper reporter is finally able to report his astonishingly fearful story to the world, and he intones into his microphone "...Ned Scott reporting... Watch the skies! Keep watching the skies"! ...But before that? 

He reports to the planet that the world-renowned Dr. Carrington is recovering from injuries sustained in the struggle with the alien, and the film's male lead's top side-kick clearly says, "Good for you, Scotty." The agreement is total.

Why did the doctor get the pass, even on his apparent betrayal of humanity? He was forgiven, reader, because they knew that when all was said and done, he was a brilliant man only trying to see further down the road than everyone else, distracted as they were by their more apparent immediate concerns. He proved that at the film's end, confronting the alien directly with a further impassioned and personal plea of fellowship and cooperation...

"I’m your friend. I have no weapons. I’m your friend. You’re wiser than I. You must understand what I’m trying to tell you. Don’t go farther. They’ll kill you. They think you’ll harm us. But I want to know you, to help you. Believe that. You’re wiser than anything on Earth. Use that intelligence. Look and know what I’m telling you. I’m not your enemy. I’m a scientist who’s trying –"

...before it viciously side-armed him into an icy wall... "...these humans have made their beds," it may have thought. 

See, "Carrington" was right, correct, and suspected true... and, in our imaginations? The characters of the film may have had to endure 72 future years of quarantine as a result of their actions... as we, perhaps, have?

Read on!


Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Presidential UFO Disclosure?

Presidential UFO Disclosure?
By Alfred Lehmberg

Harry S. Truman was the President of the United States on that fateful day of September 12, 1952! He would come to order, in an official UFO disclosure when the reader thinks about it... and because his advisors would have wanted one? He would order that UFOs be shot down

We digress a moment to point out that, at the time, sentient people would react strongly to that... as we've pointed out before...

Scientific sanity would not prevail...

Disclosure? Well, UFOs festooned America's skies that summer and especially on the night in question! The constant reader will recall that on our fateful September day, Frank Feschino, Jr., as a result of his painstaking research, his inordinate personal courage*, and his extreme due diligence**... discovered there were 21 hours of sustained UFO sightings occurring over the United States that night, and that these timestamped observations could be linked into "chains" of "direction" and "speed." The president had ordered that these UFOs, unabashed violators of Prohibited airspace ...apart from the fact that he wanted one, the reader is reminded, be shot down!

For an example of that hostility, perhaps, on this evening four different and damaged UFOs accounted for 13 repeated crash-landings in the eastern United States of West Virginia, South Carolina, and Tennessee. These were the reports of a concerned local citizenry as it was reflected in the newspapers of the time and well  BEYOND the official "tamp-downs" imposed by State and Federal government and alluded to in our preceding article.

An ET rescue of ET downed pilots as a result of faints to key
prohibited airspaces?***

It remains that one of the most memorable incidents occurred over Washington, D.C. at approximately, 7:00 p.m. EST! Just ONE of those damaged UFOs flew West over the Capitol at a very low altitude and badly scared the local Washingtonians. A meteor?

It was called, "The Flame Over Washington," and was later written off as a meteor by a disingenuous Government... only it was too damn low and too damn slow! In our suspected and data-based opinion on the existential of this tracked object? 

That alleged "meteor" was actually the "Flatwoods Monster" craft! It would continue flying West and land in West Virginia at about 7:25 in the evening. Then? Then all hell broke loose. Verily, Flatwoods would accessorize as a new American zeitgeist, all thanks to Frank Feschino!

See, shortly after this thing alerted the citizenry with its flyover? A 12-foot-tall alien occupant emerged from its damaged craft and encountered a group of the alerted Flatwoods residents! You know that story... Back to Harry Truman? 

The serendipitous seven! A real close encounter?

Well, he would have his hands filled that entire day and night during what is now known as the biggest "UFO flap" in American (human?) history! The "Flatwoods Monster" incident! As we've pointed out, it was the end of the "Summer of Saucers"! 

The president was neck-deep in saucers and their attendant teacups! How could a president NOT be to his elbows in the affair? How do we know this?

During Frank Feschino's research into the UFO events of that day, Stanton T. Friedman assisted and worked with Frank on the case via Friedman's contacts regarding White House and Congressional records. On one occasion, Friedman spoke to Feschino and said he was curious about the telephone calls President Truman must have received on that day... Ding!

Mr. Friedman informed Feschino that there were actually daily "TELEPHONE MEMORANDUM" documents, which logged and recorded the incoming "WHITE HOUSE" phone calls. The particular document that Friedman wanted was the "Sep 12, 1952" memo for "The President."

Friedman told Feschino he would try to obtain the September 12, 1952 document for him as an aid to his research and then made a phone call. Mr. Friedman was successful! A few weeks later he obtained President Truman's White House telephone memorandum for that day and read it.

Would this capture a president's attention
for the day?

 Shortly after, he called Feschino with the good news, then sent a copy to him, which Feschino reviewed. Feschino and Friedman talked about the memo at length, and both agreed that they would not have wanted to be in President Truman's shoes on that day! Wait... yes, they would have, is the bet! See... it's information not earth-shattering on its face; it's the implications of such raisin' the hair on the back of THIS old soldier's neck.

This interesting and informative document is transcribed in its entirety and appears in Feschino's "Braxton County Monster" book. The upshot on the down-low? President Truman was wholly unavailable at the critical time to talk to anyone. ...One wonders why that would be.

The man who shot at UFOs!

*There were consequences for a lanky Yankee boy wandering around those West Virginia Hills with a video camera asking questions no one wanted to answer... based on their expectation of FURTHER ridicule! One can smell the coffee...

**One could have asked the late Stanton Friedman. He would have attested to Feschino's extreme due diligence. He posted fore AND aft in all of Feschino's books.

***These would be interior military sites associated with nuclear weapons production and delivery, so capturing official "interest." 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The State Police Facilitate A Cover-up of the "Flatwoods Monster" Incident?


                                                    The Oakland Tribune. Monday, September 15, 1952

The West Virginia State Police 
and the Initial Cover-up of the 
"Flatwoods Monster" Incident 
by Alfred Lehmberg

Shortly after the "Flatwoods Monster" incident occurred, the government began keeping a watchful eye on the events now quickly unfolding in Flatwoods. "Why would that be," we remark with some significant side-eye!

Mrs. Kathleen May told Frank Feschino, Jr., "The amount of people that came up here later the next day [Saturday, Sept. 13] was unbelievable! The National Guard roped off the area at the access road." This was just the beginning. Even now the story pops and sizzles. Erupting flame is justified...

During that day and over the entire weekend droves of newspaper reporters, writers, and curious on-lookers descended upon Flatwoods... to actually existentialize the Fisher Farm place-name where the incident took place, whether they knew it or not! Donald Keyhoe would auspiciously remark later that, "People will remember...".

Meanwhile, intelligence operatives had already put the wheels in motion to begin to diffuse the escalating "monster" story; thought necessary for reasons both reasonable... and for reasons less than reasonable it could be thought? 

Cold War with the Soviets had paranoid military and Government leaders reluctant to survey skies for both Soviet Bombers AND UFOs, eh...? They didn't want people distracted by UFOs when Soviet bombers, festooned with nuclear bombs, were the more pressing issue? 

It remains that there are now well-known presidential orders to shoot UFOs down... (All credit to Feschino) ...rather confirming their existence at all*... and the Government would have wanted one... for more reasons good and bad. ...Only consider, if the reader will:

We'll talk about "ego, pride, arrogance, and hubris" later.

...And given suspicious Agency activities and even property thefts of key evidentiary bits from Flatwoods (one such theft even on our newspaperman and sworn official/first responder A. Lee Stewart!) it is reasonable to presume that information manipulation by the clandestinely operating Government was occurring, and that some of that agency manipulation included working covertly through... the West Virginia State Police

The State Police visited Flatwoods the day after the incident! They also visited nearby Sutton, the county seat of Braxton County during that weekend. Their objective? To shut the locals up! Discourage them, in point of fact, from giving any information to anyone investigating and to debunk the "Flatwoods Monster" incident outright! ...Encourage the disparagement, laughing at, and actively ridiculing the story? Yes.

What were the real motivations for this? We don't know. We can only follow the data, and go where it leads?

Mass Hysteria?

The State Police started claiming, abruptly, that the incident was due to "mass hysteria" and that the damaged craft that the boys saw that night, "was a meteorite." Remember that the "whys" and "hows" of this alleged "meteorite" have been so thoroughly debunked that the concept of it is nothing but entirely risible!

At this point, then, and deliberately, the initial debunking phase of the government's plan was implemented, it seems apparent, and the cover-up of the "Flatwoods Monster" incident began in earnest. Moreover, this cover-up story was used by intelligence officials at Project Blue Book right up until the time the "Flatwoods, West Virginia" case was recorded on one of their "Project 10073 Record Cards." The incident was filed as "case #2078"! It was "evaluated" as: 

"Conclusion: [X] Was astronomical." ...Astronomical... a meteor lingering in the WV skies virtually every minute for over 21 hours... A credulity strainer, for sure! 

No... It might be said here that "conclusions" were not supported by documented evidence, and that the later "Condon Report," as would all UFO studies until just recently, continue to prosecute this unconstructive program of ridicule, mockery, and derision... we'll call it "ufological minimization." Why, one is provoked to ask... again!

The aforementioned Pioneer researcher Donald Keyhoe investigated the Flatwoods incident heavily as we know. He reported the following through his connections in Washington, D.C. 

Keyhoe would say, "I discovered that the Air Force had not ignored the Sutton [Flatwoods] report! To avoid public attention, intelligence had worked through the West Virginia State Police, securing all the details." Well, slam, swoosh, game-over, and let's beat the crowd to the parking lot! 

Keyhoe would add, "...Their check through the state police showed more interest than they had admitted." Ominous music could be cued at this point in our narrative.

One first-person local Jack Davis, who witnessed the damaged "Flatwoods Monster" craft go down that Friday night told Feschino the following about the West Virginia State Police. He reported, "...I was in Sutton and a patrolman by the name of Gumm talked to me a little bit. He expressed to me that any remarks or anything that people might ask about it ["the monster"]...not to give them any information and not to discuss it.Jack Davis indicated the WVSP trooper who spoke to him was insistent he not provide any "legs" for this story.

Davis also encountered state troopers in Flatwoods during this time and reported the following, "They told me just not to discuss it with anyone. They said it was not to be discussed with anyone and not to tell a bunch of tales about something I'd seen that I didn't know anything about. ...That if you couldn't tell them what it was, then you didn't tell them some 'phenomenon tale.' " He added, "I would notice that very, very often they'd come along on rounds and stop at the local stores in the area of Flatwoodsbasically, just in my opinion, to disperse the loafers or whatever you want to call them." The bulls roustin' the woo-woos & looky-loos...

A. Lee Stewart, also indicating this official "discouragement," said the name of the WVSP trooper leaning on him was named, "Corporal Ted Tribbett."

On Sunday, September 14, 1952, the first report of the West Virginia State Police's cover-up involvement, as it can be called, "debunking" the "monster," appeared in "The Charleston Daily Mail" newspaper. That paper's headline read, "Braxton Co. Residents Faint, Become Ill after Run-In With Weird 10-foot Monster.

"Smelly boogieman," indeed... Well, they sure smelled something!

In part, it further read, "However, State Police laughed the reports off as hysteria. They said the so-called monster had grown from seven to 17 feet in 24 hours." Uh... no, it didn't. Everyone knows what the last guy reports in the party-game "Telephone." Corruption and bupkis of the transmitted information will be made inaccurate and distorted in transmission. There's a lesson to be learned.

On Monday, September 15, 1952, the United Press picked up the story and several articles across the country carried the State Police's debunking story. One such article appeared in "The Wheeling News-Register" with the headline, "Metallic Odor Indicates MeteorOfficers Shake Heads Over W. Va. Ogre Tale." Yeah... that's "helpful" where it's not dismissive and insulting. The principals in this affair would endure insult for many years. ...Until Feschino, it is offered. Then some respect would be shown. 

The News-Herald. Franklin, PA. Monday, 
September 15, 1952.

The paper reported, in part, "SUTTON, W.Va. Sept. 15(UP)... Authorities said they believed the 'flying saucer' which Mrs. May's sons saw, was a 'meteorite.' The incident occurred during a meteor shower over a 3-state area." Remember reader, and we reiterate! There were no meteors recorded by skywatchers on the night of September 12, 1952! There was only 21-hours of sustained UFO activity over the United States and in that region..."Summer Of Saucers", remember! That's what people were seeing!

Undeclared air war with ET providing for a UFO's forced landing in Flatwoods? We can only follow the data. 

...But no meteor showers as had been unreported by the perspicacious and duly diligent "meteor nerds" of the time, boy howdy, who were looking into the skies for something, anyway, as a result of the annual ε-Perseid meteor shower of about that time! Still! They recorded no significant meteors or showers.

A virtually unceasing 21 Hours and some minutes of this! Meteor?
They had to call it something, for reasons good and bad!

There were more newspaper examples of the West Virginia State Police's involvement in the initial debunking of the "Flatwoods Monster" case. ...But this would not have been the end of the "story manipulation" by a suspiciously anxious officialdom, a "story manipulation" including the denial of the very existence of military pilots lost in this "ET air war"—violently prosecuted that very night of the 12th—until Feschino ferreted them out... a "story manipulation" only getting more detailed, compelling, and data-rich the more one immerses themselves in it! 

Closing, it remains, reader! There was an extraordinary activity, then, that Feschino has recorded in our human history—the scope of which is so open-ended and serendipitous that it has the potential to rewrite the whole of human history... while wholly enhancing our script on that path forward and beyond, reader... to a more expansive and fulfilling history yet to be writ! That's THIS writer's intuition.

The price? We don't know! We've NEVER known! We reach and try to close our grasp! Though, the reader can bet that a lot of ego, arrogance, pride, and hubris has to be cast aside before that more fulsome path can be realized... 

Isn't that the ZEN? Isn't that the WAY? 

It may be we're not behaving in a manner demonstrating a worthiness for those futures, howsoever they might have been realized. That should be considered. 

Too many times in our hoary, hoary history... have we not believed ourselves to be at the very center of things, be that very center jewel in Creation's crown... ...only to find that the evidence was always irrefutable that we were not? 

We might take a lesson from that? It could bring the saucers down. Until then... buy Feschino's book!
*...Why we don't use the term UAP. See, UFOs are presumed, on reasonable evidence, to be a real thing in a real world with the existentiality of a brick thrown through a plate glass window of a CSIcop commissary... substantial in the corporeal... by definition! UAPs? They don't even have to be there, at all. We won't give a flatulent fat fiddler for the UAP, only by what is there in the real world... whatever THAT turns out to be. We're going to stop taking Zebras, up close on a clear sunny day, for probable horses only misidentified by the misleading, the gullibly misled, and the mentally ill. 

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression &qu...