My words are mere expression, but they strip my thinking bare; they make me take the time one needs to think those thoughts with "hair." Too, I don't care a tittle or a wink that they might rhyme, they're like true wings on which I soar, to starry reaches climb!
Why, I'd wear "hair shirts" to feel like this; I'd use illegal drugs. The feeling's indescribable! It trumps the pleasure plug! Though, all it is, is words we use to to prosecute our dreams, those dreams in turn are rendered into fact by extant means. ...And then it is we do take wing... to soar and cleave like birds... a wondrousness we make ourselves from memes of import: words.
Unrestrained, I beat these wings to kiss a shining face, then crash on through to wheel or turn and wander time and space!
Consciousness is where it's at! It's the language of the soul. It PROVIDES completeness of a type not bought or sold! Yes, there's MORE than "white bread" in the thoughts that leap and fly as they push the sullen air around to seek a sentient sky!
...And yes, our sky is sentient, friend; these skies would know themselves and will use an individual to expand their mental wealth. There IS a life unending, timeless spaces without end, and DREAMING is the path to it; it's real I contend! It's not about the ego and its way: precluding joy... forfeiting all happiness so itself it might enjoy. It never does achieve that joy; of course it can't, you see? The ego is, yes, unaware; what's best in life... is free.
Don't accept our "worthlessness," that God's the color "white"—that we must live upon our knees and keep them clasped and tight! Don't accept their disrespect—be so easily abused. Heed not their admonitions that you're uninformed—confused. See, culture's, frankly, not your friend. It's bastardized—contrived. It's got us in their crosshairs, and for them? It's us despised
You? You are what
they're after, friend, the essence that they seek!
It's why they toil to keep you down, beholden, kept, and meek. You're
strong! See, that's what scares them and they know, friend, if
you knew... you'd string 'em up, piano wired, to rend them
bone and
See, we are what they're after, friends! We're energy's refrain! We are what they've used to keep *reality* in constraints! It's us, friend, having power for to stave off "preying swine," if we link our arms in Unions where a nation's STRENGTH resides!
So, where is truth before you then? A carrot on a stick? You're prey for busy predators who use you—scabrous pricks! Smirking up their privileged sleeves and smiling at your plight they put you on slave's wages that you cannot live on, right?
Too, you are
sick if you believe we're
more than
just one race! You are
sick if you believe that Christians make their case. You are
sick if you believe that Muslims
honor peace, you are
sick if you believe that
Jews should simple cease.
You are sick if you believe: that we should live in castes! That's never been our birthright, man, that we should keep to "class"! We are individuals and cells of just one mind; it's stronger individuals provide the better kind!
Now, take the individuals we have upon our sphere, and they're those cells composing mind we'd find, too, FAR from here! The galaxy's a single mind (?), but it in turn's a cell, a mind of ALL those galaxies is ringing God's own bell!
We're our "gods" and "devils," then. We ARE what we would think. We make up our reality, friend! That thought should make you blink! We're distilling "objectry" from idle thoughts we've had, from plowshares to atomic bombs and that's astounding ...mad!
We're, ourselves, the universe! We live to know our heart. That heart is universal, and us? Regarded parts!
The "micro" is the "macro" in that endless circle found. Too, just what that might mean, I'm sure, is more than most profound. Sensed, it TANTALIZES, though at best I'm just a mote... not knowing what I'm seeing while I'm gazing down the future's throat...
Though, far beyond the "rightists" well entrapped by ego's snare, those corrupted individuals with a psychopathic flare—those who should remove themselves, despoilers of the rest, who write the rules to suit themselves—the authors of our mess!
...And we've a "mess" that we produce by living in denial. We ignore the bounty of an EFFICACIOUS trial. We would make our peace with that... which causes only LOSS! We would war with weapons making psychopaths our boss! We would war against the truth to keep it in the dark and ALL to suit those *Priests* and *Kings* who profit plainly! Hark!
A subtle change in attitude is all we really need! Let's get that barrel rolling and usurp those jealous thieves! We are what we wish to be! The free will's ever ours! We're the God we worship and we have those god-like powers!
See, "times they are a changin'," but then more than Dylan thought. There are changes in the offing just as sure as sure is not! We're about to find out that there's more than we could know... in a thousand, million lifetimes found in time's near endless flow. We might seek the other cells that make the mind of God, and use their flying saucers to depart our cruel facade.
We begin adventure of a type to raise the spirit! We propose a future with a better music! Hear it?
We begin a method that portends a second stage where we elevate our senses as we turn the cosmic page! We are only *stardust*, but the kind that's self-aware! We are ALL the universe, and so not at all that rare. We are part and parcel; we're a path to study self; we're a thing that thinks those things! We're in and of ourselves!
These words are mere expression, but they help my thinking clear; they make me take the time I need to think these thoughts sans fear. "And I don't care a tittle or a wink that they must rhyme, they are the wings with which I'd soar, to starry reaches climb."
I'd give both nuts to feel like this (!), get beaten up by thugs! The feeling's—indescribable! Behold! Cognition's drugs! Unconfined I soar and cleave, but kiss a shining face, then burst on through and wheel or turn to surf on time and space!
Hey. "A reach must exceed grasp, or what's a heaven for, eh"? [g]. Though, back at the ranch, your humble protagonist shamelessly continues to soar and cleave in the early morning hours (of time bestowed) beneath a fretful, overcast, and strangely depopulated sky...
Heavy sigh...
As the crow flies, ponder a
recently admitted "
similarity across scale." Take a hologram in a brittle glass pane... then shatter it into a million, million pieces. Each glittering fragment, no matter how small, contains a suggestion of the complete un-shattered image found in the whole, but with only a fraction of the original detail—
so a lot fuzzier or less resolved. Still,
there, eh?
Not surprisingly, and in a similar manner, we ourselves may be "whole" as a species only in a similar cooperation of our energies! We achieve, last, and endure "magically," apparently, only in a synergistic aggregate greater than the sum of our parts and in complete opposition to entropy! To what end is that power contrived, if so, and who or what does the aggregate contriving?
Most, having no idea at all, would promptly reply, "God." Why? Because the "bought-in" and exorbitant dues paying have laid it out that way for you and instruct you to validate THEIR faith, or else? That's pretty much it.
OkOkOk... sure: Resolved, we have to cooperate to be a society of persons... of course... "gatherings" of persons are necessary to maintain a progressive and efficacious civilization... though beware the slippery slope to the individual taken for granted!
See, the individual does not (or should not — MUST not!) get lost in this cooperation! Indeed, that "aggregate" humanity is a chain as STRONG as the links composing it—as CLEAR a picture as the quality of individual pixels making the picture up. Strong links make better chains, and sharp pixels provide for informative pictures of infinite detail. The efficacy of the single individual becomes apparent and obvious!
See? The individual is key on MANY levels across scale because they are where singular IDEAS occur; that is where the quality of service rendered to society occurs. Quality individuals conflate to quality aggregates or more effective teams. This suggests and even demands a fundamental respect for the individual, but I digress.
Consider, each human brain is composed of many fatty nerve cells, and the quality of each cell (quality measured as the number of solid connections it makes with OTHER nerve cells forgetting that cell's presumed health) dictates the strength of cognition and clarity of that individual human's cognition and constructive self-reflection. Many cells, then, must cooperate for a synergistic whole of completeness... and real power. The better the cooperation the greater the power. No one would argue this even as they discount same.
This is the power coveted by the "leadership." The better the quality of each cell the better the brain—demonstrating the individual to be key even at the cellular level? I suspect so.
...But, even with that exponential leap of this cellular collective, this is just one finite human, the key component, to be sure, but, like the individual brain cell or pixel itself, a too tenuous spark—a wink or an effervescence if you will—a base self-awareness with a chance "beginning" much too close to its untimely "end." The individual human is the smallest component of the comparatively ageless humanity. The cell may die, will die, but the body lives on. The body may die, will die, but the RACE lives on. The race may die, but... on and on. For what purpose? There _is_ one, of course. Earth has wolves because it has sheep, eh?
There's no time when consider anything, individually. No, there must be two, and THEN only because THAT might suggest three, or thirty, or three hundred... or three billion. Numbers like the latter suggest an immortality of a sort, or at least a spark of self-awareness with more duration than a mere blink. It remains the singularity of the "idea" is singular. Ideas are produced singularly by singular individuals.
Human brains "cooperate" via language (the mechanism of continuity)—with its predictable technology—to compose a hyper-brain capable of the most wondrous feats of intellect and industry! Taken for granted is the individual brain making it up. Ships, satellites, or shuttles and all that these suggest... but, humanity: an enduring spark of continuing self-awareness built up stone by stone into a demonstrated synergy of consenting—if not so contented—cells. Remembering that we could be a touch more contented in the aggregate sense; let's kick THIS up a level.
Perhaps that hyper-brain of aggregate humanity is itself a cell in a *galactic* hyper-brain of even greater magnitude which is then, astonishingly, in turn ITSELF: just a cell to be collected with the galactic cells of all the billions of other galaxies combined... into some grand-super-hyper, *cosmic* intellect... the universe attempting to know itself? An undeniable "Similarity Across Scale" shows that such may very well be so. Shattering that hologram alluded to earlier, remember... is you, reader.
The mind of God? Hey—who's to know? I'm constrained to play the cards I'm dealt down here on this end in as intelligent, imaginative, and as satisfying a manner as I can. Who can pretend to know the mind, forgetting that its very essence might well be carried, aware of it or not, in each little slice of self awareness, each little mote of consciousness down to you and me in the same fashion as the shattered hologram above. The reader is God, not to hone the point too fine! Thanks, reader!
Rather makes each of us God on some level, doesn't it? All of us together (and those beyond)? God assuredly!
I see what we've accomplished as a species in even a varnished history, and I'm rewarded (comparatively) DAILY with the fruits of that cooperation; that synergy—which could be SO much better given an attitude change—occurring on THIS individual spark of self-awareness even as you read these words... ...is what the writer hopes!
I also see the evidence of synergy on an individual level as diverse persons, unnamed but significant, come together in "AlienViews" ONLY as a result of the aforementioned synergy, become more than the sum of our parts, and make a substantive contribution in the struggle for realizing a "real deal" (truth) we sense, but cannot yet see, reach for, but cannot yet grasp...
I additionally see and accept that there are extraterrestrial intelligences—likely complimenting any intelligence found terrestrially—and further allow that we can extend the fact of synergistic cognition to them, also, for a galactic demonstration of "two heads [or more] are better than one." Why not?
…Galaxies begin to be seen as cells of refined cognition contributing to a universal mind striving passionately to know ITSELF... ...still something less than God, it seems. God, one would think, would know; of needs GOD would know, one would think. [g]. Such is the omnipotence expected of "He who hangs the stars in the night sky like lanterns," eh?
Together, though, we might secure and insure the righteous success of each, and improve the lot of each individual as much as we are able! That seems the only reasonable... ...take pains not to screw each other over for a percentage!
We could endeavor to let our success be measured proportionate to how much respect we have for one another on an individual level, and also proportionate to the sincerity of cooperation with one another we presently lack. Theres a "formula" in there I can't quite suss out... do unto others?
Persons of strength and wisdom DO accomplish great (god-like!) things, but only in the synergistic aggregate and with the support of other persons adding their INDIVIDUAL WILL to the enterprise, forgetting that each can—and should—avail themselves of those god-like powers precipitating to which they contribute. In a small way that's reasonable redistribution of wealth that will occur no other way. Usury used to be punishable by death.
Now THERE'S an alien view. Strong individuals provide for stronger teams which provide even stronger individuals. The circle of increasing power! Learn it, know it, live it! [g].
Don'tcha feel the very general *acceleration* folks? We, the conscious motes at AlienViews might (?), but I certainly do. Yea and verily! Read on!
Restore John Ford!