
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Odd Observation #9

An Eyeful...

I was still on "Central Time" and physically sick as that proverbial freaking dog.  Miserably, I fought waves of nausea as I keyed my words, trying to reacquaint with "Pacific time" out in Anderson, California.  It was likely the fault of something I picked up on the plane ride out from Alabama... or perhaps just the result of being in one of those positions in your life when you found yourself standing on the "lip of oblivion" with a seriously ill loved one... and confronting a suddenly very real and insistent sense of your personal mortality.  

Still, they fly.

I would of necessity blow off an insignificant summary of sightings (a mere prosaic report on the non-prosaic?) given my prevailing existential considerations, but this morning's multiple sighting was so noteworthy I'm compelled to get on it right away, regardless.  I had six separate sightings of these "aerial peculiarities" this morning between 04:20 and 04:50, and all centered on the 96007 zip code of my mother's home.  Make of that what you will.

Each moved at speeds dissimilar to the others.  Each had a unique appearance with regard to color and magnitude and the variance of those things.  Each (save one) was at least as bright as a star of zero magnitude. Each varied their track as they progressed across a very bright star field, forgetting that the equally eminent waning moon (low in elevation to the south) detracted somewhat from the quality of the sky's "North California" clarity.  Finally, each of them raised the hair on the back of my neck despite my nagging illness, an aching head, and the seriousness of my personal situation... All in all a puzzling collection of peculiar crawling lights NOT explained by reference to NASA's "J-Pass," fellow travelers... not to put too fine a point on it.

To the details…

The first light blinked on one degree to the right of Arcturus (the guard of the great dipper bear), in auspicious serendipity!  As I was watched that star progressed to the southeast, briskly, at a speed of one degree a second.  It "meandered" slightly to and fro (up and down?) on that track and was an unwavering "cream" color as bright as brightest Sirius.  After it traveled about 50 degrees, it blinked out.  So it began.

The second light, first noticed as it shambled through the Great Bear, headed generally South-southeast, was slightly brighter and whiter than the first sighting, and almost slowed to a stop, directly overhead, before continuing on!  At its fastest, it traveled about one degree every three seconds, but its speed wavered from dead slow (one degree in five or six seconds) to the aforementioned, predominate, speed.  It traveled about 60 degrees before it dimmed to a point where it could no longer be seen.  This sighting occurred at 04:25.

I was back from refilling my coffee cup about 04:35 when I noticed the third light, a bright and unwavering white "blanch" as brilliantly challenging as Jupiter directly overhead, heading West southwest on an unwavering track, and traveling at a speed of one degree in two seconds.  Abruptly, another silent orb blinked on about five degrees to the right (north) of the initial light!  

The newly appearing light paralleled the speed and track of the preceding light for about fifteen seconds, then (have I mentioned the dead quiet of this North California morning?) it astonishingly slowed (perhaps the lead object sped up?), and fell into a "following" position in direct trail... They continued in this fashion until they both disappeared in the west about 30 degrees elevation.  The sighting would have fluttered even Phil Klass' dead ufological putterguarenteed!

The fifth light appeared at 04:40. It was as strident as an insulted Venus (just below Polaris) and steamed along at a steady degree a second. It sailed, grandly imperious, on a track of due south until it got too dim to see.  It blinked off, oddly, as it traveled in a very regular manner (for about five seconds) and reappeared where it would be predicted to appear by any, remotely trained, observer.  A former Master Aviator for the Army, I am at least that.

This signifies the regularity of the object's flight (about 90 degrees total) while doing little to underline the oddness of the too long blink.  It performed this weird blinking regularity three times. The hue of the object was a rich cream color.  Field glasses, incidentally, yielded orbs in all cases, already mentioned in this report iteration and yet to be mentioned... not the light-points of focused stars in the star field back-dropping these objects or aircraft lights... self-illuminating orbs.

The final sighting of the morning (at 04:50) was a dim Tinkerbell's dash of abrupt reddish quickness, about a magnitude or two, and was first noticed in the belly of the great bear on an azimuth of about 350 degrees and 45 degrees elevation while shooting easterly at a speed of three or four degrees a second.  It moved too quickly to get my glasses on it and feeling already quite well served with regard to the morning's cornucopia of sightings, I didn't even try… Summation: In the real world, if one "looks" (?), one "sees."

It was quite a morning for "satellite" observation, fellow motes, forgetting that these objects were off the prediction schedule of NASA's "J-Pass", and overlooking their described wavering magnitudes of speed, color, and direction... additionally dismissing that they were flying in apparent formation (on line through echelon right to trail, in at least one case...) ...Quite an invigorating morning, indeed...

...Wait a minute...

...Something has a more clever dominion of these clear California skies than we have, and that dominion is well off the beaten path of accepted mainstream experience... if one but takes the time to look up, reader!  Regardless, I can appreciate that one is hard-pressed to find the time for such apparently fruitless activity. Though, how "fruitless" is the activity, really?

The activity is actually gravid with fruit! Not so astonishingly, the individual is best served by the perception of this larger reality!  Our 21st-century potentials of limitless clean power and unending efficacious life are a testament to the realized perception of those 'larger' realities.  We live the lives of gods (if a sub-lower case "g"), many of us (many that live in the first and second worlds anyway), to even the elite human beings (High Priests and Kings) of just a few hundred years agotruly.  We owe our boon of usefully expansive human experience to our courageous (individual) embrace of that very real larger realitya reality presently (and very suspiciously) denied us by the conflicted and reptilian mainstream.

That larger reality is, of necessity, outside the bounds of official comfort, external to the box of "accepted" conjecture, and beyond the limit of an officious status quo.  It always has been. Nevertheless, just as always, one finds it necessary to move beyond the barriers, establish new frontiersset new limits.  Such is growth.  To fail to grow is to die, I suspect.

Besides, who is best served by adherence to the limitations of these suffocating comforts, convenient conjectures, and stunted status quos?  Who profits as the reader is distracted from the larger reality, actually in existence, by a well-orchestrated and contrived threat to personal survival, comfort, and happiness?  Not the harried reader, I would bet, borrowing against a harried Peter to pay the ominous Paul, and actually sacrificing health and family to provide for suffering same, in many cases... as a function of the "trusted" cultural mechanism, ironically.  I don't know.  The acceleration, of all things, continues...

...But look up, good readeron an abundance of different levels!in an attempt to see these things that I describe (?), and the reader shall see these things, be reassured that there is a larger reality and that that reality points to greater self-worth, greater self-respect, and greater self-awareness than an individual has generally been privy to in all of recorded history!  Yes!  

We are blessed in cursed times!

Out of these greater advances come greater potential for self-actualization, greater personal satisfaction, and positive individual contribution beyond the jealous boundaries of the "accepted" cultural boxbecause stronger individuals are able to make ever greater contributions to the grander cultural team!  Additionally, this hope continues unabated as long as there is hope for synergy (the whole greater than the sum of parts) or the elevating results of the strength and power always found beyond the sum of an effort's modest, though seeming unimportant, nonessential parts...

Individuals, understand, transcend the essential! Individuals decide the essential. Individuals create the essential!  "Nothing or nobody" has power but that it has a pack of passionate individuals behind it. "Nothing or nobody…"  

Ominouslythis includes that deity of any case or faith.  Likely, that deity alluded to is merely an idea manufactured by the powerful to do the powerful's bidding.  The individual is always key.  Consider the weakest link in the otherwise powerful chain...

...Still, something flies in unknown skies, while my now departed Mom, asleep on her bed behind me, seemed to be doing a little better that day…

Butthat's enough.  I would be watching California skies during that time.  I expected to get an eye-full.  I did! 

And as I can appreciate that the harried reader is hard pressed to find the necessary time to do the arduous watching (?), I'll gladly watch for both of us.  It's my job.

Read on!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Heaven’s Gate Bunch

I'm instructed on something via the Heaven’s Gate bunch. Those shedding "containers," having *kool-aid* with "punch"? Eschewing whacked-off testicles—self-disgust was that complete—they'd found their lives revolting, too, so they whacked themselves for freaks!
I understand our Applewhite had issues with his "gayness"... He'd imagined he was *dirty* ... he'd felt futile, false, and heinous? I suspect that he'd been twisted by his erstwhile *education*, that panoply of warped ideas from parents, schools, and nation.
But from where is this disgust for what is "physical" truly from? From where would come, perforce, ideas so... ...I can only call them dumb! Tell me, please, the provenance of such senselessness as this! Why's the "Fundy" counsel hatred for the world which "exists"!
Is sex, too complicated, a dark-side twisted thing? Best a chemical castration or a rubber de-balling ring? Is sex evil, a beguiler to corrupt immortal souls? Or has it been so twisted by ourselves, imprudent scolds.
The irony is: for persons in... ...*orgasm's* brief release? Your system of immunity improves! Combats disease! Yes! Your body is more able; its defenses, more complete; your health is more robust, my friend—you’re lighter on your feet! It's not, you see one's getting off that qualify's the act, it getting up the proving that its healthfulness is fact.
Your *plumbing* gets good exercise, along with one fine *treat*. Your "meat's" invigorated; I should say it can't be beat. Done right, it's so refreshing; it's far from staid and sundry... ...And tell the truth, after every time, aren’t ya’ just a little hungry?
"The earth is foul", and "comes from Satan," our "passion is our curse"? To show respect to Gaia "is the road to hell, or worse"? Frogs and bees or water birds are malicious—wanton liars? "God's will, will still provide for us"... just for singing in his choirs?!
Well, I've tried, but I can't think so, and I think it's you in slime if you think your God would move an inch to cover for you, swine. Biblical "dominion" means tyrant and food-waster? No. Not dominion... stewardship ... earth-lover, friend... care-taker!
...See, why are we revolted by our connection to the animals? They were here before us; their's are the longer annals! They've lived in nature's harmony, without a single sin, while we have lived far fewer years—and we wallow sin, my friend!
I revel I’m a mammal! It is joy that I am feeling! It's right that one's an activist for environmental healing. Whack off my own testicles because it's them the cause of trouble? Well show me why, but prove what’s gained, then blow your nose a bubble!
I see the evil process that's alive in Christian "rectitude." I see that it’s dissembling—disaffected evil attitude. There’s disrespect abundant as tradition in that line—it’s found in wanton, selfish greed, and how they've spoiled our minds.
We are told from stunted birth, "the world’s a deceiver." The Christian right works furiously to make you that *believer*. Yet they're draining all the wetlands that would keep the land from flooding, and when it floods? These dance and sing... these keep our "trees" from budding!
Embrace the world as your mother, as she’s the womb from which you come. She feeds you from her earthen breasts, yet to hatred you'd succumb? Accept your mad existence must exceed what's been "allowed"! As she perceives it ... your real value? Why, you daily move your bowels!
Woe to man or woman who would place themselves too high. “If it's my golf-game over fishes? Then some fish are going to die!”
If it's bad as you keep sayin’, Lehmberg, they’d be takin’ serious steps!” ...So, then I ask you softly, "...would they? ...you poor, naïve—dumb—schlep"?
Where did it get the Heaven's Gate bunch—those who crapped-out on the rest of us swilling kool-aid poison punch. It’s not "sex" or the "world" that’s the problem, at all. It’s disrespect for *Mother*, and it's this must cause our fall.


Where does our disrespect for the Earth come from? Oh, I know that western civilization has avoided spiritual humility since Aristotle demonstrated his arrogant —and errant imo— break from Plato. ...But, wait a minute!
What can we possibly hope to gain by ignoring the unsettling if non-verbal communications of this planet! These are non-verbals and intimations unsettling in a context of disrespect only breeding resentment. The Earth is moving on... with us or without us. ...We've not been good tenants lately.
You know... I suspect that plucked right from our imaginations we could "uncover" a self-fulfilling prophecy of disaster, lose control of dangerous atomic toys and un-cage vicious little man-made bugs capable of wiping out a quarter of the world's population literally overnight...Pessimistic... but consider the flip side. eh?
The flip side is that an imaginational uplifting and a perceived optimism can also be plucked from imagination, eh? Reach exceeds grasp... but trains it, too, so one can feel it even if one can't hold it. Feeling is the provenance of holding. To discount feeling is to discount sense. To discount sense is to discount wisdom and sensibility. No, your "dreamer" has a spot every bit as key as the one to realize those dreams. First was the idea, it remains.
The former more negative imaginational plucking alluded to? Those are only the wages of disrespect we pay one another; those are the wages of treating your "mother" like a least favorite property; those are the wages of failing to cop to obvious social responsibility. These are the wages for throwing stuff out of your freaking car! They are just wages.
I think this is at the root of the big problem I have with, I apologise, insentient homocentrics: tedious shallow-drafters, forgive me, who won't think beyond the false promise of their own "majesty," reader, as a favorite of a misunderstood and make-believe God—a jewel in that God's crown at the minimum even—and oh... ...oh...oh ...so undeservedly if ironically impressed with his own logic, his own method, his own process, his own measurement, his own mechanism, his own facile and ill canted faith... ...and himself. That he is the "measure of all things" and "paramount in existence." It sometimes seems pride demands its fall.
Then the fall looms for real, reader. All pride fled on ready heels, humankind has once again its useful humility, found! There is much moaning and gnashing of teeth.

No, Applewhite, above, and the Heaven's gate crowd only manifests the disease all humans endure: the cognitive dissonance brought about as a result of the struggle between a culture inflicted on the individual and the individual's own "felt presence of the moment..." iow not able to square pleasure and punishment of needs and very likely contrary. That one in one hundred endures incarceration in the U.S. may be an indicator of the preceding.
Consider, "culture is not your friend." It exists only to facilitate and perpetuate itself. See, it might be that "Heaven's Gate" was only a collateral damage of that facilitated and unsettling perpetuation of that obstreperous culture. Is culture at its best? I offer, no.
No, we might sneer at naught but ourselves, reader, but pity the miserable and misdirected futility of a misinformed Applewhite and crowd, betrayed by the reflex ceremony and the contrived tradition of the society conditioning them and then made psychotic by the cognitive dissonance so imposed. ...Seems pretty unnecessary.
Read on.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Odd Observation #8

...And still they flew. Almost invisible, the dimmest of dim white stars, it took 15 seconds to travel three degrees around 04:20 central one morning in an unvarying track and speed... 

Noticed at about 60 degrees elevation due North, it was observed with and without field-glasses to fly from the angered North to the troubled South down to an elevation of about 30 degrees before it got too dim to see... even with off-center viewing. It traveled about 90 degrees total, then, passing directly overhead. 

It was seemingly oblivious to the teapot tempests occurring beneath it on the ground: short-term affronts and petty jealousies carousing like plankton or a gene swarm in a tepid tide poolbeneath the over flyer's concern, consideration, or even contempt.  


It will fly without regard to its denial and dismissal.  It would have other "fish to fry." A digression.

The satellite tracking data I use via NASA is an attempt to separate the ufological wheat from prosaic chaffathere is a desire to reference as incontrovertible as possibleand has already been mentioned in this series of observations.  It remains that J-Pass  may use some indeterminate, suggestive, and  manipulative inside language which might be a hurdle to the lay interested.  

This piece regards the perhaps purposed cant of that language to a degree.  Where is authority ever benign?

Alternatively, I suggest the employment of some imaginative and very clever JAVA applications one's otherwise advised they can use for personal sighting predictions. These applications can presently give a God's eye view of hundreds of man-made objects in orbit around the Earth.

Back to NASA, it asked, and rather disingenuously: "...Ever see a light moving across the night sky and wonder if it's an airplane or a spacecraft (or even a UFO)?"

OK, full stop. Words are the very fabric of our aggregate intellectual capacity and civilization, the reproducible stuff of dreams past and present, and equally employable as paintbrush, tool, and weapon. Mere words are, truly, the tap-root of real  magic to come... consider the "words" are "said"... and technological powers of a demi-god can manifest for anyone in the existential real world! But I digress... 

As an interested employer of words, I wonder what is really being communicated in the, certainly, dulcet if stealthy tones from space-poppa NASA. Do the words ask the reader if they think they're seeing UFOs? Do they offer a more agreeable and parsimonious suggestion for what the observer must *really* be seeing?  In Other Words. The benign. The prosaic. ...Stuff WE put up there, exclusively?!

Does NASA language hide a tiny misdirecting smirk with its mention of UFOs, or does it leave the possibility open?  I'd opt for the smirk.

I offer that NASA would be predictedbased on its observed past performanceto employ that former. Left to consider; however, is the latter, which the reader can benefit from if the reader so chooses.  NASA continued in their site narrative:

"Many people enjoy satellite watching as a fun hobby, and you can join them using J-Pass. Using your location and the latest available tracking data, J-Pass can predict the times a satellite will pass overhead, and even give you a chart showing the path of the craft through your sky. Whether you're interested in seeing the International Space Station, Mir, a favorite category of satellites such as Amateur craft, or just any manmade craft, J-Pass can help you plan your viewing." [sic]

What's going on here, really? Are we being protected by our 'doting' institutions or are they protecting themselves, insuring themselves, or profiting themselves at our expense... this goes as deep and as high as one wants to look, I suspect. Things are not as they appear. This becomes clearer as we continue.

I had been using this "J-Pass" satellite data program for around 18 months, and I had yet to see but the odd predicted satellite, shuttle, or station fly-over. This is not to say that it is impossible, just that satellites, shuttles, and stations can be very difficult to see. 

On the flip side, this is how the reader can use the J-Pass program to cut through some of the "official" smoke and fog (...that's "smog" isn't it...). The reader can pretty quickly survey the data and get an idea what they *could* be seeing, and then check that against what they have been seeing. Do the sets match? I'd bet NOT, more than so. 

Mine certainly didn't.

If the reader spends significant time outside trying to match these two data sets, two things are likely to happen. One, they are going to see some passingly and highly strange sh-t in the sky, guaranteed, and two, they are not going to be able to pronounce it all away as "object de' man-made"! 

That's the best use of NASA's program, ironically: to dismantle the ignorance that our institutions publicly decry but must privately foment for undisclosed reasons of their own. Data owes no allegiance, see. It is truly a sword cutting both ways. Data provided to "dismiss" can many times be turned, righteously, into data able to "prove."

Am I seeing UFOs? I'd have to say, "probably." 

Satellites, shuttles, and stations don't fly in formation. Satellites, shuttles, and stations don't vary their speed and track. Satellites, shuttles, and stations don't vary their color and brightness (not like ~I've~ witnessed) and shoot wide dim rays of colored light. Satellites, shuttles, and stations don't make 90-degree turns, spit red glitter, or flit and strobe in one location.  Satellites, shuttles, and stations won't astonish my mouth incredulously open, pique my rational (even scientific) interest, or provoke these essays. No!  UFOs are doing that.

That's enough. I know it's tough to swallow any of this when there are a thousand natural shocks contrived in our everyday lives to vex and confuse us and one specious distraction after another to muddle and confuse, but watch the skies if you've time and inclination. It's ongoing and nightly evidence of the certainty of the wider reality, the reality we're being so assiduously "protected from." My intuition is that it is the protectors from which one might be protected.

You might as well watch it.  It's watching you. That admission that it's watching changes everything, and that's why it's so hard to admit.  Still, every child must admit to growth and changing experience. No child expects to remain in an overcrowded crib... No child expects to be a child in a protected space indefinitely forever.  Who would want to?  Childhood sucked for the vast, vast majority, and I say this assuring the reader that I had a passably good one.  Do read on!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful...

10 Reasons Why Homosexual “Marriage” is Harmful so Must be Opposed... ...and ten reasoning rebuttals to same!

1. It Is Not Marriage!!!

That sounds like an opinion.  Not a considered, learned, or supported one, but one that cherry picks debated scripture to support personal feelings and attitudes based on conjectures as fallacious as they are unsupported and as mean spirited as they are hateful.  Opinions can ape an anal pore!

2. It Violates Natural Law!!!

Not at all. Actually, it validates it.  It is the expression of a biological imperative coded into hardwires of genetic existentiality, and it is every bit as valid as the imperative to eat or have ANY kind of sex between consenting adults and seen, moreover, everywhere else in the biological world from fruit flies to Rick Santorum.

3. It Always Denies a Child Either a Father or a Mother!!!

No! It encourages both, and!  Forgetting the uninformed, ignorant, abusive, and even toxic living conditions that too many children find in the associations of heterosexuals, studies of gay parents indicate that their "children," (many times ones that heteros didn't want) are more well adjusted than their hetero peers perhaps because they're more driven to better parentage... perhaps because it's so much easier to have their children taken away.

4. It Validates and Promotes the Homosexual Lifestyle!!!

Forgetting for a moment that gay people come from these same straight people, what could be wrong about the acceptance of biological imperative alluded to above as wholly pragmatic, the end of baseless hatred and  one-sided violence, and any reduction to toxic bigotries only the province of suspect religious tight-asses, the gay self-loathing, and mouth breathing nose-bubblers... but I repeat myself.

5. It Turns a Moral Wrong into a Civil Right!!!

No.  It defines the very soul and spirit of a civil right.  One has a RIGHT to avail themselves of the liberty to love whom they will, engage in a union of lawful activities between consenting adult persons, and have that union respected in a progressive state and society.  Anything else is unconstitutional tyranny and pointed out, so far, by the Supreme Courts of many states.

6. It Does Not Create a Family but a Naturally Sterile Union!!!

A facile non-point... As pointed out above gay families can be superior in the aggregate, do everything a non-gay family does, and this is forgetting that a union is a union, is a union, and will _remain_ a union without regard to the inability to produce children (produce issue)... except for the ones abandoned by hetero parent as outlined above.  One presumes that hetero but sterile couples should be similarly castigated!

7. It Defeats the State’s Purpose of Benefiting Marriage!!!

What a steaming pile of presumptive  zero sum argle-bargle.  The purpose of a state is to be kept free of religious proclivities because those proclivities are based on a very suspect and untested faith, a faith that most are not comfortable sharing because that faith is not scientific, logical, likely, or sensibly supported.  On the contrary, it is many times hypocritical and entirely risible where it is patently authoritarian and unjustly unilateral.  We need MORE marriage and less discrimination of same.

8. It Imposes Its Acceptance on All Society!!!

No... see, that is just so way out of line!  That's what the odious critics of homosexuality do!  These claim a moral high ground and demand to be the state and society's default arbiter.  These DEMAND that it's their  imprimatur that is impressed on society.  Gays just want to exist without fear, social or physical.  You'd have them deny their own existence as a matter of social course or endure that fear.  Gays impose nothing.  Sexual bigots impose on the homosexual's very existence!  

9. It Is the Cutting Edge of the Sexual Revolution!!!

You say that like it's a bad thing.  It remains that contraceptives and real information regarding sexual matters would put a torpedo WELL below the waterline of overpopulation, unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted disease, and ABORTION ironically enough.  Sexual bigots are AGAINST contraception and the science of information.  A reasonable person might conclude that these sexual bigots decrying homosexuality are FOR overpopulation, FOR unwanted pregnancies, FOR sexually transmitted disease, and FOR ABORTION! 

10. It Offends God!!!

Not my God!  My God celebrates the courage of the gay man or woman to BE the persons SHE MADE THEM TO BE!  No... it's not gays who are the problem here.  It is the person thoughtlessly opposed and willing to inculcate ignorant, diseased, and unnatural social mores as correct behavior sanctioned and sanctified... but without a capacity to understand their ignorance, aptitude to accept a colorful humanity, ability to incorporate new information, or skill to recognize their hypocrisy!  I resent, reject and revile these moronic and insentient sexual bigots!

The evil some perceive is but their own reflection in a cracked mirror of their own revolting and ironically self-loathing narcissism.  These should step off, away, and down where appropriate. Posted.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

The AlienView

The Alien View
by Alfred Lehmberg

...The Alien View. The view that takes the "you" out of the equation. Oh yes and verily, fellow traveler, it'll put a *spell* of sedition on you! ...And you know what it is about sedition!
Right! That an "alternative" offered is an attractive one or the sedition could not be able to seduce!  Why, it could even be intelligently preferred to one's culture extant as a "choice of better practice."  Though that's not the point... even as it is exactly the point, confusingly! This alternative remains to be contrary to the intestinally impacted status quo presently endured.  This is the nadir of things... whatever that status quo's inferiority, malfeasance, or duplicity... howsoever obvious is same!  Are we not obliged to criticize disingenuous culture?
Of course, we are!  That, or we'd still be tilling three-field rotations on land we could never own while waiting for the stingy largess of the manor lord and his arrogant sons to ride down and make sport with our daughters!  Stow that!
Concurrently, compared to the rest of the world the US sucks up a *share* of world resources that, by far and away, exceeds what it gives back to... well, anything, or anybody, frankly, even its own, lately... but for the aforementioned privileged few—that ironic vast minority
The world pays so we can play! Why, we Americans should incur more rank enmity, pay a higher and higher price for complacency as that goes on, and have. ...And shall it would seem.  It's time for a new approach.
Indeed, we must likely, if righteously, pay a premium—remembering benign leftist Governments in Central and South America the United States usurped to favor true murdering monsters of the right-wing—for disrespecting the rest of the world as much as we have. Verily, by any sensible measure, we have so disrespected same.  
I digress further, but that the disrespect parlayed for the third and fourth worlds, now prosecuted for decades, creeps back even to our own sovereign shores to the least of us: we the, even thrifty, aged, the destitute young, the vast majority of the chronically unemployed, the uninsured, the unquestionably ill and infirm, the walking wounded precipitated by thirty years of unbridled corporate predation, thievery, and craven psychopathic soullessness.
Back at the ranch, though at the root of that soullessness?  Try not to laugh. See, that's really just a whistle passed a graveyard.  Take a deep breath and remember that the reader is but filthy rags as viewed by one's even trivial "ideal."  He who'd hang the stars like lamps in the night sky is by no means remotely impressed with our finest works.
The readerand this writerhave earned the right to laugh at nothing... given the aggregate expression of the average alluded to resembles so many monkeys having carnal knowledge of footballs. 
That's being fair.
Resolved: America should be leading humankind's effort in the matter of "ufological disclosure," (howsomever expressed even that it might raise one's bile) but remains, in fact, its biggest hurdle. We provide other hurdles to the rest of the World's... ...exsqueeze me—"ufological disclosure"?
Do I detect a smirk? Remember it; that is my sole admonition...
See, if you lived over a guy with a bad headache, would you continue to practice your tap dancing or jackhammer sculpture? The Alien View observes that many of us are doing just that. Indeed, even presume a right to continue to do so... Don't pretend to wonder what I'm talking about; just answer the question.
I would just as soon, not, for myself. See, I do know that misery shared is decreased where joy shared conversely performs a most joyous inverse... that might mean something at the end of the path with jungle beyond.
Is that the reason for a pretty thundering silence on issues I've raised... Inviting any C& C, excluding, of course, any discussion on the subject of  "end rhymes" (...heard that one.)...
Ultimately justified poetic jibes at the arrogance of  the intelligence used by others like it was their own if psychopathically employed, weapon, alone… You'd begrudge me even that?  There's to be no justice?  
Matters not.  It's a song, and that's what songs do.  ...Some of them have serrating teeth of end rhyme.  It cuts a little deeper each stanza and can continue to cut for centuries, remembering Byron. 
Consider, these songs aspire to be a song for the greatest denominator—hence the end rhymes! They are songs, folks. Don't be snotty or trifle to sneer at their proffered sincerity.  It's deconstructive. This is forgetting I'll eat your literary face for it when I can...
These songs are ironically the result—not, I challenge, a cause— of mechanisms I believe in stealthy operation to the detriment of us all. These are a psychopathic's employed mechanisms of "trust betrayal" and "crimes of obfuscation," it would seem, perpetrated against humanity by an aggregate *officialdom* cited in the prosery alluded to, to delegitimize UFOs so stubbornly perceived, still! 
My songs are merely one self-aware individual's reaction to these mechanisms and the psychopaths making use of them… I make no apology, even double down on my assertion. 
See, my songs are provoked chronicles on dangers associated with these suspected and obvious the inconsistencies of officiality I've outlined above.  You know who they are. 
My songs are a sincere poetry critical of self-serving institutions perpetuating their heinous authoritarian inflexibilities on those not believing in the default status quo.  To protect corrupted officiality's imagined exceptionalism of positioned privilege, they denigrate and are disingenuous as regards key aspects of the highly strange, to live with a god's auspices, themselves, but denying a true first category civilization: real medicine, sound social efficacy, wondrous tech, and instantaneous communication for the rest of us.
A kingdom to be had, at hand, but for their niggardly denialism. 
My songs aspire to be disciplined "raps" regarding the courageous acknowledgment that there is, in fact, an awareness of those cowardly auspices alluded to... and the prevaricating education systems, among other errant support systems, facilitating them... A pox upon them, all, eh?
These are devices and mechanisms manipulating the sensibilities of deceived persons falsely believing they make informed consent regarding the content of miserable lives unsuspecting that their trust is, and has always been, betrayed... ...Though, don't get me started. LOL!
...That might have seemed a little maniacal. I can't (won't) apologize.  In an insane society, it might be that the insane are sane.
...And now to obliterate one's laughing smirk alluded to above with that admonishion to "remember." ...Release the hounds on unearned hubris where it was observed, as it were...
See, I'd read recently from one of the more obliviated (TM) "juice-suckers," bagged and cognitively boggy, blogs... (whew!) ...that there were "some things more important than UFOs"!
...Some things... more important... than UFOs...
He (she, it... they?) suggested this seriously asphyxiated and unthinkingly pompous clunker... even as he (she, it... they?) intimates or self-propounds themselves as "the epitome of logical balance and educated sensibility"—not the dilettante mooks crippled with unearned hubris like these actually are.
...These mumble protestation, whining ironically about "morons in need of attention."  There's a squirty giggle for you....
Let's "shift into high but fly by the stingray to wave bye bye."  Yeah!  Hang a big shift of change course, understandably, and take an embracing reasonable leap of interrogative conjecture! Let's test the soundness of the preceding idea... a thought experiment, if you will...
Resolved: ...that there are some things more important than UFOs.
Well then, presume for a moment that there actually were intelligently occupied UFOs in the skies above, after all... What if?
Yeah yeah yeah... Just go along you tedious CSIcopionic-klasskurtxoid stooge canoe (TM)! Even for you, an imaginationally challenged, fearfully lurking, and intellectually constipated cogni-mooker... your *evidence*, such as it would have to be for you, is in your hand... ...go with me... ...Your Warp drives, alien heads, ray-guns, alien pot shard... or whatever it takes to stop the receding horizon of your shallow-draft evidentiary boat!  ET is extant...
You have your "evidence" such as it must come to be and so you must now "believe," to observe your own dictates if you have any backbone or integrity at all!  The fallacious "extraordinary claim" has, and at last, its mythical "extraordinary evidence," in hand.
...Uh, if you can't do this for the purposes of the argument? Then we can stop right here because we have already defined your problem while proving my point... and please to run, don't walk, to the nearest clinic and get yourself sterilized so we can preclude the continued potentiality of your dodgy contribution to even the shallow end of the gene pool... and thanks for playing!
Back at the ranch... UFOs "are real," then, for the purpose of argument. Just the way a host of lettered and credible persons has found them to be.  This is given. They are real. Real as death or taxes, in fact, more real than death and taxes, actually. Therein lies the problem... but I won't digress, again.
Real UFOs conjectured, landing on the White house lawn, abducting citizens, sharing their choice of technologies, buzzing our military bases... ...or eating our heads...
...What remains in our "previous affairs" more important than the occupants of those UFOs?
Which of our previously presupposing concerns remains to take its prerequisite's precedence? What imagined slight between Catholic, Protestant, Moslem, and Jew does not wither away to irrelevance in the cold hard light of a ufological reality?
Given UFOs? It's everything ELSE must come to individual adjustment. Love and hate, War and peace, God and the Devil. Everything else. Everything. 
E V E R Y T H I N G...
I think that's GOOD news, forgetting it also, sadly, keeps the *mainstream's* giggle-bumpers up... s'ok... verily these bumpers fray and dissolve away!
See, we're like a bunch of BCE (Before Common Era) south pacific islanders of early generation on the cusp of our discovery by *others*.  Their (our) island is abruptly surrounded by elder civilizations of a—we can only hope—refined sociality and seemingly magical technology? They (we)... slowly begin to realize that they (we) are going to have to take a different path... to self-esteem and self-actualization than they (we) had heretofore presumed. Eh?
They'd (we'd) better!
A lesson learned from the Matrix film series? Harsh reality is preferable to pre-programmed sky-pie that won't pay off in something "real"... something that pays the aggregate rent, for your trouble, in a system where the individual has an informed consent!
Experiment over. What did you discover?
Now: consider the legion of sincere and intelligent persons who have already made that aforementioned ufological leap and are waiting with dwindling patience for the ardently inappropriate "sea-anchor pelicanist" to make the leap himself (...herself, itself...). No.
...Nothing, no thing... is more important to humanity than a resolution of the ufological issue and a statesman-like, of needs, political approach to same. No thing. Everything else is mere reaction and distraction to that, I'm compelled to think, everything else is smoke and mirrors to insentient inculcated drones who could be much better advised and informed than they are or have been.
Too, the rewards for our bravery, I suspect, are greater than the risks—which are inevitable anyway whatever we decide or do! That's good news I feel, still.  It's honesty and self-respect on the way back. ...Feels good and smells better!
This resolution is necessary even with a seemingly unlikely opposite outcome! The truth... though heaven falls, after all. Solid ground, then, of informed consent on which to build is to be preferred.
Truth, though heaven falls? There are better heavens, I suspect, ones we could make for ourselves right now if we wished, if we but chose to. A kingdom truly at hand.
Not a "believer", remains I can believe. Additionally, "I can think, and I can wait." ...See you there!

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Odd Observation #7

Hide Not Seek
by Alfred Lehmberg

Well, what is it about Sundays?  It it Angels airily flitting about in pursuit of their heavenly tasks & errands?  Ah... mmm... no... 

Demon's minionsor Satan's spawnbusily prosecuting their, perhaps justified, hatred for God?  Again. No.   

UFOs mysteriously engaged in activities all their own, and just like us, good and evil?  That's more likely, eh?  We humans are but an example of others in the fractal corporeal, or real world, that appears to be the expanding universe where any discussion of size is a profound understatement.

These are ideas or positions of mutual exclusion, reader, remembering that the vast, vast majority of individuals who don't have a ~clue~ what any of these 'positions' or ideas really arethis writer included.  ...But I saw two "Manifestations of an Indeterminate Type" (MITs?) on Sunday morning during my routine night watch, and I was neither saved nor was I possessed... so far as I can perceive...  

I was transported, mind you, but that's an explainable result of getting a quick (albeit fuzzy) look at the larger reality... and not the conflicting realities of the over-pompous and predigested pap we get from our corrupt institutions.  ...But whoa, friends and neighbors... that's a digression too fertile to look at right now!  

I don't want to talk about that, and I'll get to my sightings (mere, but eerily performing, NLs) in a moment. But right now I want to talk about HYPNOTISM.

Hypnosis has a strange history shrouded in chicanery, smarmy humbuggers, and a little something extra one can't but put a finger on. That little "something extra" is what keeps it around, makes it sometimes useful, and so then justifies a harder look by science...

...Sometimes it works.  Science says so.

One hears the word "hypnosis" and is overcome by images of stage personalities suggesting to people that they can be transformed into barnyard animals, dance a grand ballroom fandango, or be compelled to quit smoking... lose weight... but the program can be more insidious than that.

If two-thirds of the population can be affected by phenomena which science can quantify (if not qualify), it  seems to be a ready mechanism for control by manipulative forces and their convenient programming "suggestions"... autocratic manipulations delivered via a daily sensory bombardment from a very tightly controlled medianewsprint, radio, television, and the internet.  

An individual buying into the unceasing manipulations of this contrived, distorted, and corrupted mainstream might even take the next step in their own "control" by hypnotizing themselves with self-suggestion!  In effect, rendering themselves incapable of perceiving what is there, plainly,  to be perceived, and NOT, conversely, seeing what is not there to be seen.  It's all about suggestion, rationalization (ever rational lies), and a prepackaged excuse to avoid critical thinking...

A story...

While on active duty many years ago, and before I developed a ~keen~ interest in the ufological, I had a barbecue at my home, one evening, with five or six couples and a few singles in rowdy attendance.  I was standing away from the noisy group with two other men, one AH-64 (Apache) instructor pilot, and the other a fixed-wing driver who was a rare Army candidate for the astronaut program. These were two quality guyshaving to otherwise demonstrate a rare degree of intelligence, competence, and skillin the kick-back mode. The sun had just gone down and dusk was washing out to the blackness of the appreciated night. 

There was a lull in the conversation, and one of the men looked up and said, "That's odd..."... 

Pointing at the sky with his beer hand, we all looked up to see a black strip about as wide as a little fingernail held at arm's length and flying diagonally through the air, left tip forward about 45 degrees, supplying no hint of fuselage, nose, or tail!  As it flew, one of the men remarked that the craft had very peculiar position lights.  These lights were white strobes that ran from wing-tip to wing-tip, and then back again... additionally there was no evidence of the required red and green (left and right) tip lights, and no flashing anti-collision light... whoa, eh?

"Well ... it's got to be something..." someone said... and, with that, the object was all but forgotten and otherwise erased from our short term memory. All three of us returned psychologically to the spirited party.  More beer was had by all and the festivities continued into the usual drunken mini-brawl for which Army aviators with Cavalry experience USED to be famous...

I didn't remember this occurrence again for almost a decade.  I was only reminded of it later by seeing a similarly baffling object in California... after  I had developed an aforementioned interest in UFOs. 

Back at the barbecue, I would suggest, now, that my two fellow aviators and I followed the programming hypnosis of "polite" society and ignored a sighting that should have been VERY interesting to two professional military instructor pilots and one candidate astronaut, one would have thought!  We reflexively and very neatly self-hypnotized ourselves with the calming mantra:  "It's got to be something... It's got to be something..."  Meaning, of course, It's got to be something prosaic.  I remember doing it.  At the time it made perfect sense... there were "bigger" (hah!) fish to fry.

So, we were less than interested, and we astonishingly ignored a genuine UFO as a non-event... behavior on this end of time that now seems wholly inexplicable to me.  

We hypnotized ourselves (followed our social programming) and rejected the unsettling enigmatic for the comforting mundane.  We ignored what our eyes were reporting to us and replaced it with an "accepted" pre-programmed routine.  We turned our back on the unexplained, likely occurring around us all the time (unseen), and made it fit into what we are trained to find culturally tolerable... Adjusting cultural blinders, we returned our eyes, not so bravely reader, to the ground.

I've watched this process of denial (through self-hypnosis) at work twice now.  Another occurrence manifested itself at a rubber~powered model airplane flying meet in Northern California. Dozens of us watched a UFO fly by five times, over a period of a few hours, with fewer and fewer people looking up to watch it fly with each succeeding pass that it queerly made!  ...Tell yourself enough times that "something's" not thereand it's not there!

Recent scientific research gives every indication that science believes the human brain is capable of convincing itself to perceive what is not there to be perceived.  I would suggest that it can also do the inverse of that.  It can also mask what is there to be seen, as plain as shining day.  We won't pay enough attention to that, given that we have to overcome so much programming from our myopically conflicted, and, therefore, suspect, culture... but I hazard the same digression I just walked away from earlier...

 ...We MUST pay a new attention, ultimately, if we ever expect to see anything really there, at all.  Presently, we stumble through our lives with social bags over our heads that we would not tolerate if we had a suspicion regarding that larger reality mentioned earlier.  Look around under the lip of your bag, reader, and see if you can't agree.

I've looked beneath the lip of my bag and had sightings of my own like the ones I mentioned earlier. Sunday morning these fast-moving nocturnal lights clipped by collectively overhead at over five degrees a second!  Also collectively, they were of equal brightness and color, a couple of magnitudes dimmer than Sirius and pearl blue in color.  No field glasses that morning (the wife had moved them... argh!). 

The first was noticed when it was due West at about 60 degrees in elevation, about 04:50 Central, before moving like a tracer-round into the body of the great bear, tracking due North until it was lost in the distance.  The second occurred about 05:00 hours and was first noticed above and to the left of Polaris (about 70 degrees in elevation). It tracked due South until lost in the distance.  I don't know that they were the same object, but their appearance and speed were identical.  I have to allow that it is possible.  

It's suggested by the larger reality, cited in the forbidden index, and proven in the heart of the individual. 

Such is so.

It's "got to be something" for sure.  The "new" wrinkle is that I no longer self-hypnotize, or otherwise allow myself to be hypnotized (where I can help it),  that it has to be something... "prosaic."  Though, it does have to be... something.  Something, indeed.

I remain watching our skies.  Read on! 

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Bad Neighbor

As I shan't defend the Luddite and his hatred of machinery, I won't besmear successes found this scientific century.  I can't provide an argument for a flaw in science method... I only hope to point out, friend, its reach is mal-extended!
I've lived passed half a century ... heard consumer sirens sing. I know that we’re conditioned, friend, to buy the "trendy" thing. We're beat up by the media to consume the current *soap*. Our *joy* is keyed to genitals, where they tie a silken rope. I've been around the block, myself, and see the trick pursued. It's a con of arbitration to corrupt your attitude.
...Yes, they stroke you as they choke you, folks, and they milk your hapless glands. See, they'd help you smoke their cigarettes with a lie that "YOU’RE the man"! Tobacco prosecutes your RIGHTS, or "liberty’s erosion"... then jacks up on the nicotine to hook you on that notion!
It's disrespect to all worth holding! That's spit in honor's eye. They would profit from your misery, live in luxury while you died. They’re thriving, still, while hapless folk float dead on hopeless chance! These trip their light fandango, friend! These prance their rich man’s dance!
I heard a judge, a federal one: in confession he was dirty... telling C-SPAN just how hard it was to support his dear wife's hurting. His kids had "needed college," and his cost of living, dear! "Folk’s just don’t know how hard it _is_... ...on only *90 thousand* a year!"
At present, now, are Christians who must now stand against the *peace*! None sees the sweeping irony, that their ethics are diseased! Saying. "The peace will come from devils. 'Cooperations?' — Leagues with Satan!" or "It's a sinful demon's work... to have a one world nation!"
"The end times are upon us; look down, turn back... but pray!" "The beast has now arisen; so, the end comes any day!" "I’ll send my gold to Jesus, to he whom I'd call friend..." so, "I’ll give my wealth to that cute Ralph Reed... or the likes of Benny Hinn."
"Yes! A 'PEACE' COMES FROM THE DEVIL"! This is their senseless cry! It's their platform, though not level... They don't think to wonder why! So if "peace" is mad contrivance and the brainstorm of the "Beast"? Then WAR is "blessed effort"! ...And that is just diseased!
Up is "out" an near's "away"–we must "erode the trust!" We must end this "false endeavor" of a "search for peace" ... "we must"! "See, if peace comes from the devil, then that peace is God forbidden!" ...from the mouth of Ferry Falwell on the Christian *mount* he'd ridden.
If I’m wrong on this, please say so, ... and I’ll hear your outraged shout... but that’s profoundly specious... crap... that they go on about! ...Clear to me, religion is, at best? Catastrophe! A tree is known by fruit produced... ...this fruit is blasphemy!
...Consider now, Race *purity*... or my Cocker Spaniel canine! Official papers in a stack, rare beauty... highest stanine! Though, that superficial *beauty* had the "highest" kind of price. She was ill and ill afflicting; she was seldom ever nice.
Moreover, she’s epileptic and neurotic in her turn. She was mean and was a biter! All her chromosomes were burned! So, this ahead for *purists*! What the *skinheads* really want? To make genetic monsters... so their kids can howl and grunt?
It's diversity's the answer! It’s there must lie salvation! To "understand" begins right there... accommodate toleration! Tolerate what’s different, and find your irritation... "Left Behind" with all the sins... of religious aberration!


Have you ever thought of the complete and utter disrespect that human beings must have, apart from fellow human beings, for animals in general? Genetically teasing them into the arrogant preconception of an ultimately unhealthy caricature of what that animal is supposed to be, they would prosecute this arrogant disrespect out of clueless insentience and wanton hubris.
Now, with all the historical evidence on sex-linked genetic disease, plus the evidence that he can see around him in his purebred animals—who CANNOT remotely live without him—the garden variety skin-head can't readily see that his racial *purity* is a myth, a joke, and a tragedy?
Whither the UFOs in the face of such cluelessly arrogant, and ironically facilitated, ignorance? What's their take? Human: somewhat interesting if presently bad neighbors behaving badly like a troop of mawkish monkeys, flinging feces and making seemingly meaningful mouth noises?
If an Extraterrestrial, would you introduce yourself to such idiocy as *humankind*... creatures so wrapped in self-involved denial they'd pretend they were, in fact, alone in this crowded room, free, though wrapped in their own toxic chains, and informed, even as they perceive "Faux News" as fair and balanced?
I suspect not.
Read on.

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression &qu...