
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Heaven’s Gate Bunch

I'm instructed on something via the Heaven’s Gate bunch. Those shedding "containers," having *kool-aid* with "punch"? Eschewing whacked-off testicles—self-disgust was that complete—they'd found their lives revolting, too, so they whacked themselves for freaks!
I understand our Applewhite had issues with his "gayness"... He'd imagined he was *dirty* ... he'd felt futile, false, and heinous? I suspect that he'd been twisted by his erstwhile *education*, that panoply of warped ideas from parents, schools, and nation.
But from where is this disgust for what is "physical" truly from? From where would come, perforce, ideas so... ...I can only call them dumb! Tell me, please, the provenance of such senselessness as this! Why's the "Fundy" counsel hatred for the world which "exists"!
Is sex, too complicated, a dark-side twisted thing? Best a chemical castration or a rubber de-balling ring? Is sex evil, a beguiler to corrupt immortal souls? Or has it been so twisted by ourselves, imprudent scolds.
The irony is: for persons in... ...*orgasm's* brief release? Your system of immunity improves! Combats disease! Yes! Your body is more able; its defenses, more complete; your health is more robust, my friend—you’re lighter on your feet! It's not, you see one's getting off that qualify's the act, it getting up the proving that its healthfulness is fact.
Your *plumbing* gets good exercise, along with one fine *treat*. Your "meat's" invigorated; I should say it can't be beat. Done right, it's so refreshing; it's far from staid and sundry... ...And tell the truth, after every time, aren’t ya’ just a little hungry?
"The earth is foul", and "comes from Satan," our "passion is our curse"? To show respect to Gaia "is the road to hell, or worse"? Frogs and bees or water birds are malicious—wanton liars? "God's will, will still provide for us"... just for singing in his choirs?!
Well, I've tried, but I can't think so, and I think it's you in slime if you think your God would move an inch to cover for you, swine. Biblical "dominion" means tyrant and food-waster? No. Not dominion... stewardship ... earth-lover, friend... care-taker!
...See, why are we revolted by our connection to the animals? They were here before us; their's are the longer annals! They've lived in nature's harmony, without a single sin, while we have lived far fewer years—and we wallow sin, my friend!
I revel I’m a mammal! It is joy that I am feeling! It's right that one's an activist for environmental healing. Whack off my own testicles because it's them the cause of trouble? Well show me why, but prove what’s gained, then blow your nose a bubble!
I see the evil process that's alive in Christian "rectitude." I see that it’s dissembling—disaffected evil attitude. There’s disrespect abundant as tradition in that line—it’s found in wanton, selfish greed, and how they've spoiled our minds.
We are told from stunted birth, "the world’s a deceiver." The Christian right works furiously to make you that *believer*. Yet they're draining all the wetlands that would keep the land from flooding, and when it floods? These dance and sing... these keep our "trees" from budding!
Embrace the world as your mother, as she’s the womb from which you come. She feeds you from her earthen breasts, yet to hatred you'd succumb? Accept your mad existence must exceed what's been "allowed"! As she perceives it ... your real value? Why, you daily move your bowels!
Woe to man or woman who would place themselves too high. “If it's my golf-game over fishes? Then some fish are going to die!”
If it's bad as you keep sayin’, Lehmberg, they’d be takin’ serious steps!” ...So, then I ask you softly, "...would they? ...you poor, naïve—dumb—schlep"?
Where did it get the Heaven's Gate bunch—those who crapped-out on the rest of us swilling kool-aid poison punch. It’s not "sex" or the "world" that’s the problem, at all. It’s disrespect for *Mother*, and it's this must cause our fall.


Where does our disrespect for the Earth come from? Oh, I know that western civilization has avoided spiritual humility since Aristotle demonstrated his arrogant —and errant imo— break from Plato. ...But, wait a minute!
What can we possibly hope to gain by ignoring the unsettling if non-verbal communications of this planet! These are non-verbals and intimations unsettling in a context of disrespect only breeding resentment. The Earth is moving on... with us or without us. ...We've not been good tenants lately.
You know... I suspect that plucked right from our imaginations we could "uncover" a self-fulfilling prophecy of disaster, lose control of dangerous atomic toys and un-cage vicious little man-made bugs capable of wiping out a quarter of the world's population literally overnight...Pessimistic... but consider the flip side. eh?
The flip side is that an imaginational uplifting and a perceived optimism can also be plucked from imagination, eh? Reach exceeds grasp... but trains it, too, so one can feel it even if one can't hold it. Feeling is the provenance of holding. To discount feeling is to discount sense. To discount sense is to discount wisdom and sensibility. No, your "dreamer" has a spot every bit as key as the one to realize those dreams. First was the idea, it remains.
The former more negative imaginational plucking alluded to? Those are only the wages of disrespect we pay one another; those are the wages of treating your "mother" like a least favorite property; those are the wages of failing to cop to obvious social responsibility. These are the wages for throwing stuff out of your freaking car! They are just wages.
I think this is at the root of the big problem I have with, I apologise, insentient homocentrics: tedious shallow-drafters, forgive me, who won't think beyond the false promise of their own "majesty," reader, as a favorite of a misunderstood and make-believe God—a jewel in that God's crown at the minimum even—and oh... ...oh...oh ...so undeservedly if ironically impressed with his own logic, his own method, his own process, his own measurement, his own mechanism, his own facile and ill canted faith... ...and himself. That he is the "measure of all things" and "paramount in existence." It sometimes seems pride demands its fall.
Then the fall looms for real, reader. All pride fled on ready heels, humankind has once again its useful humility, found! There is much moaning and gnashing of teeth.

No, Applewhite, above, and the Heaven's gate crowd only manifests the disease all humans endure: the cognitive dissonance brought about as a result of the struggle between a culture inflicted on the individual and the individual's own "felt presence of the moment..." iow not able to square pleasure and punishment of needs and very likely contrary. That one in one hundred endures incarceration in the U.S. may be an indicator of the preceding.
Consider, "culture is not your friend." It exists only to facilitate and perpetuate itself. See, it might be that "Heaven's Gate" was only a collateral damage of that facilitated and unsettling perpetuation of that obstreperous culture. Is culture at its best? I offer, no.
No, we might sneer at naught but ourselves, reader, but pity the miserable and misdirected futility of a misinformed Applewhite and crowd, betrayed by the reflex ceremony and the contrived tradition of the society conditioning them and then made psychotic by the cognitive dissonance so imposed. ...Seems pretty unnecessary.
Read on.

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...