There's always been fearful, if still idle, talk about... "The Man."
The proverbial "Man."
Though, just who ~is~ "he"? Who or what is "he"? Who is "the Man"? Does this nebulous entity even exist? Many condescend to "face-palm" and "eye-roll." Belay that, or be at peril.
Risking the cowardly sneers of those "bought-in" around you, but still wondering if the unsettling concept even begins to hold water... can be remotely true... the disconcerted reader can begin to suspect that the aforementioned concept as regards "the man..." ...must hold an ocean of water. Yes... Ocean systems of water, reader! See, this is all simply a function of on which side of the bullhorn you find yourself; the side in control of same... and the other side. The 1% (?) ... or the 99, eh?
So no, "They" are not "aliens from space," if that's what you thought I was on about. Uh-uh. Today I speak of the "they" that is "us"... ...I'd only be hoping for aliens from space... ...given the flip side is the spawn of Pee-pee DondO and his psychopathic lot.
Yes, *They* (the man) exist(s) as sure as "intelligent designers" put spots on little green apples and then buries real news behind a tabloid dross of Runaway Brides, penis moles, and whoring Secret Service Agents... such is easily seen to be so.
Conservatively? Three of these persons alluded to in a hundred—more of your fellow citizens, reader, when under duress (!)—will bleed you out, dispassionately, for the laces on your shoes. That's right. Fact.
Conservatively? Three of these persons alluded to in a hundred—more of your fellow citizens, reader, when under duress (!)—will bleed you out, dispassionately, for the laces on your shoes. That's right. Fact.
This is the "them" of which I speak. This may be truth told to be understood so hopefully believed. I say true.
More truth? Less than one of these aforementioned three will be a woman. Much, much less than a fraction of that will be a person of color. More Truth. White people, it would seem, have a special proclivity for psychopathy, but I digress.
Back at the ranch, "Ideal Society" is—and always has been—a means to protect the other 97 Human Beings from being abused, too egregiously, with regard to the self-serving activities of that terrible, even if necessary, 3%...
Briefly, in a required digression: sociopathy becomes *necessary*—by way of necessity—because we require an ongoing inoculation from these sociopaths or we get weak as a species... ...and it is the rare occasion—because of our prosecuted complacencies, contrariness, and inconsistencies— that the sociopath's way, way is the *survival* way—the only way—a ballast-cutting "forward escape" from disaster measure; it is what happens after the asteroid hits, perhaps. Sorry if you're on the "ballast," but "Survival" at any cost. ...Remember when our darling Tom Cruise had to kill Tim Robbins in "War Of The Worlds"? There's heat where the rubber meets the road...
Lately, that society accelerates AWAY from its responsibility to—at least minimally—protect its citizenry from the aforementioned, reader, even to the point of recently letting Americans rot in the sun... ...to be eaten by rats, abandoned pets, and alligators for a full week as a result of Hurricane Katrina...?
...We're not getting our money's worth? You think?
Did you ever believe that this would be America, reader? I'm well over 70, remember. I'd endured Viet Nam and Watergate. I'd foolishly thought we'd been made more immune to Graft, Conspiracy, Corruption, authoritarianism, and irrational war. I was wrong. I never would have predicted this. ...How bad we would let it get...
It's bad... even with hope, and there's hope; it's bad.
It's bad... even with hope, and there's hope; it's bad.
I'm a retired soldier and a certified school teacher who has ever only tried to be an asset to my group of fellow humans, reader. I'm no radical even as I have a mind of my own and prefer to think out of the box like any good American...
...What I thought was a good American at any rate...
I've a wife and family and quality friends... they deserve a better society than what is presently (and illegitimately) being served in a corporate-driven administration's crony-istic insider's prosecution of creeping theocracy and blooming fascism... ...a criminal society of even Democrats—and worse—prosecuted in a predatory and insensate culture... ...a culture by which innocence and decency can eventually prove fatal?
What hides in there? We shall see, I suspect.
Who are "they." Who are these persons, fellow human beings who blithely disrespect us so, who steal our savings, corrupt our testable faith, lie to our collective faces, murder our children, infect us with disease, direct us to pollute our food and air... ...even destroy our planet?
Sadly, I'd have to say "us," ultimately... every individual who buys in, supports, and facilitates the status quo... (ME, even!) but we're just piccolo players in the vast orchestra, reader! Who's conducting this mess? That's the issue! The short answer?
Well, forgetting for a moment that the insidious "THEY" are handily expressed in the persons around you... ...those who DARE to sneer at you from their dodgy castle ramparts of three parts jingo-istics, two parts reflexive ignorance and one part canted citation...? Not these so much... ...these are more to be pitied...
Who are... ..."they"?
"They" are... ...the privileged arbitrary, the stealthy unelected, and far too many of the fraudulently elected.
"They," are those who have, and having had, would keep on having... despite an aggregate detriment to the common good of those who "have not."
"They," are in possession of information that would credit or be to the advantage of anyone who knew... ...specifically...outlining why most know not.
"They" are the selfish secret keepers.
"They" are the jealous manipulators of a hijacked mainstream.
"They" are the ardent covetous who encourage bland employees while they discourage ones who might think more critically.
"They" are the ones with hidden agendas, duplicitous plans, and secret programs.
"They" are the few even glad to unethically, even cruelly, profit at the expense of the many.
"They" are above the law, outside reasonable ethics, practice a sociopathic amorality, and hold the many enthralled... but beneath their privileged contempt...
...Not to put too fine a point on it, eh reader? Though, parallels are easily drawn from current events.
Folks—As I wrote before, don't credit or enable that which disrespects you; don't reward or compensate that which fails to satisfy you. Withhold your vote, your sympathy, and your dollars. Deny it your essence, your support, and your consideration. Refuse it your concern, your regard, or your facilitation. Turn on, Tune in, and drop out, even, where the reader can muster the stone and the rough row to hoe.
Know them by the fruit they have produced:
... A destroyed economy ... a shrinking middle class ... a degraded health care system ... a diseased environment ... a corrupted military force ... a degraded Bill of Rights ... a degraded quality of life ... Fear and loathing ... Increased Crime ... Pederasty ... Incompetent Cronyism ... laughable ballots ... the rape of our republic ... death ... torture ... unrestricted sociopathy ... tyranny ... a complete disruption of the rule of law ... the list could go on and on as you know it must...
Know them by their fruit... destruction and degradation... ...and such is the fruit?
Believe me, we don't really want a fraction of what they're trying to sell us, not really. We are enthralled with EVIL presently, reader... faithless, covetous, gluttonous, jealous, murderous... ...gibbering and capering evil, kind Sir and good Madam.
Indeed—hold "them" beneath your contempt, concern, and consideration as you would any soul killer. The soul you save will be your own.
...Alien Invasion from beyond the stars never looked so good... you know...?
Read on...
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