
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

...Out Ommm A Limb...

It's with no small trepidation that I go out on a limb, that I let what disappoints me... get the best of me again. That I rake the past for clues constructing "fabrics" that I find... might make some sense of things I see... which fester in my mind.
See, we're all fed a dusty gruel: contrived manipulation. We're a *programmed* hapless populous! We are plagued by infestation.
Lo, that's us—so parasitic—on the skin of Mother Earth. We'd pretend "dominion"! Lack of "stewardship's" our curse! So, I would find some nourishment in a "cross-grain" look I'd glean... from cognition which surrounds me in the flesh of our *machine*.
Like, the history we're taught in school's a "feel good" fabrication; invented for convenience, it's a stark confabulation. Written by the winners in a bid to stay on "top," the truth is then forsaken as is often, then, as not.
The kids, now, sense the senselessness of what they learn in school. They can't articulate it, but they won't be played for fools. This is why they don't like books—why history is boring; they don't LIKE the lies they sense their *teachers* are exploring—teachers train employees of a type as dry as dust, while they punish "different drummers," like it's THEM who breaks the trust!
See, they don't want a teacher who will teach what's plainly seen, they want a reproductionist who will teach tradition's meme! This is that tradition which supports an upper class, supporting less the rank and file as those these list as "crass."
Conspiracy? Well—It's LIKELY... given profits which are paid, given "those who take advantage" in a world they degrade. Given sociopathy... to sell the status quo... which wounds the vast majority while elitists lift their nose.
Conspiracy is certain when the record's balanced out! When one begins to cop to what it's really all about. When one begins to see the CIA as "fronting business", but doing NOT for which it's paid... a drug-lord's guile and glibness.
UFOs? They're wound up in the taproots of our lives! They do not go away and frankly fill portentous skies. Too!  They're well apart from what's portrayed on—corporate—TV. They're OUTSIDE law, and they advise? We're on our bleeding knees!
Evidence presumes, of course; that we are not alone! This Evidence is parchment, ancient glyphs, and carved in stone!  So, we forget the photographs, forget the "ones who see," just queue up to be utilized by the shark with *greater* need.
Something is, yes, out there, but we shove it from our minds! We make it into "make believe" and we don't look—or find. And this an inculcation from a culture almost dead... which is run on old ideas that look back... and not ahead!
Christians? They're a scary lot who sell a suspect view. They maintain that UFOs are demons, through and through. But, the politics of hatred is the stock with which THEY trade; divisive and egregious, it's the cloth with which they're made!
Oh, worse than many Moslems, and exceeding any Jew, they've made their creed intolerance, and they threaten freedom, true. They've done this from near onset; their history is rife. They did not count on reasoning, but proselytized the knife. They create, in fact, the Moslem so threatening us today. For well upon a thousand years they've nurtured hate, I say!
They're (in fact!) the reason that the "dark age" did ensue... when Constantine made up his mind to *use* them, we were screwed. Retreat from *Christianity* was what saved us from that "dark," a Renaissance had intervened; new questions made their spark!
So, if one's to be a *Christian* and one really wants to try, make the Christian "fundamentalist," then, the *beast* they would deny!  If one would follow Jesus, then the "fundie" is decried! It's not for them that Jesus bore his cross, and nailed, died.
NASA? Crap! Foul agency; it's WE who've paid for IT. It's not a club for good old boys with sneers upon their lips! It's not to act out petulance and whine because it's crossed, and it's not allowed to dictate who'll ride or who's the boss!
Frankly, I'm embarrassed at the attitude they cop! They act like snotty rich kids, yes, whose ears we should have boxed. But that's the foolish fallacy that NASA's long maintained, that space's club's exclusive and a jealous tight domain.
Crap! Anyone one who pays his way should have the shot desired. That's what, in fact, contrived machines, provided what's required! We pay our "servant agencies" to do the public will, not psychopaths with checkbooks who contrive our bitter pill!
That it takes a *special* person of a type who stands *above*, forgetting for a moment how they work, come push to shove. Still and all, horse feathers! If you pay the freight, you go. It's GREAT that real "outsiders" have a chance to get to go. They have a fresh position, and they're well outside the loop; we've got a brand new insight in perspective on the truth!
...And THAT'S the bone's contention, eh, that an outlook's fresh and clean? That Tito might return to Earth... and tell us what he's seen...
We don't get, too much, respect... from ALL our institutions. COPS make themselves the enemy by subverting constitutions. The LAWYERS look for loopholes to accomplish much the same, and this is not forgetting that they sell themselves in shame. REVERENDS and MINISTERS would steer you to the right, and front for corporate funding through indulgence sold outright!
See, this is a reminder that our planet's overrun; it's these the cause that most live bad, or under unjust guns.
The MEDIA'S contrived itself as of the "middle road." Though, it's offensive to real journalists with its instincts are a load. It won't approach the useful stuff, it won't report the news. It fronts the corporate party line and sings the corporate blues. It DEFINES "conflict of interest." It protects the "bottom line." It acts like it has honor, but that's more fishy shrimp and brine.
They've NEVER been the "fourth estate," that's just a mask they've made, since "Hearst" it is so obvious what they're made off—how they're paid. The preceding, worked in concert, would entail our demise, but for things... egalitarian—and those UFOs we've spied.
A Renaissance is coming, and in fact is almost here. It's worldwide—the internet—and its freedom's ringing cheer...
It's unfettered information, it's to go *there* real time. While *it* happens you're a witness, and you see *it* unrefined. See before it gets its spin. See what has been hidden. Read the folks you'd never read because they've been forbidden.
Think the thoughts you're thinking; "find the others" thinking too! Think those thoughts you're warned against, and find a few ring true. Some must dream they have their lock on what they think they know, but there is more *philosophy* than one can dream, you know?


The Comedy Channel [tm], once upon a time... John Stewart's coverage of the Disclosure Press Con... well—it got no laughs from me. I was channel chasing specifically with the intention of finding some coverage on that event from the mainstream... I got my wish.

After a momentary flash of hopeful expectancy provoked by the appearance of Dr. Greer's leering and not entirely welcome head in the CRT, I quickly noticed the CTV watermark in the bottom right corner of the screen. ...Profound disappointment, followed by the keenest sense of outrage I've felt in many moons... this mainstream's burning the sense of humor right out of me.

Somebody knows!

Read on.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

...Once Again, Again...

Illinois's a placid State for folks who "know their place"? They've "jobs, and crops, and families" to keep their lives in pace? They've got to "make a living"—keep the wolves from worried doors—so they've got to be pragmatic...Still, ...don't they need to know the score?
See, stuff infests their nighttime skies, and they won't care a wit? Blaming *jobs* or *farms* and *weather*, they blame *family* and *thrift*? Rather, giving in completely to the DICTATES of their day, when it is in FACT those "dictates" that pervert and lose their way!
Illinois hosts UFOs that obviate ...the man. They fly aloft, huge arrowheads, like buildings, understand? Too, all lit up with beacons from sharp corners all aglow, they shimmer with a crimson light that pulsates down below!
They waft along majestically, bereft of any stealth. They make themselves available for inspections of themselves. Then, they rattle chains of status quo—indifferent to the style... of a "mainstream" so mendacious its whole cloth's a toxic guile!
So, they're like a big "pink elephant," but one that's really seen! How could one report these facts—expect to be believed? Though, how does one belie a tale, so fleshed-out, straight and true, by so many trusted persons who communicate that view?
The eerily anomalous does fly northeastern skies, and "nine one one was called upon" by sober men: no lie!  The cops dispatched would see it too, and photos they were making... were hard to see and indistinct but minus any faking! Philip Klass was quick to crow that "it was only Venus." All scholarship would blow that off as thinking which demeans us.
Four town's police would see this thing which flew without a sound, which blocked out all the planets and the stars Phil gassed unsound! Yes, professionals of diverse types, from teachers up through truckers were witnesses to strange events demanding something from us!
The craft was huge but danced the sky and spun upon its axis. Devoid of any commonness, there was nothing to relax us. And lit up like a Christmas tree it sped up now and then... to *shoot* to the horizon, trained observers tell us, friend.
Real towns in Illinois report this UFO: Lebanon and Shiloh and Dupo, don't you know! And yet the word does NOT go out, events were just ignored, and we are left to ponder what credulity implores!
Once again authorities have proved they've missed the boat! Once again they demonstrate they'd rather sink than float! Once again they demonstrate the "courage" of our race to a plethora of visitors we're yet too dumb too face! Once again we lose out... on the living, breathing stars! Once again we're petrified, and while more near than far!
And still these sneer and chuckle like it's *us* bereft of clues, when the world is in RENAISSANCE and potential's bright and new! Worldwide we come alive and cop to where we are: a tiny globe on beaten paths, and shining like a star!
Stanton Friedman makes the case: it's "folks" more near than far who have cluttered our real history and might hint some "higher" bar. That we aspire to this bar, our struggle of the past—to free ourselves from priests and kings who strangle us at last...
To be free of all their ad-men—manipulations they contrive... to sell a short term world view that we can't or won't survive.
...So what about that "NON-EVENT"—going down in Illinois? Why don't we hear the furor of some people making noise? Why don't they make DEMANDS of them who makes demands of us... as they squander our inheritance and betray our future's trust?
Why are we less than knowledgeable, why would we just deny... what people—who are good and true—have reported in their skies? Why would these honest persons, who have everything to lose... why would they, then, report these things—to such as me and you?
Something flew in Illinois. This, at least, is clear? Mainstream "blithe indifference" should be blamed; they're Sellouts, hear?
It could not be a "stealth-craft" of some type to "spy" on us, or why in hell'd they advertise, and light the damn thing up?! The thing that was reported, then, was too damn big to make, and suggesting that it's Venus? That's a fulsome Phil Klass fake!
So, why the hell ignore this and be something less than free? Do hapless folks in Illinois just like their bleeding knees?


Humanity secures another victory for those with dirt in their hair. That's not a good thing, eh? The dirt? It comes from the reflexive move to shove ones head into the ground at the first sign of the, oh, let's call it the "irascible and inexplicable but paradigm changing inconvenient." IOWs, when they're not otherwise flexible enough to make hats of their own prolapsed anal pores, it's dirty hair. C'mon! You know what I'm talking about... ...New things done in unpredictable ways, you know?  Work with me.

Christ, but aggregate humanity is like a fetus who won't leave the freaking womb! Not good for fetus or womb, eh?  ...Something else you know is true!  Rack 'em with the ass-hats!

Too, consider what the distractions of family, farm, and job are really distracting us from... when the family is an invention of this century, the farm is being phased out for the monolithic agro-monopoly (in the interests of efficiency of course, an efficiency made necessary by a population insentiently doubling every twenty years or so), and "the job" is generally a nonproductive futility, for most, contributing to the general environmental degradation and disintegration. Heavy freakin' sigh, eh?

And people wonder why there seems to be so much depression and suicide!  Intimating a very tantalizing set of expansive potentialities, it seems preferable to cop to the obvious reality of UFOs and try to get an idea of what they seem to be so furiously pointing at, eh? This seem to gesture to the attention of something, perhaps themselves.  Hey, they're there but that we're here, you know.  Humanity is its own proof that the "other" is real. 

Honestly, are we doomed to live harrowing real lives beyond the, only imagined, terrors of the otherwise ignored alien visitation? Are we doomed to be led to a sick society's self-righteous slaughter by the hyper-privileged few who feel they have the divine right to profit from the exertions of we, the dues paying deluded... destroying the very homes of we deluded in the process?

If those few who profit from "we deluded" feel compelled to protest, well... it may be that their protest is fueled more by justified LOSS of prestige and position enjoyed unjustly for too many years, than for the sensitivities and sensibilities of those who produce the prestige and position for them. The catbird bemoaning a threat to its seat. Pity.  Fuck 'em.

I pause for a sneer of my own.

In other words, it's not to our aggregate benefit that these protests (or ufological denials) are ever —and have ever been— made. Certainly we're better off knowing truth, presently completely denied us, whatever the price or consequence. We do ourselves no favors by hiding from what most of the hyper-educated propeller heads ADMIT is out there... somewhere. Far, they can just as easily be near, eh?

See, if *they* are somewhere, they could be anywhere. And, that means most certainly even HERE.

What happened in Illinois on January 5th, 2000? Then, what continues to happen over and over again in an accelerating cycle of the highest strangeness witnessed by hundreds or even thousands of credible persons?

There have been flaps in and around in the interim. Can anyone remember the Phoenix Lights in Arizona 1997, O'hare International in 2007 haunting a seemingly over-represented Illinois, and the most recent full-bore and brass-jacketed Flap in 2008?

Indeed, how many times can one strike this ufological flint, get a good productive spark, and it all not just burst into flame, finally?

Somebody knows.

Read on!

Restore John Ford!

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...