I'm "unleashed." I'm running clear—admitting I was once in fear that I'd be found "too much to bear" and culled before I'd traveled "there." I've lost that dread; there're more *pots* cooking; things are brewing; future's looming! What's revealed in drabs and drips suggests, instead, a different trip!.
We are in ACCELERATION! We should start the CELEBRATION! Our consciousness (about to leap!) will split the sky! We'll soar and cleave!
This is clear in what we sense "between the lines"—if we're not dense. If one is not distracted friend, and takes the time to look (...again?). That there must come some grand transition... some will find an imposition... though just a nervy, paltry few who live at most's expense, it's true.
Though I digress from history we humans make such mystery. Change is clear; we'll have no lack. Look "up" and "out" and "in"... and "back"!
Things were "simple" way back when, where *naught* had issued forth, pretend: it's "you are there" at "Time's" beginning, proto-matter gushing—spinning... white hot plasmas flash and glow... ...then hydrogen is born, you know? More Elements evolve at last to cook real slow back in our past...
...Too, it's LONG before the complex chains of molecules make their exchange... for that which we've descended from—the pace? It's picking up! What fun!
...Eons come and go, you see, as evolution makes her trees... these hunker down to do a job. They mix the ground and grok good sod. Then forest fauna run and frolic, gaining senses, passions—talents... beating out a path for those who must come after... So it goes...
Then at last it comes to us, a thinking monkey one shan't trust, as ever faster "things" proceed, outstripping "faith's" corrupting seed!
Just a SHORT time on this Earth, and humankind exceeds its worth? Holding to tradition's greed, fundies shortchange our whole breed! Arrogant to the extreme, these few invoke their selfish dream and make convenience for their own which proves their hearts were third rate stone.
Their *illusion* hides from them accelerations HAPPENING, friend! We approach the speed of light! Then what happens? Change! That's right!
Acceleration's exponential; novelty's preferred, essential! Otherwise there'd be no change from what had been, before, conveyed. Change is coming, fast and fleet! Paradigms evolve, tout suite! Tradition's made a cage, some use, to keep denial well infused.
The future is upon us, now! Some would, just, ignore it... how? It's faster now, and by progression, it's quickening beyond expression!
Everything will change, and soon. The time is nigh. We sense high noon. Then suns must set upon their ages... when they're finished... turn the pages... Comes that dawn and one must find... that they're reborn... a different kind! A newer level is achieved! An AlienView's what's now perceived!
Length and breadth have grander values! Depth and height profoundly call you! Colors go beyond what's seen in nature's rainbow, presently!
We are on the edge of that which evolution trims as fat. Polliwogs must lose their fins to have their leaping legs, my friend. Worms must spin cocoons of silk to gain the wings of flying ilk. Human beings within their wombs are carved by Death we don't presume... see, we're in transition's ev-olution torquing up to rev-olution!
Our cocoons are personal, our consciousness perpetual; too, we've no choice so must continue... this RENDEZVOUS perceived before you!
No! Not stranger than imagined! Stranger than it is presently possible to imagine! This is what is transmitted from the prescient "dead lips" of far seeing men and women who have already made that supposition and on whose shoulder's we must gratefully stand! Perceive that farther horizon!
This strangeness signifies, perhaps, that changes in scale—and even appreciation of that scale—will have us all slapping our foreheads in embarrassed recognition and provoked facepalms, ironically, at the approaching denouement. A cosmic "a-ha," at last, achieved. A chorus performed: "...Of course" we perceive!
Most will be astonished. Some will be gratified. Too few will be surprised, not at all.
Those who would return us to the fifties—and the hugely irrational who would return us to the even more horrific THIRTEEN-fifties— these will be the ones left on the crumbling shoulder of an outmoded, irrelevant, and otherwise outdated cultural highway, wondering why the seeming "rapture" missed them. That rapture passes on the fundies and sweeps up the psychedelic for the ultimate irony! It remains these remain an obstacle to same.
We're heading toward a huge spike in aggregate human potential at a rate increasing exponentially. That's what asymptotic means, sort of. This potential would be as the individual would wish it, moreover, assuming the individual's evenhandedness, humility, and tolerant good will. Likely that assumption making an ass of you and me, but still. Potential remains to be potential.
Indeed, driven by a very real if inexplicable optimism, I suspect we'll all have the opportunity to make our own heavens like we would have them as a function of this asymptotic "spike." We will do this while knowing an individual autonomy, safety, and effectual magnitude never before experienced except by the very, very few for the short, short term. An airy fairy, but my intuition still.
Everyone will have this autonomy, in comparison. Everyone will be empowered. Everyone will feel the aggregate monkey of back-stepping habit come off their mal-treated, misinformed, and manipulated backs (if they but will it!) to feel, gloriously, ten feet tall!
Then these "taller" people come together into *new* teams wielding an exponentially increased amount of personal power to contribute to the aggregate. This is "exponential increase" in the same fashion as the increase in cultural magnitude from Old Rome to the current 1st world!
Then an efficacious humanity will burst forth from habit's orbit like a sentient newborn star, burst forth to warm the seemingly endless potentials of this lonely sector of blackened backwater space... and beyond!
Then we'll mine the rings of Saturn and turn our systems asteroid belt into a jewel encrusted bracelet on the wrist of a constellation...
Then we'll explore alternate dimensions and refine them to dazzling creations in some new art of intellectually crafted satisfaction—well beyond the limitations present in its current expression or appreciation...
Then we'll meet God on her own terms and discover how wrong we were about EVERYTHING while embracing, at once, what *was* and what *will be* into the immutable and all encompassing *now* composing new music of an individual's quantum reality!
Then cooperation takes on a grander imperative than competition—a new immediacy! Each of us will be the center of the universe in a universe of many, many centers—just as we are now on a vastly smaller scale. Every woman her own Queen, every man his King... if we but will it.
Intention makes things so.
Why? Because God (the multi-verse) favors living novelty and eschews dead habit. It's as simple as that. Mighty fores come to the aid of the brave!
If the preceding were not true there would be no change in the rate of the universal transition from simple physical occurrences to complex physical occurrences... i.e. The big bang... a superheated and formless plasma for many billions of years is followed by star production for lesser billions of these years. Planet formations are measured in single digit billions, Ecosystems, their creation and evolution, are measured in fractions of a billion, and rudimentary intelligence forms in a mere fraction of that! Full blown sentience, self awareness, and an appreciation of time and space happens in the single snap of cold universal fingers... apparently.
The reader may have sensed the acceleration attendant to an ageless cycling process of ongoing cosmic refinement, may have felt the sharp asymptotic elbow of documented measurement as humanity accelerates precipitously to this approaching concrescence steepening to an increasing verticality as you read these words.
Reader! You should feel the wind in your hair!
This acceleration is so quick down on the business end of the continuum where we are, that its rate is even perceptible to the individuals—us—living there ... closest to this "spike" or "now" point. It'll get quicker. It'll get quicker, yet!
Additionally, people from the not too far distant past, looking forward to us (even as we are), would see a race of gods they would evolve into... not to put too fine a point on it. And this is before our transition past the conjectured "now" spike just before slipping beyond the event horizon of that indescribable concrescence... Looking forward to those of us that transition past the "spike," in that fashion that the ancients would look to us? What would we perceive?
Whew! Enough! Sorry about this explosive gush of Utopian optimism! I feel like I've been channeling Terence McKenna. I don't know what came over me! My muse was insistent—would not be denied! The spirit was, in fact, upon me as I wrote this, largely in one sitting... I won't apologize for the expression. I'll write what I write as I write it.
But as for me? I'd aspire to that point described and make my own "rapture." This seems to get more possible each day. Can't you feel it?
No matter, if you can't. I'll feel it enough for both of us. [g].
Read on!
We're heading toward a huge spike in aggregate human potential at a rate increasing exponentially. That's what asymptotic means, sort of. This potential would be as the individual would wish it, moreover, assuming the individual's evenhandedness, humility, and tolerant good will. Likely that assumption making an ass of you and me, but still. Potential remains to be potential.
Indeed, driven by a very real if inexplicable optimism, I suspect we'll all have the opportunity to make our own heavens like we would have them as a function of this asymptotic "spike." We will do this while knowing an individual autonomy, safety, and effectual magnitude never before experienced except by the very, very few for the short, short term. An airy fairy, but my intuition still.
Everyone will have this autonomy, in comparison. Everyone will be empowered. Everyone will feel the aggregate monkey of back-stepping habit come off their mal-treated, misinformed, and manipulated backs (if they but will it!) to feel, gloriously, ten feet tall!
Then these "taller" people come together into *new* teams wielding an exponentially increased amount of personal power to contribute to the aggregate. This is "exponential increase" in the same fashion as the increase in cultural magnitude from Old Rome to the current 1st world!
Then an efficacious humanity will burst forth from habit's orbit like a sentient newborn star, burst forth to warm the seemingly endless potentials of this lonely sector of blackened backwater space... and beyond!
Then we'll mine the rings of Saturn and turn our systems asteroid belt into a jewel encrusted bracelet on the wrist of a constellation...
Then we'll explore alternate dimensions and refine them to dazzling creations in some new art of intellectually crafted satisfaction—well beyond the limitations present in its current expression or appreciation...
Then we'll meet God on her own terms and discover how wrong we were about EVERYTHING while embracing, at once, what *was* and what *will be* into the immutable and all encompassing *now* composing new music of an individual's quantum reality!
Then cooperation takes on a grander imperative than competition—a new immediacy! Each of us will be the center of the universe in a universe of many, many centers—just as we are now on a vastly smaller scale. Every woman her own Queen, every man his King... if we but will it.
Intention makes things so.
Why? Because God (the multi-verse) favors living novelty and eschews dead habit. It's as simple as that. Mighty fores come to the aid of the brave!
If the preceding were not true there would be no change in the rate of the universal transition from simple physical occurrences to complex physical occurrences... i.e. The big bang... a superheated and formless plasma for many billions of years is followed by star production for lesser billions of these years. Planet formations are measured in single digit billions, Ecosystems, their creation and evolution, are measured in fractions of a billion, and rudimentary intelligence forms in a mere fraction of that! Full blown sentience, self awareness, and an appreciation of time and space happens in the single snap of cold universal fingers... apparently.
The reader may have sensed the acceleration attendant to an ageless cycling process of ongoing cosmic refinement, may have felt the sharp asymptotic elbow of documented measurement as humanity accelerates precipitously to this approaching concrescence steepening to an increasing verticality as you read these words.
Reader! You should feel the wind in your hair!
This acceleration is so quick down on the business end of the continuum where we are, that its rate is even perceptible to the individuals—us—living there ... closest to this "spike" or "now" point. It'll get quicker. It'll get quicker, yet!
Additionally, people from the not too far distant past, looking forward to us (even as we are), would see a race of gods they would evolve into... not to put too fine a point on it. And this is before our transition past the conjectured "now" spike just before slipping beyond the event horizon of that indescribable concrescence... Looking forward to those of us that transition past the "spike," in that fashion that the ancients would look to us? What would we perceive?
Whew! Enough! Sorry about this explosive gush of Utopian optimism! I feel like I've been channeling Terence McKenna. I don't know what came over me! My muse was insistent—would not be denied! The spirit was, in fact, upon me as I wrote this, largely in one sitting... I won't apologize for the expression. I'll write what I write as I write it.
But as for me? I'd aspire to that point described and make my own "rapture." This seems to get more possible each day. Can't you feel it?
No matter, if you can't. I'll feel it enough for both of us. [g].
Read on!