...Now the seventh tier is greater
than the pyramid implies!
Greater than its sum of parts:
a synergy's contrived!
It's here there comes advancement
as one cuts away ones fear.
It's here there's elevation
It's here there is progression
as the grasp achieves its reach.
It's here, perhaps advancement
as those reaching turn to teach.
It's here, perhaps, improvement
of an efficacious kind;
it's here one knows the pleasure
of the perspicacious mind.
See, at seven one's *self-actualized*
...as good as one can get,
and is reaching for the very things
we can't conceive of, yet.
"Reach" and "grasp" become as one,
and magic happens fast!
Reality is sorted out,
more firmly gripped at last.
"Acceptance" is the stock in trade
for "others" as they are—
themselves, the world or what's outside
... that mind that is not ours!
Preferred is spontaneity.
What's novel is the creed—
the evidence considerable
...for routine there's little need.
It's novelty conserved at last,
the yin to yang of entropy,
chaos is what rules supreme,
for habit they have enmity.
The problem's at the center
of the point of the concern;
the self is secondary—
that's the hardest thing we learn.
Desired? Oh, rare detachment,
the forest for the trees.
Gestalt is common—usual...
but they're off their bleeding knees!
Requiring modest solitude
so the thinking bubbles up,
the actualized are worth the time
they spend apart from us!
They change the world's thinking
as they think the thoughts they do.
Improving our humanity,
they can see a problem new!
Required? An independence
from distractions lower down
on the levels of their pyramid
that they've built on quaking ground.
They NEED their stark autonomy
they will EARN by giving back...
useful fruits of thoughtful labor
as they take us "there" and "back"!
Too, resistance is the reflex
given dogma one has brought.
Stereotyped behaviors
are eschewed as more than not.
They don't judge,
but don't participate,
not flamboyant,
they don't try...
to stretch the unconventional
to a point one could despise.
They seek the common welfare,
and an increase of the same.
They live within an empathy
so they suffer more, our shame.
Relationships are deeper
(with a few), and less is more.
Superficiality is detested to its core.
They see the democratic
as the path to be maintained,
where misery is shared on out,
thereby: relieving needless pain.
The joy is shared the same smart way,
but increases for the sharing!
The reward's a satisfaction
we achieve for all our daring!
Too, then comes their transcendence,
they don't cope, they SOAR and CLEAVE!
The soul must slip its surly bonds
to strive and to achieve!
Creation is the answer
and the fund of real wealth;
it satisfies the "hunger,"
and provokes for mental health.
It brings a "PEAK EXPERIENCE";
it is RAPTURE ; it is JOY;
it's self-regenerating
so there's independence, boy!
It's excitement, and it's insight,
and it's not for just a few!
More could well achieve it
with their structures so imbued.
Imbued with what, you're asking?
Well, imbued by what supports!
A better wage, paid time to think,
clean WATER, by report!
The path is self-constructed
in a pyramid one makes
to reach the sky and grasp the truth
from charlatans and fakes!
Expand upon potential! Elevate your mind!
...Soar and cleave unlimited,
unbound, and unconfined!
Self-actualization. More could (should) have it, and all would (shall) be IMPROVED for these having it and the mere aspiration to it this writer suspects. It'd bring the saucers down, but they're coming down anyway, right.