
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Cast Seeds

I guess it's time to break it down, remind that I hate kneeling, but I must kneel to something when I write these words I'm feeling. Too, if I didn't write it, I'd be much more extreme, incensed regarding nightmares in this world we all dream.
See? It is a dream, this world we share... this globe we'd think is real!  It is contrived concoction, it is NOT the "real deal." It's just those strident "isms" pumped from "leaders" we don't need, who then draw from us the life blood we possess on which they feed!
These psychopaths are in control; still, they have need of us.  See, it's we who heat their water and produce the world they trust. Though, against we individuals they employ "untested faith." They betray their "remonstrations"; see, it's you and me they hate!  "Hate the sin but love the sinner" they will remonstrate so coyly, but they never have internalized that message, just employed it.
Too, be assured they hate you if they sense your disrespect! Not accepted in their "company"? Those of us who might reflect? See, be ASSURED they hate you when you've sensed they have their "truths," while you suck the daily *ration* of what passes for it, Truth!
What passes for "reality" is a maze of smoke and mirrors. It's a fantasy, a travesty, a psychopathic furor. It adds to the confusion, or it clutters up your sense, but it complicates your issue and denies "informed consent"!  Without a true "informed consent" we're a fish that's washed ashore.  Without a true "informed consent" we're locked outside, deplored.

See, we can't make good judgments if we do not get the facts! We cannot then defend ourselves from bona fide attacks. We're then BLIND and DEAF and DUMB—conflicted in a LIE... and lead like lambs to slaughter for those persons we'd despise.

I'd pierce that veil with rhyming words I've woven into song. I'd poke them in cold—rheumy— eyes and not be strung along. I'd see them held accountable, these "captains" we don't need, but live my life as I see fit, to plant a DIFFERENT seed!

The seed I'd plant is cosmic and it's found between the stars. See, the time and space precludes those lies they've used as chains and bars. The seed: imagination; its growth is what is true. The goal is satisfaction. These seeds are me and you.


Consider what's at the end of all those busy corporate "equations," folks. You.

Ironic, isn't it, that given their utter dependence on your kind attention their regard of you STILL manifests itself in such disrespectful ways. See, these rather conveniently presume that you are like them, reader, or would be, when study shows that it may be as little as three in a hundred constituting "them." You are the decided majority, and don't think they don't know it.

See? It's not about their concern for you, it's not about your best interests, and it's not about the welfare of your immortal soul! It's only about how useful you are in that unending struggle they contrive to keep their own water hot by tricking you into keeping it hot... FOR them. The world we live in is only about THEIR validation and comfort; it's never been about yours.  Fair play is inimical to their best interests.  Yours is beneath their concern, consideration, and contempt.  See, your best interests costs them money.

To facilitate that one-sided struggle—to enrich themselves on levels most cannot imagine—they have harnessed the unctuous power of timeless *ceremony* and ageless *tradition* for their self-interested manipulations.  Then they facilitate—through unassailable corporate behemoths—corrupt faux-religious institutions, and finally, these closed institution's too willing even if unknowing shills.

These scabrous entities are not conflicted by anything as unprofitable as conscience, or compassion or good will (except when these can be used to deceive), and they busily prosecute their contempt and lack of respect for the rank and file with the "slings and arrows" of contrived misfortune... serving only to diminish those serving them as they themselves are grievously enriched.  Say it's not so then wonder where Trade Unions and a healthy middle class go.

Truly, we must bite the hand that "feeds" us; it's in everyone's best interest. They're not finding this out. WE'RE finding this out!

See, there's MORE to Earth and Heaven, even, than once honored Flags—made flaccid—and Constitutional parchments—made brittle—as key and critical as these Flags and Constitutions are! More than we know and more than we can know!

Consider, then: UFOs become an "air" that we would do well as a nation to breathe at last! Why? Well, I suspect the problems of Creeds, Religions, Flags, and Constitutions work themselves out straight-up and right off, eh? There's the rub we find.  The "leaders," alluded to above require a status quo of insentient rigidness to continue to profit in the manner to which they have become accustomed.  Sad but true.

Lately, some of these conflicted individuals (who gleefully front for the aforementioned outdated traditions and irrelevant ceremonies) have used our public forums to grind pig-metal axes and prosecute duplicitous agendas. For my part I'm never at a loss in my depressed amazement for these portentous pundits, these fulsome faith pushers, or these pompous "scientistsic (sic)" proselytizers.

They fairly ooze that cloying musk of a closed-loop faux-ardent sincerity, sincere seeming compassion, and a seeming compassionate ardency—where they can still pull that off with their trust-funded noses in the air! Though, the irredeemable dearth of all that ardent sincerity, sincere compassion, and compassionate ardency flies in the face of all imagination, reason, and intelligence!  See, we're Stockholm sufferers, we suck it up like air, still.  It's all we have or are allowed.

One could almost be convinced that they "believed" their own ego-driven self-involvedness, themselves, enthralled by their own propaganda. I remember that their brand of self-serving "faith," in the aggregate, is not testable and so must be completely valueless except as consoling opiate. I'm not making that up.  It's been noticed before this tyranny of institutionalized psychopathy.

It has been argued by some of these corporate and religious shills that their points of view are at least as valid as that which has been otherwise more inclusively proposed and they have as much right to express their views and get published as anyone else... and they would be RIGHT! It is your own argument to them, exactly!  Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher had a point with regard to self-reliant persons making do for themselves until the promised pecuniary "trickle down" became the urinary "trickled on."  Wealth, not held to account, always only ever trickles up.

Then their singularly duplicitous "responcible message" insidiously suggests a CLOYING repetition treading dangerously close to an annoying opportunity to proselytize for the "one true faith" however that "faith" is manifested... for a valueless point that cannot be conclusively made, anyway, and that would make "my" (your) total "demise" its first order of business! My argument to them; however, doesn't include their demise. Damned if it probably should, you know? Religion has ever been a lie in the fog.

At the business end of such an evil cultural entity as religion... to the tune of hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost wages... this writer don't just suspect the preceding. He knows!

Similar faux-petulant points are made in public forums, but as this may NOT be the kind of forum as some might personally have it ...this forum could reflect an attitude that freedom OF religion at least suggests a freedom FROM religion if desired, dogma... increasingly irrelevant but still proffered philosophy, or hypocrisy if one desired to more correctly identify same.  No... these continue to bang, against all moderation, the same very tiresome and unjustified exclusionary drum.

In truth, these "campaigns" of corporate money and sibling religion are going to get an expected traction for the sociopathy only because the acceleration of their aforementioned irrelevance makes them scheme and cheat for it—forgetting that I think they are wrong and wrong minded, actually injurious to rationality, and harmful to the cause of dispelling the aggregate ignorance presently endured... ...and traditionally endured. They would, of course, disagree. Agreement is disaster for them.

Without doubt, and why I can't object to their dismissal here, their particular message CAN be heard in fulsome abundance elsewhere in the world, everywhere else, reader!

Indeed, their effort saturates—this writer would say "subverts"—American culture at every level and station, anyway! This is accomplished ...And isn't that ironic given that their "persecuted" faith is beamed from monied satellites to a _plethora_ of cable and digital television channels, mega-churches big as Walmart blight the heartland, AM and FM radio stations fester with the faith at the bottom of the listening dial from coast to coast and border to border, and the faith is all but blatantly proselytized from two of the three arms of Federal Government... and all three arms in some states...

In light of the preceding it doesn't seem REMOTELY necessary to hear that particular drum being excessively banged everywhere. Not by a long shot, and not on this writer's watch.  Not a psychopath, I've a conscience.  Stuff your religion.

Indeed, it IS, as "messages" are, a message with an anxious axe to grind—an axe that is already ground from too many satellites beaming down to too many televisions and radio stations, internet sites, books, newspapers, magazines, and pamphlet's... all of it validating fallaciousness, distorting the mainstream, employing propaganda and otherwise raising the hair on the back of my old neck! Not here, ladies and Gentlebunkies!

I would suggest that these persons start their own lists and have—charming little places where they become irrelevant, still, but do so at a faster rate. ...A place to molder their 2%er gnash where the confused and scared majority won't bother them. Yeah... pretty unqualified support for the unsurpassed arrogance of a mere 200 years of—badly executed—Cartesian reductionism... suffocating atmosphere, poisoned land, and smothered oceans! This is found everywhere else, folks, it doesn't HAVE to be here.

Turn up Plato. Tell Aristotle to push a sock in it for awhile.

Simple respect is the larger reality, forgetting that I'm not shilling for the "crazies," so much. I suspect they've got things almost as screwed up as anybody, but they are only there, in large part, because proud science doesn't deliver on its arrogant presumption to explain the obvious paranormal more obvious to the rank and file: profess to be its default arbiter even as they won't investigate what they arbitrate. Why? Because they think they understand the "danger" in it or simply deny same! These summarily addressed? They won't or can't... and don't! Pretty nastily, too.  Klasskurtxians ARE, by definition.

Be that as it may. Better just give up, those who beg their own moderation, on trying to sell the same old discredited paradigms to members of a public forum. You are not here to teach, or preach, or otherwise sermonize the "one true world" view; you are here to communicate, listen, learn, and share. We are ALL teachers here, just as we are all students. Get used to it, abide the inclusive rules, or recuse yourselves from the human equation. That's an alien view... a poet's view.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Cooperations Of Kindred Souls

Folks who think they'd want to "know" will sift the net for that which "glows." Too, they might take a chance to find my "AlienViews" the glowing kind. Individuals of this breed, who want what's righteous, out of need, are no longer satisfied with "mainstreams" wrapped in pretty lies—which front for ardent psychopaths manipulating, if detached!
In THESE I see that kindred soul who watches for that glow I'd know.
Me, the guy at AlienViews, won't judge, pronounce, or pick and choose, but I'd observe in earnest musings that which seems the most abusive... ...and then, not shy, my blade's deployed and in full view with no decoy it's time to put things in the street where truncheons meet their hard conceit.
There is always more to know; a knowing smirk's inappropo...
Earnest persons would disburse the thoughts they have—BE unrehearsed! ...By that I mean life's ringing truer from these brave new "AlienViewers"... individuals not adored for pointing out the lie deplored.  Indeed, one must find these pay a price expressing, when it's not so nice, alligators in a swamp thought clear... so better that you know they're near!
See, taken at their word one finds the perspicacious... searching mind.
These? They're the new"autonomous": to live within their means—a must!  Self-sufficient these inspire AUTONOMY! They start that fire! They would BE the self-sufficient! Finding culture inefficient, these would make the time they need to ask the questions, begged, we seek! Very glad I see them growing; friends, who must feel better knowing.
They'd respect all nature clearer knowing nature is their mirror.
People share with me their heart, so demonstrate they'd take their part... in all that we would try to do... to dig out all the hidden truths. Numbers growing (day by day) would indicate a better way to make connections we contend are not inventions we pretend! We don't lose, we only gain; we'd sing out, loud, in glad refrain...
...As what now passes for the *TRUTH* is truth suborned—contrived abuse.
It's true that we accelerate... to un-guessed speeds, we reach for fate... as "stars" still crawl across the sky on secret missions YOU can spy. *Stuff* is up there no mistake; that *stuff* portends some higher stakes. This has the "white-breads" all confused regarding what they THOUGHT they knew! ...But we would slip beyond their edges; use our minds to crash their hedges...
...Make them pay for sins committed, if passed "politeness" we've permitted!
What we'll do is look at things with honesty that smarts and stings, but try to take a clearer view of what is "real," the facts—the truth! Not what WE pretend it is, pronounce upon or SAY it is, but that vision which is seen... when one goes where the data leads! We can do it. We've the power. We don't need to hide and cower. We are what we'd will to be! Be honest with ourselves, of needs!
We ARE looking, we're sincere; we won't give in to threats and fear!
...A point of view that's perspicacious, inclusive so a bit audacious, the AlienViews are what we find collected in this forum's mind. With SO much more to meet the eye than what a hijacked mainstream hides, I share with you who took the time to hear me out, to wade the rhyme... ...a FACT that, TO you, must occur... if you've been just a BIT alert:
That we can share our thoughts (with grace) and build a grassroots POWER BASE that's SO much bigger than the crowd who hems us in! I hope to shout!  
Sure and all we hang by thread and one misstep we'd all be dead.  Religious fundamentalisms, polarizing toxic schisms, population's cancerous sway, pollution poisons planet...'K... Fervidly we search for answers to these "problems," mounting cancers... Time and money is consumed in these researches it's presumed...
Though, all our "problems," answers "sought," thats the freaking PROBLEM, Hoss!  Answers are not sought, my friend, answers must be faced, comprende? 


Faced in Cooperation... that's a fact. Cooperation is the power that WOULD corrupt, but that it is "cooperating" and so not a natural facilitator of corruption. Not wired that way to begin with, cooperation maximizes lasting individual gain as it encourages the diversity found within it.  What doesn't change, rots.
That's the secret, actually.  Diversity in all things allows unhindered EV-olution to preclude that invariably painful REV-olution. "All things in moderation," includes moderation, it would appear!
Cooperating for what? Full Disclosure, competent oversight of institutions, minimization of closed institutions like Church (closed to the faithless) and Government (closed to those without money), a valid mainstream actually reflective of an aggregate society, brave science that goes where the data leads, tempered justice that is efficaciously blind and not available only to the man with the biggest checkbook, earnest leadership working for the people, the greatest good for the greatest number, real doctors who don't do harm and follow their oaths, clean water, clean air, wholesome food, a good roof, and the final death of religious fundamentalism's egregious population excesses! Every one of the preceding is inextricably tied to UFOs... surprised?
Don't be. Things were always bigger than we knew. What you've known is not all there is, not by a long shot.
Thing is? You could be a lot bigger than you knew, too.  You have impact you've forgotten you could have, eh?
Read your Bible. Read your Koran. Read any *religious* text over a thousand years old. It's all there slapping the reader in the face... bludgeoning actually, and that must explain the otherwise inexplicable obliviousness to it. We are not alone...
We are not alone...!
Thank the stars and little sputniks!
I'd almost rather be cocooned by Sigourney Weaver's aliens and host an acid dripping face-hugger than think I was ALONE in the same universe with the likes of Pat Robertson or George W. Bush... acid dripping face-huggers in their own right. I insist on having a power higher than any of those two in evidence or I'm going to be one hell of a whole lot meaner than I am now, in my own right!
Perhaps that is what is so interesting (and appealing to me) about the concept of the extra-terrestrial.  It is an end run around a conventional wisdom that is neither wisdom or conventional because privilege becomes convenience and convenience becomes a "prefered" state of things evolving to the unconventional... needlessly sacrificing the many for a few.  There are "many," remember, only because that keeps wages low.  See, there will be someone, always, available to do the job for a little bit less.  Why did you think single celled zygotes had the very same rights, honors, and privileges of personhood immediately denied or minimized for the fresh born human infant... 30,000 of which exclusively starve to death on the planet every day.  Not sickness, not trauma... just starve.  Abominous!  ET might want to keep us at arms length.
That there is something else in heaven and Earth beyond the controlled pale of the preceding two psychopaths Pat and George (forgetting thousands like them, their supporters, and hangers-on)... this is crucial concept internalized to secure a firm grip on personal sanity and rationality... correct behavior. With just a little open-minded consideration the reader might think so too.
Sincerely! Read on!
Restore John Ford!

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Two Percenters

You understand the problem set; it's that I'd "soar and cleave."  I'd blow a righteous whistle on the kinds of *faith* one's taught one needs, so I just won't consider, then, respect for lies and cheats who are scarring knees of innocence to facilitate obscene conceit.
I'd rather spread my arms and leap... they scourge the Earth these errant creeps! Too, I find that if I seek clear air (?) must come rewards for those who dare!
Though, check these "Two Percenters" who dismiss, quite out of hand, the remainder of that *hundred* that they shall not understand. Yeah—they've got to keep their hand in... but the "corporate" drives their fray, detracting from the science they would say will save our very day.
See? It can only use that *science* the *mainstream* makes *correct*, so it's science that is suspect! That deserves but disrespect! The *science* that TPs worship, then, won't give them time of day.  It shall not give them credit in any manner, shape, or way!
You want my introspection? The end of them is past! Their moldy walls are crumbling on the shores where they are, finally, cast! These "two percenters" fail to see—so have a false perception—that they ALONE are doing science... See?  That mainstream's ALL rejection!
"Two percenters"? They're like "skinheads" in a "redneck" sort of way. They're revolted by diversity, so they're inbred, more's to say. They're proud authoritarians; they're quick to disagree; they're rigid and unyielding; they think they're off their, callused, knees.
Too, they would disallow ideas that detract from their intentions... to define their small realities and disguise confused pretensions!
Now, they've not MOVED one bleeding INCH in sixty some-odd years! Too, they're the freaking "good guys" which is why it's all so queer.
The "field's" still an oddball, now, for all the books they write! Though, they whine and moan and grumble to pretend they're in the, righteous, fight! Still, sacrificing science to a hostile mainstream press, they lap-dog for elitists I despise... but I digress…
"Two Percenters" are parochial; they're the mud that sticks to shoes. They're impeding our progression from the worn out—well misused. They cannot stand to have someone... taunt challenges at *faith* that are shopworn, and convenient, but untested and BEYOND disgrace!
They'd pretend the center seat, the crown of our creation! As a self-fulfilling fantasy; they're a dead-end to progression.
...And these are still the good guys (!) who would look beyond the pale; they're not the canted CSICOPs—a cult that soon shall, hugely, fail! They're not the skeptibunkies, or the dim-bulbed thugs of Klass. They're the straight-up brave researchers who should kick enigma's, flaccid, ass! Still (damn...) they're "Two Percenters", so they're rigid and they're mean! They're self-confined inside their box; it's them who lives the specious dream.
They're "certain" so they're manic and belief must cloud their view.  Like, they fool themselves they're seeing things that bolster what's not true:  that they must crown creation so must have things figured out... to understand the points of things and grok what they're about.  Still, they piss and moan amongst themselves and flagellate their cases. These *ambush* and *assassinate* and so earn their own disgraces.
Some engage in whispers or campaigns of other sorts, and I can find no honor in their manner or defuse reports. It's like they want to own some *thing* when it's not that *thing* at all. You're foolish if you do so; if you do you've dropped the ball!
They would find the "gains" they seek are barren and outdated, criminal, nefarious, revolting — roundly hated.
...And still, these are the "good guys," the guys who watch the skies, the fellows on the UpDates List we find we can't despise. We see them on the telly, we hear them on the net, but they're just "water treading," that's an odds on sucker’s, easy, bet.
They're tiresome and tedious and shall not "soar and cleave..." when that's the thing that's ailing them and what they sorely need.


I would expose the "Two Percenter." This is an individual who arrogantly passes himself off as the soul of "rational" ufology while studiously ignoring 98% of a conjectured reality. This is but pride yet to fall!

Too, this is the lot pandering to a science that does not respect them! This is the lot endlessly rehashing data that a corrupt mainstream will not begin to acknowledge, and who then prosecutes an exclusionary ufological closed-mindedness even more tragic than the garden variety skeptibunky or fervent CSICOPian, reader, because the "Two Percenter" THEN plays right into the CSICOPian’s clammy hands. The "Two Percenter," ironically, remains one of the *good* guys.

This is progress?

Sixty years ago we teetered on a lip of social and cultural rebirth! We anticipated intellectual transition. We stood on the precipice of all advancement. Many fine people of education, intelligence, and character gave every rational indication that the strange aerial activity, continuing to this day, was the obvious work of an advanced tool using intelligence... not of our Earth. They still do...

And what incredible tools, reader...

...More forthcoming...

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...