Is it now, at last, resolved: the tribulations Powell evolved? Or is that battle over—lost? Is Ford bullied, bowed, and crossed? Wait.. did three men, in TRUTH, contrive... to murder Powell as Powell described? Though... for what purpose; what was gained? Where were "risk's" "rewards" "obtained"?
Then did Ford plead "mental health," admitting he, in fact, used stealth... ...to "plot a killing" with some "others"—he had met—"the stupid brothers"? Did he get the "isotope" and try to kill (like one fine dope!), with cancer as his murder weapon? Can he be that daft? It happens... ...Though, smarter money bet as such would lose that bet; I'd bet that much.
Suffolk County says "he's guilty," forgetting Suffolk County's filthy—lost in clearly wicked schemes beyond the scope of John Ford's dreams. It's been such for many years; it reeks corruption, still; that's clear.
Ford is ONE against the many. Puppets, then, condemned him plenty. To this day he's ridiculed... as a futile—facile—fool! Short and portly, described as Fudd-like, he's disgraced because he looked like... every fat kid *earning* torment in a world which LOVES conformists.
Though he got strident, and litigious—in your face ... perhaps obstreperous. He could make an enemy, and that's a fact too plain to see. What he's not, by all accounts, was a danger to himself (you louts!), or any other living thing what slinks or crawls—some human beings!
I can't believe these smirking cretins, noses running, dripping—leaking... sneering up their soggy sleeves their *judgements* (so much gas!) they squeeze. Quick to simply go along with ROT that Suffolk County's thrown, they'd *wish* away "anomaly," so bogus their *reality*.
Suffolk County's FAR from righteous! I argue that it's SPITEFUL—BLIGHTED! Too quick to take the "shady" road and filled with thugs who lurk like toads.
His critics, somewhat less than balanced, offer unjust SCORN on balance. They would caper at the fire as they burned him—sick desire!
Taking glee in Ford's misfortune, laughing how he's lost a fortune, they're delighted as they crow their heartless songs... ...which suck and blow.
What can cause such fulsome hatred? What's he threatened that's so sacred? What worshiped steer will quake in fear as our John Ford comes snooping near?
John Powell's involved in kick-back schemes which filled his pocket, so it seems! Perhaps he couldn't bear inspection; perhaps "too much" foretold detection; perhaps, in FACT, a UFO came down inside that park. Who knows?
Who's to say in times like these (that knocks us to our bleeding knees!) we're forced to pray in mossy cloisters, sans all sense and smarts—or choices!!!
Why... I would live in belts we'd made of asteroids; I'd work and play. I would have my livelihood... depend on ink my pen makes good.
But, I would live a real deal beyond what some define as *real*, finding all my satisfaction... minus harmful, harsh distraction... knowing all the secrets there, and sweeping all those corners bare!
I would have the prisons "emptier"—then refilled with cops and preachers! All those cops performing graft, plus those who know it—ALL the rest! All the preachers *shaving* souls, and lining pockets (this you know!), plus the ones who witnessed this (but dummied up), yes! ...ON this list!
Pardon small hyperbole, poetic license sets me free! Not confined to raw tradition, I can trace with some precision that which jerks your chain the best. I slap some paint—it STICKS? You bet!
I don't "know" that Ford was wronged, but I suspect it clear and strong. Check the spoor of government; it engineers our detriment!
I don't know if he is crazy—some who ARE have "INTEREST", plainly. That they're more mental than John Ford should strike, in us, unsettling chords!
I don't CARE that he was forward, or talked like Daffy Duck—was awkward. John Ford had a lion's heart to give John Powell his fits and starts!
I don't CARE he stepped on toes, or threatened Powell—was up his nose! This is what we all can do if—with Ford's courage—we're imbued!
I don't CARE that I'M derided for positions I've decided have more logic THAN those held... by piss-wits who can go to hell!
Those who wish poor John Ford ill are filled with malice, ire and swill. They can chew the bitter root; their ample asses wear my boot. ...In fact; shove it where the sun won't shine! See? Ford's confined by Suffolk's swine!
Then did Ford plead "mental health," admitting he, in fact, used stealth... ...to "plot a killing" with some "others"—he had met—"the stupid brothers"? Did he get the "isotope" and try to kill (like one fine dope!), with cancer as his murder weapon? Can he be that daft? It happens... ...Though, smarter money bet as such would lose that bet; I'd bet that much.
Suffolk County says "he's guilty," forgetting Suffolk County's filthy—lost in clearly wicked schemes beyond the scope of John Ford's dreams. It's been such for many years; it reeks corruption, still; that's clear.
Ford is ONE against the many. Puppets, then, condemned him plenty. To this day he's ridiculed... as a futile—facile—fool! Short and portly, described as Fudd-like, he's disgraced because he looked like... every fat kid *earning* torment in a world which LOVES conformists.
Though he got strident, and litigious—in your face ... perhaps obstreperous. He could make an enemy, and that's a fact too plain to see. What he's not, by all accounts, was a danger to himself (you louts!), or any other living thing what slinks or crawls—some human beings!
I can't believe these smirking cretins, noses running, dripping—leaking... sneering up their soggy sleeves their *judgements* (so much gas!) they squeeze. Quick to simply go along with ROT that Suffolk County's thrown, they'd *wish* away "anomaly," so bogus their *reality*.
Suffolk County's FAR from righteous! I argue that it's SPITEFUL—BLIGHTED! Too quick to take the "shady" road and filled with thugs who lurk like toads.
His critics, somewhat less than balanced, offer unjust SCORN on balance. They would caper at the fire as they burned him—sick desire!
Taking glee in Ford's misfortune, laughing how he's lost a fortune, they're delighted as they crow their heartless songs... ...which suck and blow.
What can cause such fulsome hatred? What's he threatened that's so sacred? What worshiped steer will quake in fear as our John Ford comes snooping near?
John Powell's involved in kick-back schemes which filled his pocket, so it seems! Perhaps he couldn't bear inspection; perhaps "too much" foretold detection; perhaps, in FACT, a UFO came down inside that park. Who knows?
Who's to say in times like these (that knocks us to our bleeding knees!) we're forced to pray in mossy cloisters, sans all sense and smarts—or choices!!!
Why... I would live in belts we'd made of asteroids; I'd work and play. I would have my livelihood... depend on ink my pen makes good.
But, I would live a real deal beyond what some define as *real*, finding all my satisfaction... minus harmful, harsh distraction... knowing all the secrets there, and sweeping all those corners bare!
I would have the prisons "emptier"—then refilled with cops and preachers! All those cops performing graft, plus those who know it—ALL the rest! All the preachers *shaving* souls, and lining pockets (this you know!), plus the ones who witnessed this (but dummied up), yes! ...ON this list!
Pardon small hyperbole, poetic license sets me free! Not confined to raw tradition, I can trace with some precision that which jerks your chain the best. I slap some paint—it STICKS? You bet!
I don't "know" that Ford was wronged, but I suspect it clear and strong. Check the spoor of government; it engineers our detriment!
I don't know if he is crazy—some who ARE have "INTEREST", plainly. That they're more mental than John Ford should strike, in us, unsettling chords!
I don't CARE that he was forward, or talked like Daffy Duck—was awkward. John Ford had a lion's heart to give John Powell his fits and starts!
I don't CARE he stepped on toes, or threatened Powell—was up his nose! This is what we all can do if—with Ford's courage—we're imbued!
I don't CARE that I'M derided for positions I've decided have more logic THAN those held... by piss-wits who can go to hell!
Those who wish poor John Ford ill are filled with malice, ire and swill. They can chew the bitter root; their ample asses wear my boot. ...In fact; shove it where the sun won't shine! See? Ford's confined by Suffolk's swine!
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