
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

What Your Guts Say...

Good God, but that one could presume we were able to find a way to stay off each other’s ass!
But... (Yeah, I know; you smelled one coming...) ...if I was hearing this forthcoming *message* from anywhere else, I’d give consideration regards turning in my "foil hat" and stepping off to let a sleeping dog lie, awhile.
The message?
"There is no *cosmic* conspiracy, in the first place, and errant persons who suspect same are infected with the dreaded "M" cubed disease. This is to say, simply, that they are deliberately Misleading, credulously Mislead, or Mentally ill..."
Lying, stupid, or sick, to be "John Rimmer" plain.
Predictably, given the ilk in practice spreading this puddle-deep meme, there are no alternative choices. Zero, zip, nada and uh-uh. That's key.

Nothing's outside the box, the box is all there is "...move along... a non-elected leadership is appropriately forthcoming, show's over folks..." and our institutions don't betray our trust, nothing happening here... nothing interesting!
The previous sentence is patent nonsense to any with-it person who has but seen a UFO, read any Richard Dolan, Robert Hastings, Frank Feschino, or Stanton Friedman et sig al... ...You could have asked Richard Hall about the betrayal endured from trusted institutions betraying all trust but we let him pass beyond the revered pale under-appreciated. He'd been salvoed on multiple levels by same for decades. Still, like a true philosopher-warrior, he persevered to the graceless end, an unsung hero of courage, imagination, and rationality... I digress.
Forget the legion of mighty ufological soldiers and the shoulders on which you may confidently stand for a moment, reader... shoulders supporting a contingent of cited justification for very real conspiracies of all types... just to start.
...What is your gut feeling, reader? Are you getting anything resembling an informed square deal from mainstream media, the military industrial complex, and your *elected* leadership? Too, are these unsettling entities, and remotely, incapable of ponderous obfuscation, predatory self-interest, and even criminal chicanery? What do your guts tell you, sir and madam, and go with that.  Accept that premice.
Are these behemoths remotely concerned with the best interests of those travailing individuals who heat the abusing behemoth's very water, haul its garbage, fix its toys, clean its messes, and suffer its, at best, ready disrespect or insincere patronizing? Fight its wars? Uh-uh, after a while, folks, they're just pissing on your leg and don't even CARE that you know it's not rain.
Jeez—was that another digression? Great! I love those things! J.D. Salinger points out that that's where the honest reality is actually happening. Everything else is just a bluster... a meaningless and embarrassing facade awaiting the next stock-taking and so useful digression.
Ooops! Did it again!
Back at the ranch... ...Please remember: an entity, be it governmentalinstitutional, or departmental, who can dump PCBs into your drinking water and then cover it up, cripple an official investigation into it, and then not report on the egregious aftermath... is capable of lying and distorting about much worse, and more highly strange, than that... Isn't that what your guts would tell you?
...And don't be surprised at the pompous vituperation you can incur as a result of going with your gut on the matter as I have. Just having the suspicion alone is enough to invite the dismissive smears, canted logics, and derisive hoots of conflicted elitists... even those likely pretending a mantle of respectabilityscholarship, and common sense... eh, "FASTWALKER," Br'er Ecker?
Who else resents being employed in the manner of a casually misused implement brandished about like a pitchfork in the hands of a psychotic maladroit. I've recently read where an individual's facility of a sick society does not speak well of the overall health of that particular individual, at the start...
Yeah... an aspiring truth-seeker must of needs stay well informed to preclude the shenanigans of the sold-out kool-aid drinker... however "well intentioned"... and folks, think about it. You looking out to me and saying I'm a crazy conspiracy nut may be decidedly worse than me looking back and calling you a juice-sucking and hubristic coward, even if the shoe "fits." I digress again.  Focus, Alfie!
I’m in the possession of a textbook giving all indication that things are worse than you even suspected, good reader. I read it again recently for about the 150th time... ...Just another liberal pule and the product of a liberal education system? I think not!
Key words are “cognitive dissonance”, and “Lies my teacher told me...” I've remarked on this book before on the "AlienView Explained" page, and it is the kind of book that begins to sandbag your ufological levee even as it has nothing to do with UFOs. See, it remains to point out that there's a lot of money involved vis a vis officiating the status quo... and UFOs, whatever they might be, are about an alternative entity not beholden or controlled by our default *officiators*.
The status quo abhors a seditious alternative. UFOs and their conjectured "occupants" may be outstanding in that capacity—nes't-ce pas?
Lies My Teacher Told Me is a book about re-writing or misreporting the history to support the conveniently approved cant preferred and endorsed later on in a duplicitous society, but using it on the children et al to indoctrinate and manipulate them... ...a docile "employee production" at the expense of producing, instead, critical thinkers. 

I was there, folks, and understand how it has been going on since the beginning. Yeah—maybe totalitarian regimes do this as a matter of course, but what's not reported is that we are guilty of this ourselves in America. Think not? Read something that's not a propaganda, pilgrim.

We were just starting to come out of it, too... [heavy sigh...]


Is it any wonder that history (school) is almost universally hated by our children. They know it's bull-squeeze even if they can't articulate why.

...I say all this, patient reader, knowing that I can get so far up a person's nose that they can feel my boot heels on their chin...
...but I gotta write my conscience, friend...
...Unlike my piqued, canted, and neo-conic opposition: scheming scolds recently pandering around loudly and seemingly "oh so sensibly" to a community they would love to firm up into a "base"? Right, Squidward?
...Only, I've got that conscience to which I have alluded, above... no apologies for that... not straight, not crooked, mind. Curved, and aspiring to asymptotic.  I'd meet that looming concresense, What's left?  More left.
We're near banging on the starboard wall as it is, preparing to be dashed on the rocks of psychopaths and authoritarian busybodies denying us our birthright of individual freedom to do anything with our bodies requiring mutual and informed consent we care to, eh?
...wow, was that a final digression?

Read on...

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...