
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Friday, October 28, 2016

...Before They Find Us...

...Before They Find Us...
by Alfred Lehmberg

Stephen Hawking, an indisputable and undisputed intellect of our time, voices concern about "calling out" to the Extraterrestrial. Why? Well, they might come calling.
What's implied by that, just based on our own history as it pertains to "colliding cultures"?  There's reason to be unsettled, eh? Consider Spain colliding with the Aztecs... Cortez ate their heads.
For my part, Stephen Hawking may make too many presumptions about stuff to be open to something else, eh? Things just aren't as hard and fast as he would apparently have them. See, and lately, stuff's just not adding up conclusively in the physicist's world, just to start. The closer they look into the center of things the more unspeakably insane things seem to get.  The microcosm reflects the macrocosm in miniature and we see again that all that is above is as all that is below ad infinitum...
Humankind will not be the final "measure of all things," and I suspect never was or meant to be.  Couldn't be!  The universe is bigger than we knew and getting bigger all the time.  It looms and yawns with gravid potential to the point of risking fatality just a result of regarding the outrageous and stupendous astonishment of same. I say true.
This is something the self-honest person must know at a cellular level.  All hubris is unjustified. Humility, not arrogance, is the key to the kingdom. Why, if we had a real hair of humility on our ass we'd already be colonizing the asteroid belt... I digress.
No, I'd have to inquire if the "Standards of evidence" the good doctor alludes to are not remotely useful apart from the way he assigns their status as "never questioned holy grail"! In anyone else that would be taken for juvenile hero worship. Immature!
Do we adhere to real science below the auspices of the good Doctor above? Are we doing our due diligence to fain to pronounce "a Shit from a Shinola," or the other blurted admonishment regarding that other shallow intimation, "Common Sense"! Common sense might be contested precisely because it is "Common" and based on 5 inadequate "senses" leavened by increasingly dodgy cultural "filters."  No real bedrock here.
"Common Sense?" Yeah, right. Unfortunately, the evolving reality set we all endure demands a little more imaginative discernment than merely determining between "shit and shinola."
"Rules Of Evidence" Now there's a squirty laugh! Let me explain.
"Rules of evidence" are useless until all agree on the "rules" and are even willing to "accept" the evidence. There might be a dearth of that. Otherwise, it is just a turgid mantra of authority appeal and fallacy in dick-waving debate. What's another one?
Occam's razor. Excessive worry about offending Occam sometimes provides for more hindrance to enlightenment than help, I've come to believe. Occam does not rule out complicating the hypothesis, just doing it without necessity. The simplest solution is not always the solution of needs. What's another?
Logic? Ok. Remembering we're all aware of observed phenomena defying _all_ logic... how reliable is the logic defined? Is there an end edge to logic?  ...Can't think entirely in Newton since Einstein and presently can't think entirely in Einstein. What's another?
The Scientific Method... Sure! Though it remains; the representatives of the scientific mainstream would set themselves up as the default arbiter of that which they will not even deign to investigate! That's science?!?
Another... "Psych 101," as in an appellation to adhere to same. Those are sneer quotes, oh yes.
Never has such a conflicted morass of cobbled conjecture and variegated abomination tried to pass itself off as even the softest of soft sciences. Still, if we really wanted to redress a "psychological aspect" of things we could actually explore the mechanisms of the hostile, deconstructive, and maladaptive outlooks fueled by toxic "religious assumptions" and canted by employee "abandonment issues," unadmitted in agenda-pursuant "unconscious and even conscious projections," disingenuous "passive-aggressive thought patterns" facilitating authoritarian patterns, and finally the turbid psychopathy of the unbridled ego... One begins to see how dark and twisted psychology must be when it, for example, is allied with pharmaceutical companies drugging millions of our children into pecuniary sub-sentience and used to further manipulate an increasingly gullible public at the behest of short-term corporate interests! Psychology 101! We've all our answers there, you betcha! Not.
See ...been all over the "common sense," the "rules of evidence," the "conventional wisdom," the "logic," and the "scientific method," good tools all... when used consistently, rationally, responsibly, and reasonably...  but they're too often not used in this manner and so are not the holy grail with which one might  would beat his "opposition" over the head to less than noble academic ends. Perhaps our lettered miscreant has some deep seated need to be angered when someone won't queue right up to validate his tedious little world view or pompous scientistic (sic) faith, eh? 
That's our planet, barely authoritative I sense, reader, but oppressively, if unconsciously, authoritarian... ...And I'll bet its denizens feel themselves a crown of all creation. 
Closing–I don't know how anyone can read Dolan, Feschino, Hastings, or Friedman et sig al and remain on the two-color klasskurtxian side of the aisle, or even on the fence. Our ego is the barrier to our imaginations and the limit of our growth?  We're not alone in all likelihood. We might embrace that given we are served even where we're wrong.  It would unite us at the least.
It remains: if they are still anything like us? They will eat our heads. That's ironic, eh? Maybe that's Hawking's concern. 
They can be better; however, as we could be, and we can hope that humanity avoids its karma awhile longer.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Your Money's Worth

Plugged in to what's *allowed* to us... through the Hubble's awesome eye? Why, stars are fried in neutron sleet! Such are visions we have spied!
Smashing rocks in timeless chance are matters fueling movement's dance!  
More's observed just lately spied... perhaps times ten what meets our "eye"!
...Where dance steps are languid the stars are festooned with garlands of space dust for skeptics lampooned. The concept of *anything's* found in these reaches, on orbiting planets... like sand on our beaches.
...And out of these orbits—mysterious folk? These tempt and confuse us; perhaps, blowing smoke! Still, they hover and flutter alive in our skies... in spite of deception and government lies!
Extant... is an omniverse where folk must occur. It is filled with the possible! No thing is deterred. Conceived? It is FACT in that space... far from here? ...And more is un-thought of ... beyond weird... passed queer!
I'm depressed that they're hidden in unexplained smoke! I'm uncheered they don't spill it, and just go for broke! I'm bemused they're not landing on everyone's lawn, on their stoops, in their kitchens, or on Washington Pond!
To complacently ignore "all of this" as irrelevant is to make bad "investments" gaining interests... malevolent. It's the rarest of news... getting better with age! BAD news, then, not at all... says an ancient clay page ...
The Hubble's taking movies of titanic stars consumed... black holes sleep between their meals then flash when meal's resumed! From fiery wombs of star-stuff stars are born as lucent babes, then ejected with toy planets they make life on— who's to say?
...See, life's in abundance and older than rust! Beyond complaining and explaining they're extant and... calling us! Must the meeting of two cultures, where "advantage" meets the one? Must the lesser in "advantage" take grim heat, and be undone?
...And all of that considered, after looking through the Hubble, there is space enough to think about... to "not think" leads to trouble. Trouble's gone denied, my friend, remains before your eye... Your eye above the mountains where you see beyond the sky.

I think I pay for an unfiltered look through that instrument. What do you think you pay for, reader?
Then one remembers they'd have to first respect us to allow us the unfettered, unsanitized, and unfiltered look. They'd have to educate us. They'd have to appreciate us. They would truly have to have our best interests at heart.
How much respect should an individual be accorded as a matter of course? It would seem there must be some minimal amount. It is not equaled by that which must be demanded, and so it must be demanded? Yes.
Win the lottery but lose your soul? You know what soullessness is, right? It is the loss of an ability to feel satisfaction of any type... all types... ...every type, I suspect.
How about you, reader? Do you feel like you're getting the required respect or achieving requisite satisfaction? If not? Perhaps you can try to do what I try to do. It seems to help. As is justice demanded around you seems to help.
Simply this: don't credit or enable that which disrespects you; don't reward or compensate that which fails to satisfy you. Repurpose your vote, your sympathy, and your dollars. Deny truthlessness your essence, your support, and your consideration. Refuse it your concern, your regard, your facilitation.
Indeedhold it beneath your contempt, concern, and consideration as you would any soul killer. The soul you save will be your own.
Without regard to a closed institution, dark agency, or psychopathic government let your conscience be in charge! To your own self... be true? Keep your own council? Demand your money's worth? There are a lot more of us than them... did you know that?
...But for them, we could heal the planet, feed the hungry, exist in a Utopian dream in a living ring around the sun... why, we'd bring the saucers down...
Then—the fun really starts! Read on!
"I cleave the heavens and soar to the infinite. What others see from afar, I leave far behind me." - Giordano Bruno, who will live in our hearts forever... burned at the fundamentalist's stake for wanting his money's worth.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Alfred's Odd Observation #21

Alfred's Odd Observation #21
 by Alfred Lehmberg

Discord, Disharmony, and insentient Dispute... And just when everything was busting loose with the most person friendly political platform in our Nation's history! Such is the resolution of things. Though, not here, not now. 

Here was a bonified sensory expansion in the measured world of Descartes! Metaphorically slipping on the eyes of virtual gods, a result of an off the books temporary loan of military-grade true night vision devices, I'm empowered with the eyes of owls and cats! It's like lifting your eyes from the cave's shadows to see the causative light causing them from without.  I say true!

Facilitated by the most dazzling piece of visual enhancement technology this old aviator has ever hung on his hairy face, I was treated, reader... to detailed arrays of otherworldly fluctuating lights and glowing orbs!  

These observations included ~searing~ instant zippers and slowly crumbling flashing dimmers, all wholly unperceived unaided! Extant were thoughtfully slow, ponderous movers of varying magnitude brilliantly represented! The sky was accessorized with Exploding stationary "bloomers" dimming abruptly and dashing furtively about, transitioning left or right several degrees only to then blink out like failing light bulbs! This, reader, was just in the initial few minutes of first having them on my face!  I watched for hours in the double digits!

"Camera-flashers" flitted like fireflies within specific fist-sized regions of the enhanced  and virescent  glow of the astonishing new sky!  Verily!

No magic is involved; one will not see what is not there.  Only the light that's (remotely!) available, magnified thousands of times is made accessible to the otherwise inadequate human eyeball.  

Even without the strange stuff otherwise cluttering it, it is a stellar show without visual parallel! Truly, Van Gogh's starry, starry skies... revealed through military TYPE III NVG's, are the stuff of all imagination's illumination! 

Too, given time to watch, and this writer had had weeks in clear winter skies, the presence of the "just not talked about," is plain.

Clearly, it is a show that is not easily describable.  Most, living in and around towns and cities, can go out at night and see dozens of bright stars, perhaps even make out a few constellations with their unaided eyes.  Others, blessed with less light pollution in rural areas, can see HUNDREDS of stars, all the constellations and a hint of the milky way.  Those fortunate enough to have access to cold dry desert air can see, with their naked eyes, a stirring star-show of THOUSANDS of stars that quicken imaginations as they quicken and inspire the courageous heart with an overpowering galactic panoply...

...But slip on a pair of TYPE~III night-vision devices, highly refined for aviators, and leapfrog, blithely, over ~millions~ of stars to see ~Billions~ ... of individual stars, stars so numerous they're draped like sheer curtains of jade fog, and feel like one who sees the sky as a god must... with clarity, totality, and entirety...

I got my late mother (she was 75 at the time) out in the back to look through them and she was ~wholly~ astonished, even overwhelmed with their visual impact. Unconsciously snatching the goggles from my steadying fingers so she could take possession, however fleetingly, of what amounts to a *real* superpower of enhanced visual capability and capacity, she gaped, forgivingly open-mouthed, at her newly revealed reality.  She.  Was. Astounded.  I'm reminded of how Giordano Bruno, looking through A telescope that first time, must have felt.

...See, it was suddenly revealed to her that she could now, and very truly, see what she'd had no idea was there, and she had the startling realization that if this was true... what must yet remain, remaining to be seen, still!  Cue the "mind-blown" music!

A similar power transferred to the "physical" would have the individual swinging buses around her head; transferred to the "ear" is to hear a butterfly's wings in an adjacent State hundreds of miles away... It is an awesome power—an intellectual force multiplier!  Truly, anyone who looks through these vision-enhancing devices is reminded, forever, of what is REALLY up there...  Time and Space and Dimensions non-conceived and beyond conception...

EMPTY of the non-prosaic, and merely composed of previously undetected ~emerald galaxies~ and billions of ~spilled green diamonds~ (of divergent size and intensity on a dark green felt background), it QUALIFIES the very IDEA of the not prosaic and QUANTIFIES the excuses one can have for same!  

*They* ~are~ real! There ~are~ people across the *river*, and there ~are~ fewer reasons (one should even be able to grasp) that we would be isolated in our corner of the universe, much less "alone" in it... and that's the rub...

 "AlienViews," is a small collection of earnest individuals who associate with me (you know who you are) in cyberspace, and who have known one another for several years in many cases. These are persons who have watched each member in the collection grow and resolve over a period of time and are individuals who have learned, if with some pain, the value of our rational toleration and its utility in creating an efficacious synergy. 

Use your imagination on the just preceding if you have to, but expect no angles or percentages. This is but written to be understood and so believed as a perceived truth is understood. I say true and won't apologize for the aspiration. Without shame we are about cooperation, we are about synthesis, we are about teamwork of contributing individuals—we are about "inclusion."  That's the aspiration.

With only the most minimal amount of divergence from that pointed imperative, that is all we have EVER sought! I exalt in my community... this tangentially and tenuous fabric of 21st Century communication. A glasnost and perestroika of cooperative fellowship uncomplicated by unwarranted negativity or lack of constructive imagination...  I welcome any challenge that would dispute the spirit of that!  ANY challenge!

Persons honestly skeptical of an AlienViews outlook are inevitable and are in the end appreciated and welcomed as skeptics!  Our company (even if reluctantly) welcomes the divergence of these skeptical because if a friendly communication can still be made, extended, or maintained... it only widens the experiential base of our TOTAL effort—an effort to understand what precipitated all these divergent views in the first place!

What is it?

When erstwhile and faux-skeptics split off from AlienViews, perhaps selling their soul to the reductionist's company store, we are not depressed and disappointed that our effort was somewhat diluted, we but wish the departure well, we were well met. after all. The best of luck good winds and God's speed. Are there bigger fish to fry?


The sky's alive at this moment, honored reader, with the objects of our intense interest, and it is in no way affected by the inexplicable actions of even the most talented of intelligent sociopath or faux-sceptic. It doesn't care that reductionists don't believe! The skies are crawling with life not admitted by the hijacked mainstream or the garden variety bush-league detractor periodically arrayed by the duplicitous mainstream.

I've seen UFOs with my own eyes, continue to see them, and have access to equipment that allows me to see them, better still.  Given the time I have to look for them and the equipment I had available for use, the respected reader would see them, too!

That's enough!  For AlienViews, I continue to watch the quickening skies. Read on!

Thursday, October 06, 2016

History's Mysteries...

History's Mysteries...
by Alfred Lehmberg

On the theme of a "mysterious history" or how that richly accommodates our conjectured quarantine by ET... observe, reader, a suggested panoply of reasons the Saucers might "stay away."
Consider for a moment the utter lack of respect generally tendered to the people who build and maintain our world! The lack of respect socially, institutionally... even their churches drill them from the collection plate: the maligned, disrespected, marginalized, and errantly-blamed working poor... ...sure, there's a fractional percentage of these "getting over" but put that minority out of your mind as irrelevant! They're in favor, too.
 Frankly, the "man" just shouldn't suck so hard... or there wouldn't be an appreciable "any" of these "desperate disparate" looking for angles. People are survivors, and a covetously grasping "1%" is the engine for making crime pay, at the start!
These aforementioned "poor," one might perceive, were cleverly, if unconsciously, cameoed in that old Mel Gibson action vehicle Beyond Thunderdome, as the, against all odds, bi-human character "Master Blaster." Master Blaster was the engineer and officiator of the gas-energy producing vats of swine offal and dead citizens beneath the Thunderdome, and leader of the topside shunned and miserable legions maintaining them.
...Recall what happened when "Master Blaster" didn’t pick up the "garbage" or process the dead bodies and swine feces into fuel for a few days? Why, your "white-bread world" comes to the proverbial grinding halt! Concurrently, the above-ground "leadership" reveals itself proud and effectual as a wet sack of dead mice. Yeah, be nice to the garbage man, he keeps you... like Joni Mitchell wrote, ..."unfettered and alive."
See, the study of history could be just as entertaining as reality TV or a Mel Gibson movie... in fact, it should be! You want intrigue and conflict and betrayal and lust? Real History. You want something elevating and inspiring and ethically progressive? Real History. You want good moral lessons on ethics and trust. Real History. You want something honestly constructive and respectfully gainful? Real History!
You want an aggregate satisfaction? The kingdom is at hand! The key? Real History!
The real history, folks, and even in this day and age you don't have to scratch down very far to find it. Real history. The chronicle of how NOT to do things by persons trying to make a just record, warts included reader, without ego's ax to grind.  It's all there.
You can't navigate the future if you don't remember the navigation of the past. We understand that those knowing the past control the future and that those who control the present can control the past. One can appreciate how dangerous that will be where the present insists on a fictional past...

We do not know that navigation, good reader! History may be written by psychopaths to reflect a single generation's social gains and losses to inflate largely undeserving egos.  How is Columbus yet revered, even if allowed to dwindle as a "great" man... as a discoverer of America, otherwise? Columbus was a monster. There can be no lipstick for pigs... and it certainly won't be provided by ET.
...And if you're really brave, have a progressive heart and appreciate that the best part of humanity comes as a result of our pioneer spirit? If you suspect that a sacrifice now is a down payment on inheriting the multi-verse later? Then know, reader, that the biggest, if most avoided, part of that history includes UFOs. ...Be not afraid.
UFOs just ~are~. Start getting used to it. Start demanding more information in their regard. Inherit the future! Don't be swamped by same. We can catch the train approaching and not let it run us down.
Additionally, don't allow yourself to laugh in their regard. Given a revealed existentiality, UFOs, but certainly their occupants (what we truly regard!), become the most important and momentous thing in humanity's day, this one or any other!
Refuse the "kool-aid," good people... oh, and by the way? Apart from rather frivolous rejections, once, by Paul Kimball (then accessorized by the sundry and officious, now rejected, Parascats [tm]) as "a man who never met a conspiracy he didn't like..." consider the late Jim Marrs, perhaps one of the last of what is an endangered species ... that vanishing breed of string-less fringe-journalists with some consistency and real integrity.
Perhaps not since Edward R. Morrow, a Walter Cronkite or an early Dan Rather...  has a true journalistic ethic, even right of center, been so efficaciously prosecuted. In no way a nut like many contemporary with him, Mr. Marrs cannot be so easily discredited because he won't drink the "official" juice, honored reader. Marrs shall not be faulted for following the data and reporting the facts as they reveal themselves to him. Remains, he'd make a better newsman than what's currently offered in the aggregate... but then so would SpongeBob Squarepants (by far!)... I digress.
Dodgy ax grinders with non-admitted agendas drinking too deeply from self-congratulating kegs... these might keep their canted counsel to themselves. Jim Marrs does not so easily crumble in debate with the aforementioned type.
You know the type. Quick with a sneer. Quicker with a smirk. Quickest to the reflexive denial. Quickening to be penultimate jerks (Because jerks are 2nd rate): "morons in need of attention," chronicled in lore, or every bit as damagingly retro as those they think they prosecute, read persecute!
Leaping to the persons illustrating the disgust discussed reactionary, these are unrepentantly authoritarian; Science is with them, eh? This type perhaps considers themselves as intelligently designing, ironically, and a jewel in their own creation's crown. Reductionist meme-nazis by another name and smelling as sweet as a spent cannister of "ETH B"? Hey... what are you doing when you're making lists and checking them twice subsequent to getting a group mind "right." [shudder].
Remembering, well, that the pointing of one finger implies three pointing back at self... ...I have to say that where anxious ideologues were amusing at best and tedious at worst... lately they become dangerously regressive and a prevaricating homage to earlier old times of the before-before... not even existing "THEN," ironically enough! Real history is mystery, perhaps whole and absolute.
Could it actually be that it is supposed to be like that? Moving right passed shocked laughter we observe that that can't be true because so few are served while so many endure the antithesis of that service. Then pause to reflect that, observed from without, we may be kindergarten-age feral children on our world, believing that we were not always under the observation of adult others, not ourselves.  What says they're there is us.  We are the proof.
Feh. The only thing that should not be tolerated in this day and age is glad intolerance.  Remains, current behavior might justify our quarantine. Who, including ourselves if we were honest, could tolerate us?
Read on.


Saturday, October 01, 2016

Why We Drain The Broccoli...

"I cleave the heavens, and soar to the infinite. 
What others see from afar, I leave far behind me."
Giordano Bruno, scourged by the well-meaning TORR.

Why We Drain The Broccoli...
by Alfred Lehmberg

Or... why are the ostensibly "rational" and "reasonable" singled out for a vituperative thrashing I might more earnestly engender and prosecute elsewhere, on the more deserving?  Could it be a result of that "more deserving" being entirely unapproachable, even consensus poisoning in the manner of your friendly neighborhood MAGA Republican?  You can't discuss UFOs with Bill Nye or abortion rights with a fundy right-wing authoritarian, but I repeat myself.

...And, they're not getting a thrashing, so much. Not really. Oh, I know... unquestionably it could be argued, and abundantly too, that some nameable individuals seem the ready focus for same, but it's not the wool-dyed skeptibunky bugging me, so much, those reflexive UFO denialists adhering to the isolationist's party line, it's the ostensibly "rational" and "reasonable," sincerely, performing same! 

How could that be? Apart from their individual expressions? I don't know those we'll chide from bunny pants, and in most cases, over the long haul? These have perpetrated or have indicated no substantive mendacity themselves. I'd offer that they act, now, as a "communicative foil," but that's the too-easy explanation, the parsimonious one. The one misusing Occam. 

No, their inadequate hypothesis predictably requires more complication? I'm just making a bald statement of fact as I see it with no supporting documentation, no citations the furtive bibliophile lusts to covet and crave (then dismiss)... no demonstrable support... ...whatever that might mean (which won't be a whole lot?). Just honesty aspired to... We shall see.

I've no proof...[what was that, again?] only an internal logic aspiring to consistency ...in as much as closure in all things, strict adherence to *immutable* laws, and that much-touted-as-real-in-an-existential-sense white-male-creator-of-all-things... (?) is only ever a *comforting* illusion most maintain among other *comforting* illusions. It's rather like we produce our own individually maintained "Matrix" to keep our big lie "personal fable" well inflated if barely afloat. I digress...

Suffice it to say: All this is merely reported as true by an onsite witness and participant. Me.

Consider... As these things are traditionally measured? Those ostensibly "rational" and "reasonable" (TORR), forgetting they're inexorably turning into their grandparents, are one hell of a bunch of good guys and gals ...even as they are betrayers of the efficacious aggregate trust!  In that aggregate, though, some remain to have me long for the broccoli water alluded to in a moment...

They're smart, articulate, engaging, educated, accomplished, and (...measured loosely from scientist to barrister?) even experienced. They're "well read", "well written", "well connected", and seemingly "well-liked" by the people who are close to them or who agree with key aspects of an ethereal if aggregate progressive philosophy.

They're grounded and steadfast and committed to a point of view with WIDE acceptance by the mainstream (the problem!). Their aforementioned networking gives them a golden ticket to the centers of that which is most interesting and rewarding for many of us. They're persons to be knighted, surely, not besmirched, apparently...

What's my problem, then?

Could it be professional, academic, or personal envy? Is it mere jealousy, gravid and green, illustrating and illuminating a personal character flaw nurtured for seven decades and change, and springing forth, finally, like some kind of irrationality of late-term-despairing-male-menopause...?


...Though, I've explored my feelings, personal accomplishments, and motivations a great deal and I don't think so... Something else is at issue. I've got a pretty good handle on what it is, I believe.

No... the TORRs, and God bless them every one... are not the "problem," but the complacent enabler of same, the looming dystopia, that I allude to. They're fine persons if you want and as it's measured, so I'd like to think we could even have dinner sometime and I wouldn't drown them in the broccoli water hoping they hated broccoli...

What they remain to be, though, is just the most visible, most effective, and most unswerving stand-ins for the "aggregate problem," as I have come to perceive it to be. They are symbol for that which I find troublesome, incongruous, worrisome, and wrong. I criticize them... ...and I have a living breathing foil for an exploration of how far, in my considered opinion, we go wrong as a society, a culture, and a potentially sentient species.  Hey.  I'm on to 80 at this point.  It's what we do.

Besides, let's just blow right passed my qualifications to pronounce on such. 'K? ... 'K.

I have the means, method, and opportunity in the first place... ...the only qualification required for same, anymore, eh? The second is to be on site and paying freight! Such is so. Forgetting that?

Why, I'm uniquely qualified... as anyone is, really, who can put two sincere words together on a page with regard to something they care about? ...on Even our revered TORRs. Oh, especially our TORRs. It's why I swing at their pinatas...

...But apart from the TORRs? I've lived on *both* sides of the ideological fence and presently find all sides of the western ideological fence wanting... (there are more than two, one discovers, not so astonishingly), as might believe our more oblivious TORRs, most of all, ironically.

What's wrong? Oh, I don't know... ...their gleefully uneven road-trip on the highway to hell in a shopping cart with shrieking wheels? This precipitates in the form of "society pathology" and "cultural constipation" brought on by the indolent worship of a sectarian "science" complacently dehumanizing us... ...honestly bringing the whole planet to the tenuous edge of survivability while facilitating the ignorance of our birthright to the stars of inner and outer space? ...Insisting on the unreasonable hubris that a *~man~kind* is uniquely and singularly alive (alone!), essentially, in the unknown multi-verse, a randomly staggering accident of evolution, or the jewel in a crown of a Godhood's creation??

...That's just to start.

See... a retired military flyer with experience in combat, staffing, and for a time, commanding Officer Candidate Schools? I once believed the mainstream, that there even was a "competent and even-handed" arbiter *mainstream* extant... ...saw my function as an aspiring champion of what was good and true on the planet. I left the service in late in 1992 with an intent to continue to serve that aggregate good... anything done creatively, with honor (or what's the point?) 

... I was going to be a public school teacher.

I went back to school to secure a credential for same and graduated summa (I've confirmed that) cum laude...

Let's digress a little more... Have you ever wondered why the riot or insurrection or revolution usually starts at the university?

Blame it, as the scurrilous will, on some dodgy leftist teacher's tree hugging sensibility. The real reason is that... ...it is at this university where you can learn about the mechanisms employed to cloud men's minds (and an input on who's employing them), the contents of primary references (who wrote them and why), and the ability to think outside of the *approved* box ...as continuing to think inside the *approved* box is not an appropriate activity for individuals who would aspire to efficacious sentience or the ability to breathe freely! ...Read: aspire to empathic sensibilities. Read: Evolve! Grow!

Which is to say... to the degree that it remains efficacious, ethical, and does no harm? No limitations, social, psychological, or otherwise. No. Limits...

It was in this college (the college of my own insurrection) I began to perceive, with jaw-dropping irony, the craggy cliff that the current faux-conservative sensibilities seemed gleefully prepared to hurtle us off of like we were all in an out-of-control SUV! TЯUMP is a contending pilot of our National airplane... hit a lot of trees on his first flight, actually killing a lot of people and then campaigning on another turn at the stick!

A small study of religion, for example, seemed to prove only how horrible we could make a current life in preparation for an indistinct *next* one, one required to be taken entirely on untested faith... and on the word of those truly picking your pockets!

An examination of the exampling fruit produced by our conflicted Western civilization, by my measure, for my focus, and through my filters...?...only demonstrated a need to reviewreassess, reconstituterevampand revise... same!  Prideful ignorance, easy authoritarianism, unjustified arrogance, and unwarranted hubris corrupt the mainstream and Status quo, provoking them to psychotic extremes.  This all has ample illustration right in the reader's wheelhouse and experience, presuming honesty of self.

We'd been bull-shitting ourselves! Everybody knew it, too, admitted or not. Everybody! Those most rewarded... most of all!

...This is conscience, folks... not convenience. I've always done the hard jobs; there's more satisfaction in them... I digress within digression... [Woooot]!

We take a deep breath... 

A revaluation of the so-called *mainstream* showed that it was anything but an inclusive view of things, "balanced" and "grounded". No, it was, and always has been I suppose, a mechanism corrupted by elitists to homogenize and pasteurize distracted human beings without regard to their rights and individualities, their sensibilities, their growth... or any sense of justice or fair play on a level playing field... ...in the service of "good employee" production. The mainstream was anything but a reflection of informed citizenry; it was the manipulator of that citizenry... and it gets progressively worse as the years accelerate. I suspect this is not the way it has to be.

The complacent TORR, et sig al, in my view, fronts this *mainstream*. This is the basis, but reiterated, of my irritation with them.

Further encouraged around 1994, in this college environment, and as a result of a chance presentation between classes about UFOs (given by Robert Hastings), I began to get even more of a sense of just how far down the primrose path we had been taken with regard to our society, culture, and civilization.

Exclusive Society had not been a proper teacher/mentor. Exclusive Culture has not been an apposite friend. ...And, in as much as the cliff edge of "society suicide" and "cultural immolation" seemingly approaches with alarming and accelerating propensity? ...Civilization, western or otherwise seemed to have taken a bad turn... ...somewhere... that was abundantly clear.


I began, reader, not to... "believe in the fringe"... ...but to disbelieve what was official... an oblique endorsement of the fringe! Confronted by betrayal, one must be able to look elsewhere! Moreover, I was subsequently driven there by the unethical and unjust status quo... ...then summarily put off the societal bus! That's a stunning irony for me, verily, as painful as it was!

Credited now as a credulous believer (and quasi-dangerous troublemaker?) and stridently discounted for same? The reality is that I've been rendered bereft of "belief in the mainstream," by that self-same mainstream!

I can't believe the prime-time news, the pronouncements of institutions, the exhortations of the church, the explications of my government, the decrees of law enforcement, the verdicts of the courts, the announcements of a plethora of agencies, or the earnest assertions of hoary academia! These entities have, quite literally, placed themselves beyond the limits of my credulity, as with others as they betrayed the presumed trust... and I can no longer credit them with my complete confidence!  Trust has been betrayed.

I won't be a sap!

Predictably, perhaps? I have trouble seeing where this is my fault.

Betrayed by the aggregate system... ...for doing exactly what it had taught me that it respected? ...I'm twenty times burned and now *forever* shy!

My fault, reader? Uh-uh... I won't validate gravy when it's not the same for goose and gander. I won't credit it. I won't shine it on. I won't abide it. I cannot.

If cops aren't color-blind? If you can't afford self-improvement? If you have to decide between medicine and heat and food? If the hypocritical and autocratic abide and prevail against the rule of law? If people rot in the streets in front of their washed-out homes and are eaten by abandoned pets, rats and alligators as the responsible for reassigning blame like errant children?  Affluenza, for example, is the disease of a sick society.

If separation of power is inexorably consolidated and at the whim of a dry drunk double deserter with delusions of grandeur enabled by a cohort of corrupt faux-conservatives as it was at one time... or an orange scourge burning the country down in a futile attempt at saving his ass... as it could be again?

...When justice is dispensed to the highest bidder? When efficacious drugs cause cognitive pathologies in people who do not even take them? When science becomes the lap-dog of the sociopathic elite... ...When the truth, as William Blake said, cannot be told to be understood without being believed?

Woof! We need to hoe a different row, brothers and sisters!

UFOs are real, forgetting, as Jacques Vallee and Terence McKenna have intimated, that they likely only pretend to be an "other" to keep from freaking us out, unnecessarily, with regard to what they really are on the one hand... and on the other? ...Just how limited a hundred years of science really is!  Our hubris portends embarrassment.

...Science has failed us miserably in coming to grips with the reality of this UFO thing... indeed won't even pretend (although it's done that too) to begin an investigation of it. Outrageous!

Indeed our mainstream agencies discredit and invalidate themselves to the extreme by ridiculing UFOs rather than coming to grips with the obvious reality of them! This is a reality reflected all through recorded history, remember, so includes a physical reality in vetted films, photos, and verified radar returns. Be reminded that it is a stark reality to tens of thousands of credible and quality men and women who have interacted with the concept of them night after night in popular media, radio, and film... ...if you've forgotten!

The mainstream does not respect what the public doesn't know, and won't endeavor to tell them when they don't! The mainstream's conflicted mind is made up and won't be bothered with the facts as plain as the craven beak on a klasskurtxian pelicanist!

The mainstream cannot attack the aforementioned data and so destroys the individual persons bravely trying to ferret that data out. The mainstream facilitates cowardly ends with the most unethical and criminal means. The mainstream is satisfied to do its research by proclamation rather than investigation.

The preceding is WELL documented, reader! Read Feschino, Dolan, Hastings, and Friedman for numerous examples...

This is no *mainstream*, doing the greatest good for the greatest number, folks! The mainstream as it stands is, instead, an egregious tool used against you by sociopaths... ...reptiles who are incapable of the remotest respect for you! Does the reader expect to be directed to respect this *mainstream* even as the mainstream has not been respectable and has shown no respect! Now that's crazy!

"Mainstream"! Who are you to judge the efficacy of yourself?

...On-site, paying freight... Sir and Madam! What's gravy for the goose is gravy for the gander! Your participation is key! The judged judge in turn!

Actually? In the microcosm, yours is the ONLY opinion that matters, reader!  Try to have one that matters in the macrocosm!

Something else college does for you if you weren't smart enough to pick it up in high-school (...I wasn't...) and are paying attention? It's the demonstration that the bigger you make your *fire* the more the shadows are highlighted... ...and the deeper they become. But, this is a good thing, right? Knowing you know not is still a pretty good chunk of knowing, at all, eh?

Besides, everything you *know*... ...might be wrong... I'd put money on "likely."

The TORR, I suspect, believes in entropy, the death of heat, things running down, that which was "together" must come "apart" and become... ...at some far, far point in a time as immutable as it was irregular... as cold as a speck of dust in a lightless and airless void... resistance is futile... prepare to have your ass laminated...

The TORR, I suspect, believes in intellectual parsimony, the simplest explanation, the one requiring the fewest moving parts and the least amount of entities added... ...as the preferred explanation in all cases, at the start... ...less is more manageable... ...after all...

The TORR, I suspect, reserves special respect for mainstream mores, *approved* movers and *vetted* shakers... ...one of the nuts and bolts adherents of a bowdlerized Descartes and stridently opposed to the "agreed upon" infirm... those who want to explore a fringe beyond the light provided by the huge fire he so respectfully tends... ...God made the light and the light was good and "we shall be grateful."

...But the TORR handily forgets the aggregate accelerations we all perceive. The TORR neatly forgets that Occam includes the word "ordinarily" in his razor. The TORR too conveniently forgets the duplicities, inconsistencies, obfuscations, betrayals, and, in too many cases? ...The abject cowardice, intellectual and otherwise, of the supporters and players of that *mainstream*, eh?

The TORR forgets that God, as we know him, is largely invented (re-invented!) by the too few to do the bidding of those few.

I can't abide it. No apologies... and no offense meant...

Injury on top of insult, it doesn't really matter that *The TORR* forget these things... ...when it is discovered that these things are purposefully forgotten, forgotten by design and craft and rationalization ...forgotten because what's "real" and "true" doesn't square with being alone (even if only *essentially*)... in an infinite vastness of cornucopic and open-ended potentiality... A jewel in creation's crown—THE jewel in creation's crown?

...Pause, sincerely, for Hoots and squirty Guffaws...

You might begin to see how the TOR, a proud product of their extensive training and study in the arts (and they are) of:
  • History (the official story composed by sociopaths to facilitate same?)
  • Political science (the study of the methods used in justifying that sociopathy?)
  • Law (the codifications of trying to have cake and eat it too?)
...has twisted these aforementioned *arts* around into the self-serving, short-sheeting, pedestrian, and banal celebration of cognitive mediocrity that the TORR precipitates... Gleefully, gladly, and gaily. Indolently. Complacently. Insentiently.

...No—on second thought, if a TORR rep and I ever share that dinner? It would be prudent to drain the broccoli exceptionally well.

...But that's more than was desired on why I fight, eh? No apologies.

Hey ...Closing, real quick and dirty? I know that the most third-rate functionary and perfunctory lackey I criticize in this piece could stomp an official mud-hole in my ass... indeed has! Why bump my gums and imperil myself further regarding this dreaded "portents of social doom" I've iterated... risk an escalation of society's pique already meted out to me?

...Because it is what I've done in the service of this nation and an aggregate humanity, I suspect. Plus? I know that when I am bold, mighty forces come to my aid. That works for you too, reader.

Read on.



*On the subject of "personal fables," these are understandably created to keep an even strain day to day. They're used as barricades to keep the adherent as far into the "warm and fuzzies" as can be allowed and justified or afforded. Some point to everything... some reason to go on... individual faith as peak experience in imagined self-actualization... fine until it's used as justification to impose arbitrary will on another... but it's a fable... pointless beyond the snuffing of life's every candle.  How is that good news?  Well, forgetting that the answer is stranger than can be imagined, a truth remains that your still self-aware consciousness exists to experience the corporeal (...howsoever that plays out for good or ill...) at the center of the universe and all creation as far as you (that's you, reader!) are concerned. Dare to wonder that that is the point and that that is the good news.  It may be an aggregate humanity suffers needlessly and there be real utility in the acknowledgment of that. One has the choice, nay the responsibility, to bear witness, true witness, and responsibility to same. Remains a kingdom at hand, eh?  It's within grasp if one just closes fingers on it!

I hear existence is chaos and we've naught but one another. We might as well be kind.

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...