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"...alien enough to be psychologically unreachable, communicationally intractable, even existentially unspeakable..." |
Would Seem To Loom!
by Alfred Lehmberg
Upcoming? Just a few historical last century news items, printed bon-motts of some bizarre if justified civil histrionics, histrionics about which the mainstream has had plenty of time to be, well, wholly forthcoming. Yes. Yes they have.
All of the proceeding were perfect opportunities for said mainstream to actually have been a mainstream, one finds. This would be a mainstream we'd LIKE to define as a reflection of some golden communicational mean, a cherished if conjectured core of trusted journalistic rationality and cooler logic... a poised (trust worthy!) official record... a social foundation for hearth and home going forward? Why not? Don't we deserve a measure of societal straitness?
Still, a steadier so more authoritative secular support is demanded on hand, more than there is presently for most of us, anyway. The sectarian would seem to bugger us unconscionably, unendingly, and would thusly disqualify itself comprehensively for cause and of needs... contrarily, a saner framework upon which to build is reflected upon, reader... for far too few individuals, given what we're to regard here in a moment, on much too small a planet! ...Consider the players in the debate on climate change, for example. What bespeaks "smart" and what's done stupid, so stupid, as to have now had its decided and disastrous run?
...A David Attenborough themed documentary regarding a well-executed pedagogical treatment on the learned mechanics of a sane civil-social discourse seems required and would be a good illustration of that wished-for civilizational efficacy here described. Would that we actually had one to watch...
...A David Attenborough themed documentary regarding a well-executed pedagogical treatment on the learned mechanics of a sane civil-social discourse seems required and would be a good illustration of that wished-for civilizational efficacy here described. Would that we actually had one to watch...
...But, no. We're a facile humanity of despairing egos inefficaciously applied to our artistic potentials! We metaphorically rob Peter to pay Paul, moreover, and then disingenuously blame Paul to Peter, denying Christ in the process... but completely ignoring that strange lesson of a "doubting" Thomas, and Christ rewarding his respected doubt of an inexplicable "resurrection" with the offer to handle Christ's wounds, directly, as proof it was He! Now, that's a REAL investment in position!
See, Truth is not fragile and can TAKE an abusive handling, is the lesson. We would put our hands into Christ's wounds and check their very verity! See, I but stand on the shoulders of giants as any of us can... and report: we are as strong as that!
...Or could be...
What follows, then, are some intractable foreshadowings of the looming void extant. This is a void yawning wide the gaping depths of our shared times, our surface areas, trammeled and NOT... We wander its convoluted volumes and its surreal conjectured inner and outer spaces of fractal math... what must lie there waiting in the dark. What fresh hell or heaven's reward?
All hubris withers in its presence; however, and one's arrogance, vanity, or egotism become ludicrous and irrelevant in its gaze. The easily wounded or unsettled might avoid the exercise... Be forewarned!
All hubris withers in its presence; however, and one's arrogance, vanity, or egotism become ludicrous and irrelevant in its gaze. The easily wounded or unsettled might avoid the exercise... Be forewarned!
See, its cloying ephemerality is too suggestive of those weird and unsettling intimations of seeming madness, intimations of a nature describing a wholly eerie and destabilizing "unknown" unknown... likely alien enough to be unreachable, communicationally intractable, even unspeakable...
Good news. Anything else would bore to tears!
We better! A fractal existential reality of self-aware bits of intelligence are all but guaranteed by our own existence in the corporeal "all," as nothing happens but once in its confines, reader!
Happened, happens! We happened! Others, then, MUST! It occurs to this writer that this may be all the best argument against a "monotheism" (like Christianity, Islam, or Judaism) one needs!
Only one of anything must be the only wholly baseless myth. If there's one god then there is just going to be a plethora and pantheon of them! That's the physics.
We only perceive a "singularity" anywhere, about anything, because we'd hope to be singular. Yet, nothing seems to have that singularity. Nothing we don't have to take on "faith," anyway...
Happened, happens! We happened! Others, then, MUST! It occurs to this writer that this may be all the best argument against a "monotheism" (like Christianity, Islam, or Judaism) one needs!
Only one of anything must be the only wholly baseless myth. If there's one god then there is just going to be a plethora and pantheon of them! That's the physics.
We only perceive a "singularity" anywhere, about anything, because we'd hope to be singular. Yet, nothing seems to have that singularity. Nothing we don't have to take on "faith," anyway...
See, it's more than likely that we're neither first on the universal scene (our closest stellar neighbor is a billion years older...) or the most talented and accomplished extant within it. The very idea of humanity as the universe's preeminent entelechy is ludicrous! The reader must agree out of the simple good sense of humility.
Verily, it's Humility dictating we make this presumption. Assumption, even, in this regard, is not uncalled for. Safer... and much less potential for humiliation.
It's why pride goes before an inevitable fall... especially after struttin' around like some kind of landed princely popinjay or generally showin' your existential ass like we have for centuries! A percussive cap is invariably busted off into just such as ass just to satisfy karma, eh?
It's why pride goes before an inevitable fall... especially after struttin' around like some kind of landed princely popinjay or generally showin' your existential ass like we have for centuries! A percussive cap is invariably busted off into just such as ass just to satisfy karma, eh?
Questions are effusively begged. Answers become a meaningless jumbled flotsam even factually credible, one discovers, as a well-facilitated "information void" allows a "corrosive chaff" sucked in with the abhorred vacuum of "unverified factual," ...and in that stupid mix? The honestly factual is invalidated for "fake news."
Remains... answers need not be sought... where they can be faced! Face them here:
The unidentified craft appeared to take efficient controlled evasive action.
--FBI Memo, describing chase of UFO over the North Sea, 1947.
Before we could do any more, the Army, after conferring with [U.S.] officials, ordered the investigation stopped.
--Dr. Paul Santorini, on UFOs over Greece in 1946.
The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted ... lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled ...
--General Nathan Twining, Head of Air Material Command (AMC), 1947.
I was called one afternoon [in 1948] to come to the Oval Office – the President wanted to see me... I was directed to report quarterly to the President after consulting with Central Intelligence people, as to whether or not any UFO incidents received by them could be considered as having any strategic threatening implications ....
--General Robert B. Landry, Air Force Aide to President Harry S. Truman.
From their questions, I could tell they had a good idea of what the saucers are. One officer admitted they did, but he wouldn't say any more.
--Commercial pilot, after questioning by intelligence officer, 1950.
Army intelligence has recently said that the matter of ‘Unidentified Aircraft' or ‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena,' otherwise known as ‘Flying Discs,' ‘Flying Saucers,' and ‘Balls of Fire,' is considered top secret by intelligence officers of both the Army and the Air Forces.
--1949 FBI memo on UFOs.
Information is desired if this was some new or experimental aircraft or for any explanation whatsoever.
--1949 CIA memo.
[Object] described as flat on top and bottom and appearing from a front view to have round edges and slightly beveled ... No vapor trails or exhaust or visible means of propulsion. Described as traveling at tremendous speed... Pilot considered by associates to be highly reliable, of mature judgment and a creditable observer.
--Air Force intelligence report, following UFO sighting by F-51 pilot, 1951.
...some propulsion method not in the physics books.
--Scientist who witnessed a UFO in 1952.
For six hours ... there were at least ten unidentifiable objects moving above Washington. They were not ordinary aircraft.
--Senior Air Traffic Controller for the CAA, Harry G. Barnes, 1952.
Based on my experience in fighter tactics, it is my opinion that the object was controlled by something having visual contact with us. The power and acceleration were beyond the capability of any known U.S. aircraft.
--F-94 pilot, after encountering a UFO, 1952.
In view of the wide interest within the Agency ... outside knowledge of Agency interest in Flying Saucers carries the risk of making the problem even more serious in the public mind than it already is.
--CIA memo, 1952
It was silvery in color, had a bun-shaped top, a flange-like two saucers in the middle and a bun underneath, and could not have been far off because it overlapped my windscreen!
--RAF fighter pilot, 1954.
…Maximum security exists concerning the subject of UFOs.
--CIA Director Allen Dulles, 1955.
Some military officials are seriously considering the possibility of interplanetary ships.
--FBI memo on UFOs, 1952.
Pilots of helicopters wished to stress fact that object was of a saucer-like nature, was stationary at 2000 ft. And would be glad to be called upon to verify any statements and act as witness.
--Emergency Report from Maxwell Air Force Base on air space violation by UFO, 1954.
I have discussed this matter with the affected agencies of the government, and they are of the opinion that it is not wise to publicize this matter at this time.
--Senator Richard Russell, head of Senate Armed Services Committee, regarding his sighting of a UFO during a 1955 trip to the Soviet Union.
What bothers me is what's happening to our aircraft.
--Anonymous Air Force officer, 1955.
The Air Defense Command in Baton Rouge was on the phone, waiting for our report, when we landed there.
--Commercial pilot following a UFO sighting, 1957.
Saucers exist (I saw two). They were intelligently flown or operated (evasive tactics, formation flight, hovering). They were mechanisms, not United States weapons, nor Russian. I presume they are extraterrestrial.
--Lt. Colonel Richard Headrick, radar bombing expert, 1959
Reliable reports indicate there are objects coming into our atmosphere at very high speeds and controlled by thinking intelligence.
--Navy Admiral Delmar Fahrney, public statement, 1957.
Congressional investigations ... are still being held on the problem of unidentified flying objects and the problem is one in which there is quite a bit of interest... Since most of the material presented to the Committees is classified, the hearings are never printed.
--Congressman William H. Ayres, 1958
Behind the scenes, high-ranking Air Force officers are soberly concerned about UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.
--Former CIA Director, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, public statement, 1960.
When the team was about ten miles from the landing site, static disrupted radio contact with them. Five to eight minutes later the glow diminished, and the UFO took off. Another UFO was visually sighted and confirmed by radar.
--Classified report by an Air Force Strike Team at Minot AFB, 1966.
... reliable, but off the record information from the Pease AFB in Portsmouth, indicates frequent radar blips and fighters are constantly scrambled to pursue these objects.
--Journalist John Fuller, 1965.
I think there may be substance in some of these reports ... I believe the American people are entitled to a more thorough explanation than has been given them by the Air Force to date.
--Congressman Gerald R. Ford, March 1966.
If 'they' discover you, it is an old but hardly invalid rule of thumb, 'they' are your technological superiors.
--National Security Analyst, Lambros Callimahos, 1968.
My own present opinion, based on two years of careful study, is that UFOs are probably extraterrestrial devices engaged in something that might very tentatively be termed 'surveillance'.
--Dr. James McDonald before Congress, 1968.
...All of the preceding are frozen moments in our ufological past and, collected together, become a largely unimpeachable indication regarding the actuality of some larger reality... some grand physical existence from which we are being, very suspiciously, "protected" by a here-to-fore conflicted, corrupted, and now very likely criminal mainstream.
Somebody knows. Read on.
Restore John Ford.