
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, July 10, 2016

My Forbidden Books Stack

Look... ...floating gently ... that washboard of cloud? This signifies singing, a tone, a low sound. It’s music to whales; a song of the earth... will it reconcile, somehow, my fate and my birth?
Where is that land in a world held dear? A land with abundant potential, sans fear? A land that is fecund, untrammeled, and graceful. A land where we find what rebukes the distasteful....
I swim a mean sea with a contrary feeling. This sea's self-absorbed and is petulance squealing. The water is cold, has but few warming currents, and whirlpools rule with elitist's endurance.
Awash in this sea of an old party line, I notice some things with a conscience refined. It’s salty this sea, with the tears of stressed billions. ...Many cook with cow dung ...so the few can have trillions.
I’m not calling the capitalist, or the one who has better... a skunk, or a thief, or invalidly lettered! It’s good to be rich–we’re honed to drive to it! ...But make folks pay dear, mind ... we find that you blew it!
Now, look at the persons who do the right works. These reinvest in people... are not psychopaths and jerks! ...These are folk knowing they don’t have a thing but what workers below them... have with them to bring!
So what might we gain if we left this "salt water"? If we crawled out on land, and loosed the "old halters"? With Moslem on one side, and Jew on the other? Perhaps, neighbors and friends, co-protectors... ...new brothers!
And what of the sisters who preceded the men-folk? Well, we honor their courage ... the past was a sick joke. They are half of the team, and likely, the best half. ...And I’m blowing no smoke... just wheat from the chaff.
Now, CNN smirks with talking head bimbos... that hundreds of thousands see "balloons" from their windows! They are so tongue and cheek , suggesting the ludicrous, *uncaring*, ... afraid, self-serving ... injurious!
Well ... I’ve seen the film they don’t show on TV! It was running (unwatched?) at a conference for free! It ducked into clouds, below roofs, behind buildings! This hard motion picture was consistently thrilling!
Why don’t they show all the good stuff on television? Because next comes accounting and pissed inquisition! Yes, what a fine inquest it would make – it could be! To drain the "pus pockets" of Roswell, or Kennedy!
There’s someone who knows what the past has been hiding... buried in landfills they shall not confide in. It matters, or not, that your kid's getting cancer? They’ve found their true happiness; they’ve found all their answers!
They write it off, puling, that effects on the people would freak all the good folk to question their steeples! See, they’re the ones freaked when mere *people* survive! They lose their advantage and all they contrive!
...But I’m safe, for the moment, in a spot that I’ve found. It’s the place where I study, and write, or make sound. It’s found in the textbook, never read and sold back; The facts of real history: my forbidden books stack!



Oh yeah! There are forbidden books, and papers – books and papers you’ve seen bandied about here, some of them. ...Books that talk about the...

. . : : -- ~ gobsmackingly outre and unrelentingly twitchy~ --: : . .

... stuff... ...and you can SEE Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, even UFOs I suspect (as no thing is immune from provenance), for what they are: tiny twigs sprouting from what came before.
Should the twig nurture hatred for the branch of that twig's very issue? Is it written in stone that son must hate father and father, son? You'd think so.
The books from the forbidden index to which I allude are forbidden because they make for inconvenient reading. Not uncomfortable for the reader so much, but the persons advantaging themselves of a person's ignorance of the stunning contents of that conjectured reading. The status quo loves your ignorance.
...Just when you thought you had stuff figured out, eh?  Thing is?  Who does?
You're best provoked to find yourself checking the roots of your own obsessions. Some of these obsessions (many of them?), perhaps not so surprisingly, come up with little “tilt” signs, flashing their electronic graphemes of “Game Over,” “Divide by Zero error,” or a “Blue-Screen of Death.” Credibilities of God, religion, country, institution, government, and agency are quick to come into question. The status quo hates questions.
Ever listen to fundamentalist Christians talk about UFO’s? They’re not a good thing with the bible-brandishing crowd. No sir, they don’t like ‘em ... not one bit. Ever wonder why that is!
...Sedition by any other name would smell as sweet, reader. The Status Quo hates alternatives.
What is the true sin of the Giants who walked the earth? ... That they saw the “daughters of men and found them fair” after all? Or, maybe these "giants" thought men themselves were getting a raw (...hearty giggle at the understatement...) deal from the 'establishment', and threw in with them, incurring the awful rage of them they had, perhaps righteously, betrayed? The status-quo hates dissent... even if it's righteous. ...Especially if it's righteous.  God was the Devil and the Devil, God?! This appears to be the way the Sumerians had it.  How'd that get turned 180 degrees?
Additionally, I read Dominion is misinterpreted "stewardship," frankly, not "slumlord," as we currently have it. Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of mist, not salt. What else did King James, a bad son, a horrible man, a cheating husband, a horrific father, and an egregious King—forgetting his deleterious psychopathic tradition subsequently continued—get wrong when he approved the *translated* bible as his device for a new political control? Is this when the Bible became a list of FOX talking points? I digress.
What do you have wrong, reader? And what have I?
...Finding out is a step up.
Read on.

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression &qu...