
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

...The Mainstream's Evidentiary ...

Betrayal's a coinage that shall not be spent except where it's misspent against common sense, and I have discovered while out of that "box"—and as quick as a hare even fast as a FOX—the soul of confusion's at work with a passion! Confusion's the rule, or I'm just [gas passin'].
Where is the profit embracing a tyranny, forgetting our history, or losing our memory? Many years were invested, much time had been spent; we all have a stake in this "other" we've sensed!
"We" could try harder to show some respect for the base "rank and file" gone dismissed, I reflect. Betrayed by authority, beset by class cheats, these are the prey whom a charlatan seeks!
Still, words are the magic I've used to convey a fellowship found in our world holding sway, so I must be insolent, and challenge these "proud," and knock them from towers and run them to ground, as persons won't often step up to the plate where the umpire's cheating—perverting our fate!
Some carry on about 'data' and 'science', and bore on forever statistic's "reliance," protesting the lack of respect they'd withhold from the proactive drive of the more-active bold!  Science is wondrous, it quite fills a bill, its rules and its razors most circumspect, still... but it's not the whole of experience, friend...  use it for everything?  You'll misapprehend!
The mainstream detests "us," that's where it's not keen, so true recognition's denied us all, see? The mainstream's invested in all the "big lies"!  A few follow "rules"... for their trouble?  Deprived.
A pro-active effort's decried and demeaned, and a pro-social action's despised as obscene! Ones simple conjecture to help fill the "void" is attacked without mercy, abhorred and destroyed. There is no "discussion," there is no "debate" of the sort that's not answered with malice and hate.
There is only divergence and dis-integration. There are base accusations with flimsy foundation. A pro-active effort that's made in good faith is dismissed with revulsion and heaped with disgrace!
Too, this seems so reflexive, cross-purposed, and mean. What does it indicate? What does it mean? Where is the unity as shared by the "bunkies"? Petty squabbles help paint us as "dweezles" and "flunkies"!
...We can be these flunkies, produced in deceit, awash in the system's complacent conceit. Confused by a mainstream that herds us like goats, one hand in our pocket and one on our throats. We're sheeple abused by a culture that's driven to hide an agenda so old and well hidden.
Secrets abide! We would find its no joke... conspiracy rules, and with that, little hope.
Some put the blame on an interested "buff," dismissed on a whim like they've sinned quite enough! Some go a-field to insult hapless people—expected to buy what they're selling, be real!
Too, narrow the scope to a slender percentage that *science* would measure to shore up its image (?) and find at the last that their less is not more… See? They've closed all the avenues and sealed their doors.
They don't reward diligence... a convenient retreat... that those "charmed" have assumed for their use. What deceit!
The problem remaining? They've not progressed... from the first of last century! Of needs, I protest! Advancement's sub-glacial and shall not move on! It is tepid, distracted, too slow and prolonged!
It won't get its air time as it shan't get respected! So? A change to the order of folks "they" neglected! Those who were "first" will assume a "last" place in a future the future will bring in its grace!
There's more than is dreamt in the dreams of mere man. There's more than we would or we could understand. There's more than's allowed than is measured with "tools" which limit ones "reach" to the "grasp" of a fool.
It's not the "new-ager" who howls from the dust which comes from the folks whom we thought we could trust. It's not the "fringe wacko" proclaiming his dreams for a shot at a book deal that some find obscene. Its not from an "armchair" the enemy comes, or from newbies who frequent our world—beating drums.
It comes from a mainstream that most still pursue, though it "chumps" them completely and plays them for fools.  See, the "fringe" is a symptom; it's not the disease! It's duplicitous "mainstreams" causing scabs on our knees! ...And still they would chase it, fair caper and fawn, for mainstreams of psychopaths who string them along.
Now me, all I'm seeing are lights in the sky, and folks whom I trust tell me "truths" and don't "lie." Too, my culture's the liar who fronts for "those charmed"!  See, it's the price put on justice that should cause one alarm!
The cops? ...As corrupt as the lawyers they fear and the priests? Smirking pederasts who pander and leer. The media's fraught with its "too pretty face" who contrives an acceptance for a future disgraced. What is trust worthy in what we have now? …can't make a silk purse from the ear of a sow!
Ufology's laughed at? Abductees demeaned? Researchers are wasting their time, losing steam? That mainstream is sullen and won't give an inch. See, if it does it unravels!  Hey! Son-of-a-bitch!
One little pull on a thread in its cloak and the whole thing unravels! The cloak is a joke! It'll never acknowledge the work of Dick Hall!  It won't bow to SCIENCE or METHOD, at all!
Real science? A threat to the old status quo! A jab in the ass of "the man", don't you know? Don't think for a minute that this "man" will play fair. Think anything else and be doomed to despair!
So where are we now in advancing the truth? How can we but put what we've learned to best use?
The tools in the shed have been sharp as a tack. But tools are neglected, mal-used or mis-racked. Scalpels spread butter, hammers crack eggs, while the mainstream's unsettled that "weird-stuff," has legs!
A "gauntlet's" been made and that's not a bad thing, that the claims which are made should be checked in refrain..., but gauntlets turn ugly, attacks are then made which are seen as more personal... a wrongness put paid!
Divergence is key to the treasure of choice. It defines our successes, puts range on our voice. Too, betray at your peril the people you need to support your "good" work, you will need them indeed… Practice exclusion and find you're shut out, just so much "passed gas" I was talking about.


At the risk of being "entirely incomprehensible" to the much too easily—and conveniently—baffled... ...or "inordinately unintelligible" to the too reflexively—and predictably—dismissive... I protest again that we are—all of us—betrayed by a "hijacked mainstream" and a "criminal culture."  T'was ever that indeed not so.
This is a seeming obviousness remaining inexplicably beside the contrivedif "offical"point.  Are we really that unbrave?  Maybe you don't need to look for answers to the preceding but face the answers to the preceding.
Some, like the former of the aforementioned types of persons, seem oblivious to this betrayal, and some, like the latter, seem decidedly ok with it, but virtually all of these persons function—whether they know it or not—to give a duplicitous faux-mainstream power, authority, and an unprincipled and punitive pecuniary punch, a punch wholly undeserved and unjust.  The "mainstream" handily abdicates its responsibility to be centrist—to become instead a foot on the neck of the individual remotely critical of it. How is this not so?
As a failed public school teacher, I, among others, endure many years of lost wages as a result—pretty directly—for refusing to reflexively validate a corrupt and duplicitous mainstream in operation around me.  An unethical and unlawful one.
A freaking "war hero" and retired military officer graduating Summa with a teaching credential from a respected University—not Yale—I was found to be unacceptable for any position in our education "system."  I digress, but still this ufological cannon-fodder seems willing, if reluctant, to step forward into the breech of the establishment buzz-saw to pursue this thing about UFOs.  Why is that?
The row to hoe is ultimately unrewarding in the aggregate. At least not rewarding in the sense appreciated by crass materialists as yet unaware that money can't buy happiness... even as it is not even likely to encourage same, am I right?  Search your feelings, young Padawan. The best things in life are supposed to be free!
With regard to the pursuit of this individual experience, it matters not the collected array of impressive witnesses and (intelligently) volunteered official documentation of that experience... even physical evidence, reader!  It matters not regarding police reports of anomalous sightings recorded in specific areas and times by professional persons with spotless reputations. It matters not the reported abductions, voluminous reports with regard to those abductions, or samples of the kinds of evidence it has been seriously alleged can be produced to support these, albeit, startling claims.  It matters not. The hurdle shoved before us is high. It matters not...  Remains that all this evidentiary flotsam does seem to be extraordinary.  Did it need to be extraordinary?
We must embrace this thing still, for all our reluctance, fear, dread, or intense trepidation. It is our responsibility, our fate, even our destiny ...and I gladly admit I suspect the preceding only as a result of an enduring decades-long intuition, I remind the reader.  That matters not! I believe it is an imperative of our individual consciousness: admit this "other" and search it out. Search it out!
Consider for a moment that quality big city medical groups could show interest in this contested "other," peripherally evidenced by these very peculiar abduction affairs, for example. It seems the aforementioned medical groups should be intrigued by the evidence that this conjectured abduction affair seems to be "a typical if anomalous occurrence precipitating a regional anomalous medical condition."  The medical groups alluded to should be justifiably piqued? Serious people should begin to take serious subjects seriously.  They don't.
This "interest" is generated by weird physical manifestations—also be documented to a degree—which, in expert opinion, cannot be self-inflicted, hoaxed, or contrived, moreover. A curious set of affairs at the very least, reader:  implants, wounds, blemishes, rashes, and witheringly weird whatnot...
Forget the truth or falsehood of these claims a moment!  The claimer might be willing to stand on some precipice with his claims, regardless, whatever the reader's assessment! The claimant might be willing to provide assurances (given assurances), that those claims could be backed... remembering also that evidence of veracity is demanded of this ufological cannon-fodder in a manner not remotely asked of church, institution, agency, organization, or state, only that which contravenes or invalidated the aforementioned claimant ! This is a glaring point for the rank and file of "interested individuals," decent persons on both sides of the bell curve but outside the loop of the aforementioned closed institutions I think it fair to add... maybe not.
"No good deed will go unpunished," apparently, and "the evil that men do lives on and on... while the good that they do is interred with their bones..." These particular bones are too reflexively interred (with seeming prejudice) given the, to date, acceptable history of many of the bones in question, I find myself evaluating the judging more than the judged. How about you?
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"? Flying Monkey droppings. How so?
That speciously unbrave and irreverently fatuous argument above regarding "extraordinary claims requiring extraordinary evidence" has been righteously (and I think reasonably) exploded by one Jean Van Gemert as a "think cloak" assumed to provide retreat for the garden variety skeptibunky, only. It is a clever feint into the obvious fallacy for an always "receding evidentiary horizon."
See, this argument assumes that the "evidence" can always be made subordinate to an evaluation of the claim's *extraordinariness* which remains defined only by the skeptibunky and has no upper limit! The evidence, it can be arbitrarily decided, is never extraordinary enough!
That's a sword cutting only one way, reader. It has no place in science (imnsho), forgetting that it's not the skeptibunkies, good reader, who are going to solve this little ufological conundrum for the genuinely interested, anyway! No, it is the intrepid members of a conscientiously courageous team individually (and bravely) stepping up to the hard-ball plate and expecting a clean pitch from a respected colleague who in turn can put wood directly on that ufological pill!
In the way is the posit that we really don't want to know the truth.  It's messy, people lose their cat-bird seats, and have to pay for it.  Hard cheese.
If an extraordinary claim requires extraordinary evidence, reader, then a mundane claim requires evidence which is correspondingly mundane! That's ridiculous, eh? A mundane claim requires the same quality of evidence establishing its truth or falsehood, no more. No less! I submit this holds true for the extraordinary claim, as well! Non-wavy Gravy for Gander and Goose!
Another little mainstream chestnut used to prosecute its continuing betrayal of the individuals facilitating it.
There are more of these chestnuts.


Restore John Ford!

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...