
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

...Boxed Protocols... Mendacious Mainstreams...

We ofttimes hear too zealous calls for UFOs of "protocol", and I, with some delight, must find... that I'm outside that "box" defined! Now why that "box" exists is moot, the "hows" and "wherefores" so much toot, but I have given up too much to go without a fight, as such.
Though, why would I confide "delight," but that I fight a righteous fight, convinced—I am—that truth is served to combat "crap" without reserve! See, I don't do the "turned-cheek" thing; to strike me is to feel my sting! Still, I'll accept a "slap" I've earned; I'm not mendacious one will learn.
I don't defer to crass attack, so I'm a "megalomaniac"?  I work with words, a tad contentious, so I'm dismissed as too pretentious? See, I would think outside their box, explore new realms and "undo knots"! So I'm the new intractable—my "thinking" then detestable?
No, careful, I have kept my "screeds" to that which others may agree... is allowed in ones behavior... why, even Christ, who some call savior. I say I don't attack the "man"... of needs I must attack his "stand"... if  I find I disagree with what's perceived confronting me?
"Ideas" are the paths I seek. "Ideas" can be checked for "leaks." ... "Aspect" is the meme confused, debated on these paths, in truth!  "Dictates" are dismissed outright.  "Proclamations" fuel a fight.  No one owns the UFOs we have seen to streak and glow.  Hubris haunts our skies we find.  We're not alone. We seek some sign.
If "attack's" perceived as personal? I'd surmise: one's pre-conditional! I'd suggest: repost falls short, and it's that which "twists the shorts."
Retreat in rage to be perceived as having lost the points one needs to keep ones place at anxious tables... precipitating sneers and labels!
Friend, I've small patience for all that; to me? That's so much insentient crap.
Too, give me one, just one example, a tiny shred of just one sample where invective or an insult issued from my words or conduct!  All you find has been provoked by hubris found, with which you're soaked, or crass insentience one displays when their thinking's reappraised.
...Persons like one "Richy Reynolds," a scabrous scourge bereft of courage; a smearing, leering—crap-filled scut who owes me money... and a lot.* ...Or anyone who trifles me. Camembert? The cowardly; those who grind a backward axe can quite queue up to kiss my ass... Pettingill? Oh, he "means well..." but it remains. You guessed it: smell.
...Hummm... It does seem I lack reluctance, my "tolerance" bereft abundance. I am quick to take offence! Too, specious sneers insure calescence. I guess I am a scourge, then, too... provoked to same! The same as you?
...No! I point out your unbrave curse—do your harm! Perform your worst! From these efforts then we'll see! Ones real "being" then perceived: a churlish louse bereft of class, and every bit as bad as Klass!
See, I'll attack "ideas" friend—read: stalled approaches some pretend. Too, that's the thing provoking this, this call for "rules" which I've dismissed. Dissent is "truth" one best allow. Or "Consequence" in just amounts...
Too, I'd suggest "the man's" remiss in what he's done, the cause of "this." I would challenge his performance or face his affect so abhorrent... I would question fruit, you see, provided by his proffered tree. If it's toxic or contrived?  My conscience dictates... I decline!
What we lack is all... humility.  So space and time contrives... futility.  We can't avail our Kingdom come, that's THERE to be availed, chum.  Space and time is promised—"vast"—where "everything's" contained... amassed.  All one "thinks" is found out there... and all one can't is there... to dare!
See, I'd propose that UFOs are obvious and "SOMEONE" knows! Those quick to kill pro-active effort, or quick dismissing those alerted, those quick enough with poison pen but slow to cop their own pretence?  Persons like that Reynolds skunk—that "soaked in non-earned hubris" punk.  Men like him would foul the joint, erode our edge, and miss the point.
Fifty years have gone, and how. Too, still the truth's obscured! Still now!
What's "your" part in all of this? Explore that not and be re-miss...  ...Where is Richy's clarity, point to his sincerity, show me where his contribution has improved our institution... and done not but stir up crap that he provides with backhand slaps.
Most, today, are led astray by those who use their skills "that" way. That "way" I speak of uses ruses, psychopath's profuse excuses; "earnest" and "convincing," yes, but detrimental none-the-less. These would lead one down "that" path, all primrose covered hidden trash... which pounces like an angry beast to bite you on the ass—at least!
...It could be argued I describe... myself I must, to you, confide... But I am on my guard for that... don't take my word, though it's a fact.
I think most persons reading this would vouch for me. Am I remiss? I am sincere, have "confidence"... if based upon uncommon sense, and won't deny I love myself, but not too much. It's mental health!  Seems that love precludes, you know, a mainstream's suspect status quo.
See...Our "mainstream" lacks a "centrist" bent... required for a centrist's sense! Our "Mainstream" works to "void" and "sully"! Willful, it despoils and bullies that which "shall not" give its blessing! Angered, it is quite distressing!
These must see the harm they do as they pursue bad cants... it's true. But they don't care. You're just an asset, fruit to squeeze, for juice, but face it. Chase their mainstream as it is? Be doomed to disappointment, friend.
Trust this "mainstream" at your peril, it renders you as mute and sterile. It won't respect what you have done... 'cause if it does, it comes undone! See, that arrives right at the point where culture needs some growth! The point?
...If "heaven" falls with just a tug, then what's its value? Pull its plug!!!
What's beyond that heaven sought? What's new regards our battles fought? Single persons make that call... but few avoid new "protocols."
"Protocols" promote exclusion and prevent the odd intrusion of ideas which astound... the "search for truth," agreed profound? Go along with what's "been done," so don't progress—and lose the Sun—as sullen "white" men have their way, their old ideas holding sway!
These men inflate that "hijacked mainstream" for the mass's dim-bulbed low-beam. We would think they are the same, when they are NOT! We're not to blame. We masses are manipulated, our will is mocked and dissipated by the efforts in control of that which "mainstreams" bought and sold!
...don't fill their mouths with words... as they'd accuse. I don't concur.  I may read between their lines... and garner, there, what I might find. Then I'd write what I've perceived they've said to meI do believe!
Self-promotion seems the rule, though 'some' will 'do' for others, true. But I don't think I sing strained praises... for myself. I'd think it graceless.
Others carry on and whine about their "talents"—how they "shine." I observe and comment gamely. I'm not sorry or complaining. I'd just show you where I stand. On "protocols"? They make me glad.
Though in a good way? I think not. My saber's thirsty. Come on out...
In closing I just want to say:  a Phyrric win, at best, you'll pay. That's the least that I'll concede. No surrender, no retreat.


It's a "box" that's kept us from our heart's desire. It's a "box" that's precludes our satisfaction regarding the outre.  It's a "box" that makes an enemy of what might have been an ally…
It's a "box" precluding synergy, advancement, inclusion, elevation, and actualization. It's "boxes" that would hide the truths, support the lies and keep individuals deaf and dumb. It is "boxes" that have held us down, tied us up, and shut us out.  This is of course apart from boxes with relevance and efficacy which provide for some kind of useful pattern recognition or utility.  It's the boxes fossilizing to dogma I speak about here, eh?  The former is not the issue.  Don;t even go there.  Desist, stat.  Retreat.  Stop.
Reality is a vast, vast "market place of ideas," ladies and gentle-bunkies, ideas you know and ideas you CAN'T know, not a company store stocking only wilted vegetables and tedious memes of persons like the aforementioned Rich Reynolds . Breathe with freedom!
Challenge your "boxes." Authorities require their questioning or they begin to feel entitled... entitled where they are not.  Answering challenges is a rational wage, reader, for assuming the mantle of authority—for daring to proscribe a box! That box by any other name could be a coffin for an idea... or a "safe-room," only, a safe-room where the danger is ironically locked inside with you!
...And Stop!  I hear the whiny internal dialog, nip it!
I reiterate!  I won't argue the need for some "boxes," scientific, moral, ethical, pecuniary, or otherwise!  We have to be able to take *stuff* to the *bank*... still be able to make predictions on the "long term" as much as is able and sane; still have the "minimal predictability" necessary to pursue some kind of happiness. Let's avoid the absurd. Thanks.
Still, I'd guess the contention is access or egress to and from these boxes, but assuredly being allowed out of the fraggin' box, eh, even speculating on what might be beyond the limits of the freaking box in question. Secrets, potentially as disrespectful as they can contrive to be, are irritating at best.
For an individual?  That box is hell on earth if "inside"... and a raging tease if "outside." Subsequently, I think this current airy suggestion for new boxes should be viewed with suspicion and unfavorably for that. Boxes render enemies artlessly created.
Someone always comes up on a limit to the "box" and is nonplussed in some way. That's bad enough when the box has arguable necessity but intolerable where the box is contrived nonsense and naught but a sociopathic dodge for the personal gain of the "morally unethical" ...or maintenance of some specious status quo, preferred if bogus history, inured cowardice, or even hurt feelings.
It's boxes that keep us from the stars; it's boxes that keep those stars from us.
Restore John Ford!
Read on.

*For damages a result of slander per se: http://alienviewgroup.blogspot.com/2005/11/smoke-and-fire.html

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...