I just want a real deal that I might winnow out... some protection from the psychopaths that history's about, but "soar and cleave"—completely—for to grasp what one might reach... in a scramble for enlightenment desired and beseeched!.
Yes, there's more to every day—than that which comes our weary way—from mainstreams hijacked and obscene to fluffing mad... psychotic memes! We are what we think we are, composed of star-smoke from afar, and of a mind so clear and pure our proud expression... shall endure!
Endured just now? Complacency, for which we pay a price. That toll we pay is cheating us—a crooked set of loaded dice... So, why the obfuscations—all the fibs and clever stalls? What profits *some* that they should cheat "good rules" of "common law"?
Though, that's no hoax and "blowing smoke"... smack-DAB-right up your kilt—no joke! There is more than meets the eye from psychopathic creeps we spy. Sociopaths won't care a wit, not a shred of one small bit that we endure a hell on Earth... if they enjoy their pimped-out perch!
Some would profit for our pain... That's not beyond ones grasp. Ones conscience is well tested with ones "shoes exchanged," at last. There are crimes that we don't see when we remain upon our knees, that some would profit for our pain then dance a joy so unconstrained!
What's this to do with UFO's: to hit them on their freaking nose! There is truth that *these* portend which moves beyond what some pretend, and that is why we're ridiculed! The UFOs would change the rules! What was *great* becomes quite *small* so loses purloined wherewithal!
Everything's turned upside down, investments so much crap, and that itself's a good thing but I know that's hard to grasp. *Investment*, as it's parlayed (?), is a blight upon the planet; the "stocks and bonds" are life blood of some real curses, damn it!
We're forced upon our callused knees, compelled to futures we can't breath! We're connived by psychopaths who did their worst and fouled our past! Air and water you can't buy are tears that we must finally cry when all those bills which must come due... Who pays for this—but me and you!
Everything's turned upside down, religion is exposed. One artist called it "[lies] in fog" like she was one who knows... if one but reads a *history* of what has gone before (?), religion is the fairytale that we should best deplore.
It's a scam that we endure! It's kept us down and that's for sure. It's belittled womankind and kept her tied and hard-confined. It is hunger, hate and rage in sermon, creed and gospel page. It twists the minds of salt-earth folk... to keep them dumb: it's all a hoax!
Everything's turned upside down, we're from our crib expulsed! We'd well abused our billet, and so from it we're repulsed. The larger *world* beckons though, and though we're now afraid (?), potential's exponential, and all novelty's put paid.
We'll have vision now not known, we'll reap the efficacious sown, and we will know a greater thing than "nineteenth-century thinking" brings! We are strong and brave and smart. We have passion, grace, and heart! We'll survive the "new design"—it's just another paradigm!
We'll survive the next "paradigm shift" because it's what we do. We've always done it, and will continue to do it into the unforeseeable future. We always have. Our track record's been perfect. We're here NOW, aren't we?
*Energy* is not destroyed! It always lives on in another form. We are beings of pure energy. We really are. We will abide!
Yes, I realize that a "paradigm shift" can be "tumultuous"! Big gulp, eh? Damn right! Unlike many —and all of his detractors apparently— I've actually read my Velikovsky. It remains that "shift" happens, still! Does it have to be a bad thing? Shortly, no!
It remains, we still have a choice regarding the misery that we'd bring upon ourselves; we always have, actually. Too, though, it's state of mind that will smooth that bump—some of us will just wake up that way and slip through the maelstrom like soap from a wet fist... frictionless, effortless grace ... unclenched and efficacious satisfaction... that'd be this writer's aspiration... I actually get a "finger" on it sometimes... I think, here amongst words like these... ...I digress.
We survived stone to metal! We continued passionately from copper to bronze! We endured the still bloodier move from bronze to iron... steel! We carried on handily as we transitioned through the agrarian age to the industrial age. We'd bear up under the ages of steam, atomics, and information! We flourish (arguably), presently, in an age of near instantaneous communication... We survive!
We survive, individually, along with all our agencies, institutions, and principalities, both open and closed. The individual, that single mote of consciousness empowering all the rest—and only disempowered by the aforementioned agencies, institutions, and principalities—survives! It's obvious! Written for you, you're reading it, aren't you? Perhaps only you. To a degree that makes sense individually, each of us is the center of our known universe. I think, so I am. Don't let your hubris run away with you—maintain a humility and a new understanding that the existential proves Earth is heaven.
A key is humility. With humility hubris and the resulting decadence is impossible... as is bigotry and injustice.
For all our foibles, stupidities, and false starts, we've lived to tell a tale, if NOT the tale! Indeed, only our sad penchant for fundamentalist and backstepping religious practices keeps us from being virtually unstoppable as a species... and given more genetic *understanding* (?) perhaps even immortal! Wow! That's going to require some room! But for organized religion we'd already populate the asteroid belt and be using individual asteroids for skipping stones to the stars. Our hubris is only ever punished, and on reflection why should hubris ever be rewarded?
The reader is reminded of the measured smaller amounts of time encompassed by each *age*—the increasing frequency made evident by shorter and shorter times spent in subsequent "ages"... eh? The stone age lasted much longer than the Bronze age... lasting longer than the iron age... steel... steam, information, digital, shorter and shorter epochs, ever shorter periods in the accelerating existential ... an evolving fractal reflection of itself! Are we in an effort to see that *new* age looming beyond the age of information or communication enjoyed presently? What will it be? That said, -I- don't have an altogether *bad* feeling about it even as it looms.
A mere twenty year ago, how would we have predicted the effects of computers on our everyday lives? How can we suppose that we will react to an unavoidable future except that we will eventually "get over it", make it commonplace, and then move on... as we—I point out once again—always have!
...And ALL of the preceding brought about by the actions of mere individuals, not superstars—mere individuals wholly unforecast... novelty flashing into existence and providing affect to the progression of society in unpredictable ways. James Burke: Connections illustrates all this brilliantly!
Sure—there's Edison (...though in comparison to Tesla, Edison was a raging psychopath with a mundane intelligence providing the shallowest gifts)... but it is only the individuals who buy in to an "Edison"—make him their own conscious choice, throw him their *steam* (...forgetting any ONE of us doesn't matter and is as expendable as another, and that even goes for Edison—Tesla WAS "waiting in the wings" with an infinitely better electrical idea)... the individual remains KEY.
Our conflicted *leadership* would have us forget that. They'd proffer excuses that individualism is "selfish-ism." Though, consider how "selflessness" and "individualism" can be reconciled for synergistic effect. See, in a society where respect for individualism is assured one can afford to be selfless. If you "have," you "give"... or can.
Conjectured ETs might know this to be true! Perhaps it's why they don't contact Governments, Religions or Agencies. ...No "take me to your leader," crap. They would appear to operate on an *individual* level, always. Had the reader noticed that? And lately? They are a lot more humane about their activities then we are about ours.
Read on!
Restore John Ford!
Our conflicted *leadership* would have us forget that. They'd proffer excuses that individualism is "selfish-ism." Though, consider how "selflessness" and "individualism" can be reconciled for synergistic effect. See, in a society where respect for individualism is assured one can afford to be selfless. If you "have," you "give"... or can.
Conjectured ETs might know this to be true! Perhaps it's why they don't contact Governments, Religions or Agencies. ...No "take me to your leader," crap. They would appear to operate on an *individual* level, always. Had the reader noticed that? And lately? They are a lot more humane about their activities then we are about ours.
Read on!
Restore John Ford!