
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Tuesday, April 03, 2018


Seven Categories so massive they must give pause... 

by Alfred Lehmberg

UFOs. Yes, there is quality anecdotal evidence. It is compounded with well-vetted photographic evidence. Ladle after lurid ladle of documented historical evidence is stirred in...
...Just the preceding gives every indication that a ufological contention regarding observed phenomena must be more real than not... Yet, we tarry, mope, twitter, and futz.
Verily, we strut and preen our too-casual corporeal happenstance in the universe as alone, inviolate, and immutable... Only, we are hugely complacent where any thaw-released bug or loose cannon asteroid, the merest exhalation, even, of our uncaring star, reduces us to a stone age of hapless suffering and cruel despair... on a good day. 
Life turns on a dime and keeps the change. I digress.
UFOs! When the preceding is framed by the serious historical artistic evidence, then qualified by the available physical evidence, and then compellingly buttressed by any conclusively personal evidence—if you have some... I do... thousands have—I can only be annoyingly astonished by the continued reluctance of some to face the highly strange music that just cannot be forever marginalized...
UFOs! Six stunning categories in an almost un-language-able churning urn here iterated. UFOs, even as it's seriously admitted in the mainstream media that the military has recently spent secret millions studying... Yes, studiously studying what is and had been "skeptically scoffed" and "scientistically (sic) dismissed" by the suspiciously braying and wholly uninformed negative nay-sayers among us functioning as vested system shills. They've a dog in the hunt, one can discover.
UFOs! A seventh category can be considered concerning a hard mathematical conjecture suggested by the famous Drake Equation, an equation but fleshed out by the late Amir D. Aczel (Ph.D.) in his book, Probability One.  
. Simply put, the odds that we are not alone in the universe are so close to 100%... (99.9 ...on into a marching line of unendingly fractional nines...) that there is finally but one chance in one that such is so. Certainty then, and "certainty" more so now given the "universe" seems to be found to be orders of magnitude bigger than we thought it was when Aczel wrote his book!
UFOs! McKennaValleeStrassmanand Hancock et sig al are quite clear that *Others* truly abound... without regard to where or how they manifested themselves... and not for the reader's convenience. See, we're not alone in our little hubristic closets of cultural squalidness—closets we regard as secret and unobserved. Ha! Every infidelity has a witness, reader!
UFOs! Friedman, Dolan, Feschino, and Hastings are profound on the subject of obvious others manifesting themselves in interactions with our most powerful weapons, conflicts with our air forces in secret air wars, involving themselves in secret agreements with break-away civilizations and perhaps even contributing to unadmitted technologies alluded to. None of us has a clue what's really going on and the best we can do is vote the lesser evil every time so as to become a lesser evil over time. Hope's supposed to be eternal... "faith" may our greatest self-disrespect.   
Watching UFOs! Observers observed! 

These conjectured others are appalled witnesses as we socially defecate in our societal beds and push it down with our graceless and uncaring feet. Disabuse your nose of its less than valid "elevation," eh? We are not alone. The suggestion is ludicrous. Can't that be seen?
Feel the acceleration? ...And per second, per second! Hyperspace looms!
One recalls that Lightspeed and Singularity of Hyperspace were to have happened around the end of 2012, friends and neighbors. Perchance to soar and cleave beyond the parameters of a mere dream... We didn't fret, though, that 2012 would come and go without a visit, proper, from hyperspace elves... there was no small relief I'm betting. 
No. The asymptotic curves of existential reality remain to be what they are and a piercing of the existential veil seems imminent, still. ...And hasn't a veil been pierced, reader? Explain the chaotic state of the world recently.
That's not entirely from the aggregate "woo-woo," eh? That's the feeling of the high-domes and prop-heads of a jealous mainstream *academentia* (sic), fellow droobers... and so, this writer's considered suspicion. UFOs will have occupants, and those occupants merely fractal alternatives to ourselves!
 UFOs. Buckle-up, fellow travelers!  All vetted measurements of a rational prognostication on the state of affairs are straight up and asymptotic as alluded to!  Medicine, technology, going small, and looking large are other masses becoming infinite! The hyperspace gates swing open to, well, "infinity and beyond" if you'll pardon a prescient Buzz Lightyear—doesn't make it any less descriptive, but... don't take my word for it. His is enough. We are not alone.
...Read on.


Unknown said...

Alfred, Some of the most compelling words I've seen you write....your style is on...

Alfred Lehmberg said...

...go on...

...kidding. Thanks!

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...