
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Saturday, June 02, 2018

..On Topic...

"Your writing's off topic on matters of politics"!
"Your subjects distract and, at best, just annoy"!
"What do you gain as you bad mouth our Nation"?
"Where is your loyalty, and where's it employed"?

It's "political" matters that bear obfuscation.
It's your sullen disgust where the UFOs hide.
You'd feel much different were you born in Burundi,
I'm loyal to self.  With the self, one must ride.

"What's all this blather regarding 'conspiracy' "?
"Why do you brood on old history gone passed"?
"How do you qualify "others" from space"?
"Why do you dwell on the miserable past"?

ICE/GOP/RNC fill the papers!
Our history's GONE, *we* don't KNOW what occurred!
Life from some stars are conclusions of science,
And I "dwell" so the "past" will, at last, be preserved!

"What is your profit, if what you say's true,"
"And too few have the rest by the balls"?
"Your success is deterred, as you gain further notice,"
"Even death's more 'assured'—can't you hear its dark call"!

...Not in it for profit—I write what I feel.
I don't want you confused that your care's in their heart.
It's the writing itself that provides me a wage,
And my death will become them that, each, take their part!

"Work's more impossible, the word will go out."
"How shall you teach to a classroom of kids"?
"How will you square all the 'lies' and the 'dissonance'
"To collections of young minds who don't know what's been *hid*?"

I'd be teaching in classes of kids who "don't matter."
My students don't read, or divide, or subtract
I'd have tought them the truth as I felt that they grokked it?
But the point is now moot, folks. In all truth, I was sacked!

Very highly trained militarily, a summa cum laude college graduate (Did you check that, RRRichy?), I'd taught in "special ED" classrooms.  While I did teach... (heavy sigh) ...I would go to bed, every night, knowing, unquestionably, that I was doing a GOOD thing!  

The obligatory shaving the following morning was never a problem like it was on active duty. In a self-mending mode, perhaps I was on the way to forgiving myself for my participation in Viet Nam...

Viet Nam? Let me tell you about Viet Nam. My participation in opposition to that nation of people was a rook, a farce, a sham... and a complacent atrocity.

Since the beginning of their time, I'm betting, those unarguably astonishing people have beaten back every attempt to subvert or enslave them. And with success, reader! Success!

Decades ago, right after the first world war, Viet Nam (believing our own press releases?) came to us for association and aid. Wilson, Truman, and then Eisenhower rebuffed their every extenuation... ...fueled by callous, indifferent, and inhumane racism when the period is read to!

It figures. The United States is legendary in racism's regard!  Where did Hitler get the idea for his Final Solution?  The answer's not comforting.  See, the US was hugely successful clearing out its own native population of "undesirables."  Quite an endorsement for an observing extraterrestrial, eh?

Back to Viet Nam, the French tried to continue their exploiting and unethical colonial imposition, ongoing for decades, until the "little brown men," tired of the abuse and disrespect, ran imperialistic Frank's fat froggy bottoms from their Asian soil like squeaking white roaches! In a pique of punctured euro-centric pride, read "white pride," the United States tried to bring Viet Nam to heel... and was in turn driven from the land squealing like Ned Beatty in "Deliverance".

Once we were gone, the Vietnamese let the Soviets know where the bear went through the buckwheat, and then, not to be outdone? They kicked Chinese BUTT, friend, when Peking started to make its incursion from the North. Verily, Viet Nam has resisted ALL historical attempts to treat their sovereignty with anything but the most profound respect…

These people beat back the late 20th-century WORLD, and SURVIVE to tell the tale, reader!!!

...Too, left alone? They seem to be leaving their neighbors, and the rest of the world... astonishingly... ...alone! That's raw idiosyncratic credit right there, yea and verily!

...It rather paints them as UBUR-MENCHEN—doesn't it!

I respect them.  Anyone with a sense of fair play should.

Again—years later... after decades of misery, tragedy, and recovery from destruction... the people of Viet Nam are once again making overture for association and aid. Hopefully, this time, we will bind ourselves to them with bands of honesty, trust, evenhandedness, appreciation, and the love of respected brother/sisterhood.

Why, we should try to mix our essence with theirs ... the only people to squarely beat us in a war, we better make them friends! Hell, if they'd have us? We'd do well to offer them a Statehood!

We tried, stridently, the alternative, and it blew up in our arrogant faces. The people of Afghanistan and an outraged (because we scare the hell out of them) middle East will likely serve us up a second helping for our arrogant effrontery...

For my part, forgive me, people of Viet Nam, I knew not what I was doing… I do now.

Know that you have my support, my admiration, and my respect. To the survivors of those lost on our side—read a new book, become informed, cop to our hideous, unbalanced, and contrived nationalistic blunderbuss of purposeful shortsightedness... ...the utter waste of the lives of husbands, brothers, and fathers... sisters, mothers, and wives as grease for the wheels of an entirely unrestricted corporatism! COP!  Then we can move on.

We were "beaucoup number ten" and "tres dinky-dow" to the Viet Namese et al at the whim of reptilian corpocracies! Let's admit, and get over it! Demand our government give Viet Nam the recognition deserved.

It's just the way to get UFO's to come out of hiding—probably the only way, and an illustration why I always write on topic. You have to drain the swamp (excuse the metaphor) to even SEE the corporate alligator shredding merrily at your butt-cheeks.

Why do I "hate America"?

Why, you witless hypocrite and flatulating gasbag! I love America to a depth and breadth you have forgotten or have never known... I'll bet EVER known! Moreover, you scurvy wing-nut bigot, I've proved my love with decades of volunteerism and real service while you have likely sent others off to fight a war YOU started... but wouldn't fight yourself! Coward! Hypocrite! Swine!

You can kiss my unwashed ass right after you tell me why YOU hate America!

You know who you are!

I'm just getting warmed up...

Read on.

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression &qu...