
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Friday, March 08, 2024

...Folk Wronged...


I'm not all alone in a "meaningless" struggle, 
there are others who hunger to know; 
we're singular folk with our shorts in a bunch... 
...who are yearning to "know" ...so's to grow!
We're people aspiring our dreams to come true,
 we're folks unaware we're not free? 
We're many who work far too hard for too few
these bereft of all wounds to their knees!
The former might love in a good kind of way, 
precluding possession or pause; 
we're people aware of the challenges sought, 
betrayed by those "men made of straw."
We are folk made of iron who prefer what is real
—we're folk who would pay our fair share
we're folk "looking out" to the depths of our heavens... 
who can contemplate "God" ...as not there!
We are folk with our missions, 
we're a folk with our plans, 
and we're folk who'll "engage" 
what we don't understand! 
We're tolerant folk, with a generous flair, 
We're looking for truthfulness—caring to dare!
Accused for the anger 
that measures "the way"... 
of the lives that we lead... 
that could lead us astray
we are held in derision 
unearned and un-unqualified, 
then attacked by false gods 
held on "faith," so un-quantified
So, how can we validate 
faith we can't own
when having such faith 
is as valueless stone?
See, I'm taking "big issue" 
with your "faith from behind"; 
I shove this up yours 
because you've shoved it up mine!
...And ain't it a bitch 
as we bring it on home, 
as we "wire the planet
with cellular phones...
may we limp to our dooms 
with our prayers on our lip 
as we pray to dim gods 
who might rescue our ship… 
...But that's not forthcoming
we know that's not so.  
We must count on ourselves 
for salvation, Jon Snow!
We're all the salvation 
of that which can be!
"First responders" are humans!
Thanking God? Booboisie!
You're "bothered" I'm angry, 
yet won't give an inch 
when it's YOU who's betrayed 
by "God's minions'" mad "stench"!
... imposed by said minions 
for profits unfair... 
profits then claimed 
by the ones who won't share!
Contused and abridged 
for the "hair on your head," 
for their lack of fair play... 
"them" provoking real dread
we leap and we scratch 
for the "air" we're denied,
demand yet again, hidden: 
"whats", "hows", and "whys"!
"Demanding" is harsh; 
I'll admit it upfront. 
It writes a "big check" 
sans the trick, dodge, and shunt...

Though, we are compelled
We are moved to take pains! 
we'll soar, and we'd cleave
but we'd question our gains!
We'll read and we'll study 
the nature of things 
that makes a new cloth 
of the stuff that we think, 
...as we must conclude 
that the story we're told... 
has been short a "mixed grill"
... by a "chop" the *man* holds!
I'm happy to say 
that I won't go along 
with intolerance, hatred
exclusiveness—their wrongs. 
MY definitions, 
if so likely not yours—
if you've stacked 
crooked decks 
with your hip pocket jurors...
Still, I WON'T tear my eyes 
from the fathomless sky 
that pulses in dances 
so often described 
as a shape-changing saucer 
that stays out of view 
in a fog that's produced 
by the *man*... Is this true?
Conspiracy lives in a cave 
that it's made 
by the profits achieved with its power
...Though, where are those powers 
we've all been denied? 
They own them all! Friend—
we're betrayed and deprived!
...And "we" DON'T even know it... (?) 
we're huffing their fogs—
heating in saucepans 
so slowlysmall frogs...
The heat is unhurried
and at first, feels good. 
...And soon we are sleepy,
 as if drugged (!)—understood?
...And then all in good time, 
it's too hot... ...and too late
On menus, mere fodder, 
our legs on their plate!
Then who might it be; 
who descends with a knife 
with his fangs all agleam 
for our flesh and our life?
No fair blaming "Satan"—
he's into free will! 
Yeah, he's high on himself, 
but he's not as been billed?
"Do what you will," 
he had always proclaimed!  
"But do it in love," 
was the real game's name...
No, Klasskurtxian "balancers" (?)... 
have been forcing our hand! 
It's "self-interested judgment," 
"bereft," understand?!
It's arrogant hubris
so, sans all humility!
To think so's futility!
What's "up" may be "down."  
What is "in" may be "out."  
We're not even knowing, see, 
what we are about!
Too? It's you not aware 
who's to "pay" for your "play"; 
if believing there's (only) 
just "ONE" way to pray!
But, what's this to do 
with the "stuff in our skies"? 
What am I on about 
this time you cry? 
Why am I angry
intense, and insulting
What's it to do 
with our "saucer consulting"?
Well, what if *they're* 
watching us tromp on our dicks, 
recording us acting 
like assholes and pricks! 
What if they see us 
behaving like monsters–
criminals, felons, 
or knaves and imposters!
All "AGREE" that they're "out there," 
to a man and his dog! 
"Life has imperative," 
it's heard through the fog.  
Though, we limit our *watchers*, 
assign them our fear—
"We can't get THERE, *therefore*, 
they can't get HERE"!
Were it me I don't think 
I'd forgive such temerity; 
amazingly, we go un-whacked... 
out of charity
Yes, what if they're watching us 
act like mere predators? 
What if we scare them (?); 
we risk an indebtedness! 
What if we blow 
our ONE chance to belong? 
What if we screw up our blessing
So... wrong!

Seems plain that income is reasonably re-distributed down by a government of its People because it's the People who know and understand that that income, left alone?  ...It will only ever "trickle up," ...dividing the People inside a house becoming increasingly divided and so unable to stand! Will this be us? Divided? Crippled?   

Care to Dare! Dare to Care! Restore John Ford! It's your freedom spared!

Restored John Ford!

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...