
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Bio of Frank C. Feschino, Jr.

Bio of Frank C. Feschino, Jr.:
An Overview of his ongoing
"Flatwoods Monster" Investigation
by Alfred Lehmberg

Frank C. Feschino, Jr. is a graduate of the Paier College of Art in Hamden, Connecticut, where he studied illustration, commercial art, and photography. He was trained by several world-famous artists including Kenneth Davies, Rudolph Zallinger, and John Massimino. He earned his four-year Fine Arts diploma in 1981. He knows why truth is important. He'd hold your high ground.

Feschino next moved to Florida where he studied film and video production at Phillips Jr. College in Daytona Beach. There, he was instructed by legendary Hollywood camera operator Rich Davis, thus honing his technical competence and communication skills. In 1994, Frank graduated with an Associate's Degree in Film and Video Production, plus a minor in Business. 

Feschino would come to be interested in UFOs in the early 1990s when he chance visited a relative's farm in Braxton County, West Virginia. Crop circles had appeared there overnight, unexplained to this day; additionally, UFOs were frequently sighted over the region and for many years. This was great material for a one-off project for film school, Feschino reasoned! 

He very carefully and meticulously documented these anomalies, a perspicacious student of a craft, and then shared his research with British crop circle expert and electrical engineer Colin Andrews. Andrews would subsequently catalog Feschino's information in his world database and even become a major fan of his work. 

During that time, and in pure serendipity, Feschino became aware of the famous "Flatwoods Monster" UFO crash incident of Braxton County. This is that singular "attractor" event that had occurred on September 12, 1952, after a "Summer Of Saucers." Entirely captivated, he dove in. Little did he suspect that his school project "one-off" would become his life's work!

This case, in a quick review, involved a downed UFO and its alien occupant, a 12-foot-tall exo-suited and armor-clad being, we come to find, who encountered a group of unsuspecting local Flatwoods townspeople. This terrifying "close encounter of the third kind" quickly made headlines across the globe, was obsessed about, effusively, on the radio, and was featured just one week later on a nationally broadcasted live TV program. 

The program alluded to, We The People, hosted by Dan Seymour, was an extremely popular show that, but for one show iteration subsequent, would be immediately canceled after the "Flatwoods program..." We'll leave that there... another story, we can read about that, later.

Still, the far-reaching news about the "monster" from West Virginia was actually one of the world's top news stories of the year. Yet, although the popularity and fame of the "Flatwoods Monster" had risen quickly in the public eye, there was a dark downside to the story as well! 

Intelligence Agencies, it can be shown, had covertly stepped into the picture, kept a watchful eye over the unfolding situation, and quickly worked to diffuse it, it would appear. Such seems, abundantly, so. Why? There were reasons good and bad... and weird...

Verily! Inconsistencies in reporting the incident abounded and became horrendous early on, abiding even today! The witnesses were constantly misquoted, the incident was heavily bowdlerized and contrived to seem doubtful, and the forthright witnesses were, and have been, ridiculed and laughed at for decades! 

The government's official explanation reported that the incident was "attributed to hysteria" and the witnesses probably misinterpreted the "monster" as a "big barn owl perched high on a branch at dusk"! ...Hillbilly's skeered o' haints in the dark around Halloween! What's not to laugh at that? Not true on any level, aspect, or indices... of course. All ridicule is ridiculously baseless... and suspicious for that.

This "monster" incident, as well as many other UFO (Summer Of Saucers!) cases in 1952, had the American public worried and agitated because UFO sightings were at a historical (not hysterical!) high over the country that whole year! These UFO encounters were hugely intensifying that entire summer! Here, the cover-up of this alien encounter was determined as necessary by the government, it is reasoned. That actions to squash it were quickly implemented is no stretch... 

Yes... "Mass Hysteria" was indeed, avoided! Existential reality was circumvented, yet again! Yes, this writer asks, "...but, at what cost," ultimately. 

Subsequently, the "Flatwoods Monster" case was well on its way to becoming just a "West Virginia" (heavy eye-roll!) myth of sketchlessly entertaining folklore sullenly degraded to the absurd. ...And scene! 

Heavy Sigh... This writer must momentarily digress, constructively, to observe that "Life may be a part played on a stage," but it does remain that life is not that play metaphored. See, a play's players go home to real lives when the curtain comes down, apart from their momentary and more fictional portrayals flatly irrelevant to day to day actuality. We look forward to and sometimes dread the materiality impacting roughly from the corporeal. We laugh and cry, exhault and suffer to something on the telly or stage, fridges fret their nutritional stockage, rolled socks and underwear in their appropriate drawer, ...personal tragedy and conditional comedy. Romeo and Juliet may be typified and reiterated all over the planet daily in reality, but the play is only allowing us to recognize the reality typical of its even predictable plot, and other plots, in that reality. The play's not the thing, it's the thing allowing us to recognize and remember the thing. 

In a play; however, a curtain must come down. The corporeal reality has no such curtain. It must of needs have more validity than a mere illustration of it. Neither the play nor the reality giving birth to it can have meaning when you can't tell one from the other. That's what can happen when one, even with the best intentions, circumvents reality.

We are individuals of the corporeal in the felt presence of the moment. We are Life's players and subject to the consequences of our performances. Our payments are dire. Critics matter. It seems likely we're best served with the truth, then, or our culture is flawed and self-defeating... sick, only to get sicker. What are we seeing currently?

Suffice to say, returning from our digression, the majority of the public wouldn't believe the Flatwoods tale. The famous "monster" case was to be shelved as a curiously ridiculous legend! ...Only, wait... the real story behind this mysterious alien visitor and the circumstances surrounding its enigmatic incident, extant if in a scattered record, ... was never fully known to the public

That was all about to change! 

You see, in 1952, there were a few people of consciousness and conscience. They believed that this terrifying story actually did happen. Luckily, they left some historical documentation about this case in their books, their published periodicals and private newsletters... their personal correspondence, reader... key evidentiary components lain fallow for decades!  Enter, forty years later, illustrator and filmmaker, Frank C. Feschino, Jr. 

Intrigued and perplexed by the story, Frank picked up this cold, cold case (where it had been left for dead back in 1952), was immediately engaged, and so captivated by same that he must run hard with it, never looking back. Defeating insurmountable obstacles, Feschino would overcome the slings and arrows of incompetent publishers and errant skeptibunkies to truly become the first primary investigator involved in the case since it was originally studied in 1952... ...Feschino would bring the "Flatwoods Monster" case to a whole new level! 

See, while still attending film school, Frank began an intense and extensive investigation into the case. It would become his primary focus and occupation. Now armed with video equipment and newly acquired communication skills, he taped many compelling interviews with a plethora of the first-hand eyewitness. Further, he photographed the many locations involved in the story, untouched by time.

During his arduous, sometimes even personally hazardous, investigation, Feschino traveled extensively in West Virginia, hill to hollow, accumulating a literal mass of information. These included the forgotten works of aforementioned past researchers, unseen and overlooked government documents of vetted officiality, book and magazine publications, and pertinent newspaper articles from around the world! Unsettlingly, he discovered the Flatwoods case's evidentiary trail was covered-up deeply by the officiality and that there remained scattered clues and widespread pieces to this cold-case puzzle, telling a truth, if strewn about—buried all across the country! 

Feschino not only discovered that this alien encounter had indeed occurred, but he also put together an astounding timeline of events actually illustrating 21-sustained hours of unending UFO activity occurring over ten east coast States that day! Ultimately, and reminding the reader that our military forces at that time were under public orders to shoot UFOs down wherever they were encountered, Feschino was able to pinpoint 116 documented locations involving 25 separate and distinct UFOs over those ten States, and he also discovered that four of those UFOs were heavily damaged

These made repeated landings, by report; one of those damaged and downed objects held an occupant that abandoned its craft?! This "occupant" would come to be called, the "Flatwoods Monster."

Feschino fleshes all this out in an analysis of his "Master Map." This cited initiative contained the information included: the plotted points of the UFOs locations, the type of craft described, the time stamps of each object, and their flight trajectories... it rather forensically recreated a total scenario for just what had happened in Flatwoods on that harrowing Indian Summer dusk of 1952. 

Shockingly, Frank discovered that by putting all of the individual UFO events into a chronological timeline and piecing it all together where pieces fit, the story demonstrably evolved into two seeming search and rescue missions... perpetrated by extraterrestrials for their fellows! Beyond all credulity, reader, they'd apparently retrieve two of their downed and stranded comrades in West Virginia, one in Flatwoods and the other in close by Wheeling. The data was followed, reader, and there are no apologies for conclusions reached, indeed so far up this writer's nose he feels toes on his chin. 

Feschino also discovered the logical explanation as to why there were four damaged and downed UFOs in the country that day! Only six weeks earlier, we're now re-reminded, in July, the Air Force revealed that their pilots, "[had] been under orders to investigate unidentified objects and to shoot them down if they can't talk them down." This was lawyer talk for "Shoot them down wherever they are encountered!" Full stop! 

Feschino also revealed his discovery that in July of 1952, the Air Force further admitted that they had scrambled interceptors, "several hundred times as a result of reported sightings of unidentified objects." Man and machine lost to same!

See, Feschino also unearthed another mysterious incident, apart from the "monster in Flatwoods," occurring on that September 12, 1952, involving a United States jet fighter vanishing into thin air shortly before the "Flatwoods Monster" crash-landed in West Virginia! Feschino worked for several years on this case, discovering bupkis! The Air Force would initially report that "absolutely no record of the missing jet or its two-man crew," existed!

Additionally, the United States government "did not have a single record of the airmen" in any of their official holdings, military or civilian! Curious! 

Feschino continued on with his exhaustive investigation, regardless, and rewarded for his perspicaciousness, tracked down and talked face to face with the two airmen's surviving brothers! No record?

The pilot's brother gave Feschino the official documents that the USAF had sent him, then Feschino tracked down the memorial headstone of the pilot in Ocala, Florida. Our intrepid researcher then got hold of several Florida newspaper articles and began to piece the story together... but something was missing, glaringly... the truth? 

Indeed, the explanations given by the Air Force concerning this missing jet case were suspiciously convoluted, contradictory and fragmented... ridiculously incompetent, even, in TWO tries of Flight Evaluations Boards! Having been on more than a few of these boards in a 23 year career, this writer can report that heads roll when you can't get it done in one.

Years later, perhaps even a result of Feschino's revelations in the case, the Air Force finally released the official Sept. 12, 1952, Aircraft Accident Report case file, on microfilm... including the missing jet story.  There was "no record," reported, remember... a result of many provoked "looks," remember...

Feschino evaluated all the cases on the microfilm and quickly discovered that two other September 12, 1952, aircraft accident events were mysteriously missing from the case files—both sent to higher classification! The reader can make of that what they will. Those records remain lost.

Feschino then read, dissected, and reviewed the missing Starfire case and combined its contents with all of his other accumulated data about the missing jet. His conclusion: a massive cover-up was perpetrated... ...that was actually on a much larger scale than the "Flatwoods Monster" incident! Flatwoods was only the unsatisfying end of the story it appears. 

The upshot is that the alluded to Jones / DelCurto story regarding one vanished aircraft and crew fit perfectly into place with all the other covered-up UFO events occurring on September 12, 1952. Air war with ET. It's not a stretch.

Feschino wrote a groundbreaking book, a completed essay map of his investigation into the famous "Flatwoods Monster" incident.  It is titled The Braxton County Monster—The Cover-up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed, later released as an "Updated and Revised" edition while his investigation is continued and additional information is obtained. Look for more updates. 

The forwards and epilogs for Frank's books were written by nuclear physicist, UFO expert, and fellow author Stanton T. Friedman of Roswell fame. Additionally, Feschino would generously extend recognition and credit to this writer, veteran Master Aviator and writer Alfred Lehmberg, United States Army (retired), who wrote Feschino's recent book cover synopsis and remains to cover Feschino's astonishing initiative. Feschino's convinced this writer, credentialed educator, and retired MA!

Feschino's works have been featured in countless newspaper, magazine, and internet articles throughout the world. The author has also been interviewed by numerous radio talk show hosts including personalities the likes of Whitley Strieber, George Noory, Kate Valentine, Heather Wade and Shadoe Stevens to name a few. While building momentum through the media, Frank caught the eye of several conference promoters and subsequently traveled throughout the United States to spread the word about his UFO research and books of aviation and UFO history. 

For nearly a decade Feschino appeared in, and has headlined for, several UFO conferences, lectures, and book signings. He was also involved in many "Flatwoods Monster" one-man events. In 2007, a groundbreaking exhibition occurred in West Virginia, where Feschino led a cast of lecturers during a two-day, "Flatwoods Monster and Flying Saucer Extravaganza" show, held at the historic Capitol Theatre in downtown Charleston, WV.

Frank has guest appeared on many West Virginia television talk shows, TV news broadcasts and radio programs, and was also featured in the first-ever "Flatwoods Monster" cover story and feature article in the late UFO Magazine. The author and UFO investigator also appeared in an episode of "Monster Quest" on the HISTORY CHANNEL featuring the "Flatwoods Monster" and "Frametown Monster" incidents of 1952. 

Additionally, Feschino also produced a documentary that he wrote, shot, and narrated. It focuses on his investigation into the "Flatwoods Monster" case expanding into an undeclared and largely secret air war with ET. It appears on Youtube

After a 25-year quest to reveal the truth, Frank C. Feschino, Jr. has become the genuine authority on the "Flatwoods Monster" incident and UFO events of September 12, 1952, events at the end of the tortuous "Summer of Saucers" flap of the same year. Today, Feschino continues to be involved in UFO research and currently resides in central Florida.

Read on.

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Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...