
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Monster, Machine... or an Owl ?

(can anyone provide attribution for this etching
allegedly from the SIM article referenced)

Was it a Monster-Owl... or a Machine?
by Alfred Lehmberg

Joe Nickell of the former partisan paranormal investigation group CSICOP (Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal), now CSI (Committee for Skeptical Inquiry), wrote what has passed for a "Flatwoods Monster" article, lo these many years, in the Nov/Dec. 2000 issue of the Skeptical Enquirer magazine. Nickell, an English teacher who once tipped Flatwoods waitresses with actual wooden nickels, claimed that the “monster” these witnesses had seen and reported under penalty of perjury... was actually a "barn owl." The waitresses, by report, were not amused.

Later on, noxious gasses reported produced by the monster would be excused as "Indian-summer" flower fumes or hallucinatory volcanic gasses... all of these things happening neither before nor since this singular night... no, and decidedly, no roc-sized owls, smelly flowers, or volcanic gasses... Besides! Generations of these people knew what a barn owl in a tree looked like... and their owls never lit up on their own, silently hovered around, or gave off toxic gasses.

"Owl" is the labored conclusion that this ostensible skeptic writer Nickell claimed in his article titled, "The Flatwoods UFO Monster." He wrote, "...And so a spooked barn owl in turn spooked the interlopers and a monster was born." Easy if unsupported dismissal of excitable kids and a hillbilly parent so effortlessly done, case closed, and excelsior! Onward to the next "skeptibunkery"! You can bet Dr. (immaterial) Nickell was just touching himself at his glibness.

In hubris-larded summation he would further state, "We may conclude (adapting an old adage) that if it looked like a barn owl, acted like a barn owl, and hissed, then it was most likely a barn owl." We might also conclude that what "looks, acts, and hisses" like an uninformed partisan hack may be as likely to be that hack. We digress.

Now follow this closely reader. It seems that Joe Nickell's skeptical "owl" conclusion was by NO means an original idea, at all. 

See, he was merely echoing the ludicrous conclusion offered by the USAF! They had concluded this when they attempted THEIR cover-up of the incident some 47 years earlier! 

Observe that in January of 1953, pioneer UFO researcher Major Donald Keyhoe spoke to USAF Senior Public Liaison, Albert Chop about the Flatwoods case. In Keyhoe's book, "Flying Saucers From Outer Space." Chop explained the following to Keyhoe, "The group did see two glowing eyes, probably those of a large owl perched on a limb. Underbrush below may have given the impression of a giant figure, and in their excitement they may have imagined the rest." Ok... though... how original does an English teacher have to be? ...And at least he reads... even as he doesn't give attribution.

Besides, if you look closer at Nickell's mawkish wording you will see that his "barn owl" conclusion was only speculative! He wrote, "it was most likely a barn owl.

This is the same speculative "owl" conclusion as was made by Chop earlier in 1953 when he said the "glowing eyes" were "probably those of a large owl." Then Chop uses the speculative words, "may have given" and "they may have" in his conclusion about the "giant figure." Lots of room for license. 

Chop is quoted, "Underbrush below may have given the impression of a giant figure, and in their excitement they may have imagined the rest." Reexamine the speculative words used by these two men, "MOST LIKELY" and "PROBABLY" and "MAY HAVE GIVEN" in addition to, "MAY HAVE." Where would stuff like these qualifiers come from? Then, the following information clears some things up! 

Edward J. Ruppelt, the Chief of Project Blue Book in 1952, spoke to Major Keyhoe about UFO cover stories. Keyhoe covered all this in his book, "Aliens From Space." 

Ruppelt told Keyhoe, and get this... "We're ordered to hide sightings when possible, but if a strong report does get out, we have to publish a fast explanation—make up something to kill the report in a hurry. We must also ridicule the witness, especially if we can't figure a plausible answer." Captain Ruppelt's words here seem to have been the template for the Flatwoods case, especially when we remember the complicity of the local police to facilitate this "tamp-down" and about which we had written about earlier. 

What does the reader believe? Was the "Flatwoods Monster" an "owl," or was it an otherworldly mechanical space suit that resembled a hovercraft? Please leave your thoughts as they pertain to this ET air war, in the comments below.

Friday, October 11, 2024


Please forgive this small presumption.
It's something more than mere assumption.
Remains I've drawn a sword I'll use.
Will I be "kind"? Be disabused.
I'm "nasty" with those too contentious, 
those so gleefully pretentious—
those professing "dead-lock nuts..." 
Their "truths," it's found, are "ifs and buts"! 
Reality's detracted from, 
and from what's "truthful," these will run
a quick dismissal is their creed
When that is lost? They cease to be!
Existing of conflated coattails, 
blown around by moneyed main-sails, 
these dissolve or melt away 
to prices "fixed" ...that we must pay
These can't, per se, debate their *critics*, 
their "grinding axes" lack *specifics*, 
and they have bastardized what's *correct*—
while prosecuting disrespect.
These have a special axe to grind 
to cushion senses they contrive 
to justify unbrave contentions. 
See? They won't *see*... They lack dimension!
...But our contentious skeptibunkies, 
braying, scorning—mocking flunkies... 
These will hoot, pronounce soft *phacts*, 
and from the truth, you bet, detract. 
All, I think, to keep you working, 
making babies, crying—hurting... 
...Still, they're REAL and would upset 
the "apple cart" ill *owned*, as yet.
Yes, we'd have the truth; condone it! 
We've paid for it in blood. We own it!  
Were not served, in fact ill-served, 
to be denied the truths observed.  
Had we some "truth," we'd, then, build true... 
avoid those "pitfalls" as construed, 
avoid perhaps, the forecast "planned..."  
...we'd have FOUNDATION, understand?!
Sceptic! Don't pretend your faux concern; 
you will come to live and learn—
at issue is the profiteering 
you enjoy while proudly sneering!
Don't think that you provide a service
Don't think that you provide for "calm"—be nervous! 
Don't pretend that fear's deterred 
in blandishments you purrabsurd!
Don't presume that you're correct—
you've been remiss you would detect
or, kept your courage as a "guide," 
made progress, mattered... ...even tried!
Don't profess the "all-dodge rational"!
Don't contend that you're "professional." 
Do not think your *earned* degrees 
have brought you off your "callused knees"! 
Don't presume to "know the truth" 
and "sneer" or "gloat—pretend "aloof"!
Too, don't you dare to sully Occam!  
Your artless pretense: courage "run from"!  
You distort beyond the frame 
a meaning found that Occam's named, 
distorted to the nth degree: 
the simplest answer's "best," you see?
"Don't complicate hypothesis 
without some "need" is confidence, 
but it remains that "When in need," 
you complicate that thing, you see?  
"Occam" doesn't rule that out!  
That's what "Occam's" all about!
So, one refutes your bland pronouncements; 
one subsumes your trite announcements. 
You've betrayed our education—
warmed yourself in its ablation
You don't rate a second look. 
Your fire is "out," and you can't "cook"!
Look around, you're plainly comic! 
See beyond the pale—it's cosmic! 
Consider all the games you play 
to keep the "real deal" at bay!  
Concrescence looms; you're not absolved.  
This thing's the THING; we're ALL involved!
Admit that time and space are one, 
and both are "endless" (matchless!) *fun*. 
Admit it's we who happened here...
and "there" if near to what you fear
Space enough for us to *happen*—
good or bad, past understandin'...
What can happen, happens plainly
and cannot happen once, insanely
What occurs, occurs again!  
"Formality's achieved" my friend! 
We are not alone, in truth! 
To think we are? Be disabused!  
If you believe that we're "alone"? 
Then, you're a dunce, not Sherlock Holmes.  
I would have it more "forthcoming"—
so we could "plan," get "well," or something...
 ...Dismiss this as a nonplussed screed? 
Still and all it's what you need—
CSIcop's dull; sans circumspections. 
They're stopped at lightless intersections!
In the years preceding Christ, 
a couple past a thousand (thrice?), 
mere *humans* wrote of "asteroid belts... 
...'twixt Mars and Jupiter," Sitchin tells! 
Still, and in this long-gone time, 
they knew the colors, mass—made rhyme 
of Neptune and his twin Uranus... 
...how they knew? We can't explain it...
The Dogon knew a star they worshiped, 
Sirius, though twins in worship—
two dogs to follow at the heel 
of he who fought the "bull surreal". 
...We couldn't notice "double stars," 
given they're away too far
The Dogon knew that there were two
Now... how in hell'd they know that's true?
...The Sumer knew of Earth's precession! 
This fuels our justified obsession 
with enigma they don't cop to, 
investigate, or drop a nod to! 
See? ...Some ten-thousand years ago! 
How'd they know that that was so?
Embrace denial if it's there; 
betray our ethics; gape and stare! 
...But, don't pretend there's nothing to it! 
Mere science, by itself, can't do it!
What we've seen defines new pages; 
too, we've perceived forbidden ages!  
So, we can see the moving finger! 
Writing on the wall it lingers, 
pointing out the enigmatic 
for the not-so-autocratic. 
It's bigger than you're giving credit. 
...This bothers one... where one could let it...
Should it scare you—just a might—
...promote some sight with greater light; 
make you see the bigger picture—
grasp that time and space are richer... 
for the efforts you have made 
in work you've DONE, for what you've PAID!  
You deserve to know some truth, 
al dente, and so to the tooth, 
which elevates the spirit's progress 
on a path providing noblesse!
Yeah... I know as light comes up... 
...the more perceived the shadows got
But that's the future as ordained. 
We see the shadows! That's our gain! 
Darkness threatened, grasped and scratched, 
but from those shadows truth is snatched! 
Of course more darkness is perceived: 
the more the light comes up! Concede!
But we move forward and progress... 
or die by inches, I protest!
You deserve a clearer vision. 
You're betrayed!  They lack concision
Your potential's sapped and weakened... 
by those who dare to mock or cheapen... 
that which makes us what we are
self-aware... and made from stars!


...Sentient and Self-aware Star-Stuff... is the suspicion.

First, we were the "Jewel in God's crown" on a sol-system-centered if imperfect worldstill favored by some—at the core of a series of crystal spheres suggested by the glad misogynist Aristotle.  ...Cutting edge at the time! Everything was neatly tied.

Grudgingly, as time very tediously wound itself out in an all but wholly unnoticed acceleration... human entelechy is shunted to a series of planets and bolides third from a massive "coal burning" sun-furnace... the center of things, still!  Indeed, what could burn hotter than coal, it was thought!?

Stunningly, the passage of time reveals the farther-removed suggestion that Sol is a star in a galaxy of stars! The galaxy is finally perceived as a kind of star itself... in an all but infinity of other galaxies! 

Humility demands that Centering ourselves in all of this seems, at best, just ludicrous—a pompous hubris unearned!  Still, one wonders how we're still not getting it, you know?  We've always had it so wrong. Smart money says we have it wrong, still.

Recently we *discover* that we are not really even inhabitants of the Milky Way Galaxy, at all... but of some small errant dwarf galaxy idly inhaled by the Milky Way.  See what I mean?

Forgetting this awesome similarity across scale of an evolving sense of being without ... location... one must wonder where we are, really, given how unlikely it is that one can be two places at once as their hubris would dictate and we have learned... when one's not even THERE, at all?

...Doubt what is doubtable. Believe what is believable. Think what you will.  It's a start.

Restore John Ford!


Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...