
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Kings/Priests ... Jesters/Clowns

There's not enough time to accomplish our will; why, by a factor of five we'd but take more time, still! So, forget any ending that isn't your own; it's the ride that's important... that's what we are shown.
See, time has an essence that is fractal it seems; it's running out fast or interminable, see?  They're no absolutes; time is hoary and relative: gone quick as that flash... or has lasting imperative.
Absolute values?  ...A path to extinction where "values" are measured with clueless distinction... Where sentience is hated as if "from the devil"?  Celebrate ignorance, but get out your shovel.  There is a price paid  pursuing stupidity.  Especially along with excessive cupidity.
So, what do we "pack" in scant moments and hours... if not filling lives with such truths as empower?  A hard row to hoe... that considered above... Where you are excluded when push comes to shove... much we might treasure and value retreats, and is lost, or it fades; it's presumed incomplete.
What have we gained but to stack our "possessions"? What do we pile but death in concession?
...And with what are we left but the gods of the *man* to complicate faith that we shan't understand? What do we have but corroded philosophy... spewed by elitists who're fraught with hypocrisy.
*Kings* (and their priests) hide their smirks behind hands which are richly appointed as they wave dark commands; see, we are mere pawns in their struggle for power, yes, stolen from those who must heat all our water!
...And, who are these persons from whom we draw heat? Well, all are forlorn folk who won't make the peak!  These are the ones who're left at the gate... who're shut out of doors to discover their fate!
Where is the justice in truth not forthcoming? Where do the psychopaths actually hide? Where will the fairness begin its glad drumming too faint, but yet heard, in a truth to surprise?
When will the Earth, then, begin her renewal? When will the great be concerned for the small? When will good answers provoke the best question that's answered in TURN minus spin, dodge, or stall!
Where do we start to respect individuals? When do we pay off despicable loans? Why won't we turn from our sad acquisitions, and tear dark *pretenders* from scurrilous thrones?
When do we pay down our perilous debt? When do we clean up the mess that we've kept? When do we stop all the meanness we make, and feel compassion now earnestly faked?
Why do the saucers continue to plague us? Why are they seen in our day and night skies? Why do they tease us (or shame us!) with sightings so damned inconclusive—I'd want to know why!
And it's not just a murmur of pique from some whacko; my interest's sane, they are citedthey're shared! The challenges challenged remain SO unchallenged; there's an ominous silence, and we should beware!
Issues have answers that we're not receiving. We're too distracted with the things we can buy. Stuff that is wasteful, cross purposed, and hateful is what is served up—so abusively—why?

With a grasp that is firm on the ring in your nose, they are not chained by the rules they impose! Lords of *their* manors, ordained by *their* gods, you step off and fetch it when they give the nod!
Forget contributions that you have been making to nebulous groups who persue the hard sell: churches and other glibclosedinstitutions who skim from the top all the life-blood themselves!
What are you now but a cog in their wheel, and fretting through days with your nights so unreal—tossing and turning and feeling the dread of the earthquakes and windstorms to vex you ahead.
Tell me I'm crazy, a certified loony to have studied the things that I do—as I have. Tell me the saucers that show up (so plainly) will only show up in a "head" that's gone "bad."
Call me a whacko—bereft of my senses. Assign me a spot far away in the fringes. Dismiss me as "woo-woo", bricks shy of your *load*. A conspiracy nut you engage just to goad...
...But answer my questions, address my concerns, and put out this fire that rages and burns! Give me the facts, *sir*, though heaven's brought down; revealed: kings and their priests... become jesters and clowns!

A corrosive if consequential coterie of non-context clowns will have a bonny day with this—no doubt. These aforementioned are clowns so predictably circumspect as to avoid, and assiduously: that the issues raised above are evidence of psychopaths from the middle ages made real in the early Twenty-first Century.  Dispassionate Thugs brought up to date.

See, they employ the same arguments and attitudes as the corporate sharks of old, these enduring misanthropes, laughing at the homeless and cheering Sarah Palin as, together, they celebrate the rape of the planet—pretending they're alone and unobserved as far as their predator eyes can see. They begin to feel a hot foul breath on their scented, if unclean, necks, I suspect.

See, given that technology provides for a decided lack of a requirement for a fat population's standing in as grease for the cruel gears of the top tier's 20%, the plan, if you didn't know, is to murder the bottom 80% of the human population... 2%, then, riding pretty high and everybody else, or 18%, just an employee.  These privileged murderers would live forever on the erased hopes and shattered dreams of persons destroyed... ...as they always have... reader, as they always have.

Now Daniel Pinchbeck, illustrated in a somewhat recent verbal dust-up with Whitley Strieber, would accuse me of "working to manifest" the preceding into the universe, provoking it and therefore facilitating it—willing it to being, invoking the genocidal reality into actuality... ...but screw that.  Searching _my_ conscience I suspect the universe has already had that idea, has prosecuted it for eons if not all along, and that Strieber and myself are merely humble observers of it...inconsequent reporters of same. Be that as it may, no apologies here. ...Seems what's obvious was obvious after all.

C'mon, all these very diverse and asymptotic—heaven reaching!—graph-lines can't ALL be wrong! The future accelerates towards us as a concrescence looms. What else explains this perceivable quickening?

Moreover, why do you figure we should be held above the fates meted out to the other species with whom we share the bio-drome. Especially when you have an appreciation for how many times that has occurred right here on the planet in a demonstrable way ... Occurred?  ...Mass extinction.  67 Million years ago the Earth endured a punch that "nothing bigger than than a chicken" walked away from.  The Earth's endured even greater oblivion.

Why would we be absolved? More to the point, a specific kind of intelligence, one entirely sane, would dictate that it was a tool to be used... a eugenics to be employed. That's happened before, too.

Restore John Ford!

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...