
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, November 10, 2013


What seems plain as virgin day: Agencies in disarray! Remember, it's a glad elite, said circumspect—and très discrete—who keeps real knowledge from us all with clever dodges, tricks and stalls. Facts and figures are distorted—"covered up"; it's well reported.
UFOs they've hidden, friend, so we can't know what these portend.  Nameless lights are highly strange and... they are there to rearrange the feelings that we have for leaders we've elected—dull mouth breathers! 
They don't work for us, you know? Though, "we the people" front their dough! ...And they're the tools of corporate masters; what's good for them spells our disaster!
Their beginning's fraught with "stain." Hoover was a monster, plain. A wolf, and in his own employ, he lived a life that few'd enjoy.
He kept these "records," massive files, though these were used to keep defiled... men who might have been courageous—sociopathy's contagious! Streets and buildings named for him hide God knows what contained within!
Ruby Ridge and Waco show that Ed lives on, though, from below, burning in a hell he'd made while innocents lose lives betrayed.
The FBI's just what we know, but other letters hide! Hello! Projects black as pitch or jet are busy with a work that's "wet..."
We're informed it's "for your safety," but that's a road not traveled safely! Much that happens this way now... if we but knew we'd disallow! People suffer, families fall, and unknown secrets make us crawl, dancing to the tune of those... who keep those secrets, don't you know! We shan't have control of these. Our *letters* keep us on our knees.
The CIA and ATF, are programs tacking right, not left. We don't know what they have done. We can't guess what tales are spun! We don't see their covert purpose. An oversight shall not alert us!
Fed manure, plain and stark, we're just mushrooms in the dark! ...Only here to pay the bill for services they don't fulfill!  Kept in chains they've manufactured, we're depressed and broken—fractured! We're neutered, and then kept dependent; while some maintain a GRAND resplendence!
It's all about autonomy, and how they covet it, you see? Aliens—the craft they fly—show cleaner ways to do things, Clyde!
We might stop with "fossil fuels," and package food with stuff "reused." This information—perhaps obtained—contributes to our freedom's gain!  We shouldn't want to cheat and steal; folks deserve a better deal. ...But some would have us on their meter (Tesla could have done it neater) paying taxes that provide... the corporate welfare we decry.
We're not kept abreast of things! Why? It complicates the toil of "kings." These are kings too arbitrary; rule of law's, to them, contrary. They infest our institutions, make the rules and constitutions, but use these as their mechanisms... puppets for their canted schisms.
To buttress their autonomy, they'll treat you like an enemy; using *letters* like a club, they'll obfuscate the issues, bub!
Anything can hide in there, where *letters* work; expect despair. A people's interests have no hope if they are but a "chosen's" joke.
NASA is a strange pretender! The CIA? A black contender! The FBI we've just considered, so meditate we're not delivered! Don't forget the NSA as you can bet they've feet of clay! These have kept us in the dark; they're *letters* aping eel and shark. All our armies have their shops; they have their share of black ops-nauts.
The OSI and GAO play cards precluding what we'd know. The SAT and ICI just muddy water—cloud your sky. The SBI and OSS, well, we can't know... ...It's your best guess!  We're beholden, on a clock, working—sweating—common stock.  On a treadmill, in a wheel, these preclude a real deal.


Created specifically in 1952, the NSA was an agency approved, and justified only, to accomplish the following: it was to house and consolidate all the other agencies, bureaus, and intelligence shops efficaciously and with efficiency! It was conceived to facilitate oversight, engender accountability, and save money... even protect the garden variety American from the military industrial complex that Eisenhower passionately, if futilely, warned us against... .

The new umbrella agency was created... but not a single other agency was dissolved!
In fact their number only increased. Additionally, there is inadequate... no, I'm sorry, I mean... NO oversight, and there is more money spent now than there ever was — sinister augmenttations by an unknown but certainly considerable factor.

Regarding the FBI, well, it's always written a check its ass couldn't cash, and it has improved little since its first director used it to make himself an arbitrary king in this land where there are not supposed to be ANY kings... by LAW.

...God, but what must hide in some of those black vaults!

Somebody knows.
Restore Ford! Read on.

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...