
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Callous' Fodder

Yeah, it's true. I see them in my early morning skies—perceived because I'm looking with an open-minded eye.
Too, not indifferent to your scoffing—a little wounded by your scorn—remains that, yes, regardless, they're a truth that's been suborned.
See, we don't deal with them! We push them to the rear. We're cloaked with our traditions, and we're frozen by our fear.  Religiously we're "counting beans," use science for excuse, and disavow conspiracies acute with the abstruse!
The stuff I see is present to a witness I might have. A friend whom one might count upon, like ones whom I have had. ...But these are few and far between, these few who'd go along—exploring outer darkness after midnight's "sung her song..."
...To *be* up... so damned early that the dogs are still asleep; to stumble in the kitchen and chance whacking unshod feet? A lot to ask of one not blind to disbelief one has inside... a disbelief that one's force fed to clutter up ones mind, it's said.
Yes, you'd go out in the morning after, early, getting up, and you'd rise up with the lights off so rhodopsin has a shot. You'd take a cup of coffee for the stuff that sharpens skies, and you'd watch with me, the UFO's, we'd see with our own eyes.
It takes judicious looking with the head well tilted aft. People watch you looking and pretend it's YOU that's daft. It pains the neck a little bit, but try to persevere. It won't be too much longer 'till you start to see them clear...
Lean up on a hitching rail, or a low retaining wall. It makes the watching easier as stars wink out or fall. ...And sometimes skies are fervid with a movement of their own; the stars then "wondrous wanderers" sans a spot to call their home!
I've got some good binoculars, and rigged a steady stand; the images resolving are unmoved by shaky hands. They are clear beneath the star-field. I can zoom them in quite close. They ARE, not merely pelicans... ...but they might as well be ghosts.
They're like the stars set moving to resolve as orbs of light; their movements are of magnitudes which vary, left and right. They wink with strobe-like brightness in a random pattern dance. They'll glow like worms, unevenly... then out they blink, like chance! They slow to almost stopping, then they'll speed up to a flash, increasing in intensity, but then "dimming" like they've crashed!
It's plain these things are out there so it's not that fight I seek (fights about *existence* are all specious, thin, and weak).
Though, scan the implications! It's there one finds the nub... of graft which has corrupted us, so a few would have "enough."  See, if UFOs infested skies the order would be NEW! It does, in fact, change everything! All outlooks change! It's true! That's still and all, a good thing with a future looming down; something unpredictable, a concrescence come to town!
Too, bet on more autonomy as the value to be gained. "What's the profit in it," ask corroded selfish brains. Their cat-bird seats are up for grabs because they have no value. Everyone is self-contained—self-reliant—so... revalued. That's my intuition; it's my optimism friend, that reach, indeed, exceeds its grasp, or what is heaven then?
See? They can't co-opt the aliens or it would have come to pass! ET would be among usbegging questions—hauling trash! ...But UFO's are individual, they are personal—up close. They'd know the "individual," and it's that approach they chose!
...And the "manor lord" won't have it, as his meter must be paid (!?!)—inconvenient and contrary are the "beds" that he'd have made! So "reigns" are jerked too sharply by tradition's hands—which smell! These "rich" will live like "people" ...sans "contempt" that they'd once held!
And that's the problem neatly. It's our culture on its ear. ...But don't think we don't deserve it!  We have earned it? Face new fear!
Values that were values "then," before our new "admissions," might be found to be the agents of our cowardly ambitions! Relieved, all bets are cancelled, and the "debt" just goes away. We'd find a brand new card game is the deal dealt that day!
Too, you bet a *cosmic* card game with the deck all "strange" and "new." The face cards are peculiar... @nd th3y'r3 num83r3d str@ng3ly, t00...
What is left within us when the future comes to pass... when we've made our fates transition and the future's here at last?
...All that's left is love and fate... cleaner power we all have... power more expansive—a cosmic "kingdom" here at "hand."  This is my intuition; optimistic, I prepare. ...Comes vast accelerations; I contend concrescence glares.
The sooner we all cop to this... the better off we'll be... as there's "much more to 'heaven' " than a "top-class" has, you see?
That there's that clear autonomy to be found at "zero points." That there's, in fact, a "free lunch," and that's hemp not "smoking joints." That there's respect which we don't have when we're the brunt despised, and mere fodder for the callous and their psychopathic lies.


We're much better off and much better served by a vast marketplace of unruly, conflicting, and divergent ideas. Conformity is a cloying death subtle and suffocating.

It's like the biological reproduction issued from the bigger gene pool: more diversity equals more potential for success... more stuff to try.  More not being less.

More ideas means more thinking can be done out of the box, thinking done of needs. Thinking out of the box leads historically, almost invariably, to some kind of useful elevation or progression.

We would be as the gods... and why not? Weren't we struck stupid at Babylon by a collection of jealous gods for similar aspirations? ...Means it's possible, eh?

We could be as the gods... ...though, do we risk another spanking? If so, I'd say God's pretty chicken-shit, all respect to God.  Why burden us with aspirations forever disallowed.

I would aspire to "new things done in an unpredictable way." You, reader?

There are rewards to thinking outside the box precluding unfortunate consequences, I'm betting.  All our insights and high flying accomplishments come from confident leaps of justified conviction (read: a tested faith). There are punishments, too, sure. Today, people are still persecuted for ideas that they have, and they are further pilloried for the lawful expressions of those ideas. Here is your real blasphemy!

The irony is that there can be such egregiously shortsighted enmity in a nation that would otherwise (and so stridently!), pride itself on its appreciation of free expression... that there could be, then, such a gleeful suppression of same. If not gleeful then arbitrary. If not arbitrary then unethical. If not unethical then just plain wrong, and wrong minded, eh?

Not too long ago, less than a hundred years, we lived in an era of a current Republican's dream... it was a reality of unbridled and unregulated capitalism. It was an era without unions, workers rights, social security, product safety or individual justice. It was hell on earth for the garden variety human being; "Everyman" lived, injuriously, under the perpetual sword of an overly harsh social Damocles, even in our nation of nations... especially in our nation of nations!

The moment we began to allow (even grudgingly) for the free expression of ideas (and embrace an efficacious humanism) is the moment when we begin our aspirations into a 21st Century of productive individual self-determination and self-actualization. Not science! Sociology! Secular humanism open-minded and self-aware, if dwindled presently, using our compelling Cartesianism like a tool for the betterment of *Everyman,* not just the stockholders.  See, it's the vast majority who can't afford "stock" given the chicanery of the corporations issuing instruments of bupkis!

That's what Walt Disney preached in the 50's. Anything was getting ready to happen! It did, too. New things executed themselves in unpredictable ways.

Look at the advancements of the last fifty years and thank a barely tolerated cornucopia of secular renaissance ideas. The suppression of any idea in this context is illogical and corrosively contrary to that continued rise. I suspect that this assertion must be universally accepted. Death seems the only alternative. To whom are the dark ages laid but to the proclivities of the non-secular.

In the historic bible, God(s) whacked us at Babylon for demonstrating the potentiality to be as *they* were, not one wholly omnipotent God, mind you, but many, shall we say genetically superior and enlightened BEINGS—or just from where did 213 genes come from not accounted for in our genetic record?

Should we keep faith with a God who whacks us for thinking outside his box? Sounds like an abuse to me. Additionally, have you noticed how much less respect each individual has to be paid as the population goes, steadily and invariably, up—while our religious leaderships say, and do, nothing? ...And I mean no thing but that which facilitates themselves or their scurvy priorities.


Somebody knows.

Restore Ford... Read on!

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...