
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Dissonant Cognitions

This scourge we endure is called "Cognitive Dissonance."  It squanders our spirit and keeps us in chains. Our souls are made worthless and we're then indifferent to conscience increasingly sullied and strained.
Now CD's a lie, but a way one will cope. ...Abused tools to avoid a true test of ones "faith." Yeah, we lie to ourselves about something egregious (?)—"admissions," forthcoming, would lose "too much face"!
True, most would agree that their motives aren't "bad." The *evil* they do is, then, seldom opposed. Remaining ensconced is that poisonous dissonance; all reason is trashed with the truth so disposed.
So, take a deep breath and reject those perceptions. There's more going on than is seen on the "news."  Injustice abounding ... you've had the same insight. So feel the outrage and hear the same tune!
Our schools? They're contrived, second rate—mediocre! Too, this is the plan at the core of design.  Teachers betrayed are prefered mediocre promoting cognition that's stunted and blind!
Their mission's production of docile "employees"! That task is pursued with a furious cant. They're happy as hell with the things as they'd have them and won't give an inch, I confirm no small wrath!
Yeah, all must contrive that their motives are "pure." The wrong that they do, then—never erased. Remaining in place is the horror been done; the truth is besmirched and all honor effaced!
It's all just a game that some play for themselves. This game, is at best, a destroyer of shame. It's "wrongs" never righted, this fuels the convictions of those who would hate us—like we're not to blame!
The shame? It's unbearable! CD is a salve!  It changes that shame to a... fatuous pride! The pride of our action's a shield, confusing, and a horse we'd quite readily beat 'till it's died.
See, hidden from us is the shame we should feel. Our consciences gone or forsaken—betrayed!  "Accepted behavior" must gyre in a spiral we know we should hold with tremendous distaste!
It's *evil*; it's *sinful*; its *error* is plain. It keeps us confined, and opposed with ourselves. This makes us repellant to them now observing who witness our slide to a self-fulfilled hell!


That is what we do. That is what we make. That is what we are
We are of what we make ourselves: convenience, forgotten promises, and unrealized dreams... if we wish it so.  The antithesis remains as a ready alternative.  See, anyone really wanting something has will.  Left or right's a matter of will.  Up or down.  In or out.  All or none.  Good or bad.  Will.  Too, it's the individual makes such will, so.  Each individual has to buy in, individually.  Put a few individuals together and the mountain comes to Mohammed, eh?
Consider. It's all built on conscious choice, still. We decide to accept the unacceptable, dehumanize the invented competition, and refuse to explore a potential for real synergy with them—label it *socialism* and demonize it as *communism*... deride it as *liberalism* or revile it as *humanism*.  Could we be further from the mark reviling the aforementioned in many cases correct and sensible behavior?  Communism might be legitimately hated, still, one must remember that that's a reaction to the unfettered and irresponsible devined right of kings and then later the pathology of unrestricted or unregulated capitalism... ...can you say "The Koch Brothers? 
Frankly, it's quite plain we manufacture our staid excuses for same out of a conveniently contrived cloth, sincerely. This is a cloth to suit individual prosecutions of our own sociopathy. See, we change our minds to suit convenience and with a tilt of our heads and a turn of a phrase, do the most egregiously mindful things in full knowledge that these things remain wrong on any level one cares to consider.  Is this ease with which psychopathy presents itself in any way a correct behavior or best practice?  Small reflection dictates a sensible "no." 
Cognitive Dissonance... a cognitive process (recognized by one Dr. Leon Festinger) designed to, in large part, parasitically and unethically profit at the dire expense of another and then continue to live contentedly and comfortably—even happily—with the knowledge of same.   That's not a definition, by the way; that's a result.  The definition is the will to intellectually force what "can't in fact fit" to "fit in fact".....Horrors beyond imagining, and it's not aliens eating our heads! It is us ourselves.
Columbus, by report, performed a cognitive dissonance bringing slavery to the western hemisphere, consider, according to James W. Loewen in Lies My Teacher Told Me.  A very dirty-dealing Christopher—a lying, cheating, thieving, and serial-murdering-for-profit brand of "Chris" from the primary references—initially found his "Indians" delightfully spiritual beings as "uncomplicated and intelligently innocent as gifted children"—to paraphrase from his own hand. 
Only later would he classify them as "guileful vermin" when he realized—with his second thought—that they could be terrorized into collecting gold for him in a color coded system that, oh by the way, lost the reluctant collector a nose or an ear ...or a child... if he didn't cough up the dictated tithe, on time... ...Horrors beyond imagining as I said...
Columbus had to "change his mind" to suit subsequent events fertilizing his gleeful artifice for unbridled sociopathy.  Simply refusing to see himself as the *monster* he was, he changed his attitude to fit the facts, and then demonized what he knew to be innocent people in a manner facilitating his continued sleep at night... presuming he could sleep.  I'm betting he could...

The Church, of course, in its own monstrously refined brand of Cognitive Dissonance, raised the level of CD to an art form!  Religion (gods created to do the bidding of men creating them) busily smoothes the progress of every bit of the preceding... what! Hey... a Pope's gotta eat!
We, you and I, practice a kind of cognitive dissonance when we ignore what's obviously before our own bruised noses—noses ironically bleeding because we won't chance our attention further a-field! Why, we ignore—in the aggregate—UFOs (for example) and a full accounting of facts regarding them, and they are known by the non-elected leadership!
This begs the emblematic question. Who profits in this legislated, continuing and traditional ignorance regarding UFOs, et sig al?
Why is this truth so elusive and unknown? Why is it so furiously guarded, ignored, or discounted?  Thing is (I'm betting) this truth profits me and you, reader, if at the expense of "him" who'd profiteered previously, eh?
We are kept from the truth—and we are—... oh, we are, reader... not because we couldn't handle it, good friend, but because it is to the non-elected leadership's hull breaching detriment to let the truth go! Could it actually be that the truth would set us free? I'd further bet the farm on it!
With regard to the UFOs, you and I are Columbus' Indians, good reader, and we mindlessly fill our little hawk's bill of gold for the "man" just like those callously abused Indians of the early 1500s, whether we know it or not; we've just been conditioned to go along with it, encouraged by a corrupt mainstream to even think it *good*, by right, right and honorable! That may not be... is not in my experience.
Our evil is made over into something more palatable by our subconscious so as to continue horrific behaviors conveniently judged too egregious—and too costly or embarrassing—to change.  30,000 children starve to death on this planet every day, by way of example.  We tolerate that.
Cognitive Dissonance: the tool of the sociopath to avoid the price of his sociopathy, but a "bill" that, by definition, must come due for someone sometime, and so, tragically, limit the aggregate advancement of everyone.  Let's pay that bill.  Let's take that responsibility.
The more we hold to these spurious justifications for traditional sociopathy with Cognitive Dissonance the more we damage our progression into the larger future... the longer we keep ourselves from the stars and the beings who must live between them.  Isn't it, just, that plain?
Read on.
Restore John Ford

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...