
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Good News Guy

I guess I'm not a "good news guy" to most of you on square! Though that's my aspiration, so the irony's still there. And, yes, there's real irony given truth that I would share is the "perspicacious" poetry I compose because... I DARE!
I'm rolled up tight and in your eye if you are unrepentant, if you are proud or arrogant—a "maladroit transcendent." If you would use just science, and but 2% of that, then find me charging up your nose ...or mashing it quite flat!
...I've got flaws and errant foibles same as anyone who breathes. I aspire to the Boy-scout, though I'm way up off my knees! So, I can't stomach little men who hear without an *ear*... who are wrapped up in themselves—too much—or ruled by what they fear.
These are dead before me like they never even were, if well beneath concerned contempt one feels for snakes or slurs! Yes, kicked at when they raise their heads, or round-housed with a board, some slights cannot be tolerated or egregious crime's ignored!
Too, I'll cleave from that which plays me false, be it creed or God or man, and cleave to sensibilities flying higher... understand?  I'll eschew the "business man" condoning tricks and traps; he's known for what he really is... a prick in heaps and stacks!
...Corporate greed is killing us, destroying all we know, and I can feel its fingers as they close around my throat! They are gain for *sake* of gain, all power and control, and they don't hear the bells, I think, which for them peal and toll! They are so last century, and embrace a sordid past! They are loath to lose those reins which keeps us at our bogus tasks!
Labeled a "believer," I'm discarded to the fringe. I'm banished to the nether realms of the "psychotic" and "unhinged." Though, I have said before, my friend, that "I do NOT believe"! "Belief" is NOT my problem, folks! From "belief" I have reprieve!
Belief is not the issue! It won't satisfy my need! I heed the "fact's" complicity I've extracted like a seed!  See, I don't believe duplicity and the issue of that breed... Like...I don't believe in Gods men made to cater to their needs! ...And needs of a *minority* I hastily would add, who practice cloaked perversities contented, safe, and glad!
See, I don't believe in preachers who would speak in tongues of guile while they robbed the fearful hapless of their money, hope, and style! I won't believe a clergy who would prey upon our kids. Perversion's been the stock and trade of... monied fakes and squids!
I don't believe in Presidents appointed by a court... or because his sibling Governor can provide corrupt support... I don't believe in agencies without an oversight which operate without regard to "decency" and "right."
I don't believe "security" is found in errant "secrecy"... and I don't believe a wrong can make a right—that's pure indecency!  See, I don't believe "best practice" is in any way conserved if it comes as a result as what we know does not well serve!
...I can't believe the journalist as "talking pretty head," a mere mouth piece for complacencies the mainstream spoons instead, and I can't believe Republicans who shan't pay down a debt they've encouraged by the rules they've made to suit the corporate set!
I can't believe the smaller men who condone a narrow view; so hobbled by false paradigms they've lost their sense for truth. These generate consensus to facilitate their ends, to whatever weak agenda they've contrived and... just pretend.
For these putrescent "pleasures" they have done egregious "things."  The wage we're paid is terror and the loathing that must bring!  We are not well served, we know, the fox in charge of hens, pretending—then—that such is so propounds a foul pretense
Because some are befuddled by the way they think things are, because some are insentient and so cannot see their star, because they have but disrespect for any but their own... ...well, one lost himself a "Paradise" he once could call his "home"...
Too, this is why I can't conceive a person so malformed... he must toady up to rich men with his honor rent and torn; he must beg for fickle favor without sickness in his gut, and then parrot propaganda that just keeps him in his "rut..."


Rather... ...we were built to soar and cleave... even strike the face of God... of needs, if he would practice some offence, or used us in some unjust sense!
We are what we make ourselves! We stand or fall alone... ...ourselves! Freedom and our self-respect is all we really crave, I've read!
Now some would say "...that's not good news"! We tempt God's hand!” These cry, bemused! Still, I maintain we're "self-aware" and that's the message better shared!
We would make the things we need from models we ourselves decreed! *Gods* have kept our nose to stones while "priest/kings" know we're NOT alone, and not of passion for our gain but for themselves, and at our pain!
I sense, somehow, a better way than what's contrived: their price we pay. Sad, we are better served in doubt... than what our status quo's would spout.

See, we are ageless stardust laid... across the cosmos put and paid, deserving more respect that's real than what is tendered now, I feel. 

We must try, so then decide, what kind of world we'd abide.  Dog eat dog and Manor Lords, their sons who rape and make cruel sport... or take some pains to pay fair taxes, choose a life style more relaxing: living wages, single payer, safety nets... an ozone layer!


It was once broadcasted (SDI #255, 8/30/03) that I lost credibility in the very educational if ironic Mortellaro affair of years past.  Educational because what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and ironic because the very name Mortellaro loosely means "death's overseer."  How is that not the Devil?
Still, lost credibility?  A continuing consideration shows that I can must reject that observation handily, with all humility, and in total finality... if with all respect for the broadcaster, Dave Furlotte.  Credibility with others does not provide me the motivation suggested as alluded in the prosery above.  It's preferred of course, still, it remains unnecessary.
Besides, to my mind, in my estimation, and through my filters I should have only gained credibility with the honoring interested as a result of my experience.  My behavior and honest sincerity never wavered.
Mortellaro—also sucking in Budd Hopkins and David Jacobs, men passing for top tenure in Abduction research—was the presumed psychopath and certainly exposed charlatan. I can't allow it to be thought that I agree with Dave Furlotte's off-putting assessment as broadcast lo these many years ago.  Silent, I seem to agree.  I do not.
Forgetting the corresponding lack of necessity and so questionable value of a predicted, if tedious, self-defense, here's why at five disparate levels:
In the first place I showed some courage of conviction to swim against the angry tide in defense of a perceived truth and even (arguably) bit the hand that had been feeding me (so to speak) at SDI.  Strange Days Indeed, helmed by Errol Bruce-Knapp had, since 1996, considered me a fellow in the ethical pursuit of that perceived truth as regards UFO's.  I was on Errol's team, I'm on Errols team still...We both stated regret of those proceedings at the time. ...Glad that's behind me.  Errol, too.
Still, I demonstrated that the truth (such as it is, was, and shall be) has more value for me than the comfort and exposure of belonging to convenient venues even increasing in relevance and a substantive popularity, as SDI certainly was. I would be compelled to do the "right thing" (as perceived), first. Recent significant others could bear this out, I'm afraid. All respect is there, too.
In the second, I explored that *truth* pursued under the microscope of a consistent philosophy of some stability. As I've written, that philosophy assigns more value to tested faith than the untested variety even as Aristotle is benched, of needs, for the more multifaceted player, Plato! Plato understood that Chaos is the mother of any Cartesian reductionist's "order" and it is inappropriate to forsake one for the other... immoral even. Neither Yin nor Yang, reader, it's the edge between them defines us, all and one.
I made a written record regarding the substance of those evaluations (and experiences) to substantiate that *truth* discovered about Jim Mortellaro. At the end of the evaluation I let the chips fall where they fell. They fell decidedly foul for me. It was, in my opinion, a foulness of wasted time and other regrets.  Still, that's the way it rolled. Heavy sigh, eh?
Still, I stayed true to a philosophy expressed consistently since 1996. I'd wager that few—who know me at all—are remotely surprised at the actions I took in defense of a perceived truth. Then and now, reader, at my peril with regard to significant others, too.  Conscience does not abide infidelity.
On the third, I have demonstrated that I can admit error—even when not under duress to do so— as the ongoing "evaluation" indicates and so demands it. Consequently, an aforementioned consistency was maintained.
I've always counseled that the admission of an error is, still, a step up (philosophically), so I could do no less given my clear error as it regarded that wholly scabrous and disingenuous scourge Jim Mortellaro. I don't perceive it as a "stretch" that this fact, alone, is worth the price of my re-admission to a modicum of trust if it is lacking. I'm not afraid to make a mistake. I'll make more. I'll own up to those, too. ...An effort will be made, of course, to keep these to a minimum.
Of the fourth, given the same real-time circumstances? I would do all the same things I did—say the things I said, write the things I wrote—over again because it was in accordance with what my non-conflicted beliefs were, at the time. I can make no apology for sincerity, earnestness, and the authenticity of my actions—which remained ethical and above board—only the eventually discovered lack in efficacy of them. Hindsight is 20/10, nes't ce pas?
Regarding a final fifth I would aspire to do the same thing again in the future if similar convictions manifested themselves in my spirit... because I aspire to bravery, conscience, integrity, intelligence, and free thought or expression of same! No reader worth a flying joust at rolling doughnut could expect me, or themselves, to do any less. Capable of shame, I am in no way ashamed of myself. The reader, on reflection, may find little reason, themselves, to be ashamed of me, or to speculate adversely on my credibility.  I've taken pains to be true.
I think the accuracy of this tedious self-evaluation on the state of my ufological "credibility" can be measured in the guileless attitudes and open-armed behavior of both Mr. Velez and Mr. Knapp upon my return to SDI. These two gentlemen welcomed me back with such warmly uncomplicated and immediate friendliness that even I—who might have expected collegiate behavior from them given my mea culpa and genuine innocence in the turbulent affair—remain astonished by it! Not a hint of I told you so, folks. Richly deserved... ...Not a peep.
If these two of the most inconvenienced (per se) of my *critics* (per se) had little problem with my (aggregate) credibility then perhaps the interested reader should re-evaluate any problem they might have with same. Just writing the report, folks—compelled to such and so.
With all respect to Mr. Furlotte, then, who honestly calls them as he sees them and who I'm certain aspires to the same qualities of bravery, conscience, integrity, intelligence, and free thought as do I... in this instance? Well—he's got another "take" coming. [g].
Closing, here is the unheralded reason for account settling in this manner about an occasion where I gladly admit my arrears. I would sing the praises for tirelessly credible UFO researchers and other contributors of significance: Feschino, Friedman, Hastings, Dolan... and Dave Furlotte among significant others, but of that ilk. I would not provide for that service to them if I was unwilling to first qualify myself as stronger and more credible exactly because I have endured the attentions of psychopaths and charlatans, eh? These didn't "kill" me, and I am stronger.

Read on.

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...