
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Ink And Stone... ...PART IV

We've traveled far across scant time and heard its whisperchilly rhymethat something odd was in our skies to fill our hearts and heads and eyes... 
...But we dismissed these observations, written words, these protestations... ...that weird machines then flew imbued with what, today, we see fly too.
Saucers make themselves well known, in lithograph or carved in bone. Pressed into the walls of tombs, these words transcend the churlish goons who lean on *science*much malignedto prop their facile  paradigms. Though, I digress; we should go on... ...our fate's approaching fast and strong...
Our century, then, begins at last with what was one TREMENDOUS blast, and sending shock waves harsh and dire ... Tunguska, then, was set afire. A thousand acres of it burned, wildlife slaughteredmen would learnsee, that was years before they saw the devastation of it all!
The trees were pushed aside like matchsticks, mashed down, flattened... a winged matrix ... an instant of a century's time to sew raw wonder in our minds...
The life that has returned... is *changed*... and not so subtly rearranged; this is stuff not talked about, you "see" it once, then do without. Strange mutations come from space (?) to interact with Earth life, Ace!  So, ARE we not—we alleffected ... over time to change, affected? Forget it may have been a spacecraft, blowing up before its impactradiation's not ruled out, and life IS *different* there-a-bouts...
1915 comes around; World War I distorts and pounds, and from the British comes a tale of what's beyond the common pale.
...Gaining ground in mass attack, they'd take hill sixtyit was nextbut on that hill they found, instead, some clouds some say were filled with dread! Shaped like lenses, they're described, lenticular (in smoke they hide); the battle stops and jaws gape open, butcannon fodder's orders spoken, eighty tens must march that day for if they balked their lives they'd pay! Twenty men would watch these soldiers march upon their *hill* as ordered... ...these were never seen again; just simply GONE! 800 men! No trace of them was EVER founda mystery, and MOST profound?
...Two years later we would see what thousands saw, said set them "free," and made them make "interpretations" made out, now, as weird assertions! Tens of thousands gather in... for worship, service ... Christian hymns, and seen descending from the sky, and flying patterns bright and high ... a saucer skims and darts about to ooo's and ahhh's and startled shouts!
"Angels flew" Fatima said, a town in Portugal, we have read. ...And just above their upturned faces, the craft "flew down" and "hovered," haste-less ... lifting (then) to "pierce the sky," then disappearing from their eyes. Discounted as religious fervor, thousands saw, from kings to servers, what they all would, then, so describe ... a silver craft... ...that day... ...DID fly!
The closer that we get to *us* becomes the fog of those unjust, and we can't trust a record, plainly, so beat up ... so abused insanely ... so consoled by soothing *stalls* who act informed ... "professional." Their expressions (smooth, licentious!) are misdirecting ones attentions from a slight of hand they've used ... to keep us from "the real *news*."
Sightings, now, are thick and heavy, had a few myself, and lately. This is not a fantasy. This isin factreality! From the 40s fog begins as we pursue atomic *friends,* and their interest there is plain. The UFO's would come again ... wreaking havoc on our bases, shutting down our missiles! Gracious!
1942Los Angeles, photographed, quite simply fabulous! Collins writes the strange account that throws your mind and heart about. Shelled from shore by worried guns, the "Japs" were flying over them ... an airship filled the summer skies
was non-effected if despised...
See, *it* took the fury from our soldiers, then flew away to join with others! I've wondered how it might have gone if Steven Speilberg, later on, had made his movie (of this period) not played for laughs, and been more serious. Belushi was a comic foil unsuited to this kind of toil
bet it would have made more money ... UFO's are just NOT funny.
...The closer that we get in time the more confused the facts are, Clyde.
...Mushy data used to make convenient cases for some *fakes*. Most of which is fake, I've heard, but some of it is real, sure. So, I'm not fooled by plain derision, effected by crass misdirection, and I know it must be wrong... to act, at all, like we're alone...
If *they* are *there,* as most allow, then they are *here* ... you shallow-brow!
Look upon OUR feeble strides and see potentials *they've* contrived! Evidence abounds for free; the folks I trust who stand with me, a living breathing history
plus the stuff I've plainly seen!
We're awash in innuendo, half truths, lies... yet, we pretend so! We pretend that we're alone. We IGNORE our ink and stone. We pretend it's all a fake for feeble minds and sure mistakes... ...but something's written from the pastbeseeches us to grab hold fast, and listen for what can't be pressured, weighed, assessed, or even measured.
We are not, have never been, alone as we've been taught, my friend. And real proof we're not alone sure seems to come ... from ink and stone.

Part One 

Beth Vegh added...

If I may add to your list!

Forget that nearly every ancient text reveals bizarre scenes in which supernatural beings zooom across the sky. Allow me to elaborate:


The Annunaki came down from the sky to the earth. The sumerians revered them as gods. They performed genetic experiments on the people and the animals. They created hybrid humans (half Annunaki - half human) to rule the people, to teach them the trappings of civilization. The Annunaki gave them language, art, astronomy, music, mathematics, and law. Thus the first human civilization (to date) began, known as Sumer.


Asgard, in Norse mythology, is one of the nine worlds and the homeland of the Aesir, the race of warrior gods.


Quetzcoatl, rose to heaven and went to the planet "Venus."


Upon dying, the soul rides in a "solar boat" to the hall of judgement, somewhere in the night sky.


Elysium (lzh´m) (KEY) , in Greek religion and mythology, happy otherworld for heroes favored by the gods.

Mount Olympus, in Thessaly. A gate of clouds, kept by the goddesses named the Seasons, opened to permit the passage of the Celestials to earth, and to receive them on their return.


Angels ascend and descend from the planet to the sky.

Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

Ezekiel 1: 4
And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

1: 12 And they went every one straight forward: whither the spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went.

1: 14 And the living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.

1: 15 Now as I beheld the living creatures, behold one wheel upon the earth by the living creatures, with his four faces.

1: 16 The appearance of the wheels and their work was like unto the colour of a beryl: and they four had one likeness: and their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel in the middle of a wheel.

1: 17 When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they went.

1: 18 As for their rings, they were so high that they were dreadful; and their rings were full of eyes round about them four.

1: 19 And when the living creatures went, the wheels went by them: and when the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.

1: 20 Whithersoever the spirit was to go, they went, thither was their spirit to go; and the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.

1: 21 When those went, these went; and when those stood, these stood; and when those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up over against them: for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.

1: 22 And the likeness of the firmament upon the heads of the living creature was as the colour of the terrible crystal, stretched forth over their heads above.

1: 24 And when they went, I heard the noise of their wings, like the noise of great waters, as the voice of the Almighty, the voice of speech, as the noise of an host: when they stood, they let down their wings.


When the ruler's work is well done and his time has come, the Ch'i-lin arrives to bear his soul to Heaven. (heaven = sky/outer space)


The moon god, descended to earth and impregnated the daughter of a priest.

In the Vedas, our world is one of countless Mt. Sumeru worlds. The higher heavens preside over increasingly huge numbers of Mt. Sumeru worlds. In this system, our Mt. Sumeru world is known as the Saha World, which means "The world of endurance" because there is so much suffering which must be endured by the sentient beings who live here undergoing samsara, the constant cycle of birth and death.


An envoy from Anu arrives and takes Adapa to heaven. Later, he brings him back to earth.

Australian Aborigines

When they reached the edge of the coolabah plain they saw their mate on the other side, by the river. They called to him to stop, but he heeded them not; on he went until he reached a huge yaraan, or white gum tree, beneath which he fell to the ground. As he lay there dead they saw beside him a black figure with two huge fiery eyes. This figure raised him into the tree and dropped him into its hollow centre.

While still speeding across the plain they heard such a terrific burst of thunder that they fell startled to the ground. When they raised themselves they gazed wonderingly toward the giant gum-tree. They saw it being lifted from the earth and passing through the air toward the southern sky. They could not see their lost mate, but fiery eyes gleamed from the tree.

On went the Spirit Tree, and after it flew the Mooyi, shrieking loudly to it to stop, so that they might reach their roosting place in it.

At last the tree planted itself near the Warrambool, or Milky Way, which leads to where the sky gods live

To this day to the tribes of this part, the Southern Cross is known as Yaraan-doo, the place of the white gum-tree.

Native American

Do not return to your village. Forget your own people. Come with me now to the sky, to the land of the Star People.'

For a long time Morning Star and Feather Woman lived happily together in the Star Country. When their son, Star Boy was born, their happiness was complete.

Homesickness eventually overcame her and she longed to return. She was sent back down.

It was evening and the Indians sat by their tipis, resting after their day's work. Suddenly a boy pointed upwards. 'Look!' he cried. 'A shooting star!'and the people saw a bright light descending from the sky.

They ran to where it fell and there they found Feather Woman and her son, wrapped in the white buffalo robe. They recognized her as the girl who, long ago, had gone to gather firewood and had never returned, and they led her back to her father's tipi.


Long, long ago, when the world was young, the People of the Sky were so restless and traveled so much that they made trails in the heavens. Now, if we watch the sky all through the night, we can see which way they go.


If you're thinking "Meh... just myths," then how is it they all came to similar conclusions on opposite sides of the globe, nearly simultaneously and without the benefit of mass communication, jet airplanes, ocean liners, or library systems?

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Ink And Stone... ...PART III

UFO's are ink and stone to demonstrate we're not alone, and in a record written plain, we see continued that refrain.  See, something's seen in Earthly skies that won't be seen by those decried: those with heels in our necks who keep us unaware—perplexed.  Those who'd keep their cat-bird places from which they spit in upturned faces...

...Those who have the facts, they know, would open DOORS through which we'd go; those who know a piece of truth and put it in their vests, aloof, smirking over ill got gain that they'd produced and would maintain!

We don't hear stuff in our schools, but from a fringe these played for fools! None the less ... it is the record, writ by those who are detected ... in a search of ALL the data pertinent and sans errata!

So we'll continue *marching* time and listing dates in foot and rhyme. Come along, the ride is thrilling, awe inspiring, a little chilling ... perhaps it's also (likely) truth ... that we could put to gainful use?


The eighteenth century saw its end, and UFO's were seen again. French police were vexed with sightings—they could not explain—they're frightened! "A large red globe" is testifieda dozen people saw it fly!

...Then, landing in a crowd of peeps, a man steps out to talk ... and SPEAKS! Police Inspector Jan Lebeuf could make no sense... enough's enough! He scratched the fleas tormenting him and wondered. "What the hell is all this, then?!

The globe *explodes*, to add confusion—spacemen disappear ... illusion? We can't know what those folks saw, but plainly, they were struck with awe!

ThenCaptain Banner captained ships. Steady, he was good with it... The man was hardy, not a flake; see, millions rested in his wake.

Late one night there is a panic! Sailors kick a fuss and racket! Pointing fingers, gaping eyes, across the water *something* flies!!! A "maze of circles," curving shafts, circular in form—it's DAFT!

Was it cloud or *manmade* object? What nation flew (?) though not the subject... It came up hard "against the wind," and very nicely "settled in."

They saw it, plain, for a half an hour; the captain, serious and dour—wrote it down within his log the like of which wakes up your dog!!  1870 was the year; the future's quickly drawing near...

The term itself of "flying saucer"—provided by a Texas farmer ... watching one, described it so. It flew above his farm, we've known. Ten times seven years would pass before Ken Arnold watched aghast, and looking for a plane in trouble saw them once again ... their double.

"Skipping saucers on a [wetland]"? Words he *coined* ...were coined beforehand! "Flying Saucers (?)"—an invention by the press with tongue in cheek, then.

...Still, and all, these men describe what they have SEEN in words denied! It is NOT a silly dream, this written gift of what they'd seen.

The Persian Gulf in 1880 (?)—British steamships *steam* it *greatly*! Timeless in the Patna's Log, Captain Avern writes this jog: "[Glowing wheels, building sized, hovered with my ship]"—he writes! "[Vivid spokes of glaring light reached out to touch my ship that night]"! The wheels spun for twenty minutes. Mr. Manning was a witness. Mr. Brace was there to SEE the wonder of what this could be!

So it was, in legal writing, from a Captain badly frightened. So it was with loyal mates so qualifying future fate... ...They wrote down what we would read... to drag our OWN conclusions free!

Next, photographed (?) at Zacatecas, 1883—prestigious! Joe Bonilla sighted several—several HUNDRED—flying level! Flying fast across the sun these glinting disks were on a run! Seen again ANOTHER day? A FLAP it was I'd have to say. But photographed? It's new to me. I don't remember it, you see. If photographed would someone share? Let's see it, please, if you know where.


We must pause and end the show of mysteries that move and glow. More is coming on the heels of your delighted shrieks and squeals!

Ain't it wondrous? Ain't it grand? This *kingdom* ... now so near at hand? ...A kingdom made to suit some one who sets it up and makes it run...

...And not Jehovah, Emanuel, or Gods and impsthe usual. But YOU, dear reader, testing *faith*! That MAKES it happen—sets the pace!

If you think it, then it's real. That's truer than we know, some feel. If you wish it, it can happen? What prevents it?

...YOUR distraction!

We have records spanning time, and filled with wonder, shock, and rhyme. You don't hear it, but it's there, and won't be heard unless you dare.

Part Two

Part Four 

Restore John Ford.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ink And Stone... ...PART II

UFO's are history. Too, they're non-admission's misery... ...as *airships* span the mists of time that I would paint with words in rhyme. Our dissonance, transparent—plain, confounds the issue that remains ... that we are NOT alone, at last, in present time OR in the past! 
Written down, but then ignored, it didn't *square* and was "deplored." Folk from space might do to US what *we* have done? We're scared! Nonplussed!
The *plans* of some would be derailed if we but copped to where we've failed? There can be no honest freedom if there is "privilege" there to bleed 'em. Privilege means the "private law," and that's against the rule of law. See, we err hugely to pretend that man's above the law, my friend. 
We have closed our misled minds to what has filled our ancient eyes—visions of a cosmic texture far beyond its crass conjecture. What follows is the recordwritten!—words THEY used as they were smitten with a wonder they beheld ... without its like or parallel!
Matthew writes, as we begin, of "stars like torches" (bright and dim) that move around the sky with purpose. He wrote it down. They made him... nervous.
"The air was clear, serene, and shining." Lights within it coasted — blinding!
He described in words he knew—what flew that day... ...was strange and new!
A few years later, about 1250, Matthew writes again—not iffy. A ship appears, "well shaped" he wrote, in colors that would catch his throat. It floated in the nighttime sky; the monks all saw—it CAUGHT their eye!
William writes at century end, a "discus" thrown by "giant men" would fly across his abbey's spire, flashing silver—fear inspired. "Utmost terror" was described; "flat and round," it ruled the sky!
Honest William—just like us, but buried back in timeless dust?  Did he see what some have seen, beyond the need or call for dreams?
Robert writes, as time goes on, of "fire pillars" flying 'round! "...Livid color..." painting clouds—a "pillar" lofting ... grand and proud ...
Crimson flames did issue forth as flashing beams like "swords," it coursed. It cleaved the heavens "slow and grave", and North it flew like skies were paved?
Now, what then "soared" at speeds like that? He swore it truth—and that was that!
"In fourteen hundred and ninety-two Columbus sails" his "ocean blue." We're not told that he's a skunk; if greed was beer than he was drunk. If avarice was not his suit than Jesus NEVER told the truth...
...But he was seeing pulsing lights—"at great distance", "glimmers," bright! They'd vanish and then reappear—"move up and down"; it WAS quite queer...
Another witness, Pedro, deems... they'd fly in "sudden passing gleams." This from the deck of the Santa Maria, which lands in few hours to expel an excreta!
1528 comes 'round: a fight in Utrecht most profound ... a meeting with continued fate as we wade time and list strange dates?
A golden "X" invades the sky, and overhead it coasts on by. The battle stops to watch it go; some take it as a "sign", but no—it travels past without a care to humans fighting ... on ... down there.
In 1554 in France, at night without a moon to dance, "emitting [some] great noise it seems." A "sky-born lance" that flew, was seen! It flopped around from side to side; it cast out flames in truth they cried! From East to West—traversing stars, a meteor (?), or men from Mars?
Evelyn was writing, see (?), (in sixteen hundred and forty-three) that Englishmen were NOT immune from "sightings" we cannot impugn.
"[I'll] not forget," he writes in awe, "[what men perceived but women saw]—a "shining cloud was in the air," and "like a sword" it hovered there. "[It pointed North for all to see, and brighter than the moon would be...]". It floated there, two hours long, then vanished as he wrote its song.
An English *Fellow* walked his park in idle contemplation, hark! The middle 18th century, a time when most would scar their knees ... Some *construction* cleared his roof and rose into the sky, aloof.
Lofting over trees so grandly, north by east above his lowlands. In view, for but a half a mile—he saw its "framework" all the while... ...and watched it burn a bright light flame that bent the way a "curl" is named. This thing was big, four fingers long; he gaped in awe; it flew along.
It burned a bit like "blown on charcoal", then disappeared within the dark-fall.

In the *States* about this time, the Natives told us cosmic rhymes—about a *star folk* coming down and landing on the Earth! Profound!
Not like men, they glowed with light and married into what they might. They found the earthly women fair, and mixed their blood with them—mon frere. They'd "machines" that they would use; denial might be disabused.
Who's to say what happened where. Don't write it off as myth! Beware!

It's time to stop... ...with more to tell. We'll save it for another spell... 
But don't pretend you KNOW the truth. Don't trust the "man" to fix this *roof*. The lights we see we've always seen. This isn't legend, myth, or dream! We just choose to look away from what our record has to say! 
They've been here, we're not alone; it just may BE this ain't our home... That we're mere tenants, at the whim, of those who came here—"way back when"?


Part One

Part Three
Part Four

Realizing entirely that this is a blade cutting both ways (I search my conscience while the criticized search their convenience regarding these issues), there's nothing wholly real that can't be "debunked" by the reflex denier... look at the debate regarding climate change.  
Admit that there is little to combat the reflex denier, at all, remembering society's very well-facilitated lack of aggregate consciousness and culturally nurtured cognitive dissonance regarding known cultural atrocities...fostered by that same "faux-sceptic," knowingly and unknowingly. ...And why? Fear, loathing, inconvenience, perhaps only not wanting to re-do work thought done.
This is an observation to spite any rabid misdirection provided to a readership by locked-stepped juice-suckers like those above... ...My use of language is just another box of paint to me, communicates what is meant to be communicated, and does it at a 99.9 degree of efficiency and efficacy. That's the whole of my aspiration. This writer won't apologize for being moved to aspire to style.
This is forgetting that my language and style are adequate enough when it is in one's service. It is my ready and unswerving opposition, presently, to a baseless hubris or flawed anthropomorphism causing those "gripes" and "hurt pouties..." in these critics, I offer...  At the end of the day the language and style used is the same in both critique and congratulation.
See, the fervid emphasis and emotional intensity of this misdirecting and obsessive coterie regarding said language use... ...says more about that coterie than about me, is my suspicion. I'm sincere, and I suspect that the aforementioned are not.
I'll make the occasional even frequent error.  I endeavor not to repeat them, eh?  Get over it. I do.
Besides ... style and grammar is not really what we're talking about is it? This gets hard to remember in a heady (but empty) atmosphere of crossed t's, dotted i's, subject-verb agreements, and proper contractions, I know, but you err and err hugely to trifle me there... constipated klasskurtxians, portentous pelicanists, and insipid CSIcopians
...I reject you; I abhor you; I even loathe you... I'll swing as you raise your scurvy head and feel strongly that I'm performing a service of best practice. Sincerity always trumps a sneer. Sneer, then, at your peril
...And if I may break in here a moment to remind everyone that skeptics are (as I've written before) not the issue, are in comparison persons to be revered above all others, be welcome company ...honored team members... boon companions... ...the most interesting of us, the most knowledgeable of us, and the ones to instruct us the most! Skeptics by their very definition do not have their minds rigidly locked up. They are not to be confused with scurrilous skepti-bunkies, ponderous pelicanists, and insipid CSIcopians, the antagonist klasskurtxians otherwise regarded, and those beneath my personal concern, consideration, and contempt ... I know skeptics... skeptics are friends of mine, I aspire to a sceptic's ethics... those reviled in this essay are not true skeptics...
...And y'all can just step the "f " off, sans all apology, with my thanks.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Klasskurtxian* Invertebrates

It's firstly their intransigence to put my teeth on edge, that they're *cognition's* high ground, sans all fault, they would allege! That they would claim the "dead-lock-nut" on all that they survey, when it's merely their assumptions to support them, holding sway!
...And loath to re-do work that's proved them *wrong* at many turns, they corrupt the pool of data to degrade what we might learn!
They defend the indefensible and contrive what we now know is a canted load of crap corrupting jealous status-quos! They defend the indefensible lending credence to their lies; they laugh and smirk and grossly smear the "truth" from "fiction" lines!
They defend the indefensible and pretend the scientific when their "balance" is a biased mess of canted nonspecifics!
...And these would point at me with shaking fingers—(I'll bite off!)— and accuse me of the ignorance they contrive from air and cloth! It's them creates the *void* endured, and from which they'd employ: their "bag of tricks" they use against the truth we might enjoy!
It's them who fronts the "mainstream" and colludes to form the myth that there's no *point* to UFOs... "that *point's* a point best missed!"
See, if they admit to UFOs their *towers* crash to ground! It they admit to UFOs we'll know we're played for clowns! If they admit to UFO's their righteous slide ensues and we begin to win at last... as they begin to lose! See, what we win's reality that's grander than we knew, as we're recast to take that place... which has the wider view!
What we gain's advancement as the "door's" thrown open wide... (!) and from their cage we'll fly on out to "soar and cleave" outside!
Now I've no time for those described who'd keep us in their "box." Who'd LIE and CHEAT to keep us bound and on the harshest clock!  Where you don't get "a piss break," and there is no "workman's comp," and overtime is what you do to keep your so called job!  Who prosecutes denial, and corrupts the status quo by persecuting innocents reporting what they know!
I've no regard for these who prey! They are beneath concern. They block the way to truth and light, and from them we shan't learn!
They are beneath my stern contempt; they'll have no stock with me! They've lost what credit they had held; they are, if fact, diseased! They abdicate trustworthiness; they lose the right to teach, as what I sense is out there, and it's them who blunts my reach!
They're dismissal and denial and are everything they hate; reality approaches, they would doom us to their fate!
...And that's a fate of "slaves" and "drones" and everything thought bleak. That's the fate for all who hear the "reflex" skeptic speak! That's the fate envisioned... by those "skeptics," dim and slow, who think themselves the center of those things they think they know!
We are more than they allow; our future shines and gleams! We are more than they would think... to guess or even dream!


I expect offended CSIcopian Dragons to roar down from privileged mainstream mountain tops but out slithers mere garden salamanders, their moist little skins glistening with the moisture of the dead, damp, so necrotic page leaves sustaining them. Out in the open, see, they soon start to desiccate and must whine and moan—otherwise protest that you retreat into the smothering, light negating, moldy rot... with them... ...respect their hypocritical rules, and tolerate their self-aggrandizing prerequisites... abide their reflex censure ...respect their invalid dismissal ...countenance their intellectual malfeasance...approve their professional malpractice...validate their gray reductionist faith...
Screw that! Considering how they've contrived to so openly betray the public trust with the officious, hyper-educated and duplicitous games they reflexively insist upon playing—I've got a spot rarely seeing sun for which they can flat pucker-up!  Their dismissive refusal to become remotely educated upon that which they would so faux-authoritatively denounce—in the service of a duplicitous mainstream—challenges reasonable credulity and mandates the harshest criticism.  CSI bites the bag!
Granted, their prerequisites would be fine if you want to ape the aforementioned salamander—with all respect to real salamanders, everywhere (which are cognitively superior to your garden variety klasskurtxian* "debunker" amphibian newt in every way...)—but I'm a man, a human, specifically, decidedly mammalian, who aspires to the creative, the progressive, and the forward looking!  I perceive a dead-end to the slimy path of the overspecialized moist-skinned skepti-bunky salamander, a dank reptilian precursor of reflex negativity and old school 19th century philosophy... so the well rewarded and willful watch-fob for a hubristic same.  I spit, revolted, in its general direction.
...These pompous "pelicanists" who artfully collude and woefully conspire to preclude our emergence into the inexorable future; these mal-aspiring and label-flinging CSIcopians... arrogant authoritarians who only assume the cloak of "legitimacy" and occlude our sensibilities with the misused and so then smothering folds of it!  Slow Suffocation!
See, I suspect these errant—even if well meaning—reductionists have only crawled out on one of the lower Cartesian branches of the aggregate "existential tree" comprising matter and science. Having mapped out and minimally categorized same—and close to the meager end of it, even—they delude themselves that they are rather close to the top of the tree itself! They don't perceive the actual reality of nearing the end of but one of theof ONE, we forget the "forest" at our periltree's lower branches.
I offer that this is a conservative estimate of a minimalist's Cartesian materialism... or seems conservative at any rate.  Their arrogant proclivities are damning... See, dogmatic materialism is just another kind of religion.  It gets organised and then it gets exclusionary on the way to abusive.  Such has been so with religion of any stripe.
Verily, these are: inveterate and itinerate mal-invertebrates or other short-sighted, so errant, oxygen thieves... and that's the nicest thing I care to say about them.  There's no profit to the pussy-foot.  "Bull in china shop" seems called for at this juncture.
The question is begged who do these think they are?  Who abdicated the position of smirking majority dick-head and installed them?  Then, how long shall we suffer their deceitful programs and dishonest prosecutions in this field already rocky with the imprecision and indecisiveness they've precipitated and nurtured in gross and reptilian corporate pursuits: screwing each of us over for a percentage as the we wander closer to the squalidness they've engineered?
When will we banish them from our considerations, boycott their somewhat less than Promethean publishing houses, ironically, and let their metaphoric books pile up to molder into the dead and slimy leaves that they resemble and under which these salamanders hide? What will be the artifice of their eventual invalidation, their ironic slide into similarity with the discredited eugenicists, Flat Earthers, and Phrenology practitioners... adherents of the well discredited past—their manufactured and well sustained voids producing them and *sciences* like them—those tired, now unsupported, and legitimately (?) invalidated "sciences" of the too murky and duplicitous near past... stillborn branches on conception's tree.
Verily! The present is already the past as the future accelerates to the onrushing present like a cosmic train!  What looms!?
See, not only does this canted and conflicted "science" of the card carrying CSIcopian—even before he came to be known as the detested "CSIcopian"—often misstep, err grandly, and grossly confuse the issue (consider Eugenics and the staid Aristotelian thinking [science at any cost] of Dr. Mengele, say), ...aping a masquerade of "due process" and "order's organisation" and *peer review,* it is allowed to blunt, obstruct, impede, thwart, and frustrate the honest, progressive, and far-reaching efforts of other, more gifted, individuals... ...but maybe the reader's never heard of Immanuel Velikovsky or Nicola Tesla!  Many worthy men and women languish unjustly on that ash heap in history.  Rupert Sheldrake is another, hazarded and hounded even as I write these words.
....And folks, think where we could be given the fruit of our human genius availed itself more equitability to an aggregate "you and me" humanity... ...Our star Sol could wear our glittering stellar civilizations like rings and bracelets. I digress.
It's clear that Debunkers could be a lot more tentative with their rejections, circumspect with their dismissals, and careful with their derisive refutations and knee-jerk refusals! Why, they might give them up altogether!
Verily, their rejections are always premature, their dismissals invariably inopportune, wrong and wrong minded. Their reflex refutations and refusals too overtly (suspiciously!) negative.
Increasingly, they only achieve an aggregate ineffectiveness with much of the population they'd, ironically, want to convince because they are so stridently arrogant with regard to the proclamations of their own unwarranted effectiveness!  The perceptions of the intelligent persons they want to support them are enough to discount that effectiveness and make it moot.
They sow the seeds for their own eventual rejection and failure. Good thing, too! Their failure is finally our aggregate if ironic advancement, I feel, from the reptilian society we are presently to the mammalian society we are in fact, even if only as individuals, presently!
You know what those skepto-guys are at the bottom of... "...search your feelings, Luke"!  Debunkers in a legion of varied flavors are at the bottom of every bit of torturous behavior we practice on one another and afflicting humankind today, frankly! My well searched feelings don't indicate an overstated case, I offer.
This includes being swept up in the insanities of fundamentalist reactionaries of every stripe and flavor, an accommodating if abused overpopulation of people kept purposefully ignorant (and terror stricken!) about vital aspects of their individual lives, and then even the ongoing and increasing death of the individual and respect for same! Interesting times loom, eh?
The incredible irony is that these same obverted klasskurtxians* would profess to be the default champion of the antithesis of these things!
They decry overpopulation, but, realizing that overpopulation insures that they don't have to pay any one person too much respect—always someone to replace the "trouble-maker"—they won't vociferously credit how dire the eventual consequences of that overpopulation will be! They decry religiosity but won't credit the new archeology competently refuting that religiosity! They decry the dumbing down of the aggregate population but still support the corporate educational philosophies of psychopaths facilitating "employee production" and poverty; philosophies not shy about sacrificing every human consideration necessary to maximize efficiency for profits... profits not reasonably shared, I add, by any estimation!
Overpopulation and a numbingly incessant mal-education via media, institution, agency and government... all to insure the seeming inevitable death of the creative individual.  They exacerbate punishment for thinking out of the box and increase persecution for other victimless if alternative self-expressions and creative enterprises... This is no less than the systematic Extermination of the individual and her creativity, reader!
...CSICOPian pelicanists and *faith-based* debunkers help to orchestrate the social symphonies of their inhuman masters... Corporate Multinational Behemoths who care as little for them, actually, as the individual human being they would, handily... even gleefully, wipe out! Search your feelings!
Again, I don't believe I overstate my case. These errant CSIcopians are likely more wrongly motivated across broader fronts than we even suspect! They're against, for example, an alternative nutritional medical approach and four-square behind the big pharmaceutical companies and their passionate desire to manage disease rather than cure it. They are reflexively dismissive with regard to alternate power sources and so, at least indirectly, are proponents of big oil and the continued degradation of our spaceship planet! The reader can think of other examples where the seriously erring CSIcopian very ironically fronts for the old regressive over the new progressive. Plus: they're the darling of the entirely disingenuous mainstream!
Could it be that they (these CSI adherents) are the invention of the mainstream, created to obfuscate, complicate, and otherwise obliterate an interest in the ufological, or any other peek behind that jealously guarded "curtain," and not the mere lap-dog as I suggested earlier? Who's to tell, the mainstream persecutions continue virtually unabated for those of us getting a sense... of some "reality" significantly greater than the one a CSIcopian would allow, is this writer's feeling!
A chicken or egg discussion is moot. That there is a scurrilous symbiotic relationship is plain, and "what foul beast slouches off to [that CSIcopian] Bethlehem to be born," again, indeed?
Yeah, I'm pretty hard on the canted debunker... I see him as an abject retreat from the enlightened and individually powerful beings that more human individuals might eventually become. He is a dangerous anachronism, an intellectual troglodyte, a fading ink stamp in a cultural passport where all the borders have come down. I see him as the knowing or unknowing agent of the scales on our "reality" perceiving eyes... causal of the calluses on our wrongly subjugated knees!  The human knee is disserved callused.
Further, I come to see it as lunacy that skeptibunky DENIALS and PROTESTATIONS and DEMANDS for proof (proof they'd never accept anyway!) are remotely entertained as anything other than a time-gaining dodge to slow their advancement into a future they know is coming... Worse, they seem that special kind of person willing to continue to profit, for as long as is possible, at the dear expense of others they couldn't give a tinker's damn about.
In the interests of balance, some would say that there are good people in the CSI, just like there are good doctors, priests, cops, and even lawyers... with but a corrupted few getting the all the negative headlines... yeah-yeah-yeah...
Well—I've a hot flash for the reader!  There are few good doctors, priests, cops, and even lawyers... or CSIcopians... who, if they don't stridently condemn, in furious prosecution, those in their institutions who make the transgressions alluded to, are every bit as bad.  They should should be condemned as equally guilty. They are!
As a consequence they'll smell of the same filth as the more active perpetrator. Sorry, not—the CSICOPian would be as generous with me, and gravy is gravy for goose AND gander.  Balance requires that I'll allow him no less.
Restore John Ford
Read on.
*A word meaning skeptibunky or faux-sceptic coined by mashing two noted mal-skeptics names, Klass & Kurtz, together into one word.  Onomatopoeia is given the nod to foreshadow the sound made when a big glass urn of hissing snakes smashes to the floor of a CSI Commissary and shatters.  These are the hubristic and intellectually bigoted men (and fewer women) purporting themselves as warriors at the ramparts of rationality but insulting the spirit of that every time they reflexively announce the current crass denunciation of that which they have not remotely examined.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Ink And Stone... ...Part I

I don't "believe" in UFO's, and I'm not splitting hairs, but *something* haunts the skies above, and shames us well down here.
...And not just now, but way back *when*... when flight was just a dream. Yes, well before the pyramids that began it all, it seems...
...Back before we sailed our seas we prayed to brutal gods—gods as thick as errant fleas who gave their *needed* nod. Back before... when just a few, we wandered plains in bands askew, and we were almost innocent then... ...an uncorrupted kith and kin.
Back before we wrote in books? We scratched cave walls with paint and soot, and we recorded saucers, flying—scaring the observers spying!—pulsing inner lights in waves that we, then, chipped in stone, OK?
Kings of fearful ancient times would see them hover there, and scurry to their *high* priests, their witchdoctors, and sayers.
Pharaohs of old Egypt ran, but raised up armies who would stand in fearful awe of flying craft which, silent—days long!—flew on passed! They could, even, smell strange odors—acrid smelling alien motors!
This was "taken down"—though hidden—by a man of staid *religion*, though the papyrus is real and good translation's solid seal. I say this and forget the Bible—how all its stories make it libel as a record of abduction, UFO's and piqued destruction!
...Consider Alexander as he strides his "conquered" planet, as he crosses raging rivers to secure some grip upon it. His elephants and horses and, yes, most of all his men were panicked by two UFO's that dove upon them, friend! These drove them from their crossing—why?—these craft that sailed air; they flew like massive birds of prey who owned the sky up there!

Described as silver shields spitting fire to the ground, they danced and burned and threatened, but they did not make a sound.  Squealing like Ned Beatty, and (yes!) scared beyond his wits, Alexander *wrote* it down, perforce, so we'd remember it!
...And sober (pre-Christ) Romans were observers, then, as well. Of skies, well nigh, INFESTED are the tales they would tell. Spectacles of "fleets of ships" would course through troubled skies, they'd wrote it down as point of fact, and not as *charming* lies.

They would HEAR terrific noises, and the "sky would turn to gold"! Men and women trembled like they all had gotten cold! Globes of fire fell to Earth and landed on the ground!! Taking off, they'd go straight up and flash their lights profound. Described as "brighter than the sun," these terrified plain folks—who'd run!—to hapless priests or scared officials! They'd write it down, and sign initials. Pliny wrote of burning shields that danced across his eyes, annealed!
Others wrote of missiles, then, which cleaved and soared their skies, good friend!  These were not a science fiction.  These were truths of explication!
The birth of Christ won't "cure the air" of errant flying craft, no Sir!  Josephus wrote of phantom ships, and no one thinks he's daft. He's pips! Respected as a scholar, and revered as circumspect, he wrote of flying chariots, and of beings WITHIN them yet! He wrote of armies of them that would course their way through clouds! He wrote "surrounded cities" so there really is no doubt. He wrote that all this happened in fullest light of day
he wrote of frightened peoples who went down on knees to pray!
This wasn't errant fiction, but was well beyond his scope. He wrote it as he saw it. All agree that he's no dope!
The Byzantine were not immune to unknown *flying* craft, of course: they wrote of ships called brilliant, more like "burning globes"—it's sourced! These hovered over cities (!), and presented beam-like swords 
(!); folks looked up and cringed in fear for judgement from those lords! 
Nobles watched the pagans as the dark age was to end, and "reddish brown in color" flying saucers flew again! They hovered over churches, and they scared the people blind who ran in "bugged" confusion from their castles if inside. They had never seen the like! They cowered in their awe! They survived and wrote it down. It sticks, now (!), in our craw!
...And what is seminal history, but Saint Gregory of Tours who reported on one Alcuin, a biographer of stars. Charlemagne's assaulted by a light-fast glowing globe! It flickers inexplicably like a psychedelic strobe! It's so damned strange it spooks his horse, which rears in the attack! Charlemagne, in armor, is then thrown right off its back! This injures him severely; he's dead in four more years, and kingdoms fall to ruin as the Vikings bring their "cheer"...
The Japanese saw their fair share and so shall not be excluded. Yoritsumi saw his "flying lights" and so here will be included. Yoritsumi was a general with his army in the field, saw the saucers looping circles in the sky like hurled shields. They swung all night to morning light and then some hours still, so he, then, asked his *wise* men... who would shuck their jive and shill,
"Be unconcerned, most gracious lord. Let smiles adjourn your frown—it's a typhoon, heaving mightily, to blow the stars around."
This takes us from—"way back" BC . . . to about the thirteenth century! There's more to say another day —eight hundred years of saucers— hey!
Forgetting tablets Sitchin translates, UFO's remain debated. History's a smoking gun that people did not write for *fun*. It was, then, too damned expensive; they only wrote what *common sense* was!
Written in the words they had in concepts they could understand, they wrote that we are not alone. They wrote that down in ink and stone!


Part II
Part III
Part IV

No. I don't believe in UFO's. I believe UFO's. The difference is NOT that subtle. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

...Alien Invasion Never Looked So Good...

There's always been fearful, if still idle, talk about... "The Man."
The proverbial "Man."
Though, just who ~is~ "he"? Who or what is "he"? Who is "the Man"? Does this nebulous entity even exist? Many condescend to "face-palm" and "eye-roll." Belay that, or be at peril.
Risking the cowardly sneers of those "bought-in" around you, but still wondering if the unsettling concept even begins to hold water... can be remotely true... the disconcerted reader can begin to suspect that the aforementioned concept as regards "the man..." ...must hold an ocean of water.  Yes... Ocean systems of water, reader!  See, this is all simply a function of on which side of the bullhorn you find yourself; the side in control of same... and the other side.  The 1% (?) ... or the 99, eh?
So no, "They" are not "aliens from space," if that's what you thought I was on about. Uh-uh. Today I speak of the "they" that is "us"... ...I'd only be hoping for aliens from space... ...given the flip side is the spawn of Pee-pee DondO and his psychopathic lot.
Yes, *They* (the man) exist(s) as sure as "intelligent designers" put spots on little green apples and then buries real news behind a tabloid dross of Runaway Brides, penis moles, and whoring Secret Service Agents... such is easily seen to be so.

Conservatively? Three of these persons alluded to in a hundredmore of your fellow citizens, reader, when under duress (!)—will bleed you out, dispassionately, for the laces on your shoes. That's right. Fact.
This is the "them" of which I speak.  This may be truth told to be understood so hopefully believed.  I say true.
More truth? Less than one of these aforementioned three will be a woman. Much, much less than a fraction of that will be a person of color.  More Truth.  White people, it would seem, have a special proclivity for psychopathy, but I digress.
Back at the ranch, "Ideal Society" is—and always has been—a means to protect the other 97 Human Beings from being abused, too egregiously, with regard to the self-serving activities of that terrible, even if necessary, 3%...
Briefly, in a required digression: sociopathy becomes *necessary*by way of necessity—because we require an ongoing inoculation from these sociopaths or we get weak as a species... ...and it is the rare occasion—because of our prosecuted complacencies, contrariness, and inconsistencies— that the sociopath's way, way is the *survival* way—the only way—a ballast-cutting "forward escape" from disaster measure; it is what happens after the asteroid hits, perhaps. Sorry if you're on the "ballast," but "Survival" at any cost. ...Remember when our darling Tom Cruise had to kill Tim Robbins in "War Of The Worlds"? There's heat where the rubber meets the road...
Lately, that society accelerates AWAY from its responsibility to—at least minimally—protect its citizenry from the aforementioned, reader, even to the point of recently letting Americans rot in the sun... ...to be eaten by rats, abandoned pets, and alligators for a full week as a result of Hurricane Katrina...?
...We're not getting our money's worth? You think?
Did you ever believe that this would be America, reader? I'm well over 70, remember. I'd endured Viet Nam and Watergate.  I'd foolishly thought we'd been made more immune to Graft, Conspiracy, Corruption, authoritarianism, and irrational war. I was wrong. I never would have predicted this. ...How bad we would let it get... 

It's bad... even with hope, and there's hope; it's bad.
I'm a retired soldier and a certified school teacher who has ever only tried to be an asset to my group of fellow humans, reader. I'm no radical even as I have a mind of my own and prefer to think out of the box like any good American...
...What I thought was a good American at any rate...
I've a wife and family and quality friends... they deserve a better society than what is presently (and illegitimately) being served in a corporate-driven administration's crony-istic insider's prosecution of creeping theocracy and blooming fascism... ...a criminal society of even Democrats—and worse—prosecuted in a predatory and insensate culture... ...a culture by which innocence and decency can eventually prove fatal?
What hides in there? We shall see, I suspect.
Who are "they." Who are these persons, fellow human beings who blithely disrespect us so, who steal our savings, corrupt our testable faith, lie to our collective faces, murder our children, infect us with disease, direct us to pollute our food and air... ...even destroy our planet?
Sadly, I'd have to say "us," ultimately... every individual who buys in, supports, and facilitates the status quo... (ME, even!) but we're just piccolo players in the vast orchestra, reader! Who's conducting this mess? That's the issue! The short answer?
Well, forgetting for a moment that the insidious "THEY" are handily expressed in the persons around you... ...those who DARE to sneer at you from their dodgy castle ramparts of three parts jingo-istics, two parts reflexive ignorance and one part canted citation...? Not these so much... ...these are more to be pitied...
Who are... ..."they"?
"They" are... ...the privileged arbitrary, the stealthy unelected, and far too many of the fraudulently elected.
"They," are those who have, and having had, would keep on having... despite an aggregate detriment to the common good of those who "have not."
"They," are in possession of information that would credit or be to the advantage of anyone who knew... ...specifically...outlining why most know not.
"They" are the selfish secret keepers.
"They" are the jealous manipulators of a hijacked mainstream.
"They" are the ardent covetous who encourage bland employees while they discourage ones who might think more critically.
"They" are the ones with hidden agendas, duplicitous plans, and secret programs.
"They" are the few even glad to unethically, even cruelly, profit at the expense of the many.
"They" are above the law, outside reasonable ethics, practice a sociopathic amorality, and hold the many enthralled... but beneath their privileged contempt...
...Not to put too fine a point on it, eh reader?  Though, parallels are easily drawn from current events.
Folks—As I wrote before, don't credit or enable that which disrespects you; don't reward or compensate that which fails to satisfy you. Withhold your vote, your sympathy, and your dollars. Deny it your essence, your support, and your consideration. Refuse it your concern, your regard, or your facilitation.  Turn on, Tune in, and drop out, even, where the reader can muster the stone and the rough row to hoe. 
Know them by the fruit they have produced:
... A destroyed economy ... a shrinking middle class ... a degraded health care system ... a diseased environment ... a corrupted military force ... a degraded Bill of Rights ... a degraded quality of life ... Fear and loathing ... Increased Crime ... Pederasty ... Incompetent Cronyism ... laughable ballots ... the rape of our republic ... death ... torture ... unrestricted sociopathy ... tyranny ... a complete disruption of the rule of law ... the list could go on and on as you know it must...
Know them by their fruit... destruction and degradation... ...and such is the fruit?
Believe me, we don't really want a fraction of what they're trying to sell us, not really. We are enthralled with EVIL presently, reader... faithless, covetous, gluttonous, jealous, murderous... ...gibbering and capering evil, kind Sir and good Madam.
Indeed—hold "them" beneath your contempt, concern, and consideration as you would any soul killer. The soul you save will be your own.
...Alien Invasion from beyond the stars never looked so good... you know...?
Read on...

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...