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The path not taken... |
Everything has its own special significance. Most watch the "show" from their comfortable chairs. The "vain" are consumed by their own "contributions." Some are wasting in dim hallways; some are falling down dark stairs...
All are head up-and-locked in their cognitive dissonance. All nurture a hatred for those whom they fear. All shore up the walls of their pampered enclosures. All driving their autos... discarding what's dear...
I’m watching the best, then, give in to despair. They're declaring a tragic surrender. There is always tomorrow, a truth it could bring? Still, insulted by scant recompense, they're betrayed by glad pretenders...
...See, the air is filled with *laughter* that is whistled past the graveyard, by those insisting *science* understands! Those who, then, restrict themselves to *scientistic* mindsets... which are shallow little channels in such narrow little bands.
The Cosmos stares unblinkingly, and not the least contrite. Its message is that quantum leap, beyond your mere indifference, beyond your white-bread life!
One hundred thousand *chances* in this galaxy alone! ...A huge dark room we sit in, marking time! We have the smallest candle lit… alive in inky blackness, though it flickers in the shallow breath of those who'd stop our climb!
We wrongly think we crown creation—a capstone of "God's will"? Our *dominion* is misunderstood—wrong minded! We whistle past our graveyards, friend, too deep in debt to science; ...I suspect that crown exists where science shall not find it!
See, it's not the "bee's knees," and it's not the "cool beans"... ...that it sells itself to *each'n every* mote! Traditionally, to solve one "problem" creates more "problems," still! Strict adherence to its *guidelines* wraps its fingers 'round our throats!
It’s not the "science" anyway, it's the men who say they practice it: the ones who plant disease to watch effect? The ones who profit hugely, their expenses lacking ethics... ...The ones enthusiastic as they add you to their list.
It's time to wrest control away from those who've always had it. It's time to live our moments... as we will! It’s time to "give away" now what's secured enormous profit... It’s time for individuals to embrace the future's thrill!
...Now I cannot pretend, myself, that I'm absolved of shame... I have ever been that "coward" same as you, but we'd never get the answers sought or remotely understand them... it's the "trip to answers"! Questions! This you knew!
All are head up-and-locked in their cognitive dissonance. All nurture a hatred for those whom they fear. All shore up the walls of their pampered enclosures. All driving their autos... discarding what's dear...
I’m watching the best, then, give in to despair. They're declaring a tragic surrender. There is always tomorrow, a truth it could bring? Still, insulted by scant recompense, they're betrayed by glad pretenders...
The Cosmos stares unblinkingly, and not the least contrite. Its message is that quantum leap, beyond your mere indifference, beyond your white-bread life!
One hundred thousand *chances* in this galaxy alone! ...A huge dark room we sit in, marking time! We have the smallest candle lit… alive in inky blackness, though it flickers in the shallow breath of those who'd stop our climb!
We wrongly think we crown creation—a capstone of "God's will"? Our *dominion* is misunderstood—wrong minded! We whistle past our graveyards, friend, too deep in debt to science; ...I suspect that crown exists where science shall not find it!
See, it's not the "bee's knees," and it's not the "cool beans"... ...that it sells itself to *each'n every* mote! Traditionally, to solve one "problem" creates more "problems," still! Strict adherence to its *guidelines* wraps its fingers 'round our throats!
It’s not the "science" anyway, it's the men who say they practice it: the ones who plant disease to watch effect? The ones who profit hugely, their expenses lacking ethics... ...The ones enthusiastic as they add you to their list.
It's time to wrest control away from those who've always had it. It's time to live our moments... as we will! It’s time to "give away" now what's secured enormous profit... It’s time for individuals to embrace the future's thrill!
...Now I cannot pretend, myself, that I'm absolved of shame... I have ever been that "coward" same as you, but we'd never get the answers sought or remotely understand them... it's the "trip to answers"! Questions! This you knew!
Also known are all the little Stepford Students (SS neo-intelligentsia) who sit silently in their university classrooms, content just to merely PLAY that they are attending college and accessing world affairs. You disgust me because you don't disgust yourselves.
"Marketplace of Ideas"? Bah & Clapkatrap—second-order male bovine fecal matter of the last wash! Critical thinking's bastion? Not when a mawkish piss-wit like GWB or Donald Trump can make it successfully out the door with his purloined bit of legacy sheepskin... Who can trust the critical thinking of criminals in training?
These waste the investment of their tuition and their slack-jawed professors let them do it, reward them for it even! People starve and suffer as these spiritlessly artless wastrels, et al, get their phony-baloney and increasingly useless *tickets* punched—squanderers! Mendacious Meat-puppets! Reproductionist Nose-bubblers! Self-made Shallow-brows! Soulless philistines! Artless drones.
Your anger? ...Directly proportionate to how well you fit the description, Skippy... My anger? Provoked and facilitated apart from myself. I am tasked. These task me. You task me!
See, those who proclaim that government trumps anarchy puts too much faith in government and not enough responsibility for the anarchies they handily provoke themselves—a result of their duplicitous and authoritarian intransigence! There is no Communism, reader, without a robber-baron's unrestricted capitalism first having it's foot on the neck of haplessly abused individuals. ...No feminazi without some righteous chauvinist insisting first on clitoral mutilation... ...some would dare to call it "female circumcision"... there is an officious foot on some suffering neck at the start, always!
Those I address won't understand that they have lost all concept of what government is all about... which discounts the efficacious success of any government. Our government is composed, ostensibly, of individuals we "vote" (a quaint expression, I conclude, eh reader?) to represent us... be our eyes, ears and... ...our hand on the tiller of state and society! We are a representative government in a republic... or were.
A government that doesn't try to be transparent... ...in fact endeavors furiously to be secretive, closed, and obscure... ...control the media propagandistically? Such a government is not the representative government of a republic, reader. It remains only to be a dissembling sham and a costly hypocrisy...
Consequently, we have a right, and according to Thomas Jefferson ...a DUTY to revolt against it! To replace it, righteously, with "something else."
Do we, embroiled in the ignorance of such things, expect no less from China or North Korea and consider their populations cowards for not revolting themselves?
..."Some secrets still need to be kept"? Yes. Though, on reflection... No!
The seeming reasonable-ness of this slippery concept of "necessary secrecy" has been so sullenly abused by our *representatives* —they have betrayed their bestowed trust so often and so egregiously— that they have lost any right to throw down that particular flag, now, for any reason! Not without oversight.
Consider, Duty, honor, and country only works when people are performing similar duties, share equal honor, or are served by the same transparent government. ...Can't say there's a whole lot of that going on these days... can you?
Such a government as portrayed, reader, is not the "eyes and ears and hand on the tiller" one had presumed... ...and is instead the antithesis of same! It is an ABOMINATION of same!
Presently our *eyes* and *ears* lie unabashedly, collectively, and serially to us in the profound neo-secrecy. Why? They've presumed to follow the money? This must be hardwired into a corrupted culture! They only tell us what we want to hear, or distract us with their dross ... without a thought to what results, or what it finally costs? Sorry, that just slipped out... I digress...
...It's like our own eyes and ears lie to us, more over time (forgetting they heat the water slowly for we "wee little froggies"), and folks start tripping over furniture in their own homes, can't find the car or the stove, or even hear their babies crying. Disjunct insanity rampant. War and rumors of wars... ...all the self-fulfilling-prophesy-stuff gone mad... and despite this senseless creation of our own problems with our overweeningly prideful selves, and perhaps even at the provenance of same (my suspicion) ...are enigmatic objects patently "ignored" by those self-same *eyes* and *ears*... UFOs. The biggest story of all.
Representatives in a lawful republic are transparent public servants, reader. They are that servant in every sense of the word. Their agents are employed in our service and they are our servants too. They are trusted agent, reliable mediator, steadfast negotiator, or sterling instrument of our good will. Or, they should be. They are not.
...They report, you decide? That's right. We can't decide effectively without the truth and transparency. We cannot give an informed consent without same!
See, they don't have the option of telling us only what they want us to hear, or not telling us what they don't want us to hear. That's not in the bylaws. Ultimately, you only stumble around in your own homes deaf, dumb, and blind as a result! You know this to be true.
You Know This To Be T r u e !
Hey! Isn't your informed consent what you pay for? It's up to you, you know. One of the secrets, by the way, they try to keep from you:
..."Some secrets still need to be kept"? Yes. Though, on reflection... No!
The seeming reasonable-ness of this slippery concept of "necessary secrecy" has been so sullenly abused by our *representatives* —they have betrayed their bestowed trust so often and so egregiously— that they have lost any right to throw down that particular flag, now, for any reason! Not without oversight.
Consider, Duty, honor, and country only works when people are performing similar duties, share equal honor, or are served by the same transparent government. ...Can't say there's a whole lot of that going on these days... can you?
Such a government as portrayed, reader, is not the "eyes and ears and hand on the tiller" one had presumed... ...and is instead the antithesis of same! It is an ABOMINATION of same!
Presently our *eyes* and *ears* lie unabashedly, collectively, and serially to us in the profound neo-secrecy. Why? They've presumed to follow the money? This must be hardwired into a corrupted culture! They only tell us what we want to hear, or distract us with their dross ... without a thought to what results, or what it finally costs? Sorry, that just slipped out... I digress...
...It's like our own eyes and ears lie to us, more over time (forgetting they heat the water slowly for we "wee little froggies"), and folks start tripping over furniture in their own homes, can't find the car or the stove, or even hear their babies crying. Disjunct insanity rampant. War and rumors of wars... ...all the self-fulfilling-prophesy-stuff gone mad... and despite this senseless creation of our own problems with our overweeningly prideful selves, and perhaps even at the provenance of same (my suspicion) ...are enigmatic objects patently "ignored" by those self-same *eyes* and *ears*... UFOs. The biggest story of all.
Representatives in a lawful republic are transparent public servants, reader. They are that servant in every sense of the word. Their agents are employed in our service and they are our servants too. They are trusted agent, reliable mediator, steadfast negotiator, or sterling instrument of our good will. Or, they should be. They are not.
...They report, you decide? That's right. We can't decide effectively without the truth and transparency. We cannot give an informed consent without same!
See, they don't have the option of telling us only what they want us to hear, or not telling us what they don't want us to hear. That's not in the bylaws. Ultimately, you only stumble around in your own homes deaf, dumb, and blind as a result! You know this to be true.
You Know This To Be T r u e !
Hey! Isn't your informed consent what you pay for? It's up to you, you know. One of the secrets, by the way, they try to keep from you:
Your actions are significant, there are more important things beyond *fitting-in* at all cost, and that the kingdom really is at hand... ? ...and not just a hijacked myth of wide-tied, hypocritical, and plate-passing bible-flailers... ...and the psychopathic neo-cons who parasite on that hate-mongering *Faux-Christian Command Structure*, reader!
Your actions are significant, there are more important things beyond *fitting-in* at all cost, and that the kingdom really is at hand... ? ...and not just a hijacked myth of wide-tied, hypocritical, and plate-passing bible-flailers... ...and the psychopathic neo-cons who parasite on that hate-mongering *Faux-Christian Command Structure*, reader!
The Kingdom... ...At hand... ...and likely nothing like we'd ever think it'd be... which is a good thing. ...And that's YOUR experience... isn't it reader?
Growing up... ...did anything monumental ever turn out like you'd think it would? Why would entrance into a Galactic community be any different? With regard to that cosmic community, this blog has tried to make clear why it would be more astonishing if it wasn't so...
Presently, we're galloping down the road to a soulless police state... think we're not?
The new world order in not worth that. Why, it's not worth the sacrifice of one individual... and these precious jewels are squandered like discarded grease every day of our lives.
We'd see this... ...but the devil of cognitive dissonance has us by our shredding shirttails.
It's time. Respect yourself to be respected. Don't facilitate respect's dearth. Don't reward respect's withholding. Don't support a disrespectful paradigm. Refuse errant opprobrium for same. Eschew false news. You hold higher ground than that.
I'll do the same... along with you. See, they tell you how it is for them, and not how it is for you. This is why you must choose not to participate in their definitions of things. Those definitions serve them, you see; they don't serve you. Command the language and command!
Read on...
Growing up... ...did anything monumental ever turn out like you'd think it would? Why would entrance into a Galactic community be any different? With regard to that cosmic community, this blog has tried to make clear why it would be more astonishing if it wasn't so...
Presently, we're galloping down the road to a soulless police state... think we're not?
The new world order in not worth that. Why, it's not worth the sacrifice of one individual... and these precious jewels are squandered like discarded grease every day of our lives.
We'd see this... ...but the devil of cognitive dissonance has us by our shredding shirttails.
It's time. Respect yourself to be respected. Don't facilitate respect's dearth. Don't reward respect's withholding. Don't support a disrespectful paradigm. Refuse errant opprobrium for same. Eschew false news. You hold higher ground than that.
I'll do the same... along with you. See, they tell you how it is for them, and not how it is for you. This is why you must choose not to participate in their definitions of things. Those definitions serve them, you see; they don't serve you. Command the language and command!
Read on...