
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Sunday, May 05, 2024



Captain Dale Leavitt: 

1952s Commander of the 
WV National Guard during the
Flatwoods Incident

by Alfred Lehmberg

Only scant hours after the "Flatwoods Monster" incident, Colonel Dale Leavitt, a promotable infantry captain in 1952, was ordered in a middle-of-the-night call by credentialed superiors to the Fisher Farm in Flatwoods, WV! These orders came, and oddly, from the USAF in Washington, D.C. and seemingly not through regular channels. There are layers in the chain of command between Washington and the West Virginia National Guard! This writer's decades-long military experience is red-flagged! Something's afoot! 

It is surmised that Leavitt substantiated these orders before acting, as a HUGE dollar investment was about to be made just in massive troop movements! Remains! That this would be an unusual reaction from a sober post-WWII government to lurid accounts of "ghosts" and "big owls" reported by some "hillbillies" in Flatwoods... seems a fair assessment. See? ...No, no, and no on ghosts, owls, and hillbillies.

Our Colonel Leavitt went to the farm on a covert, official, and hot-ticket mission with some 50 armed troops, to start!  He policed and searched the sites in question, examined the terrain, and then took various samples from different areas on the Fisher farm. These would be returned to "top men in Washington" for analysis and assessment. "Top. Men." True story. We risk a digression wondering what happened to all that stuff...

Subsequently, many years later, a retired Colonel Dale Leavitt would be interviewed by Frank Feschino, Jr. on that same Fisher Farm of lore. Leavitt talked, after some pointed struggle with the Colonel... just not wanting to talk

Finally, he would inform Feschino about his involvement in the "Flatwoods Monster" case during the 1952 incident. He had not spoken to anyone in decades about the affair... and he was a hard sell to get in the first place as we've alluded... harder than we'll go into here.

Anyway, reader, let's have some back-story information about Colonel Dale Leavitt of Sutton, West Virginia. To start, it's unlikely that a better man ever served his State!

The now late  (if video taped!) Colonel Leavitt was the commander of the Special Forces Augmentation Section of the State headquarters of the West Virginia National Guard back in the highlighted day. He entered the military as an enlisted man in 1941 and later saw service during the war in New Guinea and Luzon. There, he joined the 11th Airborne Division. 

After Emperor Hirohito announced the surrender of Japan on August 15, 1945, young officer Leavitt was ordered to be among the first troops to land in Japan on August 28, 1945. This was just a few days before the peace treaty was signed! How he must have felt to be on such a cutting edge of monumental history. Fate, he would find, would not be done with him!

Leavitt separated from active service in November of 1945 and became a reservist. He transferred to the WVNG in 1948 to become the Commander of Company G, 150th Infantry, at Gassaway until 1955. Dale Leavitt then served as Chief of Staff for the West Virginia National Guard from 1967 until 1968—retiring from active duty in 1973. By report, honor at every quarter.

At this point, let's go back to the "Flatwoods Monster" incident in Braxton County. In January of 1953, Pioneer researcher Donald Keyhoe, the investigator who had followed the Flatwoods case from its start and from whom we have heard before, contacted the Pentagon and requested an update from the Air Force concerning the "Flatwoods Monster" incident. 

Mr. Keyhoe spoke to Senior Public Liaison Albert Chop and was told the following "explanation," which was disingenuously and dismissively speculative right from the start! Chop stated, "The group did see two glowing eyes... probably those of a large owl perched on a limb. ...Underbrush below may have given the impression of a giant figure and, in their excitement they may have imagined the rest.

Probably? May have?

Seriously, ponder these simplistic explications by Chop, reader! See, earlier, before Colonel Leavitt went to Flatwoods with his troops, he was ordered first to another nearby location in question by Washinton. He was directed by superiors to nearby Sugar Creek along the Elk River with about 180 troops, a light battalion! He was to set up a search and rescue mission for survivors of what was thought to be an airplane that had crashed there, in flames! 

Leavitt coordinated the search and rescue effort in Sugar Creek, producing bupkis, then left the area with about 30 troops and went to Flatwoods. Upon reaching Flatwoods, Leavitt and his troops parked their trucks on the far side of the Fisher property and entered the farm through an old logging road... this was so as not to alert the locals in town of their presence. That's curious all by itself. Why the stealth? 

They trekked up and through the woods and reached the Fisher Farm shortly thereafter. Commander Leavitt and his troops scanned the farm with spotlights, examined the various areas in question which included the tree where the encounter occurred, and they assessed the landing sites! They gathered up various debris samples from across the farm as was mentioned. Shortly thereafter, 20-30 additional troops arrived at the Fisher Farm and joined the others in the search effort. ...Quite a turnout for the "ghosts" and "Roc-owls" of scared "hillbillies"...

Recapping, during Feschino's interview with Colonel Leavitt on the farm, Leavitt told him that the USAF had communicated orders that he and his troops to go to the Sugar Creek crash site and then the Fisher Farm encounter site in Flatwoods. 

Leavitt stated, "When I got the word on [Flatwoods], I had to detour some of our people to come up here [from Sugar Creek] and look at it. What happened is they [USAF] wanted us to go—so I got the people together and brought it up here... and then to the airplane [in Sugar Creek], that's the other part of it." Feschino asked Leavitt how the Air Force knew about these two target areas to search in Braxton County! What was so important about these two areas that Leavitt was contacted at his home in the middle of the night to investigate them?

After being on the farm in Flatwoods for 45 minutes, Leavitt ordered his troops to continue their search of the area and then he left for Sugar Creek to rejoin his troop's search for the "downed airplane." Before Leavitt left the Fisher Farm though, he ordered all his troops to stay the night! The following transpired during Feschino's video interview with Colonel Leavitt on the farm:
Frank: "How long were you on this actual spot?"
Leavitt: "I'd say about 45 minutes."
Frank: "Now, how long was everybody up here... a total time"
Leavitt: "Well, we had about 50 people here, and I don't know how long. Well, they stayed the night."
Frank: [shocked reaction] "They did?"
Leavitt: "Yeah. to see if something else was going to happen."
Frank: "Now all this time your troops were out looking for a crashed airplane?"
Leavitt: "Well, yeah. Most of my people had to because it was a big area. We didn't find anything."
Now reader, remember Chop's 1953 statement given by the Air Force about the so-called "Flatwoods Monster": "The group did see two glowing eyes, probably those of a large owl perched on a limb. Underbrush below may have given the impression of a giant figure and in their excitement, they may have imagined the rest." 

At this point, can the reader really believe that the Air Force ordered Leavitt and a battalion of troops to the Fisher Farm in Flatwoods, because a group of people may have seen a "large owl perched on a limb" and misinterpreted it as a "monster?" As to the witnesses, they were knowledgeable regarding their local fauna. No "big owls" before and none since. The same goes for suspected hallucinatory coal gasses ruled out geologically by an expert. None before... and none since. We digress...

Back to Flatwoods, why did Leavitt get a phone call from Washington D.C. and receive orders from the USAF about an "airplane crash" in Braxton County? What airplane?!

See, what is the provenance of that "airplane"... that was never found

On that night, otherwise, there were numerous UFOs seen passing over, landing, and crashing throughout Braxton County! There are documented reports! 

The Braxton County Sheriff, as well as the State Police, were overwhelmed with phone calls from concerned citizens about these objects! They were out responding to so many of these calls they were not answering their office phones! THEY were aware that something was going on and that it was not owls or ghosts! "Hillbillies" is just insulting... and a denial mechanism's "go-to"!

So, back at the ranch, how did Washington officials and the Air Force become aware of the "Flatwoods Monster" and Sugar Creek crash in Braxton County that very night and igniting such a furious official response?! ...For ghost's and owls, remember!

The only way they would have known would have been from direct sources within Braxton County. This would have occurred through a series of phone calls from the local police to the State Police and eventually to West Virginia government officials in Charleston and eventually to the Nation's Capital. Still, how was this response so blisteringly immediate! It was just hours, remember!

Subsequently, Colonel Leavitt was contacted from the top by officials from Washington, D.C. and then he was ordered so quickly to go to those two target locations... why? Well, here is a reasonable supposition! 

It was quick because the Air Force knew they'd shot down several UFOs earlier and didn't know where these had gone down, exactly, in the country! This is a reasonable conjecture, reader, as the president had made standing orders, now well-known remember, that UFOs be shot down!

The so-called flaming "airplane," which crashed in Sugar Creek and was never found, is reasonably conjectured to be one of the damaged UFOs the Air Force had shot down, earlier! The damaged craft that went down on the farm in Flatwoods was another object that was shot down by the Air Force... and it had an occupant encountering a group of local civilians! These were able to make repairs and presumably escape?

This is why the Air Force contacted Colonel Leavitt at his home in the middle of the night and had him go to those sites with National Guard troops! That, or the Government was fulsomely alerting on ghosts and big owls! 

Get it from the above link folks, avoid Amazon so Feschino can realize more of what is his...

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...