
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Monday, February 17, 2025

A Fable On The Lowest Common Denominator

The Universe is out there... 
and it shall not go away
Though, the trappings of the man 
corrupts its rhyme
Designed to keep you thinking
it still fans the flames of will—
to facilitate cognition 
and expand the cogent mind...

Still, you shall not have a lot of time 
to speculate and wonder!
Idle thinking is a pastime 
that the man must rape and plunder!
See, he alone shall take the time 
to satisfy his needs,
So he engineers a system 
that must keep you on your knees!
From the Government, through its churches,
To the corporate priest or king...

The disrespect is cultural; 
It becomes an obvious thing.
See, he demands that YOU be humble 
(while he struts behind your back!), 
and he works to keep you hungry
that's his job. 
He'll take you to the finish
like the cowboy on a horse, 
then he'll spur you in the gut 
to hear you sob!

He's mean and arbitrary
is "convenienced" as can be!
He doesn't care you're hurting... 
he just locks his gate, you see?
...And forget about "due process," 
or any "rights" you thought you had.
It's ALL for his convenience, 
and he'll use you like a rag!
You're nothing but a tool for him—
it's YOU who's wearing down!
So, It's YOU who'll heat his water... 
to be treated like his clown!!!
This BEGS for your autonomy!
That demand for some respect... 
where you'd earned it by the fact 
that you'd been born
For reasons "good" or "bad" 
(it doesn't matter one iota!) 
as it's you to be impaled on his "horn"!

It's why you need autonomy!
It's to disembowel your "kings";
It's to strangle all the "priests" 
with steaming innards found therein,
And italics notwithstanding, 
in poetics always FREE,
I can make the intimation 
this is NOT hyperbole!
Still, provoked to hyperbolics, 
I'm betrayed!  I'm burned and shy...
While, queerly... lights keep flying 
in my starry, starry skies!
Shadows are abiding 
in official slights of hand,
and the news will do its job 
to fog things up.
See, to keep a person fretful
uninformed, and in distraction
is the money in his bank 
and gourmet coffee in his cup!
Yes, there's much that he's not telling 
(Back behind his one-way glass),
And excuses rendered, plainly,
are ridiculous and crass.
It's a foul recrimination 
that I level at this shill
Who pretends that no conspiracy 
Posner is a poseur 
who proposes you've no sense!
Doc Shermer's mechanism? 
Contrived and facile nonsense!
Rank disinformation 
is the order of the day,
And most abuse their power... 
as you close your eyes to pray.


We watch him fake his sanctity 
with a hanky to his eye, 
looking dewy-eyed and grateful 
for his "Lord."  
A "doctor"—some local red-neck
a bible in his hand, 
plus a pot gut "out to here" 
(near on the floor!).  
He's from the local School-board 
so is white-as-driven snow 
and he's kicking off the school year 
for the damned:  
He spews his bait and switch 
for ruined black kids unbelieving
of the lessons inculcated
as they're scammed.
He waxes words most "beautifully"—
has you "sing a Christian song";
I felt just like an idiot 
that I had to go along...*
Then he got into his Cadillac, 
he'd put his bible down,
And cooling off with AC, 
drove his house-girl out of town.
They'll visit mountain condos, 
where she'll try to "fluff him up,"
The view is million dollar, 
and appointments cost a lot.
And then there'll be the "party", 
and the ladies all make "nice",
But one, of needs, will walk outside: 
break from lurid vice.
The remaining "powder" noses, 
and the rest ignore the sky,
But the house-girl heaves her dinner... 
near the saucer coasting by...
Distracting from the vomit 
or the games the rich men play,
A flying saucer's flying by 
as plain as sin or day!
The house-girl is astonished, 
then filled with monstrous shame—
Lost self-respect was palpable 
where she would not put a name!
...Like it'd caught her in the open,
and it saw her sad debasement—
was a witness to revulsion 
marred and smeared...
It stopped along its track,
then seemed to bob just like a cork...
and then it moved back in her face 
to get quite near!
She was frozen in her fearfulness, 
transfixed with fear you bet,
Forgotten was her sickness, 
but not the shame as yet.
Yes, she trembled at it's size, 
and the ease with which it moved—
Its soundlessness and shininess
it's STAR reflecting—huge!
She can see her own reflection (!)—
see the vomit on her chin!
She can see the lights behind her, 
like a fun house mirror, spin.
Then—just "that" fast—it's on its way, 
...like it hadn't even stopped.
And she wondered if it happened as, 
well out of sight, it dropped...
Resolve almost consumed her 
and she climbed the hardwood rail! 
She'd really rather jump than go indoors... 
See, she knew a greater truthfulness 
that had complicated things! 
She knew, right there! Goddamn it!
She IS something more than "whore." 
She looked down into blackness 
like a yawning gulping throat,
And she teetered on the brink 
of what she knows she'd miss the most...
She listened to the night sound 
and she heard a hooting owl;
It asked her who she thought she was. 
It clearly sneered and scowled!
Then, pitched recriminations 
in the squeaking of the bats,
The muted forest's murmur 
coming back from silence black!
It was like a celebration 
that the truth had hovered passed!
She took a breath, her strength renewed. 
 She laughed out loud, aghast!
The glibly hypocritical 
were doomed to sad despair,
And time was running out 
for cracker pot-guts to her rear.
SHE would "stay around" to see 
the knashing of their teeth,
As they choked their words... faux righteousness 
in denial—disbelief.
She stepped down from the hardwood; 
she squared her shoulders high!
She dressed and called a taxi. 
 She would try again to try.

*A true story to this point...


What makes a fable a fable? It's the talkin' animals makes it a fable... d'ja know that was required? Fables require talkin' animals because they communicate "truths" you wouldn't believe from a human? Perhaps. Pretend a cute gerbil just said that.

The pot-gutted school administrator WAS real. The house-girl, of course, is a metaphor.  We're all the house-girl; the point is that there's always more than that seen, right? Nobody gets it all. Nobody. The grok of that is decidedly liberating.  It's the speaking owl...

"Who..." are you?

Verily, our planet presently bobs, disrespected, a slime-covered cork in a diseased and affected sea.  We who allow ourselves the arrogance of our centric beliefs, our pathetic cultural hubris, or even the imagined favor of a psychotic God... are doomed to massive disappointment, it's expected.  Such seems deserved.

On "the man..."

Some would even argue that that "necessity" for a "the man" we've ofttimes alluded to! You know, to provide an efficient structure for a growing population of individuals increasingly ill-suited psychologically, materially, and socially to survive that same population... this is NOT my sham and a hypocrisy. On its face with only that said, one is compelled to agree, of course.  Some structure is required where a justified complication of 300+ million persons demands it! Only a fool would think otherwise. Our society is hugely complicated. Some "structure" is necessary. Only, the "choice" is between a secular social democracy and sectarian fascist aristocracy... so there IS but a single choice!

See, one finds that it is only a presumption that "the man" would have the individual's best interest at heart, in the process, and only a failing rule of efficacious—if overburdened—law to remotely encourage that best interest!  Law ...failing more and more and favoring the decidedly autocratic rich.  No justice there, eh?

So, structure's not the problem per se, is it...? Only, why does "the man" ALWAYS have to be a reptile, when he could be... a mammal just as easily? Sure, the reptile can make the hard choices for humanity after the asteroid hits, they're great at cutting losses, but it lives only for NOW. The mammal lives for tomorrow. "Tomorrow" needs to thought of... as "now" impacts it so excessively... right? 

Currently? Reptiles hold sway.

See, the problem is that along with that aforementioned "necessary structure" we just talked about comes an accompanying betrayal so stark and obvious that the length, breadth, and depth of it stuns the credulity of the conscientious observer! It is almost completely demoralizing. ...Almost. More on that in its time, but it regards a betrayal of the social common denominator so deeply egregious that one is prone to be unconscious of it, of needs!

Back at the ranch? Current Government betrays us by playing to the lowest, least informed, and most common of the common denominatorwhile baldly facilitating the fewest of usproviding an insider mechanism for its own enrichment at the egregious expense of all the rest of us... all the while maintaining an unstinting hypocrisy, as its standard, in regard to those ostensibly governed!  It's OK; they're never called on it.  See, we just can't believe they'd lie that much, that often, or for that long. Ironic, given they always have, eh? ...And since the founders who owned slaves, most of them!

Church betrays us by playing to the lowest, least informed, and most common denominator, and, blithely inculcating their unsupported and bigoted hatreds (of such depth and depravity that these depravities would provide for the immediate intervention of single persons affecting similar behaviors), there exists a standing army of frightened and deluded mob-thinkers more than willing to effect torches and pitchforks for Gawd'n'country.  Hey! ...Given a self-ballyhooing "apocalypse" we do whatever "Gawd'n'country" want, y'all!  Black boots, brown shirts, and body armor only buttress that meme's support. These accessorize its reality. Such is MAGA and its bizarro world "prosperity" Jesus. MAGA? It Made America Go Away.

Our institutions betray us... betraying the lowest, least informed, and most common denominator, and, slaving themselves to corporate interests reptilian in aspect and psychopathic in attitude, still favoring the few at the expense of the many. There can be little argument proffered as regards the betrayal by our legacy media in every aspect of consideration here iterated, the highly spun lowest common denominator employed there is to facilitate the manipulation and control by same. Seewe are the man's handily-created and abused "house-girl."

Society betrays the hapless majority and culture is NOT your friend, either; no, culture tolerates you only to the degree you serve it with seeming selflessness.  That these entities of "society" and "culture" hate the individual is plain and has ever been so. Consider the nasty treatment of minorities just lately as exacerbated by TRUMPCO. Our wholly unchecked overpopulation is abundant evidence of that. 

See, the more persons there are the less any one of them has to be respected, accounted forheld in regard... the more "drones" and "bitches" there are for the landed few to divide and play, one against the other, for their amusement, convenience, and profit.  It remains that this provides for a world where 25,000 kids starve to death every day, today in 2025. We fight billionaire-funded CULTURE wars when we should be fighting people-powered CLASS wars!

Standing just out of the cultural firelight and perhaps as revolted by this humanity as we are found to be revolt-able is this... indefatigable ...other.  The Alien.  See, we exist reader, so, in a universe this large? They must exist... too! Nothing happens once.

Call this extra-natural being "God The Father" if you must... ...that looming singularity of concrescence... ...the Clock-maker, or the flying spaghetti-monster... ...it remains. This "other," this "alien" is extant to the evidential power of seven very compelling categories** in a calculated percentage number so close to "1" (or 100%) that the difference is entirety meaningless... ...A decimal point followed a string of nines so long that one gives up counting them as they run off the page and finally march into another country on the planet... the nines go on... to the nines!  Nines, reader... to the nines!

I'm sure that the honored person reading this has an unsettling intuition regarding all that, eh? In truth, we are not alone, that very confidently conjectured presence exceeds present understanding, and it is the future, still. Heady stuff. But "stuff," still. ...Still!  STILL!

Smile knowingly at your opponents to a man or woman, those demanding proof they won't accept, couldn't understand, and won't look for, anyway.

...Then Restore John Ford!

Read on.


** Yes! Wholly unconsidered and even ignored by these mainstream "scientists" inexplicably duped to their insentience, apparently, by "fringe morons and intellectual lightweights," (like that was reasonable?!) is a massive evidentiary pathway known across seven categories to include:

(1) the Historical textual documents glyphed in soot and cut into stone or otherwise writ in ancient inks on cracking vellum,

(2) the extant Artistic Historical from primitives on the walls of their caves, through Middle-Age wood-cuts, to the masterpieces of the masters on rough canvas and slick gesso later on

(3) the quality Anecdotal reports backed up by multiple vetted witnesses and corresponding radar...

(4) genuine Photographic efforts prior to digital photography provided by Dr. Bruce Maccabee, et sig al...

(5) extant Physical Traces of landing UFOs as laboriously outlined by Ted Phillips and others...

(6) the "wholly Personal" evidence, if you have any as I do and...

(7) even the Mathematical, reader, as it is described in modern physics regarding the consequences of satisfying requirements accounting for "the formality of the actual occurrence" of something physical in this multi-verse (humanity "happened" so "others" must) but, specifically, as it is described in Probability One by Amir D. Aczel, PhD.

Alien intelligence, reader, is a certainty!  Moreover, the evidence—entirely if ironically in concert with Fermi—is that they are here. 

Pack that pipe and spark it.


Monday, February 03, 2025

"Trump IS The Enemy!"


"Trump IS the enemy! Trump IS the fifth column! Trump IS DESTROYING America! Start screaming THAT, Democrats!" --KO

The hyperbole circuit breaker is at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. ZERO histrionics! No theatre! No lipstick for pigs!

DEMOCRATS! Your wish for fairness, civility, and politeness is only taken for WEAKNESS by a class of people who have been slavishly trained for decades by a wing-nut media without ANY principles (AND its legacy variety!) that Democrats are EVIL baby-killing monsters in league with SATAN who want to GIVE "white people's" money to undeserving "colored people" and force sex changes on their children in public schools.. just to START! Please reread the previous paragraph...

The MAGA GOP has been further trained that they can "go low" sans all consequence, and without proof or receipt... Such has been so.

First, Democrats have ALL the proof necessary and receipts in abundance! Second! Going high has been taken for the weakness aforementioned. The Obamas (bless them) have PROVEN that that does not work and is not remotely respected! Third! Democrats must stop being "polite," AND?! ...Go as low as is required!!! Use proof and receipt as stabbing implements in a justified war, a true... WAR on FASCISM! TAKE NO (metaphoric!) PRISONERS!

Please reread the 2nd paragraph... and RESIST, loudly and with a mind to the best kind of "good trouble," but RESIST!!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Science Is As Science Does...

Science is most misconstrued, 
so misused with such attitude
A useful tool within one's belt, 
a wealth of uses we've all felt, 
but dote upon its cloying ways: 
too soon we are as drones and slaves 
to wallow in its easy vices, 
suspect fixes—"new" devices.
Science is then too respected; 
"inadequacies" go unprotested... 
Who sprints before they learn to walk; 
who mumbles where we must have talk? 
"Scientistics" snaps proud fingers, 
still, less than subtle fear must linger... 
we could lose what we have gained 
if what propels us? Proves our shame!
Smirking laughter fills the halls 
at "feeding troughs" where *science* lolls 
in languid lunches with  "mal-skeptics"... 
thinking's somewhat less eclectic. 
Focused on their *bigger* picture, 
call it their "investment's" stricture, 
they must toe the *party* line 
or lose their funding—jobsone finds.
See, science is not science-driven!
Science is a corporate midden!
Science serves the capitalist.
Without his "interest," it can't exist! 
Well... ...screw those bastards! They're devolved
They abdicate their honor! Solved! 
These pretend that they're equipped 
to take a step I feel they'll miss... 
...so make us leap a needless hurdle, 
hobbling more sincere proposals!
...Consider Tesla, what a find
a "Moses" for Electric-kind! 
They sure sensed where HE was headed, 
"dried him up"... ...Science HEAPED discredit!  
...And this despite the grandest gift 
as one could think of... imagine it!  
...Power snatched from thinnest air
we could be as gods, mon frère!
See? Being right's no guarantee. 
We shall not HAVE what sets us free
...Velikovsky's explanation, 
good support and gave citation—
he wrote a book so roundly panned 
it begs another look, by damn!
Sitchin makes the ancients real 
and what they wrote's the real deal! 
They had knowledge, far exceeding,
what's copped to in our schools, we're reading.
Why, consider temples strongly made, 
but ruined in *disasters*—razed!  
First? Built to face a rising Sol... 
...upon its solstice one is told... 
a line configured for encryptions
strange conjunctions, and eclipses
They knew their seasons—knew a year
divided by their days of fear!
A number of "the circle" WAS ... 
nine times forty—works it does! 
All the numbers (apart from seven) 
turn three sixty 'round the heavens! 
They weren't stupid, knew their stuff
why: to make damned sure they'd food enough!
Here's the point, and listen closely, 
the temples are rebuilt—some, mostly
Still not stupid, they display
that temple turned... degrees away!
The sun has moved (?), and turned right back (!); 
as if come up in some other track!  
The Sun's inconstant; is that true?  
How's that get passed a peer review?
Temples moved to follow suns 
in shifting solar dances FROM... 
locations they had held for years
though when Suns moved... it kindled fear!
Kingdoms were reduced in thunder... 
populations quaked at wonders... 
Earth and Mars indeed contrived... 
to meet in space and coincide?!
Folks would think they'd seared their souls!  
Despite their sacrifice, God scolds!  
God "moved," in turn, "the sun around," 
e'en "stopped it dead" as one had found!  
The reader knows the sun's unmoved; 
the supposition's Earth was moved...
Science's shocked, and then dismisses... 
sundials that don't work... as *misses*—
errors that our elders made, 
in ignorance that they'd put paid. 
A year, in days, three sixty-five 
(a quarter, change, to keep it right?). 
That's the way it's "always been" (!), 
and any more's a "drooling grin"?
Science smirks so glowingly
like they've the answers, knowingly
like we can TRUST those "at the trough" 
to tell us when "enough's enough":
"Scientists are... just not Science" 
these pretend their self-reliance. 
"Science is a path we use 
to keep the facts for firm review. 
Thesis and antithesis
we test these out for synthesis."
That becomes a brand new "posit" 
searching for its opposite. 
This is found and onward bound—
repeated, scored , and checked... found "sound." 
Continued to some far refrain, 
we'd hope some meager TRUTH remains!
You think that I confuse these two? 
You think it's me who misconstrues? 
But no, good friend—and just BECAUSE 
it's science IS as science DOES, 
that we will stay down on our knees, 
to hide the skies, and NOT be free!
You just mouth an old refrain,
a cloak you wear to hide the stain
These are just mere words to you—
to "stonewall's" what you really do!
You can't search the scary skies 
without assumptions you've contrived 
to keep on feeding at a trough 
that keeps you down and clueless—lost
You can't mean your snide derision, 
blame it on the imposition 
of our leaders, un-elected, 
who remain so... undetected.
Who is hidden? Who betrays? 
What grand secret haunts our days?
What will all our futures bring? 
Gracious bounty?  ...Or, slaps and stings?



Main-streamer lapdog Dr. Gary Posner, an MD, is a go-to guy for soporific platitudes salving threatened if contrived sensibilities. Additionally, he is the less than intrepid, imagination-less, numbingly tedious, and wholly uninspiring "cult leader" of the Tampa Bay Skeptics. Dr. Posner writes the following in "Faulty Sense of Reality", published in "Skeptical Inquirer" (so immediately suspect), 3(2), p. 79"...

[Believers in the paranormal may be] afflicted with a thought disorder that manifests in... a faulty sense of reality... [their] irrational behavior... may be more compatible with a diagnosis of ambulatory schizophrenia... than with mere naivete.

...Less stealthily nasty than when you bang all the hot-points together, eh? The nastiness, contrarily, comes out plain. ...But Posner's patronizing bit, tapping-out-the-comfy-pipe on a rugged shoe heel lugubriousness... is handily, if less visibly, debunked itself.  To wit: One Brian Zeiler writes;
So, once again, we see the basic pseudoscientific line of argumentation of the "skeptics": instead of addressing the claims with the specificity demanded of the scientific method and the protocols of logical debate, Posner chooses to assert that his opponents suffer from a pathological medical condition, a bold claim for which Posner apparently has no burden of proof. Posner, a self-styled "skeptic" forgets that in science, criticisms of claims must be specific, not vague attacks—much less vague attacks on mental stability.

Posner, like most "skeptics
," will cloak the shocking irrationality of his amazingly pseudoscientific claim in the holy robes of "science," thus lending a false sense of scientific legitimacy to an approach more consistent with witch hunts and crowd madness than with the scientific methodology which he ironically claims to defend. In reality, he only denigrates that which he purports to promote.

Thank you, Posner, for illustrating the essence of "skepticism" in a way that is highly effective in discrediting any sense of objectivity and scientific rationality that you might have hoped to enjoy. Of course, your fellow skeptic cult members will simply laugh and congratulate you, but that's only to be expected.

How did the scientific community morally deteriorate to such a level where base instinct overrides the logical faculties? Posner's comments are the antithesis of scientific methodology and logical debate, yet CSI[COP] promotes such intolerable, fanatical viewpoints nevertheless, all while cloaking their zealous agenda of dogmatic fascism in the ruse of objective science.

Brian Zeiler


Not all THAT overstated, eh? Spot effin' on, actually! …And so it goes as one wonders what a scientist really is.  Just another "Priest" of a new kind of fundamentalism... or gravid psychopath not personally responsible for aggregate acts, consequences, and activities?  Do I repeat myself, I wonder.

See, it's not science. That's just a cloak some use.  Consider, "Science" would not remotely exist but for the jealously anxious practitioners of it.  Those persons with huge confidence and no conscience—all hubris sans the remotest humility.  The cruel wage of that hubris sans the remotest humility: Atomic bombs and Frankenfoods, just to start... Dr. Mengele was a scientist of the first water...

Sincerely, as I wrote above, science is as science does. Indeed, without the humanity officiating it, there is no science... which is after all a human invention, an idea wielded by humans for their own purposes facilitating self-interested ends.

Viewed from alienation: science is, at worst, an arguable ill, ill-wielded for ill? At best: too sure of itself? Too convinced that it be the default instrument of consideration even upon that which it refuses to remotely consider? Sir and madam!  There is your lunacy and, ironically, not in the "woo crowd," eh?

Consider, used in an identical manner, a hammer can be a building tool and a murder weapon. But it's still a hammer. Given circumstance, what's the saner use?  ...Rather slides around, that does... dunnit!

Speaking of being hammered: what's new in John Ford's miserably unjust existence... I've heard disturbing rumors I've not been able to qualify. Any news is appreciated.  Mr. Richard Smith, over to you?

Restore John Ford!

Friday, January 10, 2025

Ignorance Is Unblissful

Ignorance Is Unblissful
by Alfred Lehmberg

Ignorance was, is, and will ever be... unblissful. Full stop.

Is ignorance ever bliss? No.

Sincerely, reject "blissful ignorance" because it does not work, it does
not respect you, and it seems to prove, invariably, that it's only a mechanism for the control of your energies and your efforts on projects or activities that you, a result of design, are not well informed about... and by someone apart and unconcerned with you, citizen: an object they can only see as a mark or a dupe. 

Seriously, to let an individual go blithely along in an ignorance that suits the manipulator and not the individual... is to communicate an ongoing lie and is a trammeling of all ethics! You are being lied to if others know better, and don't tell you. That's a lie by omission, not informed consent. That is duplicity and obfuscation and I would be expected to be jailed or otherwise discredited if it was me engaged in that behavior...

Verily! Has it not ever been pompously intoned that "It is folly to be wise when ignorance is bliss"? ...But, you see, that old proverb makes an assumption that continued ignorance equals continued bliss, and this is just not the case

Ignorance, from my experience, can be bliss... but, only for the shortest of short terms... so, valueless! In the real world there is always a premium paid for ignorance, and that bill must eventually come due. 

In the real world, ignorance equals loss, injustice, sickness, and failure... abject failure... failure to grow, failure to achieve, and failure to make meaningful progress! Truly, as we have been advised by giants... the only life worth living is the examined one! The conclusion? Ignorant bliss is a tragic booby-trap where the individual concerned is unaware that his primrose path is a minefield!

Ignorance... it's never served THIS aging citizen. There has only ever been error and loss with its inclusion, even tragedy, reader, resulting from the "ignorances" tolerated that we'll shortly regard. Willful ignorance? Twice as bad. There's a lot of that about now... 

Anyway, no one was ever served by their ignorance, only betrayed and left out, short-changed and short-sheeted. ...Sure, not knowing the asteroid was going to hit until it did may seem fine on its face, but what was that, really, but a missed opportunity to set some things right, howsoever futilely, before you passed? 

It was time you could have had, denied... Time to do something "important"... something that you could have done. ...Hell, tell the wife you love her one more time... or buy that pack of cigarettes you've been craving for a decade... how blissful would any of that be at our asteroidal passing?

To the chase, at last? Well, gird loins! 

Last century, I was at best ambivalent (...when I wasn't hostile!) to gays, on the whole, and the whole transgender-smear-of-one's-sexual-identity issue. "Gayness" was aberrant poppycock, I'd viscerally (if baselessly) felt... completely ignorant on the issues. 

No. It was "choice,"* it was socially "proscribed," it was "threatening," it was "wrong..." I was so sure... my respected Dad was havin' none of it, and an adored Grandad, a high school principal (In 1950s Texas!), was of a mind and once observed to me that homosexuality had been key in destroyed Rome (...nothing about the purposeful corruption of the middle class by the upper class perpetrated with a series of psychotic barracks emperors...)!

Why, I even thought it might be a good idea to burn books defending homosexuality! ...And that was actually the beginning bit of a turning point for me. I'd had some education on the history of book burning and book burners. Book burners have NEVER come out on the correct side of issues in contention, in fact, they have ever held us back as a species, even, when Alexandria and some razed Moslem libraries are recalled and considered...

I recall "thinking," ...buffered by erroneous societal conventions (example: every "gay" guy in a film was a bad guy?)..." How can a real guy be attracted to another guy where women are available to them? I'd called that "reasoned." 

Oh, and by the way, it was ok with girls together... that was fine [wink-wink nudge-nudge]... highly desirable if on the sly... and still "wrong." That hypocrisy went wholly unrecognized.

...But still, I'd "wondered," how could a woman genuinely prefer another woman to a man?! It must be a pathology or an aberrational mental sickness... I'd rationalized all this, wholly unaware of any of the facts on the issue. One can be reminded of the toxic phrase "Your body, my choice," at this point... that's where all the aforementioned goes...

...Yeah, the gays would be cat-called and terrorized, beat up—killed even! That was terrible, but hey... they kinda brought it on themselves for making their "nastiness" public... right? ...And it "remained"... that it was kind of an affront to "decency," right? Consider, you don't want the kids to see it, right? They'd ask questions... ...right?!

...But I aspired to ongoing education, too, one real in the real world! I wanted to be able to provide sound citations for my bigotry, logical "justifications" for my prejudice... legitimate "reasons" for my chauvinism. ...I'd performed a similar exercise with Jews... wanted to justify my low-grade antisemitism. That would blow up in my face, too. Truly, I really should have learned my lesson, then... this was exposure to cosmic truths! I wished I'd taken the lesson better. To wit?

"Always be prepared to have everything you "know" found to be entirely wrong, wrong-minded, and wrong-hearted! One must be prepared to have their "convictions" challenged, always. Be prepared, always, to change to that necessary course, one more sentient and constructive, but endeavor to adapt to and to overcome... always? Your ignorance? 

Cut to that chase aforementioned: biology, anthropology, psychology, history, and record of performance, cogent primary histories, personal associations, and science, anatomy and genetics... albeit! This is an essay map of certifications.

Come to find? Well, the short version is that homosexuality (or alternative sexuality) is an organic hard wire psychologically damaging to change... arbitrarily... just like the downsides incurred as a result of criminalizing eye color or handedness... skin color? It's the way things are, that's what was revealed to me! 

Moreover? It is something not remotely countered by wholly unsupportable religious concerns, as uninformed as they are (and have been!) hypocritical... grinders of superstitious axes as narrow-minded as they are unreasonable! Now?

Ignorance! Rejected out of hand as a counter to sense, sensibility, and a sensible society of efficaciousness, efficiency, and enlightened elevation, boy howdy! That's the read from an unbiased social science of many decades, cited and peer-reviewed, earnest professionals trying to get the issues RIGHT and correct... ...'K? ...'K.

Gay is OK, was the Gestalt conclusion! Good persons swell their ranks even as good persons complement the ranks of others in the "Queer" category, who also have entirely natural orientations and preferences. Pedophilia? We don't fuck our kids because they are justifiably adjudged as being unable to give informed consent to sexual activity. We'll move on.

I opted for the rainbow-colored picture to show solidarity with a needed sea change, not be on a bandwagon. There is much to be singular and original about, showing solidarity with this cultural change from a sexually bigoted society to one unbigoted is for the good, is the feeling of this writer, and may he remain to be one with them, still.

Any other view on the biological smear of life's very fluid "sexuality expression" is as uninformed as it is deconstructive and as insultingly Pharisaic as it is corrosively toxic. Dangerously... willfully uninformed. ...Needlessly divisive. So, evil, even. That's not a bridge too far.

Clearly... people are not perceiving the need to stay off one another's asses, more. Verily! We must reject the popular impetus to embrace our exterior AND baseless divisivenesses... and reject any uncalled-for demand that we BE unnecessarily divided! That seems good societal sense!

We are some 350 million souls living in one monstrously complex society! The administration of that society requires talent and expertise which the new fascist right has not paid off on, in the manner that they have promised, for decades! The only faction paying off for the people (in an economy that is the envy of the world!) is the left. 

What else is the left telling us? Well, topping the list? Authoritarian fascism must be as detested as it is resisted, and as resented as it is reviled. Second? Stay off your neighbor's ass for baseless bupkis!

...But what of the offense, the shock, and the shame throwing off and discounting one's personal ignorance? Well, in the first place? It's not always offense, shock, and shame. In the second, there is, more often than not, joy beyond the shame, satisfaction beyond the shock, and fellowship, good reader, beyond the offense. 

Whatever the outcome? Personal growth was had, and as we all know, when you stop growing you start dying

Closing, I'm sure glad I was able to clear up some of my own ignorant rubbish before that aforementioned asteroid hit... though, let's face it. We've all our own personal asteroids. Read on.


*...You know what's a "choice"? Being willfully stupid... stupid against all cited evidence, real experience, and good sense.

Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...