
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Saturday, March 15, 2025

"F" You!

You know who you are!
We'd rather live what's real and suffer
tied to "wheels" and rent asunder
slapped by fate and brought down low
before we'd chance the path you show.
You've ever earned our disrespect. 
You have performed in glad neglect, 
and lacking bruises for your shame 
you prosecute to shift the blame!
This explains why we've no trust 
and why we're filled with rank disgust. 
See, trust is what you would betray 
as from our bones our flesh you'd flay!
So, we're compelled to our expressions
we'll call it our provoked obsession. 
It satisfies and sustains, thus 
even as it frets and pains us! 
See, we'd proffer we're no longer fooled... 
by what you'd teach in canted schools!
Too, we know that we're mere "bugs" to you; 
We know that you can crush ustrue... 
We know you'd swat uslike a fly
and instantly forget we died.
Still, we bare our sweating chests 
and DARE your "best-shot" as our test!  
"F" you and your bully pulpit!  
"F" you and your shiftless profit!  
"F" you, you can make a "gesture" 
and—in conjecture—provide our censure!
Though, that won't make you less a thug
a common psychopathic slug
It won't leave you that much richer, 
fill your bellydraw your pitcher
It won't keep your fear at bay. 
It won't make us go away
We come backanother form! 
We are your unrest!  The storm!
Conspiracy? It lives and breathes! 
It's but a symptom of disease 
betraying us to keep us backward
at the whim of brigands ... bastards!  
Persons not unlike yourself... 
"right-wing swine"; but, we repeat ourselves.
We're awash in "its" convenience; 
numbed and bullied, we won't see "it." 
We don't stand on solid ground, 
'cause culture is contrivedunsound
Why, we could go right up in smoke, 
a killer bug or comet, folks!
We won't even cop to truth 
that all admit corrupts our youth
See, YOU'RE content to build more jails 
where righteous scholarship is failed, 
plus YOU'RE so mean you'd fill that prison, 
slavery "up to date"your mission!?
See? You want mere DUMMIES crossing you 
to keep their threat, then, minuscule...  
A smarter mob provides no service.  
They contrive to make you nervous! 
We don't matter! We never did! 
We're 'tissues' "used" with which you're "rid"!
Keep us stupid, wrapped in "sports," 
producing brand new "guns" and "forts"... 
'till those of us provide excuse
are ash-canned like those tissues used...
We're not important. We don't matter
just mere motes, but we heat water.  
Kept alive and "left alone" 
until we "threaten"then we're "mown."
We'd look UP superfluous
We are sentient, so you "drug us"... 
...with the newest "Action film," 
"Super Bowls," or some "scandal's" filth.
It seems to us the systems made 
to keep us stupid, slavesafraid
and we perceive it clear and fine 
that no thing's done that's not contrived! 
It's smoke and mirrors, spin and dazzle 
...keeps one guessing, hungry ...hassled
 ... keeps us *working*, buying *stuff* 
that wears too fastit's not enough!
Perhaps "it's best we suffer this" 
to keep an edge that makes YOU rich?  
Perhaps we need "too many people" 
to "pick and choose" fromjust "cut" the "feeble"? 
Perhaps we should avoid the stars
retreat from space, imbibe at "bars," 
and live our lives in hapless squalor, 
...so you can live the "good-life""father"?
The "haves" control the "have-nots" then
that's the way it's always been. 
The "have-nots" cannot get ahead
were they to "try" they'd be "shot dead."
...But NOW we'd speak to everyone! 
The word gets out, and words are guns
Ideas at the speed of light 
are reaching out to brighten night! 
Everyone's a "TV station"
not regulated? A CELEBRATION! 
...And we can read the words of many 
unfiltered by the censor's plenty. 
We don't have to wait for answers! 
We can "find," and "cure," our "cancers"!
We re-grasp our very lives
Yes! Snatch them back from men despised
...Men, who first, despising us...
so proving they'd betray our trust
enriched themselves at our expense 
by prosecuting that said offence!
It's hard enough to hoe their row 
if you've been blessed with any dough. 
It's hard to laugh or see the sky, 
or "sit around" and wonder *why*!  
Your struggle is travail and strife
so fear and terror should rule your life?!
It's difficult when so distracted 
by the price the man's exacted... 
when he's forced you to be born
 in ignorance... ...that he suborns
There is much that he pretends. 
What he hides upsetsoffends, 
and YOU, distracted, harriedbothered
...are used like so much cannon fodder.
Disrespected, and ignored 
(...until you bother "priests" and "lords"...). 
You blithely do their *earnest* bidding, 
ignore the saucers (leapingflitting!), 
and place your nose upon their stones 
and grind, for them, your powdered bones.
We ALL could sit on righteous thrones! 
Autonomy is ours alone! 
We have earned it in the way 
we're brought into this world... to PAY.
Much "respected" before we're born— 
we're birthed to find the real horn! 
Then we're scourged as we discover 
disrespect is then "recovered," 
and treated like we're vermin—LICE 
we're snatched away— from paradise!  
Yes! Prenatal: good to go, though, 
postnatal kids hoe different rows! 
Worse, we don't have a "wit" or "clue" 
that what we're handed's "bent askew*"! 
We ignore our homelessness, 
we rape the Earth (!), but I digress. 
We can't earn our elevation
can't provide for our progression.  
So we take the "shortcuts" there, 
attempting to then get somewhere!
We're mired in a mud of malice
hate is rampant, hot, and callous! 
Schools are nurseries for that hatred
crowded, dirty, and outdated.
We despoil "the man's" perdition, 
will make him wallow late contrition, 
and *He* shall wander marked, despised, 
when folks become awareget wise
and drive him from his airy reaches... 
those hateful... errant sons of bitches...

To all of these involved and due?
A heartfelt and well-meant "F" you!
You're the cause of what's endured!
You've left us lost and uninsured!
We've bigger fish to fry than you!
Again, with meaning! Friend? "F" you!

*This is a result of the public un-education system, neatly, and we've "culture" to thank. See, we're human and we get what we want! Currently (and disastrously!), Stupid is what we want! This citizen observes that "STUPID" has had it run! Observe it, don't "spin" it yourselves; what has been gained?! 

Salacious Rumors for cited and peer-reviewed facts? The insane and insensible sectarian for a fair and equitable secular? Christo-Nazi fascism for the aspiration to egalitarian and progressive democracy? Some fervid and divisive political insentience for the ambition to a thoughtful and inclusive political sentience? ...Hate for Love? Observe!



"Conspiracy? It lives and breathes"! 

Big ones—just around the corner, behind a tent flap, or hidden in plain view, and certainly not for your own "good," reader. Believe that meme at your peril.  Culture:  not friend or ally.

Restore John Ford!

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...