Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!
Friday, October 30, 2015
The Center Of The Universe
...Is consciousness.
I believe we're, each of us, the center of the universe... in a Universe of many, many centers. Attendant to that, each of us is subject to the most extreme and unendurable loneliness... You don't believe that?
Acquire some "immune deficiency," be gay in a straight and hostile microcosm, or fall agnostically outside some religious clique in the bible belt.
Get leprosy. Declare yourself a Liberal in a Red State.
No, you ~are~ alone. Eight, or eighty? Blind, crippled or crazy? Riding, walking... crawling? Alone. "Alone enroute to the alone" as it has been written. That's why any love shared, as was noted by Terence McKenna and Robert Anton Wilson on their deathbeds, is so important. Nothing else has value at the end.
Further, as you perceive your multi-verse from this conjectured center perspective, your meager senses collate conflicting information to collude some kind of interpretation of it all... an interpretation that you can live with, frankly, without too much ulceration or illness. Don't hold your breath. Your interpretation is likely false. Cognitive Dissonance won't shore you up forever or at all.
It's all happening to you, after all. It's you to endure the "slings and arrows"... even if to only to be aware of the slings and arrows endured by an adjacent neighbor. "Island status" is unachievable even if not preferred, and the bell remains to "toll for thee," alone, regardless.
Some people have some small support for their lonely fragility. Many do not. Pause to count any blessings. I shall.
Face it, reader! It has never been the “rag-heads” and the “crackers” and the “niggers” and the “spics”, and the “hebes...” All that is, is confabulating smokescreen... a bald mechanism of distraction to focus an individual on meaningless trifles so those same individuals won't see UFOs hovering right over their own leaf-bagged heads!
It’s just you, reader, and you alone... targeted (for all practical purposes), provoked to forget that which perhaps watches stealthily from those UFOs many sincere people are seeing every single day... What's a UFO? Well that the thing, isn't it. We don't know and so most deny... apart from the person honest with themselves who reasons reasonably that they are very much there, and decidedly. I digress.
Reality? You buy in! You decide! You process and collate and make your choice!
Without reason, we give in to the hate! We refuse to forgive and forget. We put the derision and bad will in the minds of our children as a function of simply standing silent. We allowed or otherwise facilitated the creation of a black-ops government stubbornly and officiously operating outside all our control. We allowed the national debt to sail into the trillions. We mortgaged our future to the meter man so he could attach his chain to the ring in our nose! We may even be the one throwing trash from our bleeding cars! Rest assured it's us keeping the saucers from landing and enlightenment at bay.
You may be coerced and misled or even driven and forced, perforce... but you acquiesce; you submit. You give in. You allow...
Change relevant gears, reader, and consider what Henry Beston wrote in 1928... consider humankind is, too, that singular animal too filled with hubris and arrogance as you read his words.
"We need another, wiser, and perhaps more mystical concept of animals. Remote from universal nature, and living by complicated artifice, man and civilization surveys the creature through the glass of his limited knowledge, and sees, thereby, a feather magnified, and the whole image in distortion. We patronize them for their incompleteness, for their tragic fate of having taken form so far below ourselves ... and therein we err, and greatly err. For the animal shall not be measured by man. In a world older, and more complete than ours they move finished, and complete, gifted with extensions of the senses we have lost, or never attained ... living by voices we shall never hear... They are not property; they are not underlings! They are other nations, caught with ourselves in the net of life and time ... fellow prisoners of the splendor and travail of the Earth."
"...Kind’a makes another point, too, don’t he"?
What brand of respect are you showing for the splendor and travail of the earth and by extension... the multiverse? How far above the animals and existentiality do you think you are?
Dominion can only mean stewardship, brothers, and sisters, anything else is psychopathy! Caretaker, not plunderer! Friend, not master! Hand, not fist! Light, not darkness! Mammal not reptile! Perhaps others of the multiverse have internalized this where we have only ever prosecuted the meager pretense for same...
To those a billion years forward of us, what are we (you) but a barely remarkable if somewhat messy and unfinished experiment? What are our Nav-Starred SUVs to that which travels thought-quick between the stars?
There is our reluctance and our cowardly unwillingness; can you see it? Moreover, I suspect that the capability alluded to is all within reach even if it is not presently within our grasp, reader. That's my suspicion.
...And while true that there is no "I" in team, there is a "me" if you're flexible with regard to letter order. ...Or willing to consider the subject obliquely. That's right.
Read on.
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