
Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

"The Phoenix Lights"

This geospatial animation created by Larry Lowe
recreates the flight path of an enormous triangular craft 
flying over Phoenix and penetrated Sky Harbor airspace. 

Dr. Lynne Kitei And The "The Phoenix Lights"
by Alfred Lehmberg

I'd hoped Dr. Kitei had adequate security...

As for myself, I was ready to flex my ufological bungee cords once again!  Cleats and hardware were metaphorically magnafluxed, cords were checked and treated, and kevlar rip-stop anklers were snuggly fitted around my demure jumper's mukluks! My preflight was complete.  All the required equipment necessary to live to fight another day is prepared for action!  Let's roll!

I might shoot myself from a cannon for this one. It seems I may be justified after all.  All in, I sense lift out there in the hoary reaches of that unending space provided.

A running leap into a ufological abyss does seem appropriate given the confluences of conspicuous circumstances in—and out of—a 'painstream' so disturbed and distorted by corruption and dishonesty that it can, and only fallaciously, be referred to as a 'mainstream' anymore, at all. Compared to GOP media it's a beacon of journalistic light, still, a sincere new light is communicated to me by Dr. Kitei through the "official" and obfuscating smog.

But, what 'confluences' and 'conspicuous circumstances' am I talking about? 

I think Dr. Kitei perceives the following, too.  Swirling together into serendipitous if unusual conjunction, and accelerating as they swirl, are cutting edge discoveries in the physical sciences, theologies, psychologies, and philosophies et sig al. This is compounded and multiplied by information technology, communicational ease and efficiency, high-speed data transfer, and massive data storage. All of the preceding is further compounded as a result by the realization of more and more individual folks, all the time: the 'official' versions of 'how things are' may not serve their best interests.

They don't, you know.  They never have at any rate. Certainly not this century.

Our socio-biological cultural view is stubbornly and irrationally homocentric and therefore, I suspect, wide of the mark.   We'd be much better off culturally, I'm thinking, socially functioning under auspices that we were, and decidedly, not alone in the expanding "multi-verse."  ...Out of shame if nothing else...

Think about it.  Our manufacturing base is geared to quick profit-taking, planned obsolescence, environmental pollution, and energy wastage. How can that not be, therefore, wrong?  We'd be well served by energy-saving hybrid automobiles built well enough to be heirlooms rather than rusting heaps replaced every few years. 

Our facile education system is contrived to mass-produce blandly docile employees instead of critical thinkers and is therefore erroneous!  Our reflex denial of multiple levels of ufological evidence, from the physical through the photographic to the historical and the personal seems abundantly mistaken.  Summing up, we're wrong, wrong, and wrong—a slow, agonizing, and fretful demise for all humanity must await us. Now... that's "choice."

Verily, we resist our cultural evolution and upcoming birth like we've dug in spiked boot-heels from the womb side of our evolutionary cervix!  Consummated, this is a metaphor demanding misery and death for all concerned, surely.  Moreover, it is clear that the "many" presently suffer... for these convenient boot-heels of the duplicitous 'few' in reflexive and self-facilitating denial. Coal and Oil are spiked boot heels, but I digress.

Once upon a time, though, it may be that Dr. Kitei is in a position to apply a little humanistic 'jiffy-lube' to those aforementioned boot-heels.  Cosmic midwives might, hopefully, be standing at the ready.

Dr. Lynne Kitei?  She is an internationally acclaimed physician and health educator, a leading professional in the "cutting-edge era" of early disease detection and prevention, and was Chief Clinical Consultant at the—world-renowned!—Arizona Heart Institute's Imaging/Prevention/Wellness Center in Phoenix, Arizona.  

Additionally, Dr. Kitei has appeared as the resident health reporter for the NBC TV affiliates in Philadelphia, PA and in Phoenix, Arizona, as the medical consultant for KPHO TV News in that city. She has been featured on USA Cable, FOX TV News (...she can be forgiven for that, I suppose...), and MSNBC. Dr. Kitei also wrote and appeared, all over the world, in more than a hundred informational health segments on television.

Oh... and yes... while a genuine skeptic and in no way 'looking' for them at the start, she has seen more than a few... UFOs.  That's right.

On the night of March 13, 1997, in Phoenix, Arizona, a plethora of sober persons (numbered in the thousands!) were outside, anyway, to cage a look at the still very mysterious Hale-Bopp comet... then in the evening sky.  An infamous comet was not the only thing in the firmament that night!  This other thing alluded to was also witnessed by many thousands. 

Truth.  Lynne Kitei was one of those thousands.

What she saw and photographed was to change her life completely, cause her to reassess her entire worldview, and then bravely risk a substantial reputation to make some kind of sense of what she and many, many others had witnessed on that fateful night.  She remains glad, I think, that she's buckled up for the ride.

She was naturally very curious, right off the bat, about this... huge occurrence!  When she made casual inquiries about same, altogether rational inquires I add, she was rebuffed, mildly ridiculed, lied to, made the butt of insulting sarcasm, and otherwise assiduously stonewalled!  Dr. Kitei is a scientist you see, and a suspect "status quo" was ill-served when it tried to shine her on... at the beginning of a quest imposed upon her. She didn't seek this out. It found her.

...Authoritarians never learn, do they!  They never see that their disrespectfully repressive approach is always their eventual undoing.  Mash something down 'here', and it only pops up over 'there'... just meaner for the mashing.  I digress...

The stonewallers tried to blow-off the wrong lady, indeed, friends and neighbors.  A scientist like I said, she was also well keyed into professional media production, was a medical doctor's "talking-head" on NBC, and at one time she was even featured in a film with Nicolas Cage... 

Can you smell, 'connected', good reader?  Are you starting to rub your hands together, as I have?  This lady has connected teeth in addition to substantial chops.  I popped real corn for the occasion!

See, Dr. Kitei took a hard 90-degree turn right into enigma's yawning maw and, end-running the whole of our fatuous 'officialdom', refocused on her new goal of finding out what the hell was going on about these UFOs by encountering them directly head-on! She's very obviously strapped in for this bumpy ride, had fixed her sextant on this new "star to steer by", and hauled her ample mainsail.  Her colors fly, reader, 13 years later!

Dr. Kitei is a scientist like I said.  She didn't see a weird light in the sky and then run off to join a crystal squeezing 'boojum' cult to say beads and worship runes (...with all respect to Boojum crystal squeezers, bead Sayers, and rune worshippers everywhere...).  No, she did her homework; she studied the evidence; she interviewed the vetted principals. 

She reviewed the skeptical opposition she'd too blithely accepted before. She did her research, brothers and sisters, yea and verily! As seems usual, the "conventional wisdom" falls short.

A new world literally exploded around her.  She began to suspect she was no longer—had never been, actually—in Kansas, and Auntie "M" (...cubed?) was a myth nowhere to be found! 

There'll be no heel-clicking return from this Oz.  Besides, who'd want to?  As the reader may recall, a multicolored Oz was preferable, preferential, and more fully-featured with potentiality than Dorothy's grayscale Kansas dust-bowl.  Speaking for myself, I'd opt to stay in Oz.  Another digression. 

Dr. Kitei, to continue, was flatly amazed at the startling quality and abundant quantity of the evidence readily available for study!  A bona fide scientist, so you don't forget, she realized that there is really no such thing as "proof" actually, only evidence, only ever 'evidence'... that one individual will accept over another individual as "proof."  That 'subjectivity' remains to be the foundation of the final 'objectivity'... is a strange twist of irony... but, reach exceeds grasp or what's a heaven for,  sages advise?

She was absolutely stunned to discover the number of quality persons who report, at risk, the activities and actions of these strangely enigmatic lights and anomalous objects... objects steadfastly refusing to go away!  ...And Persons exist, good reader, Dr. Kitei discovers, who are too many times dashed by an errant system on seemingly indifferent shoals of the mainstream's abject and inexplicable DENIAL... of anything ufological, zeno-archeological, and historically revisionistic, or remotely investigative of the darkly powerful. ...More to heaven and earth and what-not.

She was outraged, I suspect, to discover the head-in-the-sand, derisively mannered, and deleterious approbations from the top-level government, jet-setting corporate, or larded establishment church wheels concerning UFOs!  It became clear to her that, to this point, and for all the pain—and death—of some brave and intelligent ufological worthies, ufological considerations by the conflicted mainstream were data driving and not, remotely, data-driven.  Lies prevailed, not truth.  It only got worse as we all know.

I can't speak for Dr. Kitei, but I suspect that her disappointment upon this gestalt realization of ongoing betrayal was, to say the least, profound... I imagine this disappointment was followed by angered resentment at being so manipulated, duped, and otherwise shined on her whole life by the duplicitous establishment...  I may be projecting somewhat... [g].

Regardless, she's in a round of UFO Hold'em and already dealt a couple of aces, considering her reputation and education, and knowing that her opponents in the game have nothing but small cards in different suits, or, nothing, that is to say, she's exuberated to play with the idea of going "all in" as the game progresses... it would seem!

This is, I detect, because she can prove the "Flop," predict the "Turn" card, and has already divined the "River," I'm betting.  The only way a mendacious opposition wins now is to lie, cheat, and steal... convince the water-heating masses they disrespect that UFOs are facile fantasy and anyone who wastes time on them is SICK, LYING, or LAZY... 

Just thinking out loud... What could be made up out of whole cloth about the good Doctor Kitei to provide the rain for this refreshing parade she's, perhaps, launched at the grassroots about UFOs?  What character attacks must she stoically endure in the future?

Kitei may prove to be a rallying standard around which physicists can consort with philosophers and theologists can collaborate with humanists.  It would be tres' convenient for the status quo if she would "get out" of the UFO business, I expect.

Her detractors are well behind the credibility curve and lose more supporting relevancy every day while Kitei has already filled her sails with a righteous east wind and can easily out-boat this bloated and illogical squall of card-carrying reflex debunkers, and tack away from the cloying insinuations of pelicanist Sturm and klasskurtxian Drang.  She's already produced the 'book' and couched that written explication with a video 'documentary' that was unsurpassed with regard to data following sincerity, legitimately compelling production values, and an all-enriching inspirational optimism for our unfolding future... if we let it unfold that is.

And such a film it is...

This just mentioned film is a first-rate production of one of the most startling ufological accounts of our time... "The Phoenix Lights"... an account very similar to other accounts from the past which have been chronicled by vetted human beings—even if ignored—for as long as we have been able to put pen to paper and even burnt stick to cave wall...

...Even before Christ!   Even before Buddha!  Even before Moses...before Krishna... before Osiris, Marduk, and El Al... all the way back to Enki and Enlil and beyond.  We're not only not alone, reader... we've never been "alone."

Moreover, Doctor Kitei attempts to take a few more bravely unpopular steps out on that ufological limb, forgetting for a moment that someone has to make the traverse because that's where the informational and nutritional fruit and berries are... 

The Doctor, respected reader, is open to 'optimism' concerning this 'thing'... yes.

She is energized by this thing.  She is inspired by this thing.  She is as reassured as she is excited by this thing.  So are others interviewed, good reader. Optimism has a flag flying, for sure.

This thing has improved her values, enhanced her already very satisfying (I suspect) existence, reinvented her focus, and widened her views.  Dusk becomes a new dawn, verily.  She's in excellent company.  Many more were similarly affected. 

Thusly, Dr. Kitei is truly in a position to lance the boil of our aggregate ignorance, and so has become a dangerous woman.  Dangerous to who?  Who are these?  Just who are "they"?  Let's talk about 'them' briefly.

"They" are... ...the privileged arbitrary, the unelected, and far too many of the elected.  

"They," are those who have, and having had, would keep on having despite an aggregate detriment to the common good of those who "have not."  

"They," are in possession of information that would credit or be to the advantage of anyone who knew, specifically outlining why most know not.

"They" are the 'secret keepers'. 

"They" are the jealous manipulators of the mainstream. 

"They" are the ardent covetous who encourage bland employees while they discourage critical thinkers.  

"They" are the ones with suspicious agendas, duplicitous plans, and secret programs.  

"They" are the 'few' willing to profit, egregiously, at the expense of the 'many'.  

"They" are above the law, outside reasonable ethics, practice a sociopathic amorality, and hold the many enthralled... but beneath their privileged contempt...

If raw news has any relevancy in these tumultuous times, these precepts are obvious. ...Not to put too fine a point on it.  To wit: The preceding are not persons to lightly be "dangerous" to; one might readily agree...

So, I hope Dr. Lynne has good security...  as at this point, she is just what the doctor ordered,  even as her efforts put her head way up over the berm and her hull well out of defilade... I'd admonished her to keep her 'eyes' open. 

She's been an inspiration to me, and you too, I'm betting, if you'd ever had a look.  Remember, she's got the Hold, the Flop, the Turn, and the River!

The ufological pot seems hers for the taking...  That's enough...

...Anybody have a cannon?

...News and info on her startling book and stunning documentary can be found at:

Read on!

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Grok In Fullness


Errol Bruce-Knapp, of UFO UpDates, Strange Days — Indeed, the Virtually Strange Network... ...and the coiner of the expression ...