Critical Prose & Poetic Commentary regarding UFOs and their astonishing ancillaries, consciousness & conspiracy, plus a proud sufferer of orthorexia nervosa since 2005!
Better start looking for ways to give it up and give it back... or prepare to get it on—Corporate Amerika! Judgment's comin'!
Verily, "Let's get ready to Rum-blllllllllllllllllllle"!
Listen! "As a result of the [Civil] war, corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow... until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and... the Republic is destroyed." — Abraham Lincoln was to have said in 1864.
The Supreme Court had more recently allowed, f'n 5 to 4, as to how all those "Lincoln forsworn" corporations, these sons of soulless corpocracy, these bloody-lipped pecuniary pirates—can do all that and more while on the "up and up" and the "fair and square," too! The middle class shrivels, falters, and dies, ignobly, like the more people-oriented Republic giving birth to it.
Corporations have long been treated as a kind of legal "individual" much like any single human being, (to unfairly limit liability!) but now, without regard to any sense of appropriate scale, they are legally the "same" as you and me, reader: able to sway their mal-scaled will in any way within the "law," now conveniently dictated to by... them. TV's "The Boys," in actuality. Superpowered and perhaps immortal super-beings trucking with the rest of us as they will... for fun and profit.
FORGOTTEN, see, is that these corporations are comparative (by any stretch!) IMMORTAL "individuals" with unendingly deep pockets! They handily avoid an equal responsibility, equal accountability, equal dependability, equal blame-ability, or equal liability! Equal taxes is to laugh!
They are insentient reptiles, self-involved only! They are devoid of ethical conscientiousness or compassion because the human reptiles composing them—and serving them in some psychopathic multi-generational relay—are devoid themselves, in their aggregate, of any ethical conscientiousness or compassion but that imposed! See, if corporations are people? Texas would have executed, at least, one.
Here's an observation: why tolerate corporate "reptiles" where corporate "mammals" might be sought? More Costco; less Walmart.
Over-specialized and short-sighted Reptiles will always prefer the uber-conservative swamp serving them! Progressive mammals, on the other hand, can chance to inherit the farthest stars! I'd rather aspire to the efficacious chance aforementioned. I submit the reader might, too.
...Embrace the concrescence ... pierce the veil ... employ a forward escape! Beyond? The Kingdom! Let's embrace that as our own! It's but our collective choice to make it so. Consider how the choice of 81 million ironically trumps the choice of 74 million. We, the sensible aspiring to the efficacious, choose sense and efficacy, and it is so.
Like many, I’m abruptly removed, excluded… banned from what passes for a spot
on the world stage: Facebook. I won’t belabor any inordinate “unfairness” or
senseless “arbitrariness” provoked by some algorithmic boobytrap I triggered,
other than to say that when one becomes outraged by the outrageous one might
be provoked to further outrage! I offer that that speaks, and abundantly, to a less than abundant
At astonishing issue and provocation WAS a malicious declaration
of a mal-informed and conscienceless Religious hypocrisy by a craven enemy of
the inclusive American ideal. You know, selling: Browns down, Blacks back, Queers nowhere
near, and Women second tier. Those are the facts of history and conscience.
All this was revoltingly personified by a crass faux-Christian
media-vangelist, one Dave Hayes, a person entirely given over to salacious rumor,
wholly unsupported conspiracy theorizing, and some outdated and wholly discounted
superstition! Too, here is one pronouncing authoritatively, still, by way of
Facebook, his unctuous sermonizing on the callous need for the destruction of The United States (let that sink in!) as a Democratic Republic of working men and women, proud and
healthy men and women attempting to enjoy productive lives aspiring to real fairness
and enlightened efficacy in a sensible science-based world! This “media-person,”
this QAnon conspiracy theorist Mr. Hayes (aka "Praying Medic"), was belligerently
opposed to all that:
The suggestion he declares (on Facebook) is the not-so-thinly veiled
proposal that rendering our Republic over to a fascist Trumpian dictatorship of rabid
wolves and evil weasels was in our nation’s best interest... best path and practice going forward! Yes,
preying on one other in untenable little lives harboring no satisfaction but
mean survival, in abject rightlessness, and living only to despair? That was
the path forward!
It is ever a choice… …why, the question is begged…
yet, a choice, still. Hell is as close at hand as is heaven! Though, last but not least? This person criticized would DARE to foment an unrest in
America’s super-power military to achieve this end! Yes! The potentiality of some "just" Mutiny in the military is proposed!
Full stop by record scratch!
I found this outrageous and was outraged. I wrote “Hey,
Dave! Push a sock in that stuff or get your f'n wish, you vapid unamerican!” This was all I wrote. Bam! Three days in Facebook stir.
Let’s review the perplexing scene.
OK, for Dave Hayes’ glaring clarion
call for foul sedition and its fulsome encouragement for our military to lurid and
felonious mutiny... as God’s will... mutiny leading to the cruel soul-death and the
subjugation of our Nation to traitorous criminals and psychopathic scalawags? Well, I asserted that he should muffle such talk with a sock
stuffed into the provenance of that treason, the foulest treason (I remind the reader)... sputtered in such thoughtless
and obscene exclamation... that it deserved, at least, a sock! At least!
Further, I offered that were he to continue his unwarranted
and unconstitutional call for traitorous sedition and mutiny, he could have it his WAY and
our Nation actually be rendered to the banana-republic military dictatorship he
called for. Those always end so well; the reader can agree!
I closed with a terse assessment of his patriotism as one
wholly toxic, insipid, and tediously dull: “…You vapid unamerican,” I wrote, outraged and
disgusted. I’m a retired officer of the military, reader; I was Regular Army still on inactive roles! This writer knew about that which he was outraged! ...And disgusted!
…So, where is my sin? Can we understand that perhaps an
error or betrayal of a “law’s” spirit may have been made… right, wrong,
or indifferent, here, in this instance? That some laughable irony of injustice may
actually reward a clear traitor, credulous fascist, and unhingedseditionist,
Dave Hayes… but punish the person (me) outraged by same and moved to express that
outrage unthreateningly to said individual: a right-wing religious extremist down for Proud Boy mayhem and shouting
biased lies and mawkish distortions on public airwaves… a maleficent purveyor
of egregious stupefactions encouraging obvious disinformations, gonzo Q-insanities,
and other faithless faux-political mendacities… mendacities so sophomorically drawn from some cooperative toxi-rumor
of gladly ignored as contrary-to-agenda fact… that a sentient person’s
imagination is thrown over a wing-backed chair and rogered to in-sentience! Maybe
that’s the plan…
Outrageous, like I said, but he goes on, unmolested and sans
all sin, to spew his seditious sewage from a protected speech spot on Facebook’s
page or radio and television, still! And then we come to it…
There is no appeal for my dismissal! Dave has a TV and internet platform! I'm betting he's even blue-checked!
I’m booted off the
stage aforementioned, summarily, by, at best, an algorithm aping human anxiousness,
a soulless and reprogrammable machine of bland indifference, an insensate tool
of a sad number’s uncalculated if calculating mal-calculus, great on Newton's spin, rate
and charge… right? ...But sucking at Heisenburg's nuance, subtlety, emotional response, or humanity. That
was "at best," remember. At worst?
At worst, I am expulsed by a canted human ham-hand living a
life of untested and toxic hypocrisy switched out for faith, one embroiled of gravid hypocrisy in an
autocracy serving him or her but having their autocratic and inexorable heel
down on me and you. Yeah… it could be a lot worse, but it’s this, outlined here, that
puts us on the road to exactlythat... worse! That’s been this writer's experience!
See, in the words of the late Harlan Ellison, a person who would know my outrage, understand it, be similarly outraged, but then be
outraged anew at such an arbitrarily imposed inability to sensibly and even benignly express
that outrage in a public venue where it might be heard… where that provoking the outrageous
provokes the outrage in the first outrageous place, but then skips away untroubled? That's outrageous!
No, Facebook’s unbased, poorly foundationed, and unevenly applied "time-outs" for its supporters, meted out, domineeringly, so arbitrarily, autocratically, and nonsensically, sans all consistency and professional responsibility... as a juvenilely intimidating punishment to "hens and roosters" more largely supporting it (chilling reasonable dissent!), while letting the psychotic wolves and ferrets run free? That seems as cross-purposed to efficacy as it is prejudiced against a "best practice."
The subject was the touting of a seditious call for a military mutiny on public airways, the reader will recall. ...No lipstick for THAT pig.
“I have no mouth,” reader, “and I must scream.” Mr. Ellison
knew what I’m talking about! Wounded and in pain, I must scream... but I have no mouth! Not an untroubled and un-trifled one!
Thanks, and a hat-tip to Driftglass, suffering similar slings and arrows on Twitter, but for life... when his is the message of sanity you need to hear... not that risibly treasonous and seditious drivel of one Dave Hayes!
UFOs -are- here, first and foremost. Let's just get that out of the way, straight away. Tippy-toein' around this issue serves us, not. I mean, c'mon!
...And yes, it is as ever true that we now, as always, must suffer those "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune," those existential insults found in day-to-day existence... but we don't take arms against them by pretending they are not there!
Legitimate distractions of exterior "disease" or social strife in evidence around us? They are no excuse to "impacted back teeth" one might have on other pressing issues... even as they "avoid the dentist" or complicate those exterior diseases and threatening social realities with nonplussing behavior... also exterior...
Remains! UFOs, like facts, don't appear to be going away upon the proclamation that they cannot be there, and we are not served by that proclamation. UFOs, just like real science, just don't care that you can't believe in them.
So? Resolved: UFOs are a patent and unavoidable reality, an endured if denied existentialism, an obvious conclusion of non-biased observations, and it is buoyed, abundantly moreover, by seven categories of compelling evidence... including some low-level "personal encountering," unabashedly admitted... That's this writer's report.
I can hear the internal dialogue. I've always heard it. You're wrong. Shut up. ...And have a BIG cup of that. ...More?
All ufological political correctness be damned: they're going to be UFOs discussed, exclusively! That term! That philosophy! That's what's on the table!
No, we won't be talking about those namby-pamby and invalidly respected reconciliations... surrenders to some faithless "fairness" or unearned and bastardized "balance," or some "fresh approach"... ...that the concept UAP proves to be. I've discussed this before. Both sides don't.
UFOs and UAPs... Unidentified Flying Object and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. Does the reader see the difference as highlighted by bold and italic? It produces a telling illustration.
If not, let's go further. Both are unidentified, one can perceive, but that's only the straight-up admission that we don't know, any of us, what the hell we're talking, or thinking, about (a result of not talking... or thinking?!) either case! Why... it could even be magic... or, "science as yet not understood or accepted" is the key point, reader, though that curdles the cockles of the ever-ready "Reducing Cartesians" in the CSIcop crowd!
Then? Then... it gets murky.
Look at "Flying" and "Aerial." Both suggest the airborne, sure, and the difference is subtle. ...But, look closely. The former bespeaks an existential reality perceived of one's senses, in the air, seemingly controlled by extant intelligence, seeable and feelable even if apart from all identification... where clear identification should be able to be made! A zebra, right up close on a clear day at noon? It won't be taken for a horse.
The latter term, aerial; however, takes on an ephemeral even eldritch quality, not quite an admission that there might be something there, but neatly setting us up, anyway, for the third term... it's JOB, one can surmise!
Object and Phenomena. There are your tells and bugaboos! The reader has to see the difference, but I'll point it out to the more lumpen like myself. It took me a while!
Object suggests actuality in the real world! It is graspable in one's personal reality tunnel; it is an existentiality of the "here and now" and it has the substance of a brick thrown through a window of a CSI commissary! Phenomena, on the other hand?
Why, a "phenomenon," FIRST, is a result of mirages, of optical illusions, of misidentified blimps, bolides, and balloons... first, the reader is reminded, according to an "infallible" Occam. Then?
Then, still according to Occam, it can be a result of the confabulatory mechanisms of persons misleading, suppositions of the misled, or the hallucinations of the mentally ill? ...A "phenomenon," the reader may come to see, doesn't even have to be there... all!
Anything can be explained away with the rationalization of more "explanation," reader, embers of reflexive, so toxic and unconstructive doubt can be oxygenated to undeserved life. Like "Jewish Space Lasers"!
Well, ephemera's not the stuff talked about and provoking concern, right? UFO is the assertion that there is something there in the here and now, perhaps even something extraterrestrial!
UAP, it is offered, is but a "plausible (read: disingenuous!) deniability." It is deniability that there is something there, at all... and it also provides for the ability to more easily mascarade and camouflage the "TRUFOs," (true UFOs) plainly there at the start... dismissible. Recall the tugs of war over Roswell & McMinnville, for example.
UFOs are not UAPs, and vice versa, ok? They are separate! They are distinct!
Moreover, if we just go ahead and admit that UFOs are an "object" of tactile reality and not a "phenomena" of abstruse vagueness and perhaps even patent unreality... and we're not "Flying" these "Unidentified" "Objects"? ...Cue the theremin music!
...Patient reader... Someoneis. Let that rock your short and curlies to your smokin' stackin' swivels!
Moreover, Credible men and women, living and dead, agree with me, yesterday and today! These quite rare women and men are of a caliber and grain-weight facilitating those unanswered debate challenges made to the most accomplished and well-funded of the skepti-bunkies (or the most strident of the hearty-reductionist-so-puddle-deep noisome negativists!). ...In a moment we'll talk about where you can see and hear a few of the former.
This alluded to, if rather abstruse cowardice of the latter-mentioned, is obvious... given the narrowness of their self-admitted reductionist imaginations, the dearth of that same intellectual courage demanded of all others, the shakiness of their over-privileged chairs and positions buttressed by blindered and self-serving hypocrisies, and then finally? The wide gulf of their arrogant and homocentric assumptions commanding their insectile attentions... ...Their hubris. Their ignorant arrogance. ...So say the aforementioned credible men and women!
Additionally, these credible men and women allow that the aforementioned concoction of scientistic hypocrisy, cowardice, and shaky assumption can no longer be excused or tolerated! That this complacency of spirit is an errant indulgence ill afforded in our quickly accelerating and perilous times, that it is increasingly abhorrent behavior which must be changed of needs and for cause...
...Disclosure is, we must remember to embrace, only a first step like going from coal to solar cells! Extreme courage is required for the follow-through, but we're served by it! Consider, if we'd bit the "disclosure" bullet in 1952, on that opportunity and occasion of our first (and last!) official admission of the UFO as ET (The Flatwoods Affair...), we'd already been a couple of generations into it and reaping the rewards suspected and intuited! ...But, no!
We elected for arrogance and cowardice! ...And debate of it is all but squashed!
See, unfortunately, ironically, for all concerned, the formerly mentioned credible women and men handily burn their canted opposition down to the ground in a real debate, one not allowing for the observance of rank and privilege. That's bad? Yes. In a way.
They're so spot-on and sensible, generally, that any concession made to points they are easily able to make, becomes but a slippery slope to the predicted invalidations of their opposition's scientistic (sic), facile, and assumptive positions. Hell, that's why they have a "boot heel" at all, but I digress!
Adding injurious insult to their insulted injuries? Occam is not correct every time, only enough that attention to him must be paid... out of sheer prudence! Occam is not infallible, see? He is only statistically likely. That won't be the same thing.
The UFO multi-color proponent's two-color opponents would have to admit some kind of "defeat" at the denouement of any debated deliberation... or look like complete fools, in the aggregate, to a balanced and cogent evaluating observer. Watch a taped debate of those issues to see what I mean! Freidman and McGaha spring to mind.
These can be reduced to the pro's points not being addressed by an obfuscating, mendacious, and largely hypocritical opposition, all presenting their distorted evidence as that which is misinterpreted to their advantage, so highlighted, or reacting to real evidence by pronouncing upon negatively... without the remotest examination of that evidence (?!) by that duplicitous opposition!
Science is not done by proclamation, Stanton Friedman once said! Such are the performances of the members of THAT less-than-forthrightcrowd...
That's why they don't debate, one can see; they can't debate, so, they won't "debate"! The precariousness of an opposition's position precludes the giving of even a nanometer of ground, lest they slide, completely unimpeded, from the unjust and hubristic airborne towers they've purloined, airily inhabited, and think they are entitled to... I'm reminded of the GOP, but I digress, again.
Stan Deyo agreed with me once, apparently. Stan Deyo! Whatever happened to Stan Deyo?
Back in the day last century when we all had a degree of sanity seemingly lost now to the obtrusions of the fascist right and a rejection of democratic socialism, by the betrayed ignorant, as communism... toxic and foul it was purported! That's what we get believing everyone's opinion has equal value. It never has. That's never been plainer than now.
...See, there are 350 million-plus persons in an America largely unmoved by the dire threat of overpopulation. Maintaining a good quality of life for that many people requires self-less intelligence, concise management, and interdependent efficiency... Government, reader, of, by, and for, the people. Nothing else fits.
Working that tradeoff between the needs of the many and the sensibilities of the individual are a row, roughly hoed! Still, where one wants "smaller government," they should also want "smaller populations!" The neo-GOP, and perhaps now, Mr. Deyo, don't seem to get that in 2021...
Remains, in at the ground floor, last century, of a quality UFO research mechanism, Stan Deyo had been looking into UFOs (among other significant investigations) for quite some time before I encountered him. Amazingly, he had done so, for all those years, without even once, to date, disgracing himself or his subject. Astonishing! I was wholly impressed.
See, Deyo was a contemporary of Hynek. He was conversant with Speilberg. He was in contact with Vallee. It would appear that he had solid enough credentials at the time. [g].
No, Deyo had served Ufology well, apparently. I couldn't find a cogent contrary word about him in a weeks worth of searching, and I tried to find some meaningful dirt on him.
But, no. Like the late Stanton Friedman, Richard Dolan, Frank Feschino, Robert Hastings, or the late Richard Hall, all solid persons heavily invested in the UFO milieu, he had avoided the winsome *woo-woo*, steered clear of the credulous *crackpot*, and sidestepped the foaming *fringe* (it would seem!)... all appropriate respects paid to fringers, cracked pots, and the winsome! It's not their fault every time!
All in all, Deyo's startling claims of decades ago appear to remain unchallenged (indeed, many seem unsettlingly prophetic!), and his bona-fides sure looked genuine. One tries to take a man at his word. It's on the liar that they are liars.
Deyo might, actually, be the kind of man most easily typified as a truly original American of rare intelligence and even rarer talent (...and a brave man with strong convictions that he is not compelled to push up the observer's nose, reflexively, one would hope!).
I could like a guy like this, in the aggregate, or want to... if he just explained the unexplained ambivalence to the supremacy, the fascism, and the slavish devotion to legislated vaginas, and some former Presidents... the validated sensibilities of the KKK as acceptable... Then, even given what seem to be mere oppositional politics we could have a collegiality. ...I redouble my efforts to be on extra guard! [g].
Be that as it may, Deyo could have continued to serve us well with regard to the observed ufological. He'd had a plan, once, for a six-part series of DVDs that would chronicle his association with ufology (over the past thirty-some-odd years), and it would have gone a long way, one would think (I do!), towards facilitating some real quality information on the subjects at hand... and on many of the sub-sets of that subject?
Truly, it would have gone a long way towards facilitating some real disclosure of that type first experienced in 1952. He'd been around a long time and it appears we had an affordable opportunity to have had his rich ufological experience for our own... and in a way we can study for ourselves if we wished it so. I guess it was not to be?
Contrarily, his first DVD in the series, at *first* blush, WAS an amateur production of 1970's UFO nostalgia, festooned with (overlong and largely inappropriate?) clips from "StarWars" and "Forbidden Planet." Push past this momentary (and largely invalid) distraction, good reader. Be not fooled. There is gold in that muddy river bottom! Read the send-up here and then go see for yourself.
Indeed, Mr. Deyo, in an interview last century with this writer, expressed some regret at not being allowed more creative control in the DVD's production, and pieces of it made even him groan, was his report. The aforementioned is said forgetting, for a moment, that it is Deyo's creative contribution to the old documentary's beginning and end that book-ends it, compellingly providing for its currency, power, and relevancy, still!
Moreover, the conscious observer realizes what she is seeing in the details of the film! Her breath is taken away if she can be moved by sincerity, at all! Verily!
"UFOs are here," say Kenneth Arnold (with some agitation!), Jacques Vallee (calmly and reasonably), and J. Allen Hynek (from the standpoint of real science!).
"UFO are here," say Margaret Mead (intelligently), Stanton Friedman (logically), and Klaus Nobel (humbly).
"UFOs are here," say Steven Spielberg (candidly), Squadron Leader White (cunningly), and Reverend William Gill (with 38 other people, astonishingly)!
"UFOs are here," say Presidents, pilots, and scared air traffic controllers. UFOs are here. Friends and uneasy neighbors! Verily!
"UFOs are here," continues Ray Palmer... which I'm sure will earn a smirk from a fallacious few with ill-molded minds locked in the comforting stone of their suspiciously spurious "conventional wisdoms." Say what you want about Ray Palmer, a publisher of 1940's tabloid pulp magazines with an unsettling hunchback.
Some will too reflexively dismiss him as a "puckish showman" and "clever huckster," one encouraging a "UFO hysteria" to sell more "mindless" books and periodicals! A buffoon and a charlatan!
This ignores the fact that it was largely his "mindless magazines" (an absolute first of their efficacious TYPE, by the way!) that hugely catapulted the imaginations of our forebears, contributing, by report directly (!), to the technological wonderland we presently ENJOY today in a 21st Century! He sparked, in short, scientific imagination.
Moreover, Palmer had his finger in a ufological dike we all know is there, early on! No, point a finger at Ray Palmer, bunky, in ignorant malice, and have it end up painfully in your own eye!
"UFOs are here," says Colin Cameron, recently released from an institution for the insane... and uh-huh... I can even hear the reader's eyeballs roll up! Be not too proud, good reader.
As loopy as his story was, he still captured a few seconds of some compelling UFO footage (You have to tease it out of the darkness with your picture seetings) that this writer had never seen before, forgetting that Cameron's lack of *sanity* (whatever that is...) in no way precludes his telling the truth, whatever his personal take on that truth might be!
He might be crazy, but he doesn't have to be a liar! Yes, he might be crazy, but, like his reflex detractor, he doesn't have to be stupid, too!
Margaret Mead addresses this obliquely in the film when she expresses her irritation at being disingenuously labeled as a "UFO Believer." "The only thing I believe about UFOs," she says, "...Is that they remain [suspiciously] unidentified"! She goes on to point out that not near enough is being done (on any level that matters) to actually identify these *things* remaining so illusively "unidentified," in the first place!
The question is begged: Who is the real believer? Or, who is it really living, rent unpaid, in a billionaire's dream world?
No, the DVD is exactly what it is billed to be, a first disk in a video diary, a compilation of Stan Deyo's direct involvement, contribution, and truth-seeking association with the principals and luminaries of ufological research. It makes no apology for the appearance of history to our jaded eyes (...Stanton Friedman looks nineteen!).
It does not pretend something is not so... (like the conflicted mainstream does to this day and hour or minute!). It does not evade or obfuscate the issues (like the institutions of our spurious skepti-bunky officialdom!). It does not mislead, hoodwink, or misinform (like the CSIcopian adversary in conflicted and convenient opposition aforementioned!). It is, most certainly, sincere.
"UFOs Are Here!", stood apart from the legislated and enforced ignorance of our corrupted society with arms complacently raised and palms decidedly up. Moreover, it dares to suggest the answer to the larger question in the minds of the remotely conscious: UFOs are here!
Stan Deyo began to make that more obvious, decades ago, and we're along for the unusual (but cogent) ride if we but wish to be. Based on the initial disk, even with its flaws (hell... especially with its flaws! [g].), I would have tremulously anticipated the next installment in that ride. I'd suggest the reader might, too.
UFOs are here... realizing we are already living precariously in threatened existences challenged by pandemic and a Smaug-like billionaire's political authoritarianism, but we're not served, either, putting off a "dentist office" visit... given a cosmically impacted wisdom tooth that should have come out decades ago!
...Or... so say credible men and women. ...Read on.