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It's offered one must, of needs and for cause, actually. |
I'm taking "WOKE" back!
by Alfred Lehmberg[What's "woke," really!]
Woke? Let’s take “woke” back, eh? See, plain is that, in considered moderation, employed respectfully in thoughtfulness... and not used disingenuously for short-gain political points? It’s a great concept and a worthy initiative. Then, it is an initiative unfairly and suspiciously maligned. ...Suspiciously maligned even as it is efficacy already demonstrated as old many thousands of years ago. True story.
See, in a world where a current "political correctness" BEGAN as a sane sociological reflection on the state of our societies and the real-time evolution of desired efficacies in those societies and between those societies… I'm already losing you...
Long story short, a new conjecture (but not so new, actually!) was outlined for the facilitation of those aforementioned efficacies! Shortly?
What might it be like for our aggregate society if we didn’t immediately express as ignorant pricks (...read, anxious portraits of what passes for your reflexively insensitive and uninformed, so dick-moving a-hole!) that first round fired, to others encountered, day to day... along life's way! Read that again.
No. Rather, we ASPIRED to, instead, be persons who took a moment to consider another’s validated sensibilities, perhaps, before acting out with our usual nasty, mal-contrived, and heretofore likely unsupported, behavioral toxicities... So. Try to see a "political correctness," through that lens.
Revealed, then! Political Correctness! Not a cudgel, not a smear, not a cancelation, not an insult dismissive in intent and missing the point by the obligatory f'n parsec, anyway (this writer bets purposely so by your garden variety pathological person prosecuting their pecuniary and psychopathic paths to plutocratic, so mal-applied, power! ...and no apologies for the alliteration!)!
No. Rather a suggested tool for a better, more productive, and more satisfying way of living where life-stuff is real and it's sentiently “100%” most of the f'n time! Now, that's a worthy "aspiration"!
Cuttin' to the chase, now, we regard this new word, “Woke.” It takes a similar inordinate heat as your sane Political Correctness.
It takes inordinate heat because black people invented it..., (yeah, this person will go there) but less triggeringly? One is compelled by the concept of "wokeness" to consider personal responsibilities and liabilities! These are R&Ls regarding one's suggested new conscience we've conjectured... have now perceived, and then cant-lessly considered. ...Not so hard if that's a sensible majority, so prone?
Yeah... "Liability" is a hard sell (everyone gets that!), BUT sometimes a person's rage is equivalent to how accurate and spot-on the unflattering criticisms of one's self-serving motivations are! That's a true story!
Remains! The rule of law must prevail... and the law must be just! That may be a hard sell, too, in 2025...
"Woke." Unpack needlessly clenched hams. Guilt? The reader is guilty only where they feel entirely guiltless! Read that again. The reader is "guilty" only where they might feel entirely guiltless! Think how that might work! Is one's rage proportionate to how correct one's opposition is about... one? The best questions are the hardest ones...
Woke. One would presume “awake,” and not “asleep.” Conscious as opposed to unconscious. More triggeringly: with-it, un-pedestrian. Hip, and not regressively square. Complete. Self-actualized. Arrived! Pragmatic open-mindedness! A desire to stay off another person's ass, for bupkis! The ordinary aspiration to those things.
Mazlo, a true seminal psychologist, went on and on about the mindset of "wokeness," it is proposed. "There," with there, there, eh? One of his points: not searching for answers before facing the answers already extant, follow? That's a true story, ignored.
Also true? One supportive level is created before the other, of supportive needs. ...For EVERY person! Such is so.
Sure, it can go bad. Only, sometimes? Sometimes, it’s taken there. "Why," was answered above.
“Woke” had its provenance, see, as an intelligently empathetic initiative considering an individual's metacognition (or, their "thinking about thinking's"!) positive effect on one's expressed behavior and that behavior's regarded overview on the base “consciousness” of individuals attendant to all this before us... as a "social efficacy" amplifier, OK? Goin' along, where one can, to get along.
A majority of us plussed-up and able to transfer that buoyancy to others...? Society's health and happiness then served up with efficiency...? ...And the efficacy of an exemplary government required by the very complicated civilization of a 21st Century?
350 million souls deserve the exemplary, of, by, and for them! The partisan rabid right, it's pointed out... just does not pay off on that requirement!
More words? We refine our social calculus to reduce psychotic slings and arrows employed unjustifiably by persons "unaccountable," and enjoying their psychosis! No! We reject the authoritarian. We would aspire to treat others... as we would be treated... {ding!} [there it was didja see it?]
…These are hopes for the awakening of one’s now profoundly re-considered “conscience,” right? That new conscience a squeegee for the "third eye" of a very necessary social interact—ability... remembering those 350 million and that any one of these is a mere three days from savagery sans ready foodstuffs... (More Mazlo leavened with the Malthusian)... It becomes abundantly obvious that we have to deal with one another as agreeably as is possible... This, and triumphantly, is a no-brainer!
Everyone becomes that mythic Canadian... (see the woke?) aspiring to a new “conscientiousness,” easier social satisfactions... and that these now possible efficacious freedoms could be achieved, right now? Think of it! Freedom from FEAR, fear and loathing! Right now a result of simple choice!
An aspiration to be one's better self. Doing as would be done! How are these not constructive initiatives? How are these, even, not true Christian initiatives?!
See what I mean about “not so new? “Doing unto others as one would be done by” is OLD, reader, and transcends Christianity by many thousands of years—was, in fact, just another of Christianity’s unadmitted appropriations. They didn't invent it. Doing unto others predates Yahweh. It's a product of humanity. It's ours. We own it!
“Political correctness” and “woke.” These are just two irrighteously disrespected concepts (actually just one when you think about it!) we regard on the way to an evaluation of the current practice of taking related concepts, those “perhaps only flawed,” ...but then those “full-on and fulsomely FUBAR,” and regarding them as alike, equivalent, and equal. Both-sides?! Pfffft!
"Extremes" are to blame, always? “Whatever” one finds on the extreme “right,” howsoever egregious, must also exist on the left? Blame is equally shared? That the center is the only sensible place to be, you know, like it's possible to be on both sides of the Edmund Pettus Bridge?! [Hat-tip to Driftglass!]
Verily, this will only be the reality in some adjacent spacetime dimension where Jeffery Dahmer is roughly equivalent to Wolfgang Puck and they are treated precisely the same! Politically equal? Rank insanity compared with sanely adult... for zero sum! As ridiculous as it is outrageious, and as socially toxic as it is societally suicidal... seems to this retired citizen!
That’s our corporate media primarily interested in selling ad-space for soap, dicey pharms, and boner pills… and so, one sees, more interested in keeping the consumer watching... than reporting nuanced, elevating, and informing (read, perhaps even boring!) but NECESSARY news. Such has been so.
Nope-nope-nope-nope… nope! We shall not "both sides" the issue and equivocate "merely flawed" with "full-on FUBAR" ...futilely aspiring to some bull-shiznit "balance" which has only ever been taken for weakness by the side funded and otherwise facilitated by the worst persons on the planet, anyway... persons ever only ushering a horrible new oligarchic fascism and institutional crime into our day to day! Those guys! Yeah, I’ll see your too well-maligned George Soros and raise you an evil Theil, a dastardly DeVos, a four-letter Koch, and a scurvy Mercer! A Murdoch! A TЯUMP!
So, "recaptured" now as a positive appellation aspired to by the sentient conscious? Woke! Verily, better “woke” than hopelessly and even tragically “wonked,” or: hyper-religious & anti-science, inclusive-America hating & unblinkingly hypocritical, sexually bigoted & horrifically racist, but embracing the fascist autocratic for the death of the rule of balanced law, or that law Constitutionally ruled and sanely regarded to be the same for everyone!
…Not being played out very much currently when we recall that Susan McDougal of "Whitewater" fame did a tedious eighteen months behind bars for ignoring a subpoena—du jour behavior of the GOP elite… facilitated by hypocrites and Republicans (if repeating myself!) in THEIR bona fide witch-hunts and dead horse abuse, to get the Clintons, for instance. That ƒüÇk€®ý failed, too!
Consider, of the two? The perspicacious person would sooner be "woke" than "wonked." Woke is an aspiration to sentience, elevation, ascendency, and true enlightenment! True happiness, fulfilled and satisfied. Wonked is wallowing in one's own cognitive deconstructive filth, those religions of hate, and needless fear they hope to engender.
It’s a choice. One can defecate in bed like Amber Heard and just push it down with their disrespected feet, or be, instead, an enlightened America that most of us would more constructively and sentiently have. Again, a choice. Choice, always. Always, a choice.
What's "woke," really? Woke is "conscience." Sans one of those, one is a beast.